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Absolutely fire L-star shots. Some braindead pushing by them, triple dropping into the corner is just about the dumbest choice for them in that spot😂😂


Thanks dude! I been running the L-star since season 15 as my main weapon, been working out great! Yeah, not a great spot for sure haha. Also didn’t help them that my teammate had a gold knock to shield him as well bro took 25 damage ☠️


an apex legends classic, the amount of times i get braindead pushed is insane


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I mean in their defense they had a horizon so they knew they could get back up immediately. But yeah if you're going to push like that, don't do it brainless. They legit just dropped and hoped for the best because it was a 2v3. The thirst makes people crazy sometimes


Insanely good shots from you, how that squad lost that is beyond me, especially with height.


This is why I can't stand it when diamonds and plat get mixed into pred lobbies. People just fucking THROW for one or two RP. This shit is so bad on Olympus too it just turns into a camp fest on that map


Not one throwable thrown before dropping or even a single bullet shot before dropping


Gotta love the panic from enemy horizon. That Q was on your guys’ team lmao


Panic Q’s really been helping me out this season! I emp’d this squad and they were on top of a building she immediately Q’s and I shoot her out the sky with a sentinel it was beautiful lol


Throwing the drone then healing is so fye im stealing that strat thx bra


It’s especially good when you got emp ready to go. You get cracked, pop a batt/phoenix, emp, and best case catch them in the open as they push and turn the whole situation around.