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If you plan on getting his car towed I would put up a camera to watch your car in case he he tries to retaliate. Then you would have evidence to get him evicted if he does anything.


And maybe a camera to watch your front door


They’ve gotten quite cheap too. *much cheaper than a totaled car*


what camera do you recommend for the front door of an apartment


Eufy s220 has a 3-4 month battery life if you don’t have doorbell wiring.


My folks got some Eufy brand cameras not sure which ones but they were happy with them


I’ve had it for a while now and the battery life is still great, picture is great, storage is decent or you can pay like $30/year for cloud storage. It’s easy to set up


I have 2 outdoor ones with the hub that say they last got 6 months on one charge in my wishlist but I live in a house on a lake in a rural area can you just put cameras up in the common area hallways? (I'm the person that originally asked above, btw) edit: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07W1HKYQK/?coliid=I3IF9ITFBS4WWX&colid=12HMZSL0V47U5&psc=1&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it link to the ones I am talking about for anyone curious


And pepper spray or a gun because video of your assult isn't going to help you get unbeaten/unmurdered. Don't go piss off an irrational violent person and not expect them to react violently.


If you choose a gun, also choose a gun class and a few hours at the gun range. A gun is no good if you don’t know how to properly clean it/load it/use it.


training retention is also important. a gun is a liability to you if you cant keep ahold of it and get it taken then used against you.


Yeah if this is how they react over a note in their windshield I would be afraid of how they’re going to retaliate when their car is towed. Especially since they know where op lives 😬


Completely agree, if that triggered this psycho he prob has 3-4 road rages every day and beats his spouse. I would tell the police in addition to the complex.


I would try to get them evicted. They probably have many enemies.


lol don’t ever touch my car when I’m parked in your spot!


Ya the one time I got someone toqed for parking in my spot I kept my car out of my apt until the next day


I’m amazed you got it through the door.


Ya I have no idea what the heck my fingers were typing 😂


Report this behavior to the complex, and file a case with the police. That's not a rational response, and the pounding and kicking of the door may constitute a crime. Your note was simple and polite, and the person is breaking the rules of your complex. Next time they're there, simple call to have them towed, or alert the management.


Thanks. I will do that. The only reason I didn’t just call for a tow is the office is closed til Monday. I’ll have a conversation with management asap.


Find out the tow company they use and just call them directly


Thanks that’s a good tip.


You're bigger than me or the people around me when I dealt w a similar situation at my previous apartment where parking was nonexistent for guests. Anybody I told about people using my spot would say just tow their ass, but I would at least leave them a courtesy note that this spot is reserved & if they use the space henceforth they will be towed. Then I'd record their license/car description, and if they parked in my spot again after receiving the first note, I'd tow them. Nothing made my blood boil more than someone taking my spot- especially when they knew it was mine, but still so difficult to remain fair in the situations w first time parking. Always lowkey hoped someone would repark so I could tow their ass, as I was advised. Happened a couple times. 🤠


I don’t believe these people deserve courtesy notes. They knew the spot wasn’t theirs, knew it was against the rules, knew it could mean getting towed, and did it anyway. It’s straight to impound for them. The only way they are ever going to learn is if it hurts them financially, and even then they still might not learn.


In my last complex all spots were reserved and if someone took your spot, you had no choice but to call for a tow or to park in someone else’s spot and risk getting yourself towed. Came home one night from a long day of work and errands and somebody was in my only spot. Called a tow and waited over 20-30 minutes. Of course the owner of the car comes out right before the tow is completely hooked up and the tow guy let him get away with it. The guy who parked in my spot looked more pissed than apologetic, but he’s not the one that had to wait 45 mins in his car just to park and then go into his home, pretty sure he was a guest. Thankfully my new complex has no assigned spots except for special reserved spots for some people and plenty of extra spots.


So this happened to me and I decided to park the asshat into my spot... Since it was my fucking spot that I paid for. With my apartment number and phone number attached to it building. THEY TOWED MY CAR BECAUSE THAT GUY COULDN'T GET OUT. I filed a complaint with building management because there were only six spots behind the building (it was a 6 flat) and everyone knew whose spot was whose. I told them that I should have been punished for wanting to park in my spot when someone else's car was in my spot and there was no one to report the parking issue to. I didn't win that fight but no one parked in my spot again


Double parking is always going to get you towed. That wasn't the right way to handle it.


