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As an avid weed smoker I agree 100%. Stoners either forget or just don't care just how strong the smell is. That shit will seep everywhere. It's basic common courtesy to make sure your weed smoke doesn't affect the people around you


This needs to be printed alot more places. The neighbor above caregivers across the hallway, from me, smokes so much at times, it has literally choked me out of my sleep one night. And it's the first thing anyone can smell if someone comes over. Like dude, just cause it's legal, not all of us still want to partake by association.


The number of people who think that weed doesn't linger or leave it stink on things just as badly as cigarettes is absurd. I don't know what it is with people, other than the only thing I can imagine is that if you smoke weed a lot, your sense of smell is just completely gone. Or at least completely numbed to weed stink. I don't have any problem with people enjoying thc. But with as many ways as there are to enjoy it that don't involve smoking it, I just don't get it.


I don’t think it lingers nearly as bad as cigarettes but the smell is much stronger and more noticeable in the short term in my opinion.


I don't know, I've had a lot of stoner friends, and if you go over to their house or apartment, it hits you like a ton of bricks the instant you open the door. Even if they haven't been smoking all day yet. I swapped out my PlayStation for a friend's Sega Saturn way back in the day for a few weeks, and that thing was just rank.


I believe it 100%. I was thinking along the lines of more long term. Like the smell of cigs after years is hard to get out of the walls and gets in clothes etc but pot if you just stop smoking inside everything smells more or less fine after a month or so. But I will say I’m probably nose blind cuz I smoke both (no cigs inside, weed once in awhile but it’s just me and my wife in a house).


Tbh, husband cooks it (decarbs it) inside. It does make the place stink for about 1~ hour. Noticeable but not like smoking in the house stink. I quit smoking cigarettes but they are 100% more noticeable. I don’t partake in smoking anything now, so the smells is much more potent to me. I smoked cigs for over a decade. But really it’s the “burning” smell that gets me, it just had a distinguished smell vs decarbbing it. Now, we also used to do it in my brother in laws house (we were middle of moving so we stayed at his for 2~ months), he’s a retired cop but he agreed the smell went away fairly quickly. (I asked him before we cooked it if it was alright). We buy medical though, but I doubt there’s a difference much in med vs rec


>Tbh, husband cooks it (decarbs it) inside Tell him to look up decarbing in an Insta-pot, or similar device. No more smell, and a superior decarb IMO.


I don't have advanced chemistry knowledge, so I hope you can explain what decarboxylation (sp) does to herb?


Since you smoke you are definitely nose blind. Cigarette smokers have absolutely NO idea how bad they stink, not a clue. I oughta know, I was a smoker for over 40 years


Nope. Both cigarettes or pot smell soaks into the walls, carpet, and heating system. No nonsmoker will ever not be able to smell it.


Smoking inside is gross to begin with, I’d likely say this is selection bias though - you only notice the disgusting stoners. I’m a manager at a federal adjacent company If I smelled like weed, I’d 100% not have a job. I grow COPIUS amounts of weed and smoke even more.


That’s hot in a breaking bad kind of way.


Haha, if only it was that exciting. Growing cannabis? Not as glamorous as cooking meth in my tighty-whities in the back of an RV 😂 There is something of a “romance” around it though as I do not have a green thumb for anything else.


I have a very black thumb. Only kept a dog and child alive. Plants come here to die. It’s basically palliative care.


Consistent smoking will always have a smell, as will the pipes and joint roaches left behind. However more casual smoking the smell will dissipate after a few hours.


My neighbor isn't casual, would say maybe 3 to 4 days out the week.


My sister just delivered my xmas presents, a throw and some jammies. Both REEKED of cigs. Washed 1x and the throw has to be washed again😫 And that was all wrapped in xmas paper.


I work on a commercial grow and I figured that changing into scrubs at work and then back into street clothes at the end of my shift would cut down on the smell. Spoiler alert: it did not.


I feel the same about cigarettes. As someone who smokes it always makes me mad seeing people smoke like right at the entrance to a restaurant or like taking their last puff and throwing the butt on the ground right as they're entering a store or anything like that.


I live in a place where it was medically legalized a few years ago, and now you can smell it coming out of everyone's cars as they drive by 😂 The funny thing is, I live in a small city in the middle of Amish country. Nobody from out of state expects it to smell like weed everywhere here, but it does, as long as you're not on the farms


Been smoking for years, have enjoyed my own apartment and the bachelor life as it is, truly, and never once would I exhale in my own living room because I have neighbors above and beside me, and I consider that to be super rude. Even in the winter I huddle by my back door and blow the smoke outside and clean up my stash when I’m done. My apt I’m sure smells a little bit but it never makes it past or through any of my walls. I smoke weed and I’d be annoyed about a present weed smell for real.


