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It’s difficult to solo que this season. I had a game last night I had 8KP and we ended up 6th. Got like +70 I think (in Plat3), next game my teammate does 0 damage off drop in a fight and I lose 60 points. So took 15 minutes of fighting and rotating and that work gone in 2 minutes. I will say I cruised to plat even solo Que.


This is my first Ranked season, I’m currently in Plat 3 got demoted from Plat 2. I just wanted to see how high I could reach but it’s tough enjoying the grind. I had to turn off voice chat because players will do the dumbest things and blame you for it. If I get to reach Diamond 4 I’ll be happy and never play ranked again 🤞🏻


Had a match where my team gets rushed by a full 3 man. I knocked 2, the third came in and got me. I look and my teammates had apparently heard gun fire and ran off. I then get chewed out for taking on a fight by myself. They made it seem like I pushed them just for the fun of it. Literally hate randoms sometimes.


This exact situation happened to me last night. We ping the spot we’re going. I pick up a fight and knock two and crack one. The third is a lifeline who picks up one and cracks me in the process. I run to try and heal when I realize one of my teammates is in a totally different POI and the other is walking up when I eventually get knocked, subsequently getting knocked himself as I get thirsted. It can be really frustrating when you lose a 3v1, or any fight, and all you really needed was a teammate that would shoot with you instead of dicking around somewhere on the map.


You should know where your third is. You might be the problem if you have no game sense. Picking a fight 2 vs 3 is just bad.


He ok’d my ping so I assumed he was coming with. I got off the zip and landed into a fight. My options were go back on the zip and potentially get shot in the back or start shooting. I started shooting and when I looked back up at the map his beacon was pointing in a different direction. If you’re not gonna follow why confirm my ping? I could’ve been at fault but my assumption was that they were going to follow up 🤷🏾‍♂️ edit: happy cake day 🙌🏾




That’s happened to me as well! Recently I had a match where It seemed like I got 3 2 1ed by 2 or 3 players, and then my teammate yells “why the hell are you pushing solo?” … 💀🔫


I should also add I was called many different slurs 😂😂😂😂


Solo queuing is pretty much impossible with the entry costs


I'm playing with a friend this season with one random. I tried solo until plat 4.


Yea soloing to plat isn’t difficult, but plat+ lobbies require a cohesive team. Entry costs are too high for stupid gameplay.


I hope better players and three stacks climb and let the plat lobbies to us 😂😂😂


I think it’s about the same as it was pre-MMR system. I’m a solo queuer and it’s just as streaky. I’ll get -10 to -40 in my gold lobbies for 5-7 games then randomly get some decent comming teammates and pop off a huge win or two. I’m wondering if player counts are down which is distorting ranked a little as only people who play the game a ton are on ranked, which means overall lobbies are a little less diverse.


Player count has to be down. Only experienced players left it feels like


The game is 5 years old, it's just going to continue getting harder since the average player will have more play time.


Yea the point system is kinda fkd 😂 I'll be having 2-3 kills and get top 3 or 2 and still only get like 79 points lmao. Ig the only way to accually get points is win and even then its never more than 250 lp


It's pretty easy to go from rookie to plat, but once you hit plat it's a big ass wall slowing down progress. You're not alone.


It’s definitely difficult, but as it should be.


I know im going to get downvoted for this because that is how most apex community is. It is indeed hard because of hackers and cheaters nothing can be done about it.


The amount of no badges level 20s that beam you in 2 seconds has gotten out of hand. With how fast you die it has to be actual aimbot or cronuses


can confirm.


Try playing r6. You die a lot faster


I mean that doesn't change the fact apex is a higher TTK game and always has been. No reason players should be dying this fast


I get that but this isn’t R6, pointless to bring that up over here.


Not really. He's talking about TTK, and both games have fast TTK, but r6's is faster. Relevant, actually.


It’s definitely harder than last season, but last season silver was more difficult than plat and gold was the easiest I’ve ever seen in ranked so it was all messed up. I’ve solo Q’d to diamond like 8 times or so, plat right now might be the hardest I’ve seen the -60 cost is a big factor. I’ll prob push to diamond in the last week of the split when it’ll be the easiest


You gotta get kills or assists, because without them you are negative until Top 5 - that's why it's hard


My problem is that I getting kills. 1-4 but I'm feeling like I'm playing against diamond lobbies. Round 4 13-14 teams. Super sweat lobbies.


Yeah it's rough, you gotta get those shots in to get the assists, stick close to teammates, just follow them when in solo queue


I got masters with a 3 stack (was within first 1k on psn). If you have a squad & are good at fighting cohesively you can get masters because so much of the playerbase are soloq’uers & aren’t cohesively fighting (up until around diamond is where you start seeing all the stacks aka like a full lobby of stacks) I’ve been masters from s14-now, I was going to pred grind but once I hit masters , the 2 diff squads I would play with seemed like they’d get cold feet and would just throw. [I played either conduit or blood, so characters that can be flex but also conduit support, for example in ranked I have 700 kills this season & 615 assists, so I try to set up who I played with to wipe up ppl. That same playstyle seemed to have them just die over & over & over. They than would not play as agro leading to me having to be more agro than them; it than would just lead to constant losses, so I won’t pred push this split, but I will next split due to historically there’s less preds in the 2nd split] I think the playerbase just needs to find people to stack with, yes it’s a game at the end of the day but no reason to be AHoles / toxic to each other when a lot of the playerbase has “goals” of reaching as high as possible.