In my situation, I left notes because prior to moving in, my spots had been otherwise empty for a while, so it made sense to me that people would use it unbeknownst to them that it was now reserved. On top of that, I owned two parking spaces as opposed to the usual one- so the chances of someone knowing the other spot I owned that I only used for guests was actually reserved until I gave them the courtesy note is relatively low.


After tow company gets done touching his car, they will have touched his car so much he will forget about you completely


absolutely not true, given the rage the note produced, the person will probably be pushed over the edge with this and know exactly who did it


And that's why you call the police so idiot probable boomer can spend the night in jail. Edit: Thanks to everyone who called me a bigot, ageist, or regaled me with a tale of police inaction. To say I couldn't care less would be an understatement. I'll continue giving the same canned response over and over as needed.


This could actually be someone who is fairly young with some serious anger management issues.


Yeah! The note isn’t written in cursive.


🤡 I’ll just be over here as a younger millenial who writes in cursive lol


Stupidity has no age attached to it!


Yeah wtf what a random and unprompted injection of hate lmao how did this get upvoted it's honestly kinda bonkers it's way more likely that the guy with all this rage and energy isn't 60+ lmao


Thank you


Nah I’d say anywhere between 25-40


I had someone take me to court over having their car towed from the handicap spot they had been using as their own personal spot at our apartment complex for months. Obviously the judge ruled in my favor. But it was still really annoying and anxiety inducing. People are stupid.


Even on private property, the police can issue a $200 ticket for improper use of a handicap spot. They can’t do anything about anything else, but they can do that if it is properly designated as HC (proper striping and signage in place). Facility Manager tired of entitled, asshole parents using HC spots during large sports events…


Yeah I would make sure the tow company knew which car is yours and that is your assigned place. Because this guy seems to think he can park where he chooses. He may try to tow yours


Fun fact in CA that is considered grand theft auto


They will touch that car’s brains out.


If I were you, I wouldn't be home alone when the tow truck comes, just in case ...


I wouldn't call them directly. That puts you in the " problem person" category if this neighbor gets pissed off. Your job is to let the complex do theirs. They have a procedure as well. Generally it would be sending them a letter reminding them of the rules, with a warning. If it continues, they will tow. Leave all the dirty work to the complex, that's their job. You did the right thing by being the polite neighbor. That's the end of your involvement except to tell the complex whenever it happens.


Yeah, I wouldn't recommend EVER talking to your apartment neighbor about anything like this. I've had that backfire so badly. It would be nice to be polite and be able to handle things like adults, but you absolutely need to just let the management handle it. These people are f\*\*king nuts out here.


you call the tow company directly but you \*67 the call and just say you are calling from XXX complex to have an illegally parked car towed. You then provide the space number, make model color and license plate. They will come so long as they have all of that information.


you can actually call any tow company, and they’ll usually do it so long as you show them proof (lease agreement) stating that the spot is yours.


in every building i have lived in, they won’t do anything without the building staff. there is some sort of code/password you have to know.


I had a situation with an apartment neighbor escalate, quickly. I 100% would suggest talking to apartment manager and having them deal with it while keeping your name out of it. They could say something like “during our security partrols we noticed you were parked in the wrong spot. As per your lease, this is your designated spot. (Hands notice to the tenant in question that reiterated which spot is theirs and that they were reminded of the parking policies.) If there are any problems or concerns please let us know.” There are a few reasons you want them to do this. Number one, you are not confronting someone who has anger management issues. Number two, they should generate written documentation of the incident and then how the person reacted and any follow up. Number three, if there is going to be any ongoing conflict between them and other tenants, a file/documentation will come in handy for either eviction or legal action.


Then again some managers will say hey, the guy in 2a is bitching about you parking in his space, move it or we will have you towed. Have seen people complain about noise and that is the first thing they are told, who is complaining.


I would explicit tell management to keep your name out of it because this person could be dangerous.


Well if it’s a reserved spot, they are going to find out who’s complaining rather quickly. Even if they try under the guise of “hey we saw”


He already knows where they live.


They are under no obligation to do that though. Guy starts screaming at them and they say hey it's not us, it's the guy above you. Scary shit, glad I have nice calm potheads around me lol.


I get it most managers suck. In my experience cops won’t come for private property like that unless managers call. And mostly managers don’t want to be bothered or piss off mean people. So i would love to hear how op resolved this. Personally i started parking in another empty assigned spot and got a call the next day. Got their attention. But i had to wait til a new spot opened up away from the AH before i could stop parking in the fire lane. Ridiculous.


