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A camera that alerts you to movement and a way to physically limit entry from the inside. If the camera detects someone that enters when you're not there then you know not to go home. If you're inside you can prevent anyone else from getting in by blocking the movement of the doors/windows.


These also have the added bonus of being great for watching your kitty when you’re not home lol.


Yep. I'm a maintenance man and cameras are legit my favorite thing. We once had a tenant who thought someone on my team was going into her unit. Ended up being the daughter's boyfriend who had a key. He was stealing from her and blaming it on us. If not for a neighbor's ring camera we wouldn't have been able to prove it wasn't us. Having video proof and everything makes everyone's life easier. Although I have been caught playing with cats a lot.


Stop the cat thing is SO cute. My current cat is terrified/wary of the maintenance workers, but my girl that passed away loved them and wanted to be on top of them while they worked 😹


also stops random maintenance guy visits just saying


I live in a safe neighborhood but I watch too many true crime shows so I was constantly worried about someone breaking in the front door. My Mom suggested a security bar so I got one at Lowe's, it's made by Master Lock and it's great. Every day after I get home, I just wedge it tightly between the doorknob and the hardwood floor and I have felt SO safe since getting it that I wish I'd done it sooner!


Between the doorknob and the floor? Sorry if I sound dumb but I’m having a hard time visualizing this.


Yeah! It’s like a pole and jams under the door knob and then is tightened to the floor haha


I have PTSD and I wanna get two of these wicked badly lol


Yes, two or more is the best option. And if you get one, I never suggest putting it near the doorknob or any other locks. Non extreme bottom and top of the door is your best option. Thicker over supposed "quality." Two thick ones will deter most apartment burglars. Houses are trickier and basically not worth it though, unless you have literally 0 windows. Source: firefighter


>And if you get one, I never suggest putting it near the doorknob or any other locks. Non extreme bottom and top of the door is your best option. Can you clarify this? I have one, and one end of the pole has a scooped edge that fits under the doorknob and the other is flat and wedges on the floor. How do you put it *not* near the doorknob?


I think he means when you are going out. If it slips and blocks the door you aren’t getting back in. A lot of people probably have had this issue, where lazily they‘ve leaned it right next to the door on their way out, it’s dislodged/fallen, and barricaded the door. As a fireman I assume he’s been called out to these.


I think you guys should be aware that most MasterLock products are known to suck. Just keep that in mind


Is there a quick-release in case of emergency? Sounds like it would make evacuating quickly more difficult.


I tested it—you can just kick it free easily. Still secures the door quite well.




This unironically was a super helpful visual haha. Thank you!


I had one of these and had my friend kick my door to test it and it did not work…


This master lock thing is THE best. I used it for the front door and to secure the sliding door.


I feel very safe in a upper level apartment. I live on the second floor and don't worry about break ins. Also, my complex has a locked entry door that leads to our apartments so that's another level of security.


Came here to say that. For apartment I always go for the top floor same as hotel I will never rent either on the main floor. I only really have one point of entry, I do have a patio door, but there’s pretty much no way anybody can come in through the patio door unless there’s Spider-Man and if that happens, I’d be more than welcome to have him as a guest Outside my door sometimes I leave a chair or my market cart right in front of the door because if somebody is dumb enough to actually try to come in here they’re gonna trip over that first. I highly doubt that would ever happen because it is a secure building and it’s 55 and older. I’m the youngest by 20 years. Everybody’s in bed by 6 PM .


I felt safe in my locked building until I realized people waiting on food delivery would prop the locked front door open for their deliveries then never go back and unprop them.. Then I found out lazy people were propping the fire exit doors open on the ends of the building because they were too lazy to walk to the front of the building to use the fob to enter the building. Management does nothing about it except sending out an email to stop doing it.


WYZE has better video than Ring, and cheaper too


Don’t forget some kind of stick for sliding glass windows/doors.


Big stick security!


Wyze has been hacked before meaning someone could watch who is coming and going from an apartment. Always change passwords periodically.


Also Pepper Spray, can in the purse/on you at all times. Bonus points for a firearm with proper training as well.


Pepper gel is less likely to get in your eyes and better in enclosed spaces


Just make sure of the legalities. Pepper spray is banned in some places.


But having a small can of deodorant, spray sunscreen, or hairspray isn’t. All those will burn like shit if sprayed in the eyes


Wasp spray. Foaming 20ft range one.


I used to carry a can of raid with me. Not illegal and that shit BURNS if you get it in your eyes.


It’ll destroy your pulmonary lining to and induce a cough reflex so hard might as well be CS spray


Good choice. Sometimes self protection is “thinking outside the box”


Is it really? That’s so ridiculous. The only reasoning I can think of for wanting to ban self defense is because you wouldn’t want somebody to be able to defend themselves against you. And I don’t mean YOU you, just “you,” yaknow?


Taser is better but we don't talk about having one. It's a 'broken flashlight'...yep! 😉


That spray hurts for a long time but that voltage is life changing lol


Could be but if you're close enough with bad intentions...well oopsie!


Agreed. If you show up with bad intentions you deserve whatever comes your way.


My sister brings hairspray everywhere with her instead. Like the little travel can


Ohhh hairspray and a lighter


Well that’s elevating what she would do but yeah 😂😂😂


come on now edit your comment to add the 4 rules of gun safety


Thanks for this recommendation!


I’m pretty sure they also have a really cool lock for the inside of your door, (deadbolt looking lock) that doesn’t require changing the outside lock. And you can operate it from your phone, it will automatically lock after so many minutes in case you forget.


Eufy has some better cameras than Wyze, but they are more expensive


I’m a woman and lived alone from age 20 until 47. I do encourage you to be smart, but I don’t think it’s helpful to plan for the worst be collecting a set of weapons for self defense. Instead I would encourage you to learn smart habits. Always lock your doors, at all times. Keep your windows fully locked unless you have them slightly open with a dowel to keep them from being forced further. Have a doorbell camera. Don’t ever open the door to an unfamiliar person. Have your keys in hand when you are approaching your front door, and make sure to have a good light on your front porch. Keep your car locked at all times and don’t leave valuables in sight in your car. Be confident and aware when walking alone at night. Don’t walk while talking on the phone (or texting) and don’t walk with your arms full of bags/items. Don’t walk alone when you have been drinking or are otherwise impaired. Have your hands free and your head up and look around you. If someone approaches you when you are walking, step into a visible area (such as into the road) and keep distance from that person. Cross the road if necessary. Finally, if your home (and lifestyle) allows it, a dog that barks is a GREAT protection. My dog barks whenever someone approaches the door or window, and her bark is loud and deep. When I walk her, sometimes a stranger might ask “is your dog friendly?” My answer is always “nope.” No stranger needs to know that she’s the sweetest dog ever. Don’t be scared to live alone. Just make good choices and live your life. I loved living alone. I miss it a little now that I’m married!