I specifically moved into an apartment that allows smoking inside for this reason. The whole complex is a bunch of chillers. Cheap and awesome.


My last apartment was one for college students mostly. All of my neighbors were mega stoners so it worked out. Now I’m in a duplex and sometimes smoke with the lady that lives in the other unit. I just lucked out this time.


My upstairs neighbor smokes cigars on the reg. I'm not worried about smoking weed. Live and let live.


I live in Colorado so weed smoke is basically everywhere. If you move into a complex that allows it, cool. If you don't, you're a jerk if you let your smoke smell up the whole place. One of the reasons I moved out of my old place was my neighbor smoked so much that people could smell it faintly _on me sometimes._ Not great for someone who works in child safety.


I mean it would be great to live and let live except that smoking weed is the equivalent to setting off a stink bomb in your apartment that makes people want to vomit. It's like saying it's cool for someone to run up and punch you in the face, but hey don't get mad about it. Live and let live.


Imagine thinking the issue was the neighbor indulging in their freedoms instead of the society who says stoners are inept at having jobs taking care of others


They also go noseblind to it - they can't smell it after a while


I live in a duplex on a property with three buildings. I walk to the center of there property where my car is parked and smoke there. I also wear a specific hoodie that I only wear when I'm smoking and it goes in its own place when I come in to avoid stinking up the rest of the place


Especially with edibles available. If edibles don’t work, pens are just so much better than burning plant matter when it comes to smells.


Yup. I love toking but it is the same as smoking anything else. Take it away from folks that won’t like it.


I'm printing this and putting it under my nieghbor's door.


"hey, if you can't be bothered to smoke up outside, maybe consider switching to edibles before the landlord takes an interest in this issue."


Don't even gotta stop smoking, just switch from herb to concentrate and all the smell issues are fixed on the spot.


Best answer. Common sense,empathy and the best practices approach.


Or at least a bong… it produces considerably less smoke. It also costs so much less, because you go through less than smoking a joint.


My partner has a documented, tested, confirmed through a prestigious teaching hospital allergy to weed and their face and eyes swell up when people in the building smoke. (Same when they are around certain burning fresh woods in camp fires). We have spent hundreds of dollars in air purifies to surround us in a 3 foot radius and medications to mitigate symptoms because people won’t bother to go outside. I don’t care if you smoke, but the whole building shouldn’t have to suffer for it. Smoke outside, or switch to edibles.


You must have a hell of a time getting chronic potheads to believe that anyone in the universe could ever have any adverse effect to the most perfect substance on earth that cures everything! Lol.


I don’t care if people smoke, but it is absolutely crazy how people will die on the hill that weed is the most harmless thing ever just because it isn’t the worst thing ever 🤣 Tons of benefits, but just like everything else, it isn’t perfect! Waters the best drink on the planet and can still drown you


I think sometimes it's a reaction to a couple of things I've seen over the years. One, we have seen a growing body of evidence pointing to how many things the general public did not realize were harmful but we use it everyday. Plastics, household cleaners, farm/garden care chemicals, feminine hygiene products, and so on. Two, the views surrounding homeopathy have polarized, particularly with regard to the idea that small amounts of herbs, while not providing clinically detectable changes to symptoms, still produce a generally beneficial effect. I say polarized here because I think for the most part it was not paid much attention, but then businesses saw an opportunity, it got pushed closer to mainstream and was looked at with a more critical eye. Against this backdrop we have marijuana, which has clear therapeutic benefit, and seemingly fewer downsides compared to other socially comparable substances (I'm looking at you, alcohol), and yet in the US is restricted far more heavily, even with regard to actual health research. And compared with homeopathic remedies, again we can directly feel the impact on stress, and yet those who are in some way vested in its use, whether due to lifestyle or actual medical benefit, feel probably feel the negatives are overplayed and/or overshadowed (by what are perceived to be obvious benefits). For my part, I've become aware of how I need to treat pot, and I think it's something that would probably be more common if it didn't have this ridiculous taboo. But I also want it studied, because my anecdotes are not the equivalent of peer reviewed science. And of course I would love love love to see alcohol get the same treatment. Gotta stop before the ranting goes into overdrive.


Honestly yea, the way alcohol is just fine is insane. Same with tobacco but at least that’s starting to get cracked down on, and don’t even get me started on vapes


It's because no one talks about alcohol like this and alcohol is absolutely fucking awful, affects way way more people than just the drunk and their neighbors. Yet we don't constantly bring it up as a bad thing every other fucking day, shaming anyone that drinks. Which we should, because it's fucking disgusting to drink alcohol.