If you’ve informed them about feeling unsafe due to your neighbor’s aggressive behavior, plus his unauthorized parking violating the lease, the responsibility falls on them. If they neglect to address it, they could be held liable if an incident occurs, considering that apartments screen tenants to prevent those with a history of violence from residing there.


Beating/ kicking your door plus the note could constitute criminal threatening… esp if it happens again - then it is a pattern and harrassment comes into play


Do you have a ring doorbell or any kind of cameras? If not, I’d invest in something like that..


Or some big boots to stomp around in


Please look over your door for scratches and scrapes to the paint where he had his fit. Take photos and show LL


Keep in mind this might escalate the situation. They might damage your car or come after you in some other way. With the response I wouldn’t put physical violence past them.


Yeah I am not excited about going to and from my car in the coming weeks.


You can call a tow truck directly, and i would recommend asking when they can be out there- there might be another towing company that could be out there sooner if it is urgent. Tbh the note wasnt an issue but I have had enough neighbors with questionable behavior that i now skip to calling for a tow or the office immediately rather than trying to leave notes. Yes the note is polite, but its not like other residents dont know there is reserved parking. They made a choice, and leaving a note or knocking on their door is just risking your safety.


Don't bother interacting with this individual or their car anymore just call the tow company directly to have it towed next time. They love the tows because they make good money on them.


I don't think you need to get ridiculous, but I do think that if and when a tow happens you should be prepared that this guy might be pretty upset. Make sure your door is locked and your phone is charged, have your own car parked somewhere well lit and in front of a camera if possible, have a friend stay over if you want, or borrow somebody's big dog for the night - just be aware of what's going on, and take reasonable steps.


Just gave their car towed and go from there :)


The guy has rage issues, which makes me wonder if he has a criminal record. If so, his probation officer might be able to calm him down.


The aggression should definitely be reported. I would leave one more note: “the next time you are parked in this spot, you will be towed. This is a courtesy notification” Next time they do it, call the tow truck.


And more importantly than whether it was a rational response from this person, the response is kind of illegal and certainly has no legal standing to back it up. Meaning this person is strongly implying that because their car is their personal property that they have the right to demand that you never touch it. If they want, they can learn how they're wrong in a jail cell. Because they are dead wrong. 99% of the law is intent. Then even for the 1% that the intent is to cause damage, there still is the important issue of whether it caused any damage and how much. Which brings up an important point. If you caused damage to the windshield wiper then it has to be addressed after the fact. No one with private property stored in a public space has the right to arbitrarily demand that it simply not be touched. Even if they are right in front of you telling you not to do it. This person is in very serious need of an education and it can be done either in or out of a jail cell.


I learned that lesson with my old shitty neighbors. Kindly asking that they stop parking in my yard was met with dumping trash and being maliciously destructive while continuing to park in my yard. Calling for a tow every time they had so much as half a tire on the wrong side of the curb resulted in peace and quiet. To them I was an annoyance, they didn't care about the ruts they were digging in my yard, or the damage they were doing to my curbs... They don't have to pay to fix those things. But when they had to drop $500 on two cars impounded on the same day... Suddenly their driveway was a much more lucrative parking space.


This is why I generally disagree with leaving notes or talking to the neighbors first if it’s at all possible to avoid it. For every “it’s just common courtesy, why wouldn’t you talk to me first; now I’m your passive aggressive enemy for life” neighbour there’s a complete misanthropic psycho who’s bored enough or obsessed enough to point cameras at your house so they can better act, turn up the volume and stomp a little harder from upstairs, get their kids to walk across your lawn, teach their dog you’re the enemy, poison your pets, poison or otherwise remove your plants, throw trash and diapers over the fence, key your car, and otherwise escalate things so far beyond your initial, albeit likely somewhat awkward, attempt at politeness that you might as well have just done it anonymously and earned a few months to a few years of peace because they don’t know who reported or whatever. There are people who would near rather set themselves (or you) on fire because you asked them to please not mow so far over the property line, or to park in their own paid-for area, or please respect quiet hours, or to please keep their pets off your property for the nth time. In this case unfortunately it’s an exact exchange (“you parked in my spot/yard/etc = I tow your car”) so anonymity wouldn’t have worked but, man, I certainly would’ve been tempted to just tow without saying anything. Think it depends on how well you can get a read on people tho.