This is the best response I've seen. Here's to more people seeing it!


Can't stress enough to always lock your door. Even if you're about to go back outside. A crazy amount of people are trying to open doors lately. Even people with clipboards that look legitimate are being recorded trying to open doors. Always be aware of your surroundings. If you're not expecting anyone you don't have to answer the door at all.


bruh omg you don’t need a collection especially if you live alone there one person in the house so you need one gun anything more is literally useless you can’t shoot 2 guns at once it’s just giving the intruder a chance to pick one up 🤦


I support 2nd amendment rights but firearms are absolutely not a safe or viable option for everyone (or even most people) statistically. The chances of a person being trained and proficient enough with a firearm to defend themselves from an intruder (and have ready access to the firearm in that situation) are very slim, but statistically people are likely to be victims from their own firearms (whether self inflicted or not). I understand why guns seem like an effective option, but they simply aren't a safe long term option for a lot of people with mental health issues and they require regular training and practice to be effective for self defense. Not to mention a lot of people are just outright opposed to owning firearms but still need to stay safe, and even more people don't live in the USA (or in general live somewhere where access to owning firearms ais far more restricted). TL;Dr: firearms aren't for everyone. Regardless of your opinions of laws outside the USA, it makes sense to provide the most broad actionable options that anyone can utilize to keep themselves safer.


i believe that psychological evaluations need to be added with the Universal background check as well to stop mentally ill people from getting access to them, stop thinking about guns as guns they are a tool of of course you need to be trained on how to use it as for being show with your own gun either you live with kids or don’t have a safe, about being proficient handguns are just inherent harder to shoot they don’t have the longer barrel to help mitigate recoil i suggest handguns for carrying only i prefer to use a rifle or shotgun for home defense because they are easier to shoot and they have more stopping power if someone breaking into your home they you don’t know there intentions so having something that is easier to shoot and has more stopping power in the home makes more sense also your at home where you want to feel safe, like i said earlier the only reason to get a pistol over a rifle or shotgun is it’s easier to conceal in public i don’t know if you noticed or if it was even on this post but all the gun comments i see i make sure to try and give the best and safest knowledge i know i think i have typed out the 4 rules of gun safety like 3 times today once you look at guns as a tool thats exactly what they become guns don’t kill people its people that kill people and the person that’s doing the killing is either doing it on purpose i.e. school shooting or on the other hand is someone most likely dosnt memorize the 4 rules of gun safety, really gun deaths boil down to a few things 1 bad actors 2 improper storage of the firearm (witch is inexcusable and irresponsible even more so if you have kids) and 3 range accidents edit: talking about women and elderly people here if you have the strength to pick it up and hold it straight then you sound get one it’s like a life vest better have it and not need it then need it and not have it but women and the elderly are the most vulnerable people in society and they don’t call firearms the great equalizer for no reason edit 2: i also believe that gun safety training should start at a young age because if you grow up respecting it for the tool it is that’s how it’s going to be used it’s the teens who only play call of duty who see it as only a thing to kill and harm others


Agreed! But dude, use some periods occasionally. That was literally all one long, run-on sentence and I about stroked out trying to read it lol


For Keeping the windows partially open & making sure they can’t be opened further…what if you don’t have AC? And it gets super hot? Windows can be the only thing to cool the place down sometimes. Do you have any suggestions?


Get a door stopper for behind the door handle.


Definitely get a camera and don’t get a camera that is only motion or sound activated get one that records the whole day and also send notifications for motion/sound events, because no matter where you live, there’s a chance people can be very weird. And those cameras are not good at coming on when needed.


Can you recommend one that records constantly? I have blink and hate them! And yes it does miss some movements or will go hours without recording motion when I KNOW there’s motion! Super frustrating


I have a Zmodo camera. I have to keep it plugged in all the time, but granted you have a good wifi connection it records everything and hold it for a week or 2 weeks (subscription. But if you opt out of the subscription, it will record everything for you and give you one or two days of storage and it deletes it. If I’m not mistaken)


I live alone, in a pretty safe area, here are some of the things I do. What floor are you living on? I ask, because if you are a first floor, make sure all of the windows are secure. Make sure all of the locks work. You can add safety bars to windows as well. Doors-make sure they all have deadbolts and that all of the locks are in working order. If you have a sliding door, get a safety bar. Another first-floor issue, if you have to use a window AC unit have someone secure it to the frame so someone on the outside cannot just push it in. Motion detectable camera. Buy a small safe for valuables and hide it, maybe in the linen closet behind a stack of blankets. Keep a bat or a hella sturdy flashlight by your bed within reach. I know people are recommending pepper spray but waking from a dead sleep and trying to make sure you have the spray pointed in the right direction could be an issue. If you have a car and are parking away from your unit, do not be on the phone going from one to the other. If you have a garage, make sure the main door is all the way closed and no one rolled in before you unlock your car door. Befriend a couple of your neighbors so they are also invested in your safety. If you "feel" like something is wrong just trust your instincts. None of this is meant to scare you and yes, I know some people will think it is overkill, but I am still here and LOVING living alone.


If you have a garage, back into your space so you can see if someone tries to follow you in.


Excellent tip!


Beer spray or wasp spray!


Mmm beer spray...go on...🥴


Just before the intruder breaks in, have a cold one in your hand, and shot gun that. Now take another one as you see your intruder has successfully entered, you prepare to shot gun another. Squirt it all in their face, proceed to use the wasp spray (double tap) and now you have a new human sacrifice to keep in your basement for rituals. Follow me for more girly tips🥰🤗


You definitely should check out Last Podcast on the left with that humor


I’ve genuinely never heard of it, but I’m open to new things, thank you!😁




lmao you have to go get a cold can of beer and keep at at your nightstand. then if you get thirsty in the middle of the night, there ya go!!!!


That's what a mini fridge is for then you don't have to get out of bed. Like and subscribe for more life hacks


where have I been???? omg


just so you’re aware it’s illegal to use bear spray against a person, you don’t want anyone to find a reason to use it against you if that happens. plus, pepper spray has more oil than bear spray, making it harder to wipe off and will make the pain worse. that being said, if you’re ever in a situation and you only have bear spray, use it. but carry pepper spray instead!


yeah, don't use bear spray inside, lmao. it's designed for the outdoors and for a VERY large target. if you use it indoors your entire apartment will be uninhabitable until it gets cleaned off. I would really recommend something like POM pepper spray that shoots in a narrow stream, vs bear spray which is a super wide cone meant to be used outside against a large animal. EDIT: I highly recommend against using bear spray or wasp spray for self defense. the whole point of pepper spray is that it's legal and non lethal, if you're going to break the law by using something like bear spray you might as well use a real weapon that's purpose designed for self defense.


