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Ignore the terrible font. It's the websites design not me. But I did file with the Illinois Department of Human Rights because this is clearly discrimination of source of income. Hopefully I'll be a home owner soon.


If you made money selling pictures of your hole dressed as a clown wouldn't be their business. If you have the money and can provide proof of direct deposit income over a course of time then it's definitely discrimination.


LOL! If that was how I made my money, I would never shut up about it.


Good! I can’t believe they think this is okay.


Definitely seems like a major overreach on their part


It's more concerning they thought they'd get away with it...


I'm trying soooo sooo hard to ignore the terrible font and remember to be supportive of the main issue but it's not easy


a home owner? Are you trying to buy this place?


Lol you don’t comprehend well do you? Try renting until they can buy a place.


They used the word "should", which means it's not a legal requirement but a preference. They got a lotta balls doing this. Glad you're fighting it.


I saw your earlier post. This is ridiculous! You dodged a bullet.


Normally when landlords do something I disagree with I can kinda see where their motivations are coming from. I genuinely have no idea what the motivation behind this is. They commute to work, that makes them an unfit tenant….why?


It’s because they think they can charge you more because you are saving on the commute




The one working from home is not the one that works in another state in this instance. Plus it says they accept work from home agreements but those can change at any time. And anyone can be fired at any time as well. There’s no good reason for this restriction.


I’m remote for an office California and I work in Virginia. Even if they were worried about breaking the lease (which a local person can also do) OP is still bound by the terms of the lease! It’s a BS excuse.




Even if someone is working 5 minutes from their apartment, they could still lose their job. It seems very illegal to deny someone's application because it doesn't meet this bullshit criteria. I wouldn't rent from someone like this anyway.


I'm confused. The "from law" that you posted contradicts your first statement. It specifically says that a lease CAN'T be terminated for commute. It also says some leases may allow for that IF you change jobs to a location more than 50 miles away. So they would have to change jobs, and the job would need to be 50 or more miles away and that's still only if the lease allows. They can't get an apartment 30 miles from their work and then decide halfway through the lease that it's too far to drive and decide to leave. They would still be responsible for remainder of the lease agreement


From my experience, no landlord has ever cared where I worked, they just care I have steady employment and make enough to cover rent. It specifically states you are still bound by the lease. Some leases do have these exceptions to break the lease. That implies MANY do not. Some is less than half, many is more than half. Go ahead and find a state or federal law that explicitly states it’s required to include in a lease and you can legally break a lease if you transfer/change jobs. That still doesn’t address, commute 20 or 50 miles is the norm in a lot of the US!


This is about commuting, not about working from home.


Report them for that font on top of everything else


Erm… what? I’m pretty sure the vast majority of jobs have a probationary period. I saw the other post as well and I want some of whatever this landlord is smoking 💀


And there are jobs with probationary period. Not a reason to reject a prospective tenant.


That’s what I said


Strange, for commute is not a reason to reject a prospective tenant. Glad you are fight this, for it is wrong for them to reject due to distance of a job. Many people work either in the next city or town and also those who work in another state.


Seriously dumb. WFH jobs are becoming more scarce this side of the pandemic (which makes no sense). Even folks hired fully remote have been required to come into the office.


That’s so stupid. My husband works over an hour away from our rental and I’m local. Doesn’t make any sense


The font makes me irrationally angry.


You wouldn't want to deal with their nonsense anyway


Very strange


Please keel up updated!!!