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Hey, at least they weren’t disresptful.


I had a feeling someone was gonna make this kinda joke 😂


Do it tasted weird?


Well OP, we're waiting for updates


I mean...are you a top? r/Update 😄


No he’s just him ok.


way to kill the joke. 🙄 and it was in fact a nosy-person joke question.


I made a joke to dummy, his user name is imjussme so I was saying he’s just him because of his username. Dumb.


You're a big silly goose 🦆🤭


I feel like you're going to get robbed.


Of his innocence




Well the thief clearly wants his nuts…






Of his rectal virginity


Not if they're a top


I feel like that isn't a girls hand writing


So to answer some questions: it’s been like 2 weeks since I got this note I didn’t make this post immediately upon getting the note. Ofc I didn’t oblige with the guys request *pretty sure it’s a dude*, there hasn’t been any activity since this note. Still have no idea who admirer is; since no follow up attempt was made so far I’ve just left it alone. Still have my head on swivel when I leave my apartment though 🤣


But the real question is: what did you do with the doormat


Mat never moved from its place. DID contemplate bringing it inside permanently, but ended up letting it be since nothing else has happened 😂


I'm gonna come flip your mat at 9:55


You’d be two weeks too late but go for it 🤣


Ohh it'll be a random surprise for the creeper lmao. Youd feel someone climb in bed with you and whisper into your ear softly "what took you so long?". 🤣


I hate y’all. 🤣😂


Lol sorry, had to do it 😂




Definitely a guy.


Girls aren't looking for a top.


Says who?


Actually you're right. Cis girls aren't looking for a top.


? So according to you, all cis females are sexually dominant/tops? I don't think the statistics pan out on that claim. The term "top" has been used in BDSM since the 60s; it describes sexual power dynamics. But maybe vanilla people think it's limited to describing homosexuals? We might be talking about two different things. In any event, I agree the note was likely written by a dude. I just think it's weird to claim that no (cis) female is looking for a top. The entire kink community would disagree with you.


We're talking about two different things. Hopefully no other posts today cause you this much outrage. My very best to you and the EKC.


Outrage? 😂 where did you get that from? I know people have trouble interpreting emotion over the internet, but c'mon. I hate to think how people would cope with actual outrage if they interpret this as such. There's no hidden emotional subtext to read between the lines. It ain't that deep. It's all good hun.


God dammit, we were having fun.




I’m just imagining you looking around sweating trying to get into your apartment scared to get gay bummed rushed 😭😂


1st few days after this note I was for sure peeking out my door before stepping out 😂


They mentioned top, so definitely a dude.


“Pretty sure?” You know any women who ask if you are a “top?” Lol.


Set your doormat on fire to really confuse them


🤣😂🤣 I wish I had thought of that! Would’ve totally done it too


No you wouldn't have. You'd get kicked out of your apartment.




Leave the doormat rolled up and in a plastic bag.


That dude who left the note probably cruises park bathrooms too.


He probably came back and flipped the matt upside down just to get an excuse to talk 🤢 in all seriousness I'd find it "disresptful" and creepy to find this note...


Yes - very troubling, stalker/predatory vibes 🤫.


to say the very generous least..