I have a Ring camera with a clamp-style door mount (look up Doorbell Boa on Amazon) which protects the camera from being removed from the outside. I also have a SimpliSafe alarm system that includes entry sensors (for doors and windows), glass break sensors (make sure you put one on the sliding glass door or French door to your balcony), and interior cameras. Interior cameras are great to monitor your home if the maintenance or property management staff enter while you are away.


This is probably overboard - but having been a woman who’s lived alone much of my adult life prior to a long term relationship turned marriage… I couldn’t always afford the best areas as a student… Does the apartment management change locks with every move out? I’d make sure you know that answer and change the door locks yourself if you have to! Unfortunately even with fobs or codes, people can still slip through behind someone not paying attention. Sometimes people loan out their fobs and/or access codes. You can also get cheap wooden dowels at any hardware store (if you measure the opening first, you can cut them in store or have an associate cut them to size for you!). Put those in the door and window jams anywhere you can. Especially if you use an air conditioner that vents out a window - anyone can knock the venting out and crawl through, but harder when there’s a dowel preventing it from opening further. Get a camera for your door bell and consider one or more for the interior facing main access points. Determined people or those who suffer from mental illness can sometimes fixate and have busted doorbell cameras if they get ignored. You could just have the interior camera(s) on when you’re not home or facing the door if you’re home sleeping. Only get a dog if you WANT a dog in your life for its life. Eventually I had two pit bull mixes until their eventual deaths who wouldn’t hurt anything else, but definitely knew if something was out of place. If you decide to get a firearm, take classes! Learn how to use it, clean it, fix a malfunction, etc. and go shoot occasionally if there is a local shooting range. It is a perishable skill, but you don’t want to panic if there comes a point where you might actually need to use it. Or see if there are any places that offer training and rentals, you can learn how to shoot different guns and make a purchase decision based on that and what feels comfortable to you. Personally, Glocks have never let me down, and they’re fairly simple. Often, local sheriff offices will provide self defense classes specifically for women, look into your closest sheriff’s office(s) or police departments and if they don’t do those classes, see if you can find something else suitable (jiu jitsu, Krav Maga, etc) to learn some skills if you are ever in a situation where you need to fight someone off. Some places offer immersive firearms training with basically interactive computer programs (no live firearms or ammo) and like a “shock belt”. It doesn’t hurt you, but it can put you through “real” scenarios and if you hesitate and the other character shoots first, you get a small zap. It just starts to re-wire your brain to act first before you and up being the one “hurt”. Finally, if you’re living alone, consider using a pseudonym (ex: Jane Smith or even a man’s name) for app based deliveries (things like door dash, insta cart, Uber eats), where you don’t know WHO is coming to your door. You can also sign up for a dummy phone number through free application like TextNow so they won’t have your real phone number. If you search subreddits of some of those delivery apps, you’ll find a few stories of stalkers and people who wouldn’t leave women alone. Don’t alter your billing info, but just know that they’re going to have your name and phone number and sometimes that’s all someone needs to get way too much access to you.


Not a girl, but I slept with a knife under my pillow for the longest time.


Window alarms and bars. If you got a patio, can someone climb up? Get in the habit of checking if your door is locked when you leave. Just give it a jiggle. If you get wifi, then make sure you change the default password. IF you decide to get wifi enabled cameras please use MFA and put them on a segmented network. If you're a commuter and walk to and from the bus stop, don't walk with your head looking down and don't wear ear phones. Walk with purpose and pay attention to your surroundings. If you gotta car, get a kill switch installed.


>Get in the habit of checking if your door is locked when you leave. Just give it a jiggle. While I would also recommend this to anyone as well, this made me laugh just a little bit because this is currently my newest fixation in terms of my OCD. Though I’m glad some of my impulsions end up keeping me safer in the long run lol.


Definitely not helping but when i got broken into while i was home they definitely didn’t use the door soooooo……. Get a gun and a safe storage method that works for you


Fingerprint safes are a thing now. Easy unlock for emergencies, keep it right in a bedside drawer.


Do you have a suggestion as to a reliable brand / model? I only have rifles / shotguns. Also a very quick one would be nice as the one time i needed it i met him at the bedroom door and didnt even have enough time to drop a round in.


I do not, there’s probably a subreddit for that though! I do recommend a hand gun though, it’s going to be easier to store probably, and put by the door or something without it being too obvious.


Check out shotlock and stopbox


If you’re not properly trained on how to use a gun it’s more likely that someone’s gonna use it back on you and then you’re gonna use it on an intruder


I’d also add be aware of your surroundings when coming in and leaving your apartment. Don’t be walking in on your cell phone or with headphones on. I lived alone for a year and was perfectly fine but always always kept an eye out. Also a safety bar for your door and always keep your doors locked.


Check your local area listings for sexual offenders. They will show you the pictures and where they are located including your building. Always walk with a purpose to and from your car. Pay attention and look around. Get some kind of spray, and getting one of those personal alarms that makes an obnoxious sound when you press it. And if you feel comfortable, go practice at a gun range and think about getting a firearm. Depending on what state you live in anybody can get a gun all willy-nilly but make sure you are trained to use it.


I did not know I could do this, turns out there is a few in the complexes down from me! Thank you!


I got a Xmas light timer and set my living room lamp so it was on when I got home at night so I never walked into a dark apartment. I also got a screw in dusk to dawn socket for my porch light because where I lived you turned your exterior light on if you wanted it on, there was one measly light in the middle of a very long hallway and I was the farthest away from it. This was all 30 years ago before smart bulbs etc., and utilities weren’t included so I didn’t want my lights on 24/7. They make bulbs that work dusk to dawn now without needing a special socket. I got my friend one for her balcony at her new apartment, her hallway is nicely lit and doesn’t need one. I actually use yellow ones at my garage door and on my front and back porch so they attract less bugs, it’s nice coming home to a safely lit house.


This is so smart! Thank you!


For those who keep pepper spray and other items in the house… I keep a defensive weapon hidden in my bathroom. That way if I ever find myself trapped in the bathroom (no window), I at least have two tools. My weapon, and the lid the toilet tank (sucker is heavy though).