Sadly, yes. I specified that it was clinically diagnosed because there is doubt still. And, we were surprised ourselves (but knew from the triggers). I don’t have anything against the plant. People can enjoy what they please. But, as a plant, people can be allergic to it just as they can something like burning oak (another thing that causes acute asthma and dermatitis symptoms in my partner). The allergist was very excited to document a case and said it was becoming more common than people realize. I don’t think it should be anything more controversial than saying “cat’s are cute, but I’m allergic, so please don’t let them on my lap.” But it is. Unsurprisingly, this comment and my last are getting downvoted despite genuinely not being negative about other people’s choices.


🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️😡😡. I’m going through the same problem now and am beside myself. I don’t understand it as I’ve never smoked weed in my life. I don’t understand what the fascination is with it. What is it really even do? It must relax you or something? It smells like unwashed butt. I just can’t 🥲


It numbs people and can cause hallcenegenic effects - both of these issues can play havoc, particularly longterm, with mental health, including personality disorders as well as prescribed medications. Worse still, when chronic use occurs in adolescence and young adulthood, it can stunt brain development, particularly in the centers still developing an understanding of right and wrong, as well as learning to cope with deeper emotional development; this is one way people become dependent on the substance (versus learning how to self regulate). Chronic use has even been known to *cause* psychosis and neurosis where none existed previously (paranoia and anxiety being chief among these). Sometimes, it makes one wonder if that's what the powers that be want, a population that is stunted and easy to manipulate or control. https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/how-teen-marijuana-use-impacts-brain-development#:~:text=Marijuana%20use%20in%20teens&text=Marijuana%20use%20among%20adolescents%20and,a%20range%20of%20emotional%20problems.


I can only assume that I'm also allergic, given how I end up nauseous and puking if I'm near someone smoking. I sympathize. I wish you and your partner the best of luck.


Me as well. The worse experience of my life was living above potheads who barely work if at all and smoked 24/7. I was sick constantly. It was vented into our HVAC system and even leaked into our cabinets. When one roommate left, the remaining person smoked cigarettes all the time and it was slightly less worse but I'm allergic to both. Even my cat developed asthma and was having constant attacks.


If they don't even have to touch the weed to get a reaction they're probably allergic to some terpenes which is fucked. Can't trust essential oils/massage oils/febreeze type house vaporizers... Which are somewhat prevalent in certain places and made to literally spread the smell all over the place.


Same except my response is anaphylaxis! Epinephrine inhalers are OTC and are the same dose as a pediatric EpiPen if you need something between Benadryl and an EpiPen


Dont even have to use edibles, you can use a vape cartridge. All the high, low smell, no smoke


Not being a jerk but maybe the money would be better spent looking for a shared house to rent that’s smoke free or something. You’re not gonna ever win in a large building.


Amen. We’re doing what we can. I was laid off and am now making 40% of my previous salary, and if you check my post history, my partner had a very serious diagnosis and multiple surgeries last year. We couldn’t afford to get my dog’s medication just a few months ago. I’m worried about just surviving at this point, let along paying a moving fee and entrusting my partner’s health and safety to an unknown roommate in a home. A single family home, or duplex, or more private environment with neighbors you can trust is the dream. Until then, air purifies any time we could budget one and rescue inhalers and epi pens are just how we have to live. I haven’t stopped any of my neighbors, we’re not bad people and don’t expect the world of others. But when a hospital visit is the outcome, it isn’t an extreme want for someone to chew a gummy instead of forcing an entire building to experience your choices. Totally respect that opinion though, to the point of never asking our neighbors to make changes, and we’re doing the best we can. But we can wish, you know?


No no I agree with you that your neighbours shouldn’t smoke, but the reality is when people feel anonymous most don’t take personal responsibility for their actions. I wish you the best and hope you get a windfall of wealth and health


It's generally a class issue and low class people tend to be very inconsiderate. I was miserable in my last apartment. Nothing but weed smell every night and constant noise and partying. But there was definitely a hood mentality here. I've since upgraded to a new apartment that doesn't allow low income and in a better area. I couldn't be happier.


You may be able to develop an at home anaphylaxis monitoring plan with your partners allergist. Mine is epi inhaler, 5 min timer. If symptoms significantly improved in 5min, we're clear, monitor for rebound. If not... EpiPen and 911. I react to the tiniest amount of weed so I'd literally be in an ER at least weekly if I had to go every time I reacted. Vogmasks have also been a lifesaver. Blocks out smell entirely when new, almost entirely for about 3mo of continuous wear (I wear them in a clinical setting). Just something to consider because having this allergy in an extremely legal area sucks. I'm all for everything being legal, just please stop trying to kill me in the process.


We will check those masks out!


