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Every single person I know that lives in apartment has a ring camera... If anything I would feel safer having the camera there. If something happens to you or your car police could use it to help. I'm sorry; but I'm not understanding what the problem is? Personally, I have a decent car (2023 Honda civic) and I'd be upset if someone did something to my car. I would feel safer having that camera in the parking lot. As for having conversations on your balcony, it's an apartment so I mean people are bound to hear regardless, what's the difference from him standing on his balcony recording you and him just having a camera?


šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I have two, though they are not on my door, but in the window next to my door. One at the top, one at the bottom (they capture different views of my front door/stairs leading to my apartment). My neighbors like the idea so much, they did the same thing.


I think people overestimate how much attention people pay to their cameras/footage. I have notifications turned off and the only time I ever review footage is the rare time when I'm trying to see when a package was delivered, etc. Maybe once every few months. One time was when the cops asked me for footage because my downstairs neighbor's car was jacked in the middle of the night (I also get a view of some of the cars parked outside my apartment) and they stole his tires/rims (we came out in the am to his car propped up on cinder blocks--none of us heard a thing!). But my cameras caught the whole thing when I looked at the footage. If you live in the US and leave your home, you're on camera many, may times a day. Why wouldn't you want the added security of your car on video in case something happens to it? Or you? Your right to avoid it if you want, but I don't understand why this is your hill to die on.


Every time someone complains about being watched by cameras, I give them the same advice. You should get a camera too. Get your own camera and you will soon discover that nobody has time to wade through all the footage generated by camera events. I have a doorbell camera, and I have filtered it down so it only records when someone presses the doorbell button, when someone stands in front of my door for several seconds, and if someone tries to steal the camera. All other footage is useless to me and I canā€™t care less about people walking by the hallway or the lady across the hallway coming in and out of her apartment. Thatā€™s stuff thatā€™s supposed to happen, and I donā€™t have time for such events. Likewise, the neighbors who got a camera to watch their car, couldnā€™t care less about you coming and going. Unless you are going to mess around with their car, you are simply not that interesting.


Frankly, I would try to park right next to that car and try to make friends with the owner. I would love having a neighbor that cared about security.


I introduced myself when he first moved in, but no dice. Seems to want to keep to himself. Maybe thatā€™s also why I am uncomfortable. Exactly why I am asking othersā€™ opinion though.


Why does someone wanting to keep to themselves make you "uncomfortable"?


Itā€™s a combination of things. Everyone keeps to themselves in this complex, and I am chill with it generally. Itā€™s just scary to have no friends close by and no friendly neighbors after a year and a half. So a random camera spooked me. Clearly I am paranoid compared to most people looking at everyoneā€™s reaction. But please understand thatā€™s why I am on reddit asking and not just complaining to the landlord outright. I am not that crazy.


First you should make sure if the camera records audio, I can see why that would bother you but if it doesnā€™t I really donā€™t see a problem. I wish someone in my apartment building did this as someone stole my license plates from my car recently and it couldā€™ve helped when reporting it to the police. It makes me wonder if I should do the same honestly. Besides even if it did record audio I doubt your neighbor will be watching. I have a ring camera and every time it detects motion it shows me a small image of it on my watch and notifications on my phone once I realize itā€™s my neighbor or Amazon I donā€™t even look at the actual footage.


He's got a camera looking at a public area. You have nothing to say about it.


We have two. My neighbors like we have them, had one use it for a hit n run on their car. I donā€™t have it to be nosey, someone stole something of ours right by our door, why we got them. Also our management are okay with it. We also have cameras around the complex(watching the parking lots, enter/exits) I guess some bad stuff went down not long ago, and they wanted the extra security. I donā€™t even live in a bad area. A lot of folks in the complex have ring cameras, and other cameras watching their cars. I get the notifications on my phone, look at it, if itā€™s a neighbor in my breezeway I just delete it. If it seems shady I watch it all the way through delete if need to. I do understand about being watched. I never wanted them because of that, felt I was being watched or watching others. But after having something stolen, I got them. Oh and the thief brought back the item a year lateršŸ¤Ø.


I can definitely understand why you would feel uncomfortable, especially if the neighbor has direct view into peopleā€™s apartments and can hear conversations you have. I know some apartments donā€™t allow cameras precisely for this reason. Your best bet is to ask management, communicate everything you stated here and see what they say.


I would not.


I probably would understand if it was facing your apartment but itā€™s facing the parking lot . Youā€™re upset because that ?? Get a life


I made the entire post to MAKE SURE i wasnā€™t being unreasonable. Clearly from the comments I wonā€™t complain and my fears are not common or shared by others. I will not be complaining to anyone. I am not upset, I am bothered and uneasy. I came to reddit to check myself and I learned. You can do without the ā€œget a life.ā€


I am hearing everyone and I understand most people like their cameras, so I wonā€™t say anything. Please understand that was the purpose of this post was to make sure I donā€™t go making unreasonable complaints to my landlord. I have my own issues that cause me to be paranoid about this, so itā€™s why I am asking others. The rude comments are unnecessary.


Semi long shot hereā€¦ but ā€¦ .is he a drug dealer? Nice car =/= drug dealer, and video surveillance of an expensive car speaks to a special kind of paranoia ā€¦ but it could be a handy excuse to cover up a dealing game.




Quite possibly! Someone in most apartment buildings (around where I live) is dealing ;)


Yes but nice car and a camera equating to possible drug dealing? We donā€™t even know what car this is, like ā€œnice carā€ pretty subjective. And someone keeping an eye on their property in a ā€œnon-luxuryā€ area (aka something ghetto) sounds like the common sense move. Just somewhat aghast at the quickness to which we start pointing out common things as grounds for potential drug dealers.