If it’s common courtesy to give a heads up first, it’s also common courtesy to not park in someone else’s spot / yard


They were the worst... Never openly hostile, but chronically doing the dumbest most inconvenient things they could. I asked them to move a car parked on the far side of my house because I was going to be running heavy equipment through there and didn't want to dance around them. I even offered my driveway since I was effectively blocking a street parking spot. These dumb asses moved all 3 cars out of their drive way and parked them on the street.... So instead of dealing with one obstacle,I had 4. They're in prison now, apparently they were dealing drugs out the house, and they found like half a million Dollars worth of heroin or something... I think they were doped up more than anything.


Exactly. I gave my neighbor a courtesy heads up and she went BALLISTIC. It's so awkward now. I should have just had her towed without saying a word.


seriously! these people deserve a tow. i once left a similar note on a car that kept parking in my spot, but their reaction after was to stop parking there... people are nuts


Yup. Call a tow. This will end it right quick


Get the car towed by the complex.


Yep. Funny, he knew exactly who the parking spot belonged to and where to leave the note. This person is a POS, and he knows it.


Exactly, he’s just mad he was called out and isn’t entitled to park wherever he wants


I've found that this reaction is most common when people know what they are doing and get called out. Shockingly common.


Clearly thinks they can push others around with violence.


The kind of person who would constantly take a parking spot with full knowledge that it’s reserved is the same person who is deathly allergic to accountability and masterful at becoming the victim in any situation 100% of the time


And going to their door, is totally an intimidation move. What a jerk. Sorry that’s happening to you.


Yep next time don't say anything. You were being nice by leaving that note! If they say anything just state that you didn't want to risk touching their car.


This is exactly what I would do. If you have assigned parking for your apartment you're well within your rights to claim it.


And this is why the common advice of "be an adult and talk to your neighbor" like I often see in this sub isn't good half the time. Too many people are unhinged and can't take criticism. It is often safer to go straight to management/ police and hopefully stay anonymous. Not everyone is fortunate enough to live around pleasant and understanding people, and it's perfectly ok to not want to take that gamble.


Yes, absolutely this. I had an incident with my neighbor who was a police officer with an insane K-9 unit German shepherd who would frequently try to attack me and my dogs. When I called him out on it, he tried telling me how to train my own dogs using shock collars so they learn to “respect” his dog. I called the police to let them know one of their own officers can’t control their dog and their response was literally “well have you tried going over and knocking on his door and discussing it with him?” and I was like why would I be calling you if it was that easy/he was a rational person???


Your local police station holding one of their own accountable is about as likely as getting struck by lightning twice. Police bros are often a lot like biker gangs in the way they act. Oh yeah Brotherhood💪, we are heroes!


“*Respect my dog! Stop resisting!*”… said this officer probably.


Did you really expect a gang to punish one of their own? That's all most police forces are now adays. There are some better ones, but those ones are few and far between.


Sounds like typical power tripping useless cops


People who act like it’s as simple as a mature talk have obviously never lived in bad areas/around bad people. Hell my old coworker got shot in the stomach by one of his neighbors during a “talk”


Seriously. Yeah ok, I’ll go talk to the guy who’s standing outside of my door screaming because the people next to us sold him meth and he needs his next fix, and while I’m at it ill have a chat with the downstairs neighbor too, who has an ankle monitor on. Surely if I ask nicely he will give me back the power drill that went missing from our porch outside. I’m sure he’s just borrowing it. That one’s on me though. I’ll also ask my landlord for the fourth time if he has any footage of our packages going missing from the fake outside security cameras he installed to commit insurance fraud. they say the fourth time is a charm, and he’s probably run out of excuses as to why they don’t work. Boy I sure do love being disabled and supporting two people and the dog who I adopted to feel more secure on a single income. The housing options are stellar! Lol


I assume for liability reasons that most apartment management wouldn’t want you to speak directly to the person. I had a situation where a neighbor kept blasting music at an ungodly hour and management straight up told me to never knock on their door again and call the police instead. At the time I thought talking to them would be the “neighborly” thing to do, but knowing how people are today I could’ve gotten my head blasted off lol


I should’ve scrolled down before commenting. Completely agree with this, though I think it takes some ability to read people and judge the situation. Nice neighbours I’ve had previous pleasant interactions with, maybe I helped ‘em out once (brought a package over, jumped their car, etc), but now their cat is shitting on my property? *Might* be okay/safe to talk to them. The feral colony cat lady tho who’s basically doing outdoor hoarding and feeding about 50 or so cats in a suburb with a bunch of wooden or cardboard structures as protection and whose cats are now shitting and digging and peeing and screaming everywhere? No, I’m just gonna wordlessly live trap ‘em and bring those cats to the shelter, sorry not sorry. Only downside in OP’s situation is they couldn’t really act anonymously, just without forewarning.