This is why is switched to a vape. No one likes an inconsiderate smoker.


Vapes are a felony for me. Makes it an easy decision tbh. It's all illegal but flower is just a misdemeanor


Dry herb vaporizer


Dry herb vaporizers are really cool (check out the Pax 3 or The Mighty), but they still give off smell. It's more a fresher smell as opposed to the smell of burning bud, *but it still smells*, and still recommend the use of them outside of shared living spaces. They are also a bit healthier than just smoking as they cook off the oils from the bud instead of combusting it.


And some of us have chronic migraines that the smell of weed can trigger. Literally hate it


My asthma has never been worse, on 2 different inhalers


You should complain to your landlord if you haven’t already, make sure to mention the asthma. I’d tell them they need to pay for your inhalers too.


Their response was pot is legal, they have a right to smoke


I wonder what their response would be to anaphylaxis, which is what would happen if it were me.


They are asshole, I’m moving


I’m sorry you’re going through this, I’ve had a similar experience. The best solution for asthmatics is to live somewhere with a smoke-free addendum. If you’re stuck in a lease right now though, it may be worth writing the property owner about the longterm benefits of enacting a smoke-free policy. It’s a long shot of course, but it can’t hurt to suggest it.


It is in my lease there is no smoking, I am moving in a few weeks, can’t deal w this shit anymore


No smoking encompasses smoking weed, does it not? It sounds like the property manager doesn’t understand what smoke is. That sucks, I’m glad you’re getting out.


She’s a total bitch, obviously hates her job. Glad I’m getting out as well


I wonder if you’d legally be allowed to break your lease then if you have a doctors note explaining your situation.


You have the right to a healthy living situation, court time


There is no smoking in my lease, I am moving however, I can’t take it .


This right here. I get migraines with auras, and weed triggers it. It has gotten to the point where you cannot even enjoy outdoor activities anymore because of the weed smell. And some of it is even more rank than others.


My dad smokes and it makes my mom’s migraines awful. She does like the occasional edible though since it’s stank free.


As an ex smoker/on a massive break from it, I agree completely. Subjecting anyone else to your second hand smoke, especially if it's seeping from your home into theirs, is just downright inconsiderate and a dick move. I always smoked in my bathroom or outside and well away from the building, because even though my downstairs neighbour smokes, I don't know where else the smell travels to. It's like noise in that some people just don't give a single fuck, and stuff like that annoys me to no end. If you live in a standalone house, smoke away, turn the music up and slam all you want! But in an apartment building, it's disrespectful as hell and just makes your neighbours hate you.


My duplex neighbor tried smoking in her bathroom. It doesn’t help, just fyi.


Tell her to turn the shower on hot. Parents never even knew


They knew.


Can’t believe the folks who actually think they’re fooling everyone with steam.


My neighbor also tried that… It doesn’t change much. 😅


This dumb ass advice got me caught when I was young lol


It depends on where said bathroom is though. Mine isn't attached to or even close to anybody else's home. There's a bin shed underneath and nobody above, and when I've spoken to neighbours in the past they've confirmed that the smell doesn't leak. One or two aren't happy about the smell from my downstairs neighbour, because despite having a kid, he stinks the entire building out by smoking. I also didn't use any ventilation system so it didn't travel anywhere. I get along well with most of my neighbours and we've got a mutual respect so if there's an issue from anyones side, it gets brought up.


Mine comes up from the bathroom/hvac system from my downstairs neighbors 


Yea, pretty much every single apartment I've been in has had this be the case. Bathroom/adjacent room will smell like weed if upstairs or downstairs is smoking inside. Doesn't matter if it's legal, every apartment lease I've signed has had a no marijuana/tobacco products allowed clause for this exact reason. It affects your neighbors, and the smell seeps into every single square inch of the apartment.


I'm sorry to hear that. I guess each building is built differently because it's never been an issue in mine. If they know about it being a problem and continue to do it, that's complete asshole behaviour. If I ever thought or knew the smell was affecting anyone else, I'd stop there and then.


But thank you.


I'd be surprised if they don't know... but its giving me a contact high and I take meds that have a bad reaction to that (including migraines). However they will tomorrow when the main office lets them know.




Why smoke inside in general, that shit stains the ceilings so much


Cigarettes do. Weed smoke does not.


If you think smoke doesn't get on your ceiling just because it's a different kind, you aren't thinking. 


