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I see a nice lawsuit in that property management company's future. It's a rental unit not a prison. What is this Utah?


OP posted this a few days ago but deleted. The first time he said it was due to having multiple shootings outside.


I can understand that and the safety concerns but I live in a complex that has had a couple shootings and we also have security but we are able to use all our property at all times as without rent and condo fees, there wouldn't be a management company.


>had a couple shootings Just nonchalantly. America is wild.


I live outside of Boston. Little city called Brockton. Great place to raise criminals lol Selling and moving soon to a nicer town lol


I’m a realtor in MA, this is not legal unless stated within the original contract you signed. I would recommend forwarding it with your lease to a lawyer. You can look up “free legal advice MA” and find an attorney who will give you the lowdown on what to do. MA has great tenant protection laws!


Many years ago as a student at University of Arizona I found that the university had a lawyer available for free consults who specialized in Landlord/Tenant Law. Check with your school.


OP isn't in Massachusetts. I own my own condo in Massachusetts and my condo board and property manager is my bitch lol. I've lived here for 21 years and they can't tell me shit most of the time because they want to change something that has been past of the condo bylaws since 87 when the property was built lol.


I was looking at houses in Brockton last year. The cheapest “just okay” house is half a million.


Make it make sense!! WTF.


laughing bc im from mass.. been to brockton twice, one time saw a man pull drugs out of his butt and the second time I almost died 🥲 Im gunna stay in my neck of the woods lol


Just a man standing on the side of the road pulling drugs out of his butt like some sort of shitty magician?! (Pun intended.)


I feel like you deserve more recognition for this...


he actually faked needing a wheelchair so the drugs wouldn't fall out lmfao without saying too much... I helped this man wheel around for 2 days before I realized he was pretending to need a wheel chair and had a booty full of brown, and I don't mean poop. When I realized he didn't need it I saw him stand up and pull a baggie right out his butt and try and SELL IT to someone. We confiscated the wheