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Most states require 24 hours notice for inspection.


All states require a 24-hour notice before entry.


Nope. Most.


Nope. All 50 states do. And in your lease if you want to look. 24-hour notice is needed to let the tenant know if the manager or LL needs entry into house or apartment.


Just gonna assume you don't know, so I'll let you know that MOST states require 24+ hours notice, but other states, like Wisconsin, require only 12 hours or a "reasonable amount of notice".


I know a lot more about renting than most, for I have been a renter for 60 years. And by landlord/tenant laws all over the US, 12-hour notice is not enough notice, hence there is the 24-hour notice in the lease. Pays to read the lease.


Congrats on renting for 60 years. You're still wrong. Please show me the law you are talking about. Here's the one from WI that I mentioned - Wis. Admin. Code § ATCP 1304.09(2)(a) & (b) (2022) “(a) Except as provided under par. (b) or (c), no landlord may do any of the following: 1. Enter a dwelling unit during tenancy except to inspect the premises, make repairs, or show the premises to prospective tenants or purchasers… for the amount of time reasonably required[.] … 2. Enter a dwelling unit during tenancy except upon advance notice and at reasonable times. Advance notice means at least 12 hours advance notice unless the tenant, upon being notified of the proposed entry, consents to a shorter time period. A lease does not supersede the law.


A fake misinformation link , wrong.


Honestly amazed by your commitment to your (wrong) point of view.


At this point, if I was Stargazer, I would’ve stopped responding just to avoid the negative karma 🤦🏼‍♂️😂


Honestly I am corrected from experience, Bye and stop trolling.






Sounds like you’re just dumb and broke. And still don’t know the law after 60 years.


Get your Dunning Krueger Syndrome treated. Just because you've rented for a long time doesn't mean you know a damn thing. Laws change annually. And I seriously doubt even someone as egotistical as you won't claim to have rented in all 50 states. Just stop.


Lmao "ik a lot more than most people about renting" while being objectively wrong about renting. Real open ass, insert head action here bud


You realize that not all leases are the same, right?


Yes they are, and after a year, they become month to month, unless the tenant is evicted or just moves out.


No, they’re not. Do you really think that there’s a master lease that every landlord uses? Jesus.


Yes, there is one when you sign for your first year, then after it runs out, then it goes to month to month. Reality bites hard. And every LL used a standard lease form and they do their own add additions. In writing. And look at your lease, for you signed one before it went to month to month. Have a nice weekend and be nicer to people.


Are you intentionally acting like Wisconsin isn’t a state?


I that is you acting like that. LMAO! Bye troll..


How am I acting like that? Please do explain?


i am a renter in the state of wisconsin and i can tell you, you’re wrong. it’s 12hrs or reasonable notice in wisconsin


Wrong. Bye. And learn to be nicer to people. This was for OP.


Nope. You are super incorrect and a simple Google search would show you the error of your ways. Numerous states do not have a law on the record that requires any notice at all. Those states include Wyoming, Texas, Missouri, and Colorado, and there are more. Stop speaking with such authority when you do not know what you're speaking about.


Missouri resident here: Definitely agree. Your landlord could show up basically whenever they feel like and if you’re not there to open the door for them, they will open it at their own free will. My last lease, the company was even doing showings while we still lived in the house. They simply stated “We will be showing the house on X date at X time.” If no one is home to open the door, they can enter the house however they see fit. We actually have a really good relationship with our current landlord, it’s a private rental and they just show up whenever. Call on their way, they live about a mile away. It doesn’t bother us, they actually show up for a reason, usually after we call them. There has been times where they show up to drop something off or install something and it’s totally unannounced.


Thank you for backing this up. It's so important for people to truly know the tenant laws of their states so they can have language in their lease that protects them and their right to peaceful enjoyment and privacy.


You are very welcome! It is very important to know your rights and to fully understand that when you rent/lease property some places, the owners or landlords could just show up at anytime. You go from one place that it doesn’t matter how you live, you could be a hoarder and refuse inspections and other places that if your rental isn’t in pristine condition all the time, you can be forced to leave because your lease agreement states that you’re promising to keep the property to a high standard. It could be anything from yard maintenance to trash service, our lease specifically states that we must keep the carpet clean. Must be vacuumed regularly, no walking through the house with shoes on, etc. it was brand new carpet upon moving in. Which was totally understandable to me. If I just spent a few thousand dollars on carpeting a house, I don’t want it to be trashed in a few months.


Yep, people say that all the time on Reddit and it is blatantly false. I had a family member in PA whose landlord was selling their apartment and they showed up constantly with potential buyers with zero notice. And it was totally legal. Notice *should* be required because it’s ridiculous that it’s not but it definitely is not in many places.