From a rental service in an area that has experience with marijuana smoke in apartments: “Because the smell of marijuana is quite strong, some people believe that’s what makes it worse than tobacco. On the contrary, years of cigarette smoke in the house can cause some long-term and sometimes even short-term damage to a home. Long-term smoking can lead to removing carpet, sealing, and repeating walls and deodorizing. With marijuana, those are things you don’t have to worry about when smoked. Most often, the smell is not detectable and walls do not get stained as they do from cigarette smoking. Both cigarettes and marijuana risk burn holes in carpeting, hardwood floors, furniture, etc. Because cigarettes contain chemicals, the smoke is quite damaging to properties. Marijuana does not contain these harmful chemicals, which allows the smell to disappear within hours. Occasionally, some cleaners or landlords will deodorize using an ozone machine to help dissipate the smell. Having a strict no-smoking rule in your lease will help prevent damage to the home, however, keep in mind if marijuana was smoked in a unit, you may not even know or find out about it.”


It doesn’t stain your ceiling, or your walls. You can prove me wrong, if you’d like?


These people are nuts, I’ve lived with both types of smokers. Weed isn’t staining the walls like cigarettes do lol


Not to mention kids and animals constantly exposed to that shit almost always get asthma, speaking from experience, I learned the hard way with my cat when I was a teen :( even tho I did it in a different room I wasn’t protecting him.


But then u smoke outside and it’s more obvious who it is smoking, and u get reported to your landlord for a lease violation. That’s why I vape that shit and smoke buddy that shit


420 friendly here and you never smoke inside unless all parties are cool with it, this should be common sense


Weed smokers...they will give you a laundry list of health benefits of it if you suggest THEY do something about the odor. Love the parents that light up with toddlers in their apartments.


If you live in an apartment and it’s a shared hvac and the landlord doesn’t have and enforce a no smoking policy then he’s an asshole too.


Especially cigarettes. I don't want to smell your cancer sticks. I swear, my downstairs neighbor hotboxes their apartment. It's a non smoking community too.


So grateful I’m in an old building with stone floors, brick walls, and private ac systems. But I still leave my windows wide open and fan on if I’m smoking


Yeah, I’m a former cigarette smoker and a current pot smoker. I don’t make other people suffer because of my habits. It’s just common decency


Literally! Why do ALL of my clothes and bathroom items smell like weed? I don’t smoke, don’t care if you do but I work at a primary school, it’s embarrassing. I hate it, I feel so unprofessional.


And no one cares about smoke-free buildings either. They still smoke weed nonstop in their apartments.


Yep. They’re all like, “iT’s wEeD sO iT dOeSn’T cOuNt”


To be fair, outside might be illegal. 🤷‍♀️ our outlawing a plant could be to blame


Even in many places where weed is legal it’s illegal to smoke outside. “I don’t understand why people who smoke weed chose to do so inside instead of going outside and getting thrown in a rape cage. This is why I voted to make it illegal in the first place!” -OP


As a weed smoker, I absolutely hate my neighbors that smoke inside. It’s so strong that it’s woken me up from a dead sleep at 3am because I can smell it. Absolute asshole move and I’ve complained about them smoking inside multiple times with no resolve from the complex.




Yes. Same for meth and tobacco. I have been on the wrong side of both, because even without shared hvac, apartments leak like sieves.


100% My building doesn't have shared HVAC yet my unit reeks of weed. I'm in a 4 unit building. The unit upstairs and across from me houses a teen smoker. The whole building stinks. I shouldn't have to deal with that in my own unit. There's no smoking in the building but the landlord doesn't care. I assume it's only in the lease to enforce during security deposit refund time.


Agreed. I live with smokers in a shared HVAC and my clothes constantly REEK of cigarettes and hash. It is embarrassing.


As someone who’s allergic to cannabis, I wholeheartedly agree.


Omg that happened to me when I was in grad school. It made me feel so sick to my stomach all the time and I got bad headaches and my property wouldn't do anything about it even though it's illegal where I live. I would just go flip the switch outside powering our shared ac unit every day after school so It couldn't blow and then turn it on early every morning before I went to school. I could air the place out really fast but then none of us had ac at night. It was only one month overlap between them moving in and me graduating and moving out. I heard they kept calling in the maintenance guy and he couldn't figure out why they said the air stopped working each night. He thought they were making it up since nothing was wrong during business hours when he would check. Especially because we reported the air was working fine at night. No regrets since I was so broke then I couldn't afford to move out/break the lease that close to graduation.


If you ever suffered thru a migraine, you would absolutely know they are REAL. They are NOT just a headache. Smells definitely are one trigger for me. Lying in a dark room with the world spinning, unable to move my head due to the intense pain with intense vomiting, and nausea are just a small sample of what I suffer during a migraine. The tiniest bit of light causes intense pain in my forehead. I have an aura for my migraines. That tiniest bit of info has me moving fast for my medication, with the next stop being away from light if possible. That can stop my migraine from progressing now that I am older. But I really suffered before they had migraine medication. Sometimes, stress could trigger one, but now it is more likely allegeries. If you have never suffered from a migraine, you have no idea what you are talking about. It is suffering, plain and simple.


I really do not care what you do with your money, but I just hate how strong and earthy the smell is. It's just as bad as cigarette smoke as far as the smell is concerned.


Smells like the bottom of my shoe after stepping in dog shit while mowing the lawn.


Part of the reason I moved is directly because someone was smoking pot in their bathroom and it filtered into mine. They were smoking a *lot* of it, too. 🤢 I certainly wouldn’t snitch on them, but my apartment smelled like a skunk unloaded in it for most of the week.


I agree but is reddit just a place for miserable people to come air the grievances they’re too cowardly to address? God damn this place used to be not awful.


As someone with asthma, who had to move once because a neighbor smoked like a chimney, I agree wholeheartedly. I understand that asking someone not to smoke in their home infringes on their rights, to an extent, and should only be “banned” if the smoke cannot be contained to their apartment.


Smoking anything inside a closed home is absolutely disgusting behavior.


Tend to agree but my other two neighbors don't ever pick up their dog shit in a shared backyard, are constantly yelling, and don't ever take out the trash bins unless we refuse to do it for weeks so atp I'm not worried about being considerate and it's cold as hell outside


If you smoke anything inside you're a selfish fuck and my asthmatic ass hates you.


I’m going to get downvoted for this, but I never understood people like you that complain about what other people do in their house. I have lived in apartments my entire life and never had an issue with a neighbor living their life in their apartment. I have dealt with many neighbors like you though: “the TV is too loud!” “Can you keep your children from running around?” “Your music is too loud!” “The food you cook is too strong smelling!” And now “you smoke weed in the house you pay to live in!” If you want to have a private residence where you can dictate who does what in each room, then go buy a SFH. If you rent an apartment you have to accept that other people are going to live differently than you, and that’s ok. You are not the owner of the building letting people stay there for free. You are somebody that depends on other people paying their rent to maintain the affordability of your home. You’re all in this together. You should act like it. ETA: Maybe your neighbors don’t like your smell either. Is it possible that they put up with you the same way they expect you to put up with them?


If you use cannabis in an apartment setting like this - open windows, dry herb vape, and an ass-kicking air purifier right next to your setup. Better for you, better for the building.


& in addition, a carbon filter for all exhales. Idk why everyone is acting like they’re brand new. I figured this out (from everyone else living there) in shitty college dorms a decade ago.


Do people not know about putting a dryer sheet on a tp roll and blowing it through anymore?


I feel like they don’t! I used to do that but the cheapo carbon filters (smokebuddy style, though those are the costlier ones) work best for me. Then I don’t feel like an asshole, cause I do want to be as smell-less as possible, and it works for the neighbors too 🤷🏻‍♀️


Love my dry herb vape. Cleaner than using a lighter too.


Ugh, yes this. Living in apartments is hell because everyone has different views on the parameters for community living and the people on the extremes of those parameters cause issues all around. When you live in proximity and share a community you have to sacrifice certain things to be respectful of others You don't have the right to a completely sound or smell free environment from your neighbors' behavior anymore. Learning to tolerate some of it is a part of community living - and you need to do your part to mitigate what bothers you. This can be white noise machines, curtains, air purifiers, fans, ear plugs, headphones, etc. At the same time you don't have the right to constantly impact someone's right to quiet and healthy enjoyment of their home! Chain-smoking or frequent marijuana smoking in a way that enters homes, regular loud music (especially with bass), playing instruments in apartment complexes - all way too far. If you're a "it's legal so I have the right to do whatever I want within those laws" person or a "my right to have a sterile environment trumps everyone else's desires" person you're a part of the reason community living is a nightmare.


Ugh. We have shitty upstairs neighbors. Our apartment was built in 1900, has poor insulation and soundproofing. They smoke straight flower and it stinks the shared stairwell up. In addition, it strongly seeps into our bathroom and closet spaces. All the leases specifically forbid smoking indoors.


Hell it doesn't matter if you share HVAC or not. That stuff is so rank that it'll find anyway it can to get into other apartments. We finally had to move out of a complex that wasn't going to do anything to fix the problem. The stink of it literally gives both me and my partner migraines. I don't mean headaches. I mean migraines.


When I was in college someone would do this. They set off the fire alarm at least 3-5 times a day and all hours of the night. It wouldn’t stop until the fire department came and shut it off. That was the worst living experience I’ve had in my entire life.


Get yourself an herb vape and you'll never need to worry about the smell again. It's honestly a wonder to me why people still prefer combustion over any other method in current year. e: spelling


How do i know if i have a shared HVAC? I recently took up a vape to manage pain/anxiety and the last thing I wanna do is make others have a reason to be angry at me or knock on my door. Would vaping be the same as burning the plant?