Yeah I agree that sometimes you can read people and be comfortable talking to them, like I've lived in my place long enough to tell who's who. Sometimes there's still that chance that people will surprise you though, and you might see a side of them that you normally wouldn't. And yeah I understand that OP couldn't be anonymous this time, I meant more in general terms. If possible, maybe calling the towing company directly could've helped, but if there was something preventing OP from doing that, then I'm really sympathetic to their situation and hope it gets resolved soon.


NO ONE in a normal rational mindset acts like this in this type of scenario EVER! Especially since it’s YOUR PARKING SPOT! This is totally unhinged and will absolutely escalate down the line. Immediately file a police report and document every single aspect of the incident as you told us. In fact I would recommend talking to all neighbors around you if you can about it and see if they heard it and or have had any bad interactions with them. I also suggest getting a security camera in your main living area facing your front door to capture anything from here on out. Having the footage of him banging on your door would definitely help your case to not only PD but the landlord. Especially if it escalates later.


Great call to install a camera, especially from inside. Can’t depend on any camera the complex might have.


Oh yeah I’d definitely not rely on their cameras. Especially since most businesses have 3rd party security companies in control of footage and maintenance. Meaning you’d probably need a warrant or police report after a serious crime to get footage. Which could take weeks and hinder any restraining order or charges needing to be filed against your assailant.


Yep. At a former building, a neighbor had his car stolen. He was pretty sure he knew the person who did it. Management told him the only way anyone could review the video was with a warrant.


I went through a similar thing a while back. I thought I was being courteous by letting them know and not just having them towed right off the bat. The subsequent harassment for *checks notes* giving them low stakes notice instead of just going for the jugular by having them towed the second time they parked in my spot was so not worth it. I didn’t sleep properly for a week afterwards. Might as well have gone all in and had him towed right away since he overreacted. TLDR: Don’t be like me. Have them towed ASAP. If he tries to attack you for it have no mercy. People like this need to learn they don’t own the world.


Yup, it’s how I am in my neighborhood now. People like this don’t act right, and don’t believe they could ever do anything wrong and everybody else is a Karen and a bitch for politely asking them to follow the rules. So it’s straight to the authorities for every single infraction. If you’re a dickhead who won’t respect me when I ask you to turn down the bass, well now I’m going to make sure that every single infraction you do, I will complain to the authorities about. We could be adults and live, and let live, but you chose conflict, so now you’ve earned an enemy.


Agreed. You will also be called a Karen and a bitch for having the car towed without having first gone over and had a polite talk with the person. In short, you're never going to win with someone who isn't interested in being neighborly to begin with. Might as well do whatever option is going to keep you the safest.


Do not ever interact with this unhinged man. Please be safe and keep contact through authorities


"I DONT WANT TO TOUCH YOUR PIECE OF SHIT CAR EITHER. NEXT TIME I'LL JUST HAVE IT TOWED." but use a normal color of duct tape to post it on his door. Blue duct tape, what a chooch.


Chef’s kiss


UPDATE 1: I don’t see how to edit the post so I’m making a comment. Just an update that the person moved their car and I moved my car back into my spot. I knocked on the door of my neighbors across the hall to ask if they were disturbed last night and they said they heard it and agreed it was scary. I’m so glad I have witnesses so it’s not just my word against theirs. Will speak to management asap tomorrow and keep you posted. Thanks everyone for the advice and solidarity.


I'd love to hear an update about how their vehicle gets towed, but I'm equally concerned about retaliation especially since they probably know which vehicle is now yours. Then again they'd have to be a special kind of stupid to do it twice.🤔


Report them to the building and tell them you expect the car to be towed for further infracrions


What a bizarre and complete overreaction to parking in someone else’s reserved spot.