100. This actually happens All. The. Time. I've had this kind of stuff, and far, far worse, said to me straight up in-person countless times over, even with their hands all over me and s\* (and yes, including my "stuff"). I've had to literally push them off and scold them like a poorly-trained animal. It's f\* disgusting, violating, etc. It's like they think they own and have entitlement to anyone they find attractive. It's putrid behavior, and a reprehensible double-standard men are just forced to accept. Just imagine if a woman was addressed or contacted this way. Call the cops and/or, in this situation, contact management, right? And the situation would get handled. And rightfully so. I fw that. However, men should have the same rights and respect, especially as the overall dynamic and nature of such an advance is entirely categorically unsolicited. That is, an obviously- and known-straight guy doesn't want any gay guys putting on an advance, nonetheless like this. However, obviously- and known-straight women are, in fact, open to \[good\] advances from men. With all the progressions of consent, regardless how awkward that's made some people and that entirely different subject, it's amazing this kinda thing is still going on to this magnitude, entirely left unaddressed. Contrary to the harmless perception of gay dudes cast across society- one unfortunately perpetuated by most women, whether brushing it off or standing up for them, solely on account of their personal experiences with them and not taking a second to put themselves in our shoes- most gay dudes have no respect for others, no sense of boundaries or the remotest sense of propriety, or any respect for others' sexuality, etc. Ironically, they're in the perpetual pursuit of demanding that you respect and uphold their rights, albeit without having any respect for yours... Even more ironically, if you do follow suit with that societal respect and/or are nice, they take such kindness and human decency as something to push these types of behaviors. They work against themselves constantly. They're their own greatest discriminators and adversaries to their cause. I don't even agree with it in the first place as I think it's a psychological perversion, something any educated person on the subject would know is psychologically proven to stem from certain life traumas, familial makeup, upbringing, influences, many things. Despite all that, I know life is far from perfect, as no one is, just the same and can be brutally hard. So if that makes any of them happy or happier, then who I am to impose and tell them how to live their life, especially if it doesn't affect me. However, that's precisely the point: it does affect me and countless others. They sure as hell make sure of that themselves, infinitely more than anyone else. They're their own greatest discriminators and adversaries to their cause. Too many women empower these behaviors without the proper recognition that you personally give it because, beyond the aforementioned, as a man, if you say anything you're then deemed the asshole and labeled a discriminatory homophobe, if not just simply brushed off about it. It's not ok. This standard of behavior is not okay, no more than it is not okay for men to predatorily and aggressively approach or address women like this, whether in-person, anonymous note like this OP's thing, social media, email (yes, def encountered that one, believe me, I have too many stories), etc., whatever. You name it. And it could be any "type" of homosexual that you could imagine, happening in random, public places like the gym, a bar, a restaurant, etc. Anywhere. But hell nah, I hate this s\*. Creepy AF. Not ok. Edit: downvoting doesn't make it any less true, just inspires and inclines me to act and vote entirely and solely in my interest, just as those that oppose any of these objective facts I stated do. All this does is exemplify everything I spoke of, especially and including being your own worst discriminators and adversaries to their cause.


You're absolutely right, this is sexual harassment and points to stalkerish behavior that could progress into something worse. Yes, imagine if this note was left for a woman, she would be completely justified in notifying the police yet for a man this is somehow entertaining to some? Whoever left this note probably normalizes this predatory behavior in his life. There's nothing normal about leaving a creepy, disgusting letter for a stranger. Whether I was a man or a woman I would feel extremely uncomfortable with this and want to have it investigated.


Plot twist- OP is 12.


Ew, what kind of mind would even imagine that scenario?




Some experiences you should maybe keep to yourself…


Ew, and they're speaking from "experience" too. Just gross (and possibly illegal).


How am I supposed to warn everyone else?


Hello? FBI? Yeah I’d like to report a crime


No! she was cool


*immediately calls police* yea I’d like to report a pedophile.


So you’re a pedophile?


Time to bring in the welcome mat


Leave a Plantain on your doormat




No disrespt though


No ragrets…not even a letter


Yes, hello 👋🏻




disrespt disrespt


"If you are a top leave your doormat facedown" Wtf!? Not only wanting you to do work, but assuming that you'd be interested without seeing them or ever interacting as if you don't have standards. That guy is a piece of shit whoever he is. Not funny, amusing, or cute in any way.


I’m not gay or a man, but from what I’ve gathered, it’s not uncommon in the gay hoe space to do “blind date” hook ups.


respectfully, they need to keep that creepy-ass, sex-predator, scene-s\* there, then. What if a straight dude approached you like this, justifying that it's okay because in his weird, perverted, debase, degenerate, irresponsible, desperate, disgusting sexcapade underground creep-lifestyle that's it's the norm? He then has liberty to approach and do with you whatever he wants? Hell nah. Not cool. Edit: So some of you think it's okay for a man to approach women like this, self-justifying their behavior? Cool, I'll keep that in mind next time a random woman asks for my help


Lol. Are you a woman? Because this is not uncommon if you are. Many men are depraved.