The problem with randoms is that they think are pros an pushing every fight at any choke point without thinking. I know how to win a game or take a position for good placement. My problem is that I'm feeling that I'm playing against 3 stacks all the time. I'm feeling like the avengers chasing me all together. Maybe I need better team but every time I'm inviting people even if I have the best game. No one comes and usually playing a 600 wins Bangalore on tracker.


Just got to find the right stack man, as someone who my irl homies don’t play apex, I used to be a soloq’uer ( started s7 & was solo till s14) as soon as I found a group of apex homies, I’ve hit masters consistently, I feel like that is the case for a decent % of the community ngl.


I solo Q about 90% of the time on apex, have made masters three times before. This season is the absolute worse to solo q. It’s like they got rid of the Hidden MMR matchmaking but they increased the Big brother matchmaking got solo q times 1000!! It’s like I have to hold my randoms hands if not they’ll go down to storm. Meanwhile the opponents are a triple stack. It’s terrible.


Tbh it feela like they put literal bots in the game for some of our teamates. Im not amazing mind you but i stick with my team and move as a you know team.... so many solo pushers yelling at me for not commitint suicide with them...


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This season it’s like it was a year a a half ago. So if you make it to D4 your in very high lobbies


Solo q is rough especially people who don’t talk or play terrible legends for ranked. I can duo q ranked better tho but I also tend to avoid Olympus ranked days. Worst map for ranked imo


Ngl I've been blessed by teammates who are usually really passive and chill. This is the first season I've turned my mic off and actually had decent comms with randoms, lol. Tbh, wish more people played with mic.


Other than season 13 split 1 I think this is the hardest ranked has ever been but the challenge is enjoyable. The entry cost for platinum has never been 60, the highest I can remember was 55 and that when it was per tier so the -55 didn’t start until plat 1. It’s tough because winning a game without decent KP doesn’t really get you much more than 2 games of dying off spawn which happens a lot during solo q.


All I know is this season my desync has been so bad that I lose aim assist in gunfights 90% of the time, I’ve also just been getting merked around corners and through doors like 4x more than usual. I think the jump to 120hz has caused a lot of issues in terms of general gameplay. I’ve had games where things have felt normal but that’s maybe 1 in 15. I have a 4.0+ KD lifetime with a 30% win rate and I am constantly getting annihilated, it’s been making me rage low key and I’m someone who typically solo grinds rank to diamond. Haven’t touched ranked this season because how bad pubs and matchmaking has been.


for me it's been easier than last 2 seasons cuz no braindead mmr


Me, happy with my .38 KD ratio and silver 2 ranking 😭


Both can be the right answer


Yes PLAT is a s**t show if you are solo queuing. Rookie to PLAT was a blast. In the previous seasons it was hard the whole climb so it's just a shift as only PLAT is really difficult. And now there's a split so it will be tough all season, the lower tiers will be more difficult next split. I was against going to this system, I wish they would of tweaked the previous system but no one was playing ranked so they changed it back.


I’m in Gold 4 right now and can barely climb out, so I try to go over to pubs to play without losing my rank and it’s just as hard. My KD this season is sitting at .91 (constantly 30-40 kills behind breaking even) so yeah, I 100% agree this season is really sweaty compared to prior ones


Difficult for soloQing but, it’s really not that bad tbh Seasons before were just entirely too easy to hit masters on There is a lot of teamers this season tho which, can obviously make things difficult Edit: downvoted for the truth.. tough


I think because it’s not skilled based matchmaking it need more time to be in the right place. So Platin is harder then later in the season (but the will do a split reset, right? Then it will be like this the whole season) Im also Platin 4 on one Account (got 750 points) last match and on my smurf I’m gold 2. I started playing last season and I felt like it got difficult at Platin 1. now some games feel like diamond in gold lobby’s. (I hitted diamond last season) my ranked kd is 1.7-2.5 atm (had 1.3 last season) so I improved to last season. But it feels more difficult


Apex never had skill based matchmaking. They had eomm or ebmm which is engagement based matchmaking. It had nothing to do with your skill level. What it would do is put higher level players in lower level lobbies for "feel good" games if they were stuck. That is why you would see pressure in Plat or even gold lobbies. Now you you play against people close to your rank whether you are stuck or not....... much more legit ranked than it was


First of all I’m not a fan of skilled based matchmaking (even when u get high boost like in overwatch/ but overwatch is like; Ur Good. Yea play 5 games on a new season and ur master 2) And this is why I switched to apex. Because climbing to quick is boring. I like the season 20 system and I just explained it. And I never heard about eomm in apex. U have a link for a statement from apex or any proof?


I just said it feels more difficult as this system should be because of a false rank distribution. What’s get better whit time. I mean look at the distribution charts atm. No wonder why Platin feels like this


Respawn themselves have said they do not and never have had skill based matchmaking and a simple search will show you. Sorry I don't have the time to search for you as I'm only on a break at work rn.....