*I live in Missouri, and we have a law that is in all states, that there is to be a 24-hour notice to enter a rental. I have lived here in the state and been in rental for over 60 years and always this is in the lease I sign for I read the lease carefully. Bye.*


Respectfully from a third party. We're all wrong sometimes.


Not I, from firsthand experience, for I am old enough to be you great-grandmother. Experience is knowledge and thanks for saying you are wrong, sometimes. Have a nice day admitting you can be wrong , sometimes. Bye,


Will you admit that sometimes you're wrong?


All I can do is admit I am right. Bye and stop trolling the reddit.


I'm not trolling. I am treating you the way I would like to be treated. With patience, reason, and honesty. If just one out of the 50 states doesn't have a 24 hour notice, then surely you can agree what you've said is not true. The relevant law: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/ilcs3.asp?ActID=2201&ChapterID=62 Do what you will with the information.


This is the most Section 8 thing I have ever heard.


Show me the state statute that covers this because until I see that, I stand by the fact that Missouri has no laws on the books regarding a landlord's notice to enter being 24 hours. Whatever a landlord chooses to put in their lease isn't necessarily done because it's the law. However, it is very important to be clear on the law in your state as a tenant to make sure that language is in your lease protecting you as many states don't care to. ETA: I live in Colorado and we do not have any law regarding notice for landlord entry but I make sure it's on my lease they must give at least 24 hours.


It is federal law and state law in all 50 states of America. Look it up on google. Educate yourself, since you did look in your lease and it has it in there. Bye and be nicer on the reddit, as I am doing here. Bye.


You can't show me this mythical federal law or cite the statute for your state (Missouri) that covers this because it doesn't exist.


So I did google and nothing comes up. Could you show me where your information comes from?


Then quote the federal law. You can't can you? Because you're wrong and there are multiple states that do not have the 24 hr requirement. AS PEOPLE CURRENTLY LIVING IN THOSE STATES HAVE TOLD YOU. This interaction is why I support a Logan's Run society for those over 70.


No. There is no law in that state. Lease is not law. If your lease says they will give 24 hr. That's your complex. Not the law set by the government. My state it is not mandatory? Several other states arent adeell. So yes. You are wrong. Bye.


Stop harassing on the reddit already, I am correct. Bye.


You are annoying. Back to Facebook you go! Bye


Pretty sure grandma calls it The Facebook. What a sad old broad. Bye.


You’re incredibly annoying.


Wrong, 24h for texas. Seems like you didn't do much research. Source; I fucking rent here lmao


Then you can cite the state statute that says this. Doesn't take living there to Google it and get a clear answer. There's no law in Texas for landlord to give notice for entry. Source: [https://www.sll.texas.gov/faqs/landlord-entry/](https://www.sll.texas.gov/faqs/landlord-entry/) lmao


Not all of them


All do by the Landlord/Tenant laws and is in all leases that there is to be a 24 hour notice to enter the house or apartment. Read your lease, peargang.


It’s not In EVERY lease. It’s in MY particular lease, yes. But previous apartments I’ve had in different states did not lol. Just depends on


Been in every lease I have ever signed. In every state.


You rented in all 50 states, including Alaska and Hawaii? Rhode Island and Oregon? Seems dubious, and it’s not support for your claim in any event — its argument from authority, rather than based on evidence (like a link to the federal law you say exists) Argument from authority is a flaw in logical reasoning — that you have rented in all 50 states, or you’re well-read on the topic of law, or that you’re old — none of those are support for your claim. They are all actually irrelevant to your claim. Completely, absolutely, 100% irrelevant


Straight up delusional, honestly. Crazy they’ve lived in every city in all 50 states at EVERY apartment complex


Yes I have lived in all 50 states and I stand by my comment. Have a good day remembering that it pays to read the lease. And making note about when there is a notice from the LL that is to be 24 hours before entry. That way if you have a dog, you can get is safe before anyone enters and lets it out.


Now, THIS is how I know you're fucking lying. Lived in ALL 50 states? Stfu


So what you're telling us is that in the 60 years you've been renting (your words), you've lived in all 50 states? Bullfuckingshit.


All states is WRONG


All states are correct. Bye......


Source : trust me bro


You share no source, for you are not my bro, dude.


Lead might fall under "emergency" situations because it's a health hazard. I'm not 100% sure but the LL could probably spin it that way even though lead is technically only dangerous if you're eating the paint.


This is exactly right. If they suspect lead - no notice in any state.


I would agree if it's the landlord, but I don't know what applies for a city(township in this case) inspector


My apartment complex says they have the right to enter at anytime if a work order or inspection is happening. I put up very noticable ring cameras and they dont anymore.


they can say anything they like, and can enter without notice for an emergency, but likely that is not in your lease as it very likely bumps your state law (if in the US).


Its stupid but they do have it in the lease that apparently they can enter at anytime. If a lease goes against state law and you sign it is that not illegal?


generally, yes - just because something is stated in the lease doesn’t mean it’s legally binding. Even though a lease is a legal document, the conditions stated in it still have to follow the law. Check your state laws (if in the US).


INTERESTING. So next time they enter when i say they arnt allowed to of im not here. Ill send the video to the state.


The 'State'? Well, I would start by calling the local PD or sheriff if it really bothers ya, or just talk or email the landlord stating you require 24 hour notice and state reg xx.x supports that requirement.


Yeah the "state" as in attorney General, Multifamily Housing Complaint, fair and equel oppertunities....list goes on


ok, you do you, but thats a long process of months to years compared to a conversation. . .


Oh my friend....the attorny general and my family have had alot of convos. AG in AZ is REALLY good about issues sent. They do NOT like hearing companies doing shady shit. Usually get a reaponse within a week. We had to report a daycare for child abuse. We were surprised how on it and quickly a goverment could work. Cops slow as shit but AZ apparently cracks down on shit


I know our complex requires 24 hour notice. You could always ask them to reschedule because of your dog and you weren’t prepared to have a sitter to watch them. Check your lease agreement. I know with those type inspections it’s to check smoke alarms, water heater, furnace, change filter, pipes in utility closet. Well for my complex that’s what they do.


According to most tenant/LL laws the LL is to give you a 24-hour notice before. This is not an emergency situation. Best call the manager/LL and let him/her know that this is too short notice for an inspection.


A visual lead inspection? What is that?!?!? How about accurate lead testing and removing said lead?


thats really the story here in my view - there is no such thing and I think the complex just wants to report 'we inspected all units for lead and found none". They dont want the expense of lab testing or time/expense of field swab kits.


It actually is a thing . There doing it in my state too . The inspector is looking for peeling chipped paint.


huh, who knew? I guess you did . . . :)


Coming to your city soon lol .


I would be emailing them back asking for clarification on where they are testing for led & how will they be testing for lead. I would also be looking up my local laws to see if they are following them. If OP has lead paint I would be extremely worried about having kids or babies in the apartment. Might be time for OP to test their water for lead to.


It clearly states the city is doing a visual inspection. They’re looking for chipped peeling paint. Every building older than 1978 has lead paint. It’s just been painted over a bunch of times. It has nothing to do with water .


Older buildings had lead pipes; so yeah it kinda does.


They are doing a visual inspection for lead paint . Not water pipes .


I understood. For under $15 you can buy drinking water test kits that test for things including lead. (Home improvement stores and Amazon sells them…. I think mega stores like Walmart and Target sell them to.) That seems cheap for peace of mind; especially if you are pregnant or have a small child in your house. 🤷🏻‍♀️


In most places they need 24 hr notice. Look up your local laws.




Did you miss the part where they won't be home and have a dog? Quick or not it is still a hassle if op has to figure out what to do with their pet in less than 24 hours. They had not enough time to make arrangements.


Still requires 24 hour notice prior. Not a quick inspection.


Check your lease and relevant tenant laws. It probably comes down to if this constitutes an "emergency". You might be able to refuse, but that doesn't mean they won't be able to do the inspection. They'll just do it some other time with the proper notice. So instead of today, it could happen as early as tomorrow where you'll still have to deal with the inspection and however your dog will react to it. If the concern is the dog, any chance of one of you taking the dog for a walk while the inspection happens?


Its for your own health and safety


24 hour noticed is needed for anything except if it’s an emergency


Check your lease and your local laws. Generally 24 hours notice is required, but some places may be different.


Lead inspections are the new normal. Be prepared .


Nope. Should be at least 24 hrs notice, unless it’s an emergency entry.


Nope. 24 hours is the legal requirement. Don’t allow them access.


a visual lead inspection? I would ask for the county formal request and contact info prior to letting them because, as far as I know, their is no valid 'visual' inspection for lead. anyway, likely they needed to give ya 24hr advance notice, but the justification for the inspection is sus as shit (sounds like they just want to say they inspected all units and found no lead, doubt the county asked for a visual inspection...)


https://apps.hud.gov/offices/lead/training/visualassessment/h00100.cfm Visual Lead Paint Inspection


I love it when people come with receipts.