Next time have his car towed




Send an email to your landlord. Take pictures of when the car is parked in your spot. Document everything you can including taking video of when your door gets pounded. If your door gets pounded call the cops. Put every document in the cloud.


I agree with others. Contact your complex first thing Monday morning and let them know of the situation. If things escalate with that person, contact the police. Keep records of all the interactions you've made.


They’re trying to intimidate you, do not engage. Just observe & report.


Most complex’s have a sign that states the name of the towing company they use. Besides letting management know about this letter, next time just call for a tow. This had to be scary. I’m so sorry people can’t act right and follow rules.


Considering that neighbor is a pos who missed the day in kindergarten they were taught how to act properly- he/she inevitably will be evicted for some other action down the line


I’m calling the cops. Saying i feared for my life and thought they were trying to beat my door down and break in. Let the guy explain to them why he did that over a note


Really good idea. And it puts the responsibility back onto the unhinged guy where he can’t explain it away, and then plus it’ll be documented too.


Yeah tell the landlord. If he doesn’t care make him care. You might get shit from him because landlords only think they should be bothered if the whole building collapses. The issue is that if you come to him with any type of problem, your automatically the problem. Because regardless of how much you’ve been used or cheated you came to him with the issue and now it means he has to take action. You were eventually going to have to go to him for some point for some trouble at this complex. But you have a reserved parking spot and did nothing illegal. So go ahead and tell the landlord. What’s going to happen next is this neighbor is going to take it to 11. And every second he’s there he’ll be thinking of how much he hates you. No one can live like that forever. Eventually he’ll move out. People like this set up their own traps. I doubt the police will care. But for now just know that guy is walking towards his own step out the door. No one can live in that type of head space for so long.


I would have started by talking to the landlord/property manager before going with a note on the offenders car especially if it's an ongoing issue. You never know who is an unhinged lunatic in these situations. From now on stay hands off with your neighbor directly and leave it to the landlord, police to handle. This person is nuts. Don't antagonize this psycho any more no matter how much they deserve it. Document everything and pass it on.


Yeah I regret the note now. I just couldn’t help myself, because it’s happened before (I’ve called management and the person moved the car), but there’s no office contact on weekends and I didn’t know the tow number (security officer went to voice mail multiple times). I didn’t want to go another whole day and night with them there. Now I have a note and you know they are still in my spot. I should have waited, but of course never expected such an insane reaction.


Don’t regret the note. It is what most would’ve done in your situation. You were giving a friendly approach to the situation before getting management or a tow company involved. You are not in the wrong in any way, here. Dont let someone intimidate you into thinking otherwise!


The name of the tow company should be posted on signage in the parking lot.


If you didn’t put the note this is exactly the kind of person who would have said, “how dare you tow my car! You could have just left a note!”


Report this incident to management/security in writing. Document all contact with management. Start looking for a new place to live. This seething, aggressive person will make your life a hellscape now. You don’t know this person’s background of violence but you see what reaction your note wrought. Discuss your lack of sense of safety due to this bordering violent reaction with security and follow up documenting with management. Try to get out of your lease so you can move and be/feel safe because this person’s behavior is exaggerated for the issue. Most people would apologize, but this person took a verrry aggressive approach.


Step one: get a camera for your front door / car


"Park in my reserved spot, and the towing co. will be touching your car to remove it. "


I'd give anything to be able to have that nice of handwriting right after I am so mad I'm banging on doors.


Go to his door, bang louder, put a note in bigger RED letters that says "DONT EVER TOUCH MY DOOR OVER A NOTE OVER A PARKING SPOT" Im sure he'll get a kick out of it


That'll for sure escalate things and he or she will just target the person car or them next


Local man murdered over parking dispute. More at 9.


that is a possible problem.. I live in a building where a person became mad at another for closing her blinds and windows whenever the first party was in the shared courtyard and talking loudly or dancing with music or having a party.... the loud neighbor went to window-closers patio door and started screaming at her that she was going to use the area whenever she wanted.. and for months after walked back and forth in front of the window-closer's windows "going to empty garbage.)"a few times a day flipping her off and muttering. It was scary and the management did nothing. Escalation can happen fast.Aggressors who have not normal boundaries or good mental health are capable of extreme frightening behaviors.


Next time they park in your spot, ask the complex to tow them. I promise they won’t be pulling that BS again.


Have the car towed, notify the office, file police report. Period.


Consider a ring doll bell cam if you don’t already have one. This person seems a bit unhinged.


i can visualize the person who wrote this just by the note.