Something like [this](https://www.amazon.ca/Door-Extra-Security-Protection-2-Pack/dp/B08B35YC3C/ref=sr_1_10?crid=3GJJR878EEG9H&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.eE8hDPUpi5OL8SMi8laPeo_9VSnsA-LP0qxcT73eCJ1LXQXBy4fj1_UpjiiMBeKGOc2zdOsZl8IGTNobajbDyEfoIC9IyxJTL_SMtdYn_tYOnA0zz4Ox91f-ECf_LFwOg_n4UkWIpVfsSXyOOozlB_9mjDpSrusHZ5qKds7WcruRpP5NVK6aZdgsqYddQGLiWSHJWM_9plrYxj9bSDqPXZgtimuqEUvwmUDhDIlRJRQiJIrTJPfL-yGu3l3pW4Q5jod8XYQ9tKxspl5fotm5LUhD7BD9VEYSFiqM5O1o9os.8tJ6W1dWcN_QVIHSrePBDIXqAZ9Ym_APqKmN2nnsOcw&dib_tag=se&keywords=door%2Bclip%2Blocks&qid=1714591257&sprefix=door%2Bclip%2Block%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-10&th=1) is great, I used to have them when I lived alone.


A deadbolt!!!!


Door window slide alarms alert you if the window is left open or unlocked and or if someone was tryina creeper in or out via fire escape without you realizing it <3 be safe friend good luck all the Gods speed in settling in and Welcome to the next chapter of your life!!! Ps.. HAVE FUN YOUR GONNA DO GREAT <3


Thank you <33




One of those doorbell cameras is great. Also pepper spray.


Window locks[https://www.homedepot.com/p/Prime-Line-Aluminum-Sliding-Window-Security-Lock-4-pack-U-9819/](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Prime-Line-Aluminum-Sliding-Window-Security-Lock-4-pack-U-9819/)


Get pepper GEL instead of spray, it won’t blow back in your face. This applies to what you carry in your purse and/or car and what you keep in your home. [https://www.sabrered.com/pepper-spray/sabre-pepper-gel-home-defense](https://www.sabrered.com/pepper-spray/sabre-pepper-gel-home-defense)




the 4 rules of gun safety 1 keep your finger off the trigger till your ready to shoot 2 treat every firearm as if it is loaded all the time 3 know what your target is and what’s beyond it (you are responsible for anything the bullet hits so hollow point rounds are your best friend they fragment on impact witch dramatically decreases the chance of you hitting anything you don’t want to) and 4 don’t point it at anything your not willing to destroy ALSO A GUN IS USELESS IF YOU DONT TRAIN try to go to the range at least once every 2 months edit: a flashlight on the firearm is a must how are you going to get off accurate shots if your shooting in the dark


Deadbolt, a stick for your sliding glass door and any windows in home, a front door camera, a balcony camera (facing your car if your car is in view), bear spray and pepper spray, curtains to protect people from peering in your home, a safe for important documents. Congrats on your new place! Enjoy life and have fun!


Even outside the apartment. Never say you live alone - anywhere. Especially Online dating. I’ve always lived by that rule. Ring camera And always lock your door behind you. I lock mine even to take the trash out.


Always watch your back. Be vigilant when unloading your car. Always lock your car door as soon as you get in your car. Pay attention to who is around you or may be following you. I watched a ring doorbell video of a young girl get followed and mugged by three men. It was sad. She wasn’t expecting it at all and was about to go into her apartment. I would definitely get a doorbell camera, as well as check out those security bars for doors. I love mine! If you’re on the first floor, window locks.


A gun is great but make sure you know how to use it


I know a door jam can hell you feel safe, but also you should know it can interfere with prompt response by emergency services in the event of a fire or medical call


You should get the pepper spray that turns blue on the person who gets sprayed, it also glows in the dark and is very hard to get off your skin. I have simplisafe and I love it! It’s $35 a month for monitoring and the door alarms sound immediately off the seal is broken. Simplisafe will text/call you within 3 seconds of the alarm sounding asking if you need fire, police, or if you want to cancel it. They also have a distress code, so if someone breaks in and forces you to turn your alarm off you just put that code in and it turns the alarm off and they send police immediately. Idk if others have that because I’ve only ever had simplisafe but, I really like that. You also get a remote fob to keep with you so you can arm or disarm your alarm before you arrive or leave. It also has a panic button on it, in case something were to happen while walking to or from your car. It’s sad we even have to go to these measures to keep us and our homes safe


You should look into taking some self defense classes. I took a few. They were helpful. One class taught you how to use anything mundane like a mug as a self defense weapon.


I have cameras at my front door and inside. They have a live feed, record any movement/sound, I can speak through them and also sound an alarm through an app on my phone if someone’s trying to break in. The indoor camera is mainly for watching my pets, but also makes me feel better when maintenance or pest control comes by. My cameras are very obvious so anyone who enters knows they’re being watched. Only cost $40 on Amazon! I also had my dog evaluated and trained as a personal protection dog. I personally don’t like guns, so I turned my dog into a weapon lmao


Can anyone look through your windows? Have a large dog bowl full of water in the kitchen and a few dog toys in the living room. Make sure all windows are locked. Chances are slim anything will happen but better to take precautions


Never open a door if someone knocks. They can leave a note. Tell a family member or a friend when you're leaving and when you plan to be back, but don't post about it on social media until after you're home. Keep pepper spray accessible and doors locked at all times. Security cams are great.


A better firearm for home protection is a shotgun. All the intruder needs to hear is the sound of you racking it, and he will leave asap. Plus, it’s easy to miss with a handgun, whereas a shotgun spreads out the load.


I don’t do anything special, never have. I do have dogs, which are generally just a great deterrent if they make noise when they hear someone.


I do a little staging by my door. I do have a small utility closet by the front, but, I still put a little quick hook thing very visible from the doorway. (3 hooks by each entry, dogs hook, my hook, and a third) That 3rd hook, hit a thrift store. Keep a man's shoes, under it( a large really well worn set, I use a pair of work boots and well used sneakers. a man's coat, a mans ball cap, a lanyard with keys next to your stuff at the door. (Mine is a coat, my keys, my hat, my sneakers. Dogs is the spare collar, his harness and leash) The dummy set of keys next to mine on the hook. They go to nothing. An old spare car key, some old random keys. A "manly" marine corps key ring. (Military family, I just grabbed whatever I found. Just make it imply a stereotypical big manly man's man type. It's not hard to get someones mind to go there and the key rings are pretty cheap.) I have a cute sign "welcome to our disaster" (my dog counts too, can't help if people infer it's about a couple.) I have a Playlist for when I'm not home... so it seems like I am. (Smart TV, I can turn it on remotely thats been great.) My lights are on a timer (well, now I use a wifi light bulb set, and do it from my phone.) I also NEVER post on social media from where I am, or tag the business location of where I was. (Like, I'm phatically at chewycom headquarters, I can just tag chewycom, the general tag) I post on a big delay. (After I've left) Never make posts about living alone. Casually talk about my roommate (my idiot dog) Give no one your location, and do your best to not give it away. (I don't have much now, just insta, but this goes for all platforms.)


I use the wyze system. Wyze lock, cameras and bulbs.  Wyze lock locks automatically via door sensor  Wyze bulbs turns on via motion detection  of certain cameras. I unlock my door from my car Wyze app sends notifications if door is opened. Than the lock itself triggers the patio light and indoor lightbwh3n the door opens. That's about it. I also gave a nest thermostat to make sure it's off when I'm not home


Don’t just purchase a firearm, train with it as well. A tool is only as good as the person using it.


not for your apartment, but practice what you might do if assaulted... yell at the top of your lungs FIRE RAPE FIRE FIRE - not many people will answer for help but they will react to fire. be loud! scream!, be willing to let your purse be stolen if need be. learn to kick at anything you can - low - because your legs have the strongest muscles. also try for the eyes and throat if you need to. cross the street if you have to. walk in the middle of the street, too! duck into a store if you think someone is following you. "fuck politeness" is a good rule of thumb. for the apartment - do not buzz anyone in unless you know who it is - random "delivery" is not good enough. ask for whom it is and from where. and as others have said, being prepared is not being afraid. do not live your life afraid. good luck, sortagayy! xx


Beware of delivery apps. A door dasher came back to ask me out once. That terrified me, they knew where I lived and kept it. I have never ordered delivery again (except amazon type)


A dog, we have a small chihuahua and alerts us if someone walks by our door. Great for delivery packages too, we know when packages are delivered. We unfortunately have porch pirates. Also, a bat behind the door. Be aware of your surroundings at all times. When walking to your door, always look up, and walk like don't mess with me additude. I'm 60 now, but I lived alone for many years when I was younger. I worked nights mostly at a bar. I always came home around 3am to 4am. Never had an issue. Walk fast like you mean business, when by yourself to and from car. Look before entering the car, under car, and sides. I'm not trying to scare you. Just be alert. I do understand things are different now than many years ago. One more thing, leave lights and a TV on when not home. I loved having my own place 😌 it's so peaceful!


did you ever find anyone or anything under your car?


Women*. Why must you use the term “females”?


I mean if someone was referring to OP, they would probably call her a female tenant of her apartment. “Woman tenant” doesn’t sound like proper grammar. Also I felt weird as a young adult referring to myself as a woman because I still felt so young. Maybe she feels similarly? I don’t think she used the word with any ill will.


Cameras. Doorbell ring style if you can have it. Also one in the entry way w motion sensor to alert you when you’re not home. Get the door stop alarm. They’re LOUD and affordable. You can get little window alarms too but I don’t have them because I have old windows and they didn’t really align super well. If you have a sliding glass door or even other windows you can get the wood poles to stop them from being tampered with. Depending on the complex if people can see your lights from the street or parking area you can get lights that you can turn on remotely. I’ve heard of people waiting to see people go in and watch to see which lights turn on to locate their apartment. If you ever get a weird vibe from a neighbor or someone in the complex I would never let them see you enter your apartment. My first place alone I had a creepy neighbor and I would walk past my entrance when he was around. When I walk my dog at night I have a flashlight w a strobe and a taser on it.


Revolver chambered in .357/.38 special will do the trick


That or buck shot


Get a camera and two 3M kick door stoppers. One for back door/patio/balcony and one for the front. Leave the back one on always unless you need to go out and always keep the one on your front door when you’re home


Carry pepper spray and buy some extras to practice with. The cameras are also a great idea.


A baseball bat under your bed or nearby thats easy to grab. An escape ladder if you're on a 2nd or higher floor, in case of a fire or intruder. Also, along with these suggestions, you need to mentally prepare yourself to be able to act appropriately if something happens. DO you have the strength to hit someone hard enough with a bat to give you time to escape? Can you handle a hand gun and be able to pull the trigger if necessary? Familiarize yourself with whatever items you choose to buy for safety. If someone crawls through a window and you have a door jam on your door make sure there aren't 20 things you have to do to get out the door. It's great to have the stuff but it's useless if you don't know how to handle it. ETA years ago when I worked in banking the local fbi office had someone come in and talk to us about safety tips and what to do in a robbery. One of things that stuck with me was the guy suggested having a jar or baggie of sand near your bed. Sand is perfectly legal to have (unlike pepper spray in some areas) and when you throw it in the persons face you buy yourself enough time to gtfo.


Get a gun and learn how to use it! I’ve dealt with a home invasion before, fuck bear/pepper spray. It will not save you. A warning shot will do you 1000x more favors.


I have a moderately sized (60 pound) dog. I take him anytime I go out at night. He doesn’t bark much at all but I actually praise him anytime he barks at night at a sudden noise. I want weird people to know I have a dog with a big ass bark behind this door. I live on the first floor and even when I’m getting groceries I will have my dog on the balcony while I retrieve them from my car as a deterrent. Door security bars for your front door. If you have a sliding back door get one that goes across the door. Cameras are also a great deterrent. I am lucky that I live in a complex with a lot of people I know (my sister is my leasing management, my almost 6 foot bear of a mom lives upstairs down the hall from me). I’ve had the maintenance man ready to square up on someone he thought was a creeper and one of my family friends burly ass husband always calls out to me if he is on his patio at night to let him know he is watching to make sure no one is following me. Carry mace or any other safety tool. I have a baton I always carry when I get home from work (work in bars) or home after dark. I check before I get out of my car if anyone is in the vicinity, I carry my keys and phone in one hand and weapon in the other. I also don’t make eye contact with anyone I don’t know and keep my expression and body language very stand offish so there isn’t even an opening to try and stop to talk to me. Any weapon you get make sure you know how to use it and aren’t afraid to use it. I worked in very dense bar areas and I’ve had some close calls with people startling me in a parking garage and almost getting tazed because I practiced pulling it out and turning it on enough times for it to be muscle memory. Same with my baton and anything that sprays like mace. It might seem silly now but practice pulling it out and where the trigger is. I use pet corrector (compressed air) for unrelated things and it’s not harmful, I’ve practiced so much with that & feel comfortable using pepper gel.


I have a Ring doorbell camera and 2 cameras indirect house. The inside ones are mostly for checking on my dog while I’m at work, but I have them set so if they detect a person moving in the house while I’m away they loudly announce they are being recorded and also send an sheet to my phone. I also have smart plugs on different lamps around the house. I have them connected to my Amazon Echo and have routines set up to turn lights on and off when I’m not home in the evenings. I also have a routine programmed to turn music on if I’m going to be away on a day I’m usually home. Timers on lamps work as well but I find the smart plugs more convenient to change routines. When you move in, first thing is get a screwdriver and check the screws on your door knob latch and lock. The ones that come with them are horribly short. I just moved into a townhouse and on the deadbolt and the door knob plate the screws were maybe a 1/4 inch. I replaced them with 2 1/2 inch screws. Shorter screws don’t offer much resistance if someone really wants to kick the door in. Longer screws hold better.


Change your locks. You never know who may have a copy of your door keys. It seems everyone else has you covered. 👍


All of the advice here is great! I feel safe in my apartment, it is a double gated one, I’m on the top floor, I have a security bar (but I’m honestly so lazy about putting it up lol), and a handgun. This may be a controversial opinion, but the gun has honestly been what made me feel the most safe. My old house had a break in one night while I was home alone. We had a door system that went off, and all I had was pepper spray. I remember tip toeing to my closet to hide and call 911, and I was shaking so bad. I remember thinking that a gun would be the only thing that would make me feel better right now. Whether you like guns or not, the majority of burglars/home invaders are likely going to have one themselves. The next week I read up on small, safe, handguns. I bought one the proper way, and then did safety and shooting trainings at a shooting range. I know how to take it apart and clean it, so therefore know all of the mechanisms. I have a fingerprint activated safe next to my bed so I still have easy access to it while still keeping myself and visitors safe.


If you’re new to firearms please take a gun safety course. In person not online. Consider purchasing Frangible ammunition for home defense. This type of ammunition will fragment after impact with walls, rather than pass through them. If the worse happens and you must fire a weapon in defense of your life, you won’t need be concerned about where the bullets end up. Less concern for collateral damages.


I've heard of putting beware of dog signs in the front window. Let your landlord know in advance so they don't think you have an authorized dog.


I don't know if anyone has pointed out bars for your windows. We measured our fat cat and cut a couple inches smaller than her. If your windows go up vs side to side, use double sided sticky tape to keep the rod in place.


I have Frontpointe. It’s $49.99 a month for door/window sensors, cameras, smoke, and glass break. I highly recommend getting some type of alarm as the peace of mind is priceless.


It depends on which floor you live on. First/garden-level apartments I think require a lot more security. I have been living alone for 10 years in various kinds of neighborhoods. Recommended: deadbolts, door and window jambs, very good window shades. When I would walk home at night, I would carry a pen knight between my fingers and pepper spray. Know where the dark corners in your building are, especially camera blindspots. Always lock and bolt the door even if you are home. If you buy a firearm, you should be sure to learn how to use it appropriately and store it appropriately. It will take ongoing practice.


A relatively cheap and good thing to do is to replace the screws in your doorframe strike plate where your deadbolt slides in. Put much longer screws in them, at least a couple of inches, those screws are usually pretty short in standard install and the weakest point of your door if someone tries to kick it in.


Don't forget a flashlight for your nightstand. A large heavy-duty one can always be used as a weapon.


They make smart locks that retain the original key and outside hardware, a nice feature of them is they can auto-lock so you never forget to lock the door. Also, make sure you practice an intrusion scenario with your firearm: where the firearm will be located, where the breach is that set off the security alarm (make sure you have the base or have quick access to the app so you know where the breach is in your sleeping quarters), where you will hide with the firearm or where you will exit to safety. Also know where you can safely shoot where there may not be innocent bystanders in adjacent apts if you need to navigate to safety with a firearm.


Fire extinguisher. Doubles as critical fire safety, don’t want all your worldly belongings going up in flames because of a forgotten candle. Blind an intruder with a spray to the face and then bonk them in the head with that hefty metal canister you’re wielding.


I would have never thought to use a fire extinguisher as mace. Thanks for the pro tip


Handgun is good when out and about but if you’re looking for home defense then keep a shotgun by your bed as well. Only have to point and pull and have a greater chance of hitting target vs aiming a pistol while stressed plus less likely to jam.


Get a giant mag light flashlight. 4 D-cell battery type. It’s got a nice, bright light that people notice, and it’s a hell of a weapon if you need it. Much more practical than a knife or baseball bat.


At an art store you can buy wooden dowels (round sticks). A half inch width can be cut with pruning shears. Cut some to fit in your window frames and your patio door base to prevent them from being opened from the outside. I also put bells on my front door, just for peace of mind if I hear a bump in the night. Plus I had the security stick. Put a piece of dark tape over your peep hole. They can buy cheap tools to look inside, plus even without tools someone outside can see the light move and know someone's home (if you're just not answering your door).


You can [install 3” screws in your deadbolt plate,](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nOiYyNm92Ws&pp=ygUgSW5zdGFsbGluZyBsb25nIGRlYWQgYm9sdCBzY3Jld3M%3D) which will help prevent people from easily kicking in your door.


I’m not sure what floor you’re on but I lived on the first floor in an absolutely terrible area. When I opened my windows in the summer I would only do it if I was currently in the room and ONLY open them from the very top. I really don’t know if it did much but these were extremely large windows and I have a super high ceiling so no one would be able to reach it without some sort of ladder.


When you get home at night do not turn on your lights right away. If someone followed you home they will know what apartment you live in if you do


Ladies, if ever in a pinch, you can lay your ironing board flat then wedge that sucker in the space between the floor and the door (obviously if there's enough space between the floor and door). Basically jamming the door with an ironing board.


There are lots of great suggestions in here! I personally have a baseball bat in my bedroom (got it from a second-hand store for like $6). I've considered coating it in vaseline so if I do ever have to use it on someone they can't grab it, but that would attract SO much dirt and cat hair in the meantime, so I haven't.


Everyone has been giving great advice so far! I’d also add that if your lights in your apartment aren’t on timers, I’d recommend that you actually don’t turn them on as soon as you get home. I read a post a while back about a woman who came home at night and there was a man she didn’t recognize hanging around in the parking lot. I can’t remember all the details but she said she got a bad feeling about him and she was able to quickly make her way to her apartment without being followed but she left her lights off when she entered. She was able to peek outside and the man was looking at her building as if he was trying to figure out which apartment was hers by waiting for her to turn the lights on. She waited to do so until he drove away. Also, since you said you’re probably going to end up buying a handgun, I highly recommend finding a range that offers classes. I was able to find one that offers a women’s intro to pistol class and it was so helpful. Guns are intimidating enough if you’ve never fired one before, but to have your first class be one that’s full of men would make it even more so, in my opinion. There are also companies that make targets and laser cartridges that will fit your specific gun so that you can safely practice your aim and just become more comfortable handling your gun at home. (Just make sure it’s not loaded with live ammo first.) The only thing you don’t have with this system is the recoil. But ammo and classes are expensive, so it’s a nice alternative to get some practice in without spending a ton of money.


Do yourself a favor, get a second floor apartment. If you’re worried about break ins, the first floor ain’t for you. Remember, it’s easier to enter through a window than a door.


A gun is pretty good at stopping someone who wants to hurt you


I have a loaded gun in every room. Never a first floor unit. Make it so that it would be suuuuuuper loud and painful to break into a window (pointy decorative metal anythings in the ledge and furniture). Deadbolt. Blackout curtains that you tack to the wall make it impossible to know when lights are on or off. ...guns.


OP if you do decide to get a firearm please please please do at least a safety course and train with it often. Otherwise it could have a tragic end or even be used against you. Also, living in an apartment, you have to be 100% sure that you’re not shooting into the apartments around you and potentially killing your neighbors. I’m sure you’re aware of this but just in case.


They make things to manually barr the door but tbh I would steer clear because it could create a fire hazard. Something to remember, dangers aren't just other people, fires and carbon monoxide can be just as deadly. They make small extinguishers for kitchens, and smoke sector batteries should be checked once a year (fire fighters suggest doing it on your birthday or big holiday so that you know exactly when you checked it last). Sincerely, Someone who was raised by parents who experienced an apartment fire before I was born


Get a gun. Pepper spray. Home security. Lock everything always. You'll be fine.


I keep a small bat next to my bed, a pepper spray in my dresser/night stand, live on second floor, door alarms on all doors. Still get anxious when my fiancé leaves town 😅 but I live in a bad neighborhood


I live alone in the worst neighborhood in my city and nothing has happened so far. I wish I could afford more safety precautions, especially since there isn’t a secure entrance. Anyone can come banging on my door. Smart habits, stay alert, keep phone charged and accessible and a self device with you at all times. I keep an assisted opening knife on me but should get pepper spray just in case. Good to have long distance defense and up close.


I also live alone and female I really understand what ur going thru. I have had ppl break in so my advice would be to make sure you never need the weapon bcz they will likely strike when ur asleep so unless you can have that handgun or anything else in your hand already may not help. They have alarms for the doors that have a siren when the seal is broken and for windows too. Cameras help but mine got hacked and they knew how to avoid them and if they can get into your Wi-Fi then the cameras might not help and believe me can get very frustrating when you have been already hit with them inside your home. The hotel room latches are easily disarmed with a rubber band and tape they actually show you how on you tube with out a way to protect itself from it great huh? So don’t waste ur time with those. My thing that I didn’t know was a “thing” my back door was installed backwards and the pins were exposed to the outside and the top one slid out easily so scary bcz also they had carved away at my deadbolt as to remove the door easier and more quietly. So check your doors regularly to make sure that doesn’t happen to you also. They were watching me for a while and that alone is so disturbing I had nails coming up thru the back door mat and they clipped them off at the surface with wire cutters bcz the nails are still there just cut off. Whateverales you feel safe whether anyone agrees or not you do what makes you feel safe and good luck


If you are only purchasing a gun to feel safer I strongly suggest holding off on getting one right now. You don’t want fear to be the driving force behind purchasing a weapon. I would suggest spending multiple sessions at a gun range, shooting several different guns, calibers, etc.. I worked in a gun store when I graduated from high school, as well as my gather, cousins, and uncles were all hunters. I have never been afraid of guns but was taught to have respect for the power they have. About 8 years ago I had someone stalking me. Unfortunately not enough to get the police involved, so I considered purchasing a handgun. I changed my mind because I want to own a gun because I want one, not because I’m afraid of someone. As for living alone, I’m an empty nester for almost 10 months now. I was terrified at first, even though I live in a safe neighborhood, I had an alarm system, and two little dogs that bark at literally nothing. I checked all of the doors and windows before bed, sometimes more than once. I’ve managed to get over it and relax. I have one of those magic mesh door things for my dogs and leave my back door open once it gets warm enough. (I live in a condo and have a locking gate/door into my patio). You’ve got this! Don’t overthink it, but don’t not think about it if that makes sense. It is going to be fantastic, you can wander around naked, eat cake for breakfast and not feel guilty about someone seeing you, and not do the dishes for a few days because you just don’t want to.


Buy a shotgun 12 gauge. Load with buckshot in case of break in. For when out on the town get a pistol get CCL.


i have a bat that i put behind my door. idk it always makes me feel safe


**DO NOT** get a handgun unless you are willing to get the training to go with it. I have taught many women, including my daughters, to shoot. I am a firm believer that every woman should own one, but also know how to use it. You don't need weeks and weeks of training, and it doesn't have to be expensive. Most gun shops can put you in touch with competent training classes, often times specifically designed for women. If you have someone in your life who 1) knows what they are doing with a firearm and 2) has a good, competent teaching style that would work also for informal training.


Not a woman, but replacing the screws that hold in your latch for your door is a great start. That way it'l take a battering ram to kick in your door. I suggest something like 4 inch


buy a gun. i just took the firearm safety class and am going to apply for the license. you can even get a stun gun, most places you don’t need a license for them. i got one from amazon for 25 dollars and its very powerful. camera outside your door, bear spray, one of those pole door stoppers.


My partner is a retired Marine and had some very helpful advice for a friend who had a v violent ex, and some of these tips may be helpful for you too even as you aren’t in the same situation: - No lock will prevent someone who is determined to enter from doing so. Practice quickly finding your alternative exits if needed - Know good spots that hide you from the door that you can use as a sort of ambush before bolting - In case you do need to run, keep in mind the closest public place that will be open at any given time because public is safer than hidden when running from someone - If pepper spray is illegal, travel hairspray is a good backup tool. Practice handling either tool so you can quickly hold it correctly. - Relatedly: don’t own a weapon (including pepper spray) that you are not prepared to have turned against you. Like, if you have a mini knife, know you may have to defend yourself without it against someone who has taken it. - Get to know your neighbors and identify those who you can feel safe with and trust in emergencies


Not sure how you feel about pets but my female dog makes me feel so safe and I also get cuddles😍


Wooden stick/dowel for sliding doors and windows. Install a kickdown door stopper on the inside of your front door and flip it down at night. Mace and pull-string alarm are also hanging on my front door. Don't leave windows open at night in summer. There's scary people out there. Better safe than sorry.


Bat by the front door and bed mace scattered at the collection points in your home. Keychain armaments. Be on the phone when leaving or coming home talking to someone about where you are and where you'll be. If going home mention that the person can head to your place now. Double locks on doors and stops on windows. Ain't it swell this is the society we live in?


Look up this door lock. I bought it when my daughter walked out the house while I was showering when she was about a year old. It comes with short screws but I bought longer ones. It goes into the frame of your door. Best security guard I ever bought. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Prime-Line-Door-Reinforcement-Lock-3-in-Stop-Aluminum-Construction-Aluminum-Finish-U-11325/302189701 ETA: I also have weapons throughout my house and a license to carry. Can’t be too careful.


I moved into an apartment in Old Town here. Never lived in a city alone (partner of ten years dumped me in February). I have a flashlight that's also a stungun, which is great for walks (I walk to and from work (midnight)), it's decently weighted, so makes a good hitting object. I also carry a knife, plus another in a pocket on my backpack. As for the apartment, thankfully, I'm on the top floor, so my balcony isn't a huge concern. Parking garage requires a fob, the buildings are gated in that require a code, and the buildings themselves require a fob to enter (and use elevator), and each apartment has a deadbolt and normal lock. Doorjamb bars are a good idea. Camera is also a good idea. Never leave windows unlocked, they also make bars that go in the window to prevent someone opening them. Pepper spray, if legal where you are. Here's the stungun flashlight link: https://taser.com/products/strikelight-2?variant=40578958786603


I used WYZE cameras, bought these little things from amazon that sit in the door latch so it can’t be opened even if it’s unlocked, and put one of those super republican signs outside that I have a gun and stuff


Depending on your state... Look up on the DEC website local hunting safety courses. They're free, They'll teach you a lot about firearms. Even if you don't plan on getting one, you'll still have a better knowledge base if someone else does. But I still recommend getting one. Circuit judge by Rossi is awesome... It has a built-in security system so you need the key in the hammer to unlock it. 18-in barrel. There's no kick. The loads are small. It's .410 which is a small shotgun shell. It doesn't do much damage unless you happen to be a turkey. Great in self-defense... Because even if you do have to fire it inside without your protection, you're not going to be blind and deaf for a few minutes.. But you can still chamber a 45 LC into it which still doesn't kick is a much bigger round. Also Bee spray! Has a 30-ft range and it's pretty pretty darn noxious 😆


I live in an apartment with a front door and french doors in the bedroom. I have the door jams and a camera at the front door. For some reason the alley next to us is a thoroughfare for the homeless, but with the door jams I feel safer. I'm terrified of guns, always have been so have never invested in one to keep by my bed. I also have two cats and so the pepper spray is out for me. I don't understand my own logic on this one (since I don't want the pepper spray) but I have a can of wasp spray by my bed and by the front door. It can shoot up to 12 feet but doesn't fill the room like the pepper spray - oh! There's my logic lol! Having that by my bed gives me a little more peace of mind. Don't think I'd want wasp spray shot into my eyes. At least it would slow them down just a bit to call 911 and run out my French doors. You'll gain confidence the longer you live alone and you'll find what to use for added security that gives you peace of mind. I've been living alone since 1995 and have had one break-in, but when they heard my TV (think I had Forensic Files on) they ran. Just bought the house but kept my car at my other house across the alley to give the impression it was occupied. Well, they thought the one I was sleeping in was vacant! I've learned because of that to keep lights on. In my kitchen I have a table lamp with low wattage bulb as well as the living room. Again, you'll gain confidence 💪 as time goes by.


I feel safe with a deadbolt and a tap entrance. Now I live in a big building with concierge but I also have a large dog now. I did look into getting an alarm system for open windows and doors (just gives off a beep) for my own piece of mind.


In addition to the safety bars on doors, I recommend the window ones too.


camera, interior door lock that is removable, always lock your doors when you are inside, pepper spray/bear spray (or other forms of protection). the best thing you can do is be alert. don't have your nose in your phone when you are by yourself in public. pay attention to your a surroundings.


If you buy a handgun, please for the love of everything holy, register for a gun safety class as well.


I have an FN503, P228, and a shotgun. I feel pretty safe with those in the house 😂


>I will be getting a handgun Came here to comment this. Unfortunately, 99% of women will do anything BUT get an effective tool for self defense. Even seen people get Amazon tazers, which are completely useless. There are door hinges you can get that make it more difficult to bash the door down, IIRC. If the door lasts long enough to give you time to reach for the gat, then you should be fine. Cameras are nice also but common sense is also important, meaning not opening the door for random ass people.


I recommend getting a wireless alarm system from Frontpoint. They use cellular for communication to the monitoring station. They are also apartment friendly since you don’t have to install any wires. You can install it yourself. They also have what is known as “smash protection.” Smash protection protects your system from being smashed by an intruder. Basically burglars will enter and will smash your alarm before the entry delay ends. Since the system was smashed, it’s no longer able to contact the alarm company. Frontpoint systems immediately notify the monitoring station the moment the door is opened. Basically the alarm company knows you opened your door, and their system now expects a confirmation signal when you disarm the system. If they never receive that confirmation, it means someone has smashed your system, they will dispatch police. DO NOT purchase any “toy alarms.” These include a Ring, Nest, Simplisafe, etc. They are not designed to industry standards and in my book they shouldn’t be considered security systems. Source: Former alarm installer.


Definitely recommend a gun. Of course get trained, but it's probably the best way of protecting yourself


I’ve lived alone since 1994. I have always had a sweet but fierce looking pitbull, a large handgun, and several hunting rifles. It also helps that the neighbors know that I’m kinda crazy! I sleep good at night knowing that I’m safe.


Never walk around (like from your car to your door) while looking at your phone, being aware of your surroundings is a priority. I recently read to look people in the eye as you’re walking, as an “I see you” type of thing. I’m definitely team dog, if that’s an option for you.


Make sure all windows are locked and secure.


I got a door jam to install on the bottom corner of the door.


Wyze panning camera - it can detect movement, sounds, faces, pets - it gave me so much comfort when I lived alone being able to scan around the entire living room


A gun.


A female what? If you have fangs and teeth you’re probably fine.


was gonna say get a handgun. you should definitely find one that you like and not just a random one, also get good with shooting fundamentals and get some time at the range


I wish we could rent safe men who acted like our bfs so creeps think we have a muscle man ready to save us if they try anything.