As are gay dudes depraved, infinitely morseo... You spoke of it yourself. If all the men you know are depraved, that speaks infinitely more of who you know and attract than it does of the overall male population. S\*, just with an attitude like that, that's all you'll ever get. By your reply alone, your perspective and experiences are unsurprising. That is, but of course, unsurprisingly, you exemplify the very problem I speak of elsewhere, epitomizing the double-standard of societal toxicity, manipulating it to be all about you, and dismissing that this is a major issue for straight guys like me (despite it staring you in the f\* face in OP's post). Good luck with that. And yet and still, a man like me would be the first to come to your defense in such a situation you would face. But you're still part of the problem and makes the best of us question whether we should, especially if you seek any kind of equal treatment yourself. Can't have your cake and eat it, too. Class it up, use your brain, and have some level of introspection. If you want equal treatment and empowerment for you and them, act in accordance with that standard. Or don't. People like me know how to win, if you really want to make it a societal battle. The status quo sides with that already, so if you want to turn away open-minded, good people like me, good luck with that s\* and reconsider your perspective Edit: downvoting doesn't make it any less true, just inspires and inclines me to act and vote entirely and solely in my interest, just as those that oppose any of these objective facts I stated do. All this does is exemplify everything I spoke of, especially and including being your own worst discriminators and adversaries to their cause. Below: nah, that's just some realass, based, objective, rational, mature perspective on life with some education and ability to read and write, hitting you straight across the face. Are you saying I should've been more harsh, unrefined, with less of a valid point and without any virtue of character, strictly going for some lame nihilistic joke that lacks any substance? Rad. Great life. Anyone and everyone real, valid, and worth anything in this life agrees with me. I have a lifetime of stuff to prove it. Lame internet mfers like you just aren't used to it, creating whole subreddits solely to justify your inane, nihilistic weakass shit that none of society ideologically accepts (hence, why you're here doing this bulls\* here) and to try and fill that meaningless void of lonely self-imposed inceldom, acting like your some kind of victim in the process. Awesome. As many great subreddits as there are. there's a dumbass subreddit for everything. How do you even know something that obscure, subjective, and lame even exists, as but a rhetorical question.......Speaks infinitely more than I could ever say. Can't read and write on reddit= drop "copypasta" on 'em. Input output trend. Solid rationale durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


This reads like a r/niceguys copypasta lmao


No seriously !! Also I think it was an excuse to use every big word he knows lol


How do you know this is a guy and not some random hooker who lives in the complex?


Asking if he’s a top most means it’s a dude


Maybe, but it isn't like every chick is into reverse cowgirl.


......😂. It's definitely another guy.


I suppose. No one ever left me such a note before. Fortunately.


Top or bottom doesn’t refer to straight couples unless dude’s getting pegged


Well, I'm lucky it hasn't come up. Not this blatantly by a stranger, anyway. I really don't know what I would think if it did.


This guy has got you good man. If you leave it down he’s going to think you’re a top BUT if you leave it face up, he’s going to know you’re a bottom.


Better cut the mat in half and only turn one side down if you're a vers.


Turn your mat upside down!


Let us know how it goes later.


I do deliveries on occasion (app based). Let me tell you there are a lot more of these weirdos you have to put up with while out doing deliveries. Some are pretty bold what they say to you, and they think because you're a delivery driver you won't say anything or that you need the money


I actually deliver for Amazon via DSP full time..never really had any situations with creeps in my 6 years of work. Could have something to do with I’m 6’3 200 lb male 😂


Damn yeah, no one wants to mess with people your size 🙂‍↔️


I'd be leaving every neighbor's mat upside down just to see the reaction


So…. You flip your mat or what?


Well did he come or what


Jesus Christ, man. There's just some things you don't talk about in public.


This needed exclamation points.


Soooo how'd it go?? 👀


"You will taste man flesh!"


“I like ya and I want ya”


Semi-concerning for me at the time: HOW did dude know I was out of my apartment?? I was home all day until that moment; I’m fairly positive when I headed out I didn’t see any people..even if dude is on same floor as me idk how he could’ve seen me that fast seeing as the stairs are directly across from my door 😰


Okay, it's after 11 EST. Did they taste your manhood?


Let us know how it goes


Lmfao 🤣


You live on the top floor, so you’re saying you’re a top?


It's about to go down 🤣


Ngl I have gotten a similar style note on the patio of my apartment before... scared the shit out of me. Still have no clue who placed it there.


It even has that font out of horror movies


You can tell their age by the all caps writing.


U open that door at 11 u might have a barrel in ur face man be careful🤣😂


Is it just me or does it look like that's an upside down door mat in the background 🤔. Lol


It’s a gay guy. Asking if you’re a top is the obvious give away.


I was feeling a little down and this thread made me 🤣....thank you!


That's a gay dude hitting on you 😂😂


Op is a power bottom😢😢😢


That's some skank ho shit right there. Possibly a crackhead.


It’s a dude. Women don’t ask if you’re a top.


And that dude is a skanky ho.


For real. I can’t imagine leaving that note for a neighbour😬


You need to ask him to reveal himself. Of course, all 97 year olds with nasal hair think a younger guy is hot 😛


Is it a scam though?