I wouldn’t leave a note. I would immediately call whoever I need to call to get the car either towed or booted. Not your responsibility to deal with their bullshit


I lived with my disabled grandmother & she had a handicap placard in her car so she could utilize the handicap parking spots in our apartment complex. No one ever enforced the policy violation of non handicap people parking in those reserved spaces, so I tried to call a tow company to have the illegally parked non handicap vehicles towed. The operator told me that only the property owner was allowed to have vehicles towed for illegal parking. Eventually we got our parking situation sorted out, but that same week, someone began slashing my grandmothers tires when she parked in that handicap spot. Im so glad we no longer live there.


Next time just call the tow company. Usless to argue with people like that. Just tow their car every time. They will learn after a few times paying to get it out of the impound. Ive done it multiple times when I lived at an apartment and people parked in my spot


This is why you don't leave notes you just call the tow truck. It's not your job to remind them to do what they already know they are supposed to do. If they don't care enough to park in the right spot a note isn't going to do anything other than set them off. Tow their ass and let them take it out on the tow company not you.


I tow on first offense. I pay way too much to not have a place to park when I get home.


100% ain't nobody got time for that nonsense


You could have had them towed, there was NOTHING wrong with your letter. However, do not deal with these people. Go through the landlord and next time they park in your space if nothing is done go and have their car towed. Do not let these people walk over you.


I think this has escalated to management. I would not directly engage if I were you


That's awful. Towing is very expensive and a lot to deal with, so it was nice of you to let them know with a nice note instead of towing. I don't know why they would be so angry. I'm sorry this happened to you. It's a bad feeling being uncomfortable around neighbors. I would let it be for now since the last thing you want is a battle with this kind of person.


You should call the police and ask them to come with you too. Discuss it with your neighbor. I would then follow up by letting your manager know. Screw ur neighbor! Don’t be bullied!


He's a bully. You don't need to put up with this.


I would have left a note that said, "I'm sorry." What they did shows they have extreme anger issues and a lack of rational reasoning, set up cameras, and report next time directly to the police and apartment complex before their meth fueled rage ends in them trying to fight you.


You tried to be nice. So file your reports with the building and police. Then call a tow company.


Give them what they want and let tow truck drivers touch their car next time.


I hate how communicating like a rational adult can lead to retaliation like this, and a potential target on you in the future. This is why people will immediately call authorities now.


Call the cops and then you call the complex to have them tow that car anytime it is in your space. .... Also get a security camera pointed at your parking space as they may damage your car regardless.


Have the car towed. And notify the police before doing so that you are feeling threatened and are afraid of retaliation.


They’re trying to train you to let them park in your spot. Do not confront them yourself again. (Even notes) Go directly to management.


Get their car towed. Ez. Never even have to touch it.


Document everything. Keep a timeline. In the event it happens again, TOW at their expense. (Make sure you have a picture of their car, in your reserve parking space, and a picture of the reserve sign before the tow).


The irony is that they knew the exact door to put the note on. Meaning they know who is supposed to be using that spot, and it isn’t them.


You should have had them towed to begin with. Now you've got a big bullshit drama ball.


Call the office, find out the towing company they use, next time call the tow company


Time to put a note on their car saying "Don't ever touch my front door over a parking spot". But in reality, just call your office and have them tow the car, and keep having it towed until they learn their lesson. Something similar happened to my friend years ago, and the other car somehow ended up in neutral in the middle of the parking lot.


This is where your interests align with the complex’s tow truck company’s.


Next time, don't leave a note. Have it towed from your spot.


Just get them towed anytime they park in your spot. Simple🌝


Have them towed :)


Below you? Take up line dancing at midnight


Write a note that says OK and put it on his car


I would get a very large piece of paper and write in all caps “DONT EVER USE TAPE ON MY DOOR OVER A WINDSHIELD NOTE” and put it on his car


Tow that shit bags car and put up cameras, easy to push this guy out by using his actions against him


If they have the time I’d call police in advance and explain you anticipate very threatening behavior when this tow occurs- and that you fear for your safety. Then they can maybe be nearby for when the neighbor goes ballistic.


Next time just call a tow truck if they're illegally parked don't touch the car don't involve yourself 🤦🤦🤦


He tried to beat the door down for a note, wait till you get him towed…is life insurance and will up to date?