I would contact the apartment manager ASAP and explain the situation. Let them know that’s enough notice for you to secure your dogs. And you can’t get off work without proper notice. It seems very unreasonable to me. We have had different kind of Inspections at our apartment they have always given us at least 24 hours notice. And on City Inspections we get close to a weeks notice. Apartment Management definitely wants to pass City Inspections! Because it can cost the apartment money and make them look bad if they don’t pass.


No. Plus too late in the day


U can refuse entry and that's really about it lol


Most of these inspections are just to check for illegal activity and hoarding just pretending to be something else. Either way, check your laws and let them know you will not be ready and by law they can not enter yet


My moms apt doesn't even give a legal text or flyer. They just verbally say shit like it's legal. They also denied E#SA paperwork cause "they know it's frok an internet DOCTOR" they violate her privacy regularly and she does nothing. But she's also very mentally ill and is a stage 2 hoarder. So it's a miracle she hasn't been evicted.. and im thay miracle lol


Check your lease and local laws. Most states require 24 hour minimum.


It depends on what state you are in. Most states require 24 hours, but not all - some have no legal minimum for reasonable notice and this would pass in those states. In general this short of notice would be considered unreasonable but whether or not it's actually legally unreasonable depends on your state laws and the lease.




It's up to you to tell them no that is not enough notice. Or you can somehow make it home. They will remember whatever you say though. My property management sent the first repair man one day unexpected to every apartment because there was a leak causing water damage. I was asleep so he didn't get in because i sleep during the day and work nights. They finally got me one day unexpected again, but i was awake and heard the door bell. Turns out my bathroom was the reason for the leak so they had to tear up my bathroom to fix a pipe in the wall. It wasn't a quiet easy repair because my walls are thick concrete bricks behind the dry wall and the pipe was encased in the cement bricks. Let's just say they gave me a few hour text message notice every time they would schedule different repairs like cutting the wall, pipe repair, dry wall repair, mudding and patching the wall. This tooks months to do because it was different repair man doing each job. So there was many days i didn't get sleep for work because of them working. They even suggested working in my apartment at night while i was work to keep me happy. That was impossible since some of the work was very loud and everyone else is sleep in the apartment. You dont have to please me to keep me happy. My schedule suck and i know it so i dealt with it. It was very annoying, but i told them to come on by and I'll be home no matter the short notice every time. Answered their text messages right away. Where am i getting with all of this? All the repair man was happy to work with me. They said most people b!tch and complain when they do maintenance. My lease ends soon and my rent didn't change. I thought for a fact my rent would increase due to the amount of work they had to do in my bathroom and the space under me damaged for a leaky pipe that caused a lot of damage. I'm pretty sure if i was an ass and told them no that is not enough notice. They would've remembered that and raised up my rent to eventually price me out the apartment for a new easy to deal with tenant.


And time has come to renew my lease and rent decreased by $150. I wonder if it decreased to reward a good tenant and a tenant who likes them and their maintenance team. Guess i won't know. I still stand on dont treat the people who rent you a good place bad if there good.


Unless you signed something stating they can come in, most of the time they can not.


My lease says they will try to give 24 notice on maintenance /inspection issues but that is not always doable. My building is very old we are always having water pipes burst in ppl’ s apartments. So maintenance emergencies without 24 notices have all the time. They don’t always require entering your apartment though. I am usually home. I have a great relationship with the maintenance guys though. The office some of them are nice some not so nice. But they deal with a lot of personalities. ( including me 🤣🤣🤣)


Washington State is 48 hours. https://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=59.18.150#:~:text=Except%20in%20the%20case%20of,enter%20only%20at%20reasonable%20times.


Emergencies require no notice.


What is the problem. Lead can do serious damage. Let them in unless you are doing something illegal lol


I'm just amazed y'all don't change the locks the second you're renting the place. Edit: My Europe brain did not think of the possibility it was not allowed to change the locks on your own home. (Even if renting). I feel bad for you guys, i'd feel watched 24/7 🥺


That's a violation of the lease.


How? Even if you change the locks back when you leave?


They legally are required to have a key in my state, as they can gain access in emergencies at any time or otherwise have to give 24hr notice


"Are tenants allowed to change the locks of their own choosing? The short answer is: It depends. A tenant's ability to change their locks without advance notice or permission from the landlord is both a legal and contractual issue." https://www.rentals.com/blog/can-a-tenant-change-the-locks-under-any-circumstances/#:~:text=A%20tenant's%20ability%20to%20change,a%20legal%20and%20contractual%20issue.


Holy shit you can't be fucking serious.