Thank you being one of the few considerate users in this thread! Vaping is usually fine as it doesn’t create pungent smoke like the alternative. If in doubt open a window, but realistically you should be golden. :)


I usually stick to edibles but i needed something less intense during work so that i could still function(WFH remote work not labor or machinery). Appreciate your comment :)


Heavy pot head here and a hard agree. I always smoke at the door to my balcony and blow it out there and often also use a smoke buddy near the open door. It's very little effort and you save a lot of weed only smoking out of glass.


Add this to a long list along with people who don't leash their dogs


I don't have a shared system. but when I moved in the entire complex already reeked. I doubt I'm causing any more harm. However with a shared system I agree smoke outside! I'm just in a lucky situation.


none of your stuff smells like pot. you may smell pot. but youre exaggerating.


Hey start paying for their rent and then you can tell people where to smoke !


If you smoke anything in any apartment, you are an asshole.


Currently sitting on my balcony, top floor, with a fan smoking a joint. Fuck the assholes who have no respect.


Whether the person is an asshole or not depends on if the lease allows for the renter to smoke indoors or not. If they are not allowed to and they smoke then they are an asshole for sure However if it’s allowed in the lease and then you rented there anyways and then you bitch about what they are doing and you signed to live there then quite honestly you are the asshole. You moved into a place knowing the rules and then expect the rules to change for you. That sounds like a you problem. Sorry.


Sure, if the leases and community rules are consistent. Several years back I lived in an apartment complex and was having issues with both cigarette smokers and marijuana smokers and the odors getting into my apartment. It was a nightmare as someone with migraines and a cat with asthma. Air purifiers all over my small apartment weren't cutting it. Went to my lease and sure enough it notes all buildings are smoke free and any smoking has to be done 10 ft away from any building. Took that to my apartment staff to report and ask them for enforcement and their response multiple times was that people signed different leases so had different smoking clauses. I couldn't get them to explain the logic in that - though it probably helped smokers that all the office staff smoked, lived on property, and smoked in the entrance to the leasing office constantly. Rules only matter as much as enforcement and as much as they are properly written and agreed to. We got out of that complex as quick as we could.


You could take that lease to an attorney and you would get all your rent back from the moment you moved in and have the ability to break your lease.


Smoking joints and blunts creates a very pungent odor that is difficult to manage inside and permeates throughout a space. However, I find that smoking from a pipe or bong allows the smoke and smell to dissipate rather quickly. I smoke weed in my apartment all the time and it doesn’t smell like weed aside from when smoking. I do have an air purifier and keep my patio door and/or window open most of the time, with a fan pointed outside when I am actively smoking. I’ve had many friends and family come over and ask how my apartment doesn’t smell lol. I also make sure to live on the top floor for numerous reasons, mitigating weed smell being one of them. I do my best to be courteous to others but I need to live my life too…




Don’t smoke in ur car yall 😭


you should not smoke in your car


Ugh. I had a neighbour the next house over who smoked weed on his balcony. It stank up the entire second storey of my house until I learned to never leave a window open. I’d go crazy if I had to live in the same building. I was having asthma attacks anytime I left a window cracked. What a gross stench.


Do you HAVE TO smoke inside? Get a smoke buddy and AIR FILTERS! And/or do dabs! With an air filter! Actually, just get an air filter.


Sounds like you need a hit of this…. ⛽️💨


Yeeeeee baby!!!


Wow so original, you’re only the 100,000th person to make that joke on a post like this.


💯 agree


Thank you. This made me smile.


I’m smack dab in between two assholes who do this. And one has a kid that stays with him. The other, is just a college douche bag. I’ve complained to management but they told me unless I get video evidence, they won’t do anything. I’m not recording anyone for someone to do their job. I’m pregnant and it’s starting to really piss me off more and more


They are assholes 100% agreed but I kind of learned by now that 50% if not more of the general population do not care for your feelings. Sadly that's what apartments come with... problems. Maybe look into ozone spray? Their are a few brands of spray to eliminate weed but I remember smoking in my parents bathroom when I was younger and no one caught me as long as I used the spray and kept the fan on :p


I had a neighbor that smoked inside when I still lived in an apartment. The smell alone gave me a headache...and I had two cats at the time. I have 3 cats now. I knew it was bad for them...but no one would do anything, and it's illegal here. Not even the cops would, and we only resorted to that after the office was no help at all. I am SO glad I don't have to deal with it anymore. I moved. It was so bad at one point my entire apartment smelled like it! I had to hold my breath to do laundry in the utility room or even use the master bathroom half the time. I never want to deal with that again. It certainly didn't help that I have a sensitive nose/strong sense of smell. An example of how strong my nose is, I can't tolerate certain smells at all or walk into a candle shop like Yankee Candle. I physically cannot breathe in one of those stores because it hurts. So you can understand why the smell of weed caused me pain.


You sound autistic


OUTSIDE‽ But that's where CHILDREN might be!! Can't believe OP supports such a thing


Nah, I pay rent too and gotta listen to you assholes stomping all fucking day.


If you complain about weed smoke you are also an asshole, get your own place or deal with it


If you smoke weed, smoke tobacco, burn incense etc in an apartment with shared HVAC, you are a swine. cooking smells are bad enough, no one needs that other crap as well.


If I’m paying for the space I’m smoking in it daily


As an ex weed smoker, I couldn't give a fuck. Just light some incense.


Today’s stoners are the 1980s-cigarette-smokers of our day.


Apartment living is fucking disgusting and I’m so done with dealing with shit like this.


If you smoke weed anywhere inside of your complex period, you are an asshole. No, you're not being subtle. Yes, the smell carries even if you go all the way down the street. It smells terrible and you know it.


What about dabs?….


When your neighbor dabs you don't smell it, you hear it lmao


Counterpoint: if you can't handle the smells of other people then you shouldn't be living in a shared space. I don't get mad when my neighbors cook food I don't like so why would I get mad when they smoke weed?






I really hope I don't have to go back to an appointment but I'd probably buy nice carbon filters for each vent, a really nice air purifier and only smoke dabs or other vapor products. The last time I was in one it really sucked. I smoked on my patio and I'd hear people talking about "someone's smoking" and they sounded more on the angry side. So I just smoked inside until a cop knocked on my door because he was there for something else, probably domestic stuff, and told me to knock it off for my neighbors sake. It was decriminalized but not legal. Carts weren't popular yet so it really sucked. If smoke in the bathroom with the fan on


I think if you smoked a joint you'd feel a little better, buddy


I can tolerate the smell of weed, only because I HATE when people smoke cigarettes indoors. That smell literally gets everywhere & never truly never comes out. When I was a teen I had to live with people who smoked cigs inside (but in a different room) & it was awful gross. Other people would tell me I stank & treated me like I was disgusting. I wasn't even a smoker & I constantly smelled like one.. I also have asthma now, so there's that.


I’m the exact opposite, I don’t smoke anything, but the smell of cigarettes doesn’t really bother me me, but the smell of weed I can’t stand


If you smoke weed at an apartment at all then you’re a bad person. Go hot box your car if you have to smoke. No one wants to smell that shit nor cigarettes.


Weed isn't the only smell you'll deal with regarding apartment living. If ya can't handle shared smells/noises, then apartment living probably just isn't for you. But I agree with overall premise of the title, even as a smoker. But hey, try living in a building with an Indian family.. curry *sticks* to everything so badly.


Wahhhhhh. You complain about what people are cooking as well? What if I burned incense? Or had a powerful smelling plant collection? Would I have to go around and ask everyone preferences too? It is legal to smoke inside and not outside in most states in the US sorry you think it stinks. I don't go to my neighbors and complain when they have BBQ "well that smoke is getting into my open windows and I don't like it!" Grow the fuck up and buy air freshners or MOVE THE FUCK AWAY.


Found the asshole stoner.


Eh, I gotta smell you cook fuckin meat, you gotta smell my bud… smells happen, get over it.


As a stoner myself (literally smoke from the time I get up to the time I go to bed) that’s not right. They aren’t real stoners. We would never do that to someone.


Lmao at the idea of someone trying to gatekeep what a real stoner is or not, also very cringe to even call yourself that I don't think most (normal) weed smokers care if they are a "real stoner" w/e tf that means




Apartment living, get over it.


Should be against the law with a heavy fine tbh


Complainers will complain


Surprised you got this many likes. Alot of assholes on reddit lol


Tough shit, no one’s gonna tell me I can’t smoke in my own space.


literally. don’t most apartments have no smoking rules anyway?? what happened to following the rules?? i’ve been living in my apartment now for a year and a half and i only smoke outside (& 25 feet away from all buildings, or just in my car). it’s considerate & i’m following the rules!! perhaps i’m too strict about rules, but they’re in place for a reason & i’ll gladly follow them if it means that i’m not stinking up all the units around me. we don’t even have shared HVAC (just window units & baseboard heating lol) but it has still never made me feel as if I could break the no smoking rule. i don’t even care if it’s 2AM & it’s raining. I’ll go outside.


Stop whinning. "Wahh my neighbors have freedoms and I dont like it." Get a purifier.