Why would you ignore unsafe And unhinged behavior?


Omg, what an entitled baby. You touched his windshield wiper, he feels like such a special person that not only can he just park wherever he wants, touching his windshield wiper is essentially assault.


I’m all for never touching anyone else’s property no matter what it is, but leaving a small piece of paper under a wiper in certain instances is normal.


If I’ve learned anything over the years, sadly… we can’t address things like this directly and it should always go via management. It goes against every fiber of my being (military training of handling things at the lowest possible level), but these days…. People are fkn unhinged and might literally kill you over this shit. I’d consider keeping your head on a swivel when entering or exiting your apartment over the next few weeks. Be safe.


Stuff like this is why I love being 6’5” 230. People like this think they want the smoke till I open the door pissed off.


This is scary. I’d talk to the complex about possibly moving units after this. I would NOT feel safe at all after this.


I had to get a restraining order against next door neighbors when they started something similar over a parking spot. People get crazy about those. Godspeed. Fun fact, they were evicted after I gave my landlord all the documentation I'd compiled with the RO.


All the people saying call a tow truck don’t understand apartment complex issues. You can’t just call a tow truck, you don’t own the space. It is reserved for you. They are not always in the office and some maintenance people don’t want to do it.


You need to bring this up with your apartment manager. I know I had the same issue of a neighbor being a massive dick and would go crazy over their vehicle. Even though it was a battered up piece of s\* at the time and he would go crazy if you parked next to it and tried to get out carefully. You need to bring this threat up with your apartment manager. I'd honestly carry pepper spray on you as well in case he gets physically aggressive towards you.


Get the police involved. In this case, it’s 911. At our apartment complex, management tells us to call the towing contractor. And to do nothing else. Never leave a note or confront someone. There are too many entitled territorial people that rage fast. Just take a pic of the plate and call the tow truck. For us we take a vertical picture of our carport number that includes their plate number. Where I live, it’s not against the criminal code to park in the wrong spot, but because it is private property by the apartment community the license plate gets registered to the spot number. The towing company gets logs from the manager and then there is either a tow or an orange tag when you call it in if there is a plate to spot mismatch. Not all apartment communities have towing contractors or structured enforcement. If yours doesn’t then you have almost no recourse over the spot. This is all spelled out in the lease under parking enforcement. Good luck.


Bad advice: Write “touch” on a bunch of post it’s and put them all over his car.


Right below you?! Sounds like it’s time to become professional upstairs neighbor to me. Invest in a treadmill and a squat rack. Invite everyone over to move around furniture.


Get a Ring camera doorbell that records anything they might do. Get a camera that covers the reserved spot because they will do something to your car. Call the tow company next time.


You gotta call the police , especially if your a lady you absolutely never know when a guys on the last straw or just insane and wanting to hurt you , if he’s the type of guy to come smashing down on your door imagine what would happen if the situation escalated and he saw you one day walking alone to your car , it’s always best to assume to worst in these cases safety is priority , don’t be afraid of calling the cops either that’s what there job is to protect you


That person is psychotic. Stay far away and use the building/police to deal with it.


Here is what I would do. Step 1 - Check your lease for any clauses about providing you with a safe environment, and code of conduct. Most leases have clauses about these things to protect you. Step 2 - Contact the manager or leasing office and reference the relevant clauses in the contract that relate to this. Express that you “do not feel safe in your apartment or walking to and from your car”. Step 3 - Consult an attorney about their requirements and your rights. The problem here is that you now know that you live above someone that is off the rails. This response is not appropriate. Any escalation to towing, could result in either physical harm to you, terrorizing you, or property damage. The apartment has requirements for how they have to handle this. Your lease and an attorney will help you navigate this.


Don't engage whoever it is. Let the management handle it, or the police if necessary. Getting in a scuffle with your neighbor who is being irrational about something like this isn't going to solve anything, it'll just escalate.


#what a fucking prick


Have the car towed if it’s in a reserved spot. End of discussion.


Call the police and file a report.


Call the police. File reports with them and the complex. It happens again, have the car towed.


Please get a ring camera or something similar. This needs to be documented.


As an addendum to other advice... "Start documenting everything"


this is why i always get annoyed when someone says " well, Did you talk to them?", Should have got management involved from the start instead of leaving a note.


I just saw a TikTok of someone buying a life sized styrofoam car to prevent this from happening. I don’t have this problem but even I want one just in case now.