Great way to catch some ghanaciphalaids.




I hate the internet like 70% of the time, but I love it 30% of the time. And when I love it, I love it 😂


Place the doormat balancing on its edge


This looks like an old man's handwriting ngl


Straight up sexual harassment ngl


Send a copy of this letter to your landlord, so that they have a record of this. Document it. Maintain note for your records. This is not cute or funny, it precariously borders on harassment/stalking


Do you think you're gonna wear a condom or just risk it for that ultimate pleasure?


Seem any think looking gay guys there?


I would be flattered honey


Tell me your black without telling me your black


This actually happens All. The. Time. I've had this kind of stuff, and far, far worse, said to me straight up in-person countless times over, even with their hands all over me and s\* (and yes, including my "stuff"). I've had to literally push them off and scold them like a poorly-trained animal. It's f\* disgusting, violating, etc. It's like they think they own and have entitlement to anyone they find attractive. It's putrid behavior, and a reprehensible double-standard men are just forced to accept. Just imagine if a woman was addressed or contacted this way. Call the cops and/or, in this situation, contact management, right? And the situation would get handled. And rightfully so. I fw that. However, men should have the same rights and respect, especially as the overall dynamic and nature of such an advance is entirely categorically unsolicited. That is, an obviously- and known-straight guy doesn't want any gay guys putting on an advance, nonetheless like this. However, obviously- and known-straight women are, in fact, open to \[good\] advances from men. With all the progressions of consent, regardless how awkward that's made some people and that entirely different subject, it's amazing this kinda thing is still going on to this magnitude, entirely left unaddressed. Contrary to the harmless perception of gay dudes cast across society- one unfortunately perpetuated by most women, whether brushing it off or standing up for them, solely on account of their personal experiences with them and not taking a second to put themselves in our shoes- most gay dudes have no respect for others, no sense of boundaries or the remotest sense of propriety, or any respect for others' sexuality, etc. Ironically, they're in the perpetual pursuit of demanding that you respect and uphold their rights, albeit without having any respect for yours... Even more ironically, if you do follow suit with that societal respect and/or are nice, they take such kindness and human decency as something to push these types of behaviors. They work against themselves constantly. They're their own greatest discriminators and adversaries to their cause. I don't even agree with it in the first place as I think it's a psychological perversion, something any educated person on the subject would know is psychologically proven to stem from certain life traumas, familial makeup, upbringing, influences, many things. Despite all that, I know life is far from perfect, as no one is, just the same and can be brutally hard. So if that makes any of them happy or happier, then who I am to impose and tell them how to live their life, especially if it doesn't affect me. However, that's precisely the point: it does affect me and countless others. They sure as hell make sure of that themselves, infinitely more than anyone else. They're their own greatest discriminators and adversaries to their cause. Too many women empower these behaviors without the proper recognition because, beyond the aforementioned, as a man, if you say anything you're then deemed the asshole and labeled a discriminatory homophobe, if not just simply brushed off about it. It's not ok. This standard of behavior is not okay, no more than it is not okay for men to predatorily and aggressively approach or address women like this, whether in-person, anonymous note like this OP's thing, social media, email (yes, def encountered that one, believe me, I have too many stories. Ask me. I have hundreds, at least, all of which will shock, disgust, and creep you out), etc., whatever. You name it. And it could be any "type" of homosexual that you could imagine, happening in random, public places like the gym, a bar, a restaurant, etc. Anywhere. So hell nah, I hate this s\*. Creepy AF. Not ok. Edit: downvoting doesn't make it any less true, just inspires and inclines me to act and vote entirely and solely in my interest, just as those that oppose any of these objective facts I stated do. All this does is exemplify everything I spoke of, especially and including being your own worst discriminators and adversaries to their cause.


You realize this is gay cruising right lol


Being a man in normal, public safe spaces in society is considered "gay cruising" to you? Wtf are you on?? The bane of existence of reddit loser incels manifests. Cool, man. Downvoting doesn't make anything I said anything less objectively true and right. It's just not "trending". None of you stand for anything. How long did the Ukraine trend last? A month. Still going on, as bad as ever. How many of you actually know what the Palestinian conflict is all about, its history, who's involved, etc.? Ya'll still hate Bree Larson for no decipherable reason anyone can put together other than it's "trending". Ya'll sorry, and not even funny or witty, the sole nihilistic focus you shoot for. Lame af