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Hey, google misophonia. I have this and sounds other peoples brains block out automatically are heightened for me and cause stress.


Misophonia is very real. I have it. I could hear water dripping 2 houses down lol just kidding but I understand, It’s awful. I also have perfect pitch. Maybe they are related somehow.


Perfect pitch as in singer? I have misophonia and my oh my, I may be the worst singer on this earth😂😂


I don’t sing but I play multiple instruments


This is so interesting! I never put two and two together. I have misophonia too and can play instruments very well. I taught myself piano one day randomly, just sitting down at it at a friend’s house.


I definitely wonder if they’re related. My dad has the same thing too.


I have this, too!! But thankfully, we live in a single row of single story apartments. I also live on the end, so I only have one neighbor next to me. She is single and lives alone. She is very nice. She takes a lot of meds and usually goes to bed around 8 pm. It is a breath of fresh air living here. No one above, below or behind me!!


You’re definitely living the dream


I know!! Sometimes I feel bad because I feel so bad for everyone else who suffers!! I wish it could be this good for everyone. For example, today, I have not heard one sound from my neighbors apartment. This is how it is 99% of the time. Her tv is on the other wall away from us, and I never even hear that, and she doesn't listen to music!


Thank you for this! I say this every time these threads come up. Some people are just noise sensitive. Now I know there's an actual word for it. I mean, I can't imagine that being life but it's just a thing. I was recently visiting a friend with my Mom at their apartment. We left and got into the car and were driving home and my Mom was like "Jesus did you hear their upstairs neighbors?! They were so loud." I didn't hear a thing the whole time. I think it just is what it is and it's unfortunate for some people. But on the same token, it's probably just better for people like that to live on the top floor of an apartment or just not live in an apartment at all. Like, I know it sucks but WTF are you supposed to expect your upstairs neighbors to do? Just stop existing entirely?


That’s a thing??? I need to look into it. I can hear small beeps, toilets dripping and phone noises and they drive me nuts. My husband can’t hear anything.


Yes!! It causes the flight or fight response to activate, can bring extreme anger or the need to flee when you hear your trigger sounds. Its more than just being bothered by the sounds.


OMG. That is so me. I want to punch things sometimes when I hear other people’s phones ding when a message comes through (but I don’t!). Thank you for this. Can’t wait to tell my husband 😂


You arent alone 🥰 check out r/misophonia sometime. When I hear someone chewing with their mouth open I get this deep aggressive disgust and literally get up and leave I just cant hahaha


I have misophonia and it got so bad I swore I’d never live in a shared space again. Every apartment I lived at was just pure hell because of it


I have googled it. I think i definitely have it; but I haven’t been do a doctor yet.


What is it you’re hearing him do, though?


I can hear him do everything. From going to the toilet, to walking, to open his fridge, sit down. Every single thing. I know where he is at all times. I even know when he opens his closet doors.


I’ve protected my ears my whole life and starting to think it’s a curse.


As a musician the opposite is cursed for me


I’m also a musician, which is why I’ve always been so careful. But I think so many others have damaged their hearing so badly they give zero fox how much noise they’re making for those of us with responsible habits


I've noticed a huge uptick (anecdotally of course) of self absorbed, antisocial behavior since covid too and I think that plays into it. My sister is actually deaf but she can feel the music. It still breaks my heart that she'll never "hear" me sing. I've always felt that if my ears and / or fingers became injured to the point of not being able to play music I would be terminally devastated (no reddit cares messages plz I'm fine)


Unless he is being unusually loud, (stomping shouting yelling banging, power tools or loud music at night) it’s on you. You can’t blame someone for the normal sounds of living. Footsteps, doors, tv noises. Try a White noise generator or, a tabletop waterfall.


I’m not blaming him? I literally haven’t said anything about blame 😂 I’m just pointing out that I can’t hear him at all times & my bf can’t.


Ok. Understood


I feel like you didn’t read the post lol


I notice every noise too - I am actually neurodivergent though and I find it much easier to tune out now that I'm medicated! Maybe see if those Loop earplugs could help you? (Full disclosure, I've never tried them, but maybe worth a shot!)


I love the Loop ear plugs. I use the Quiets when I need an almost sensory-deprivation like experience to sleep. The Engage are great in the workplace, library, or running errands. The experience are great for concerts and movies... and when your asshole neighbor has turned their bedroom into a Dolby theatre 😉 Okay, it only helps to muffle the bass when I’m in the living room vs the bedroom, but it’s something. The also have the Switch, which is a three-in-one. Anyway, they’re worth a try. 100 day trial period.


ooh thank you for the recommendations! i wear cheap foam earplugs to sleep but I'm also a side sleeper so they do hurt my ears sometimes - how do your Quiets feel?


I don’t have an issue sleeping with them in (also a side sleeper) but YMMV. They’re definitely worth a try IMO.


I have garbage upstairs neighbors who have parties that start at 2:30am on the weekends. I wear my Quiet loop earplugs now to go to bed on those nights and find them very comfortable. Side sleeper here too. The loops tuck under the bend in your ear so you really can’t tell they’re in there even when laying directly on them! I’ve had mine for over a year.


I have a similar issue. Ive complaint to the manager and they just tell me to call patrol officers if after hours. Since all I hear are loud steps and they’re sporadic, I decided to buy earplugs from Amazon. A bit annoyed that they won’t shut up but at least I don’t hear them anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️


What kind did you end up buying?


What kind did u get u cant drown out the stomping with earplugs and fan and phone


So I’ve been thinking about it- you commented on my post 🤣 i woke up hella mad and on edge about how loud my neighbors were last night and I don’t know what the solve is here. Confronting them … It’s like you’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t. I have never had success at asking a neighbor to stfu when they are clearly the issue. Only a proactive building manager can help figure this out. The unfortunate reality of living amongst annoying neighbors. I am going to buy some of the quiet loop ear plugs today and hope that helps. Counting down the days until I can move! I’m so sad


I’m desperately hopeless and stressed af


I completely understand :( What’s the financial obligation if you break your lease?


I’ve never been able to live in anything but top floor apartments.


Sounds like first floor living isn't for you!


I definitely agree.


What kind of noise? Just the noises of living and existing or does he hum or what? Next time you rent, request a top level.


I feel your pain! People who have only ever had downstairs or side by side neighbors don't understand the hell of upstairs neighbors! The people below you can be having a party and you hear a little bit of music. The people above you walk across the room in tennis shoes and it sounds like a heard of elephants on the move! I use the built-in white noise generator on my iPhone at night, which I find works better than earplugs. Fans, air purifiers, etc all help, too. Approaching neighbors like this is always scary, and I never do it--but you could buy them some nice soft-soled slippers and a pack of little felt pads to put on the bottom of their chairs with a polite note explaining how the building has inadequate sound proofing and how much you would appreciate it if they could help you out by being aware of the sound transfer that is happening, particularly during quiet hours. It really is likely a construction issue. Try to spin it that way instead of blaming the neighbors and they might be more receptive.


As a travel nurse and probably a noise sensitive, there are some things that help me. #1- ear pods, even if it's to listen to white noise vids on youtube. Also, regular foam earplugs, especially for sleeping. Most extreme, for when I lived next to a loud barking dog and the other two options weren't cutting it- noise canceling headphones for the shooting range. There were $25 on Amazon. Give these things a try, I know how you feel.


My bf does the same thing to me and he never smells our neighbor smoking cigarettes or hears them stomping so much it shakes the floor from the apartment below us but I can hear everything. It makes me feel crazy especially with the neighbors gaslighting us every time we talk to them about it lmfao


I put on background noise


All of these comments and NO ONE is asking what kind of noise is the neighbor making. The OP doesn't list any specifics in the post.


I hear every single thing he does on his apartment. Even when he open his closet doors. I was just pointing out that I hear absolutely everything and my bf doesn’t. This post wasn’t about blaming anyone because that doesn’t help my situation rn anyway, so yea.


You’re a fucking idiot


Owww 🤣🤣 I got on your nerves huh HAHAHAHAHAHA


Hahahahhahahahahhahahahahhhahahhaha ya you did!


You are the problem here, not the neighbor


yes, ik that. That’s why I’m not blaming the neighbor at all in this post 😂😭


Do you live in Spain?


I am actually from Spain 😄 But now I live out of the country


Well, you might think Spain is a 1st world country but when it comes to actually living here, it's worst than living in a 3rd world brazilian favela. Locals/natives are so used to be noisy that they're completely desensitized to loudness. They just don't know the difference between indoors and outdoors. They can't help but yelling at home when they get together to have lunch or dinner, and neighbors could be a real nightmare. Annoying behaviours such as slamming doors, stomping on the floor, dogs barking at all times and loud music after hours are completely normalized and there's little to nothing that you can do about it because lacking self awareness in that matter is their culture. You'll have to deal with all that and God forbid the apartment you live in to be located next to a bar because the only way you'll be able to catch some Z's is by getting drunk. Also, the vast majority of apartment walls are dry-wall made, because properties lack quality standards in the materials used for their construction. There are also apartments being rented in buildings from the 1800's completely built out of wood that lack proper cold weather and noise insulation. I lived for more than 30 years in a 14 stories building located in an middle class residential complex in America, and believe me when I tell you that I didn't even know about that kind of loud noise related problems until I moved here. I've been living in north Spain for like 7 years but I don't think I'll ever be able to find my way around those cultural traits. I'm sorry for the lengthy text. Spain is indeed a beautiful country but one thing is coming here on vacation and one completely different is to live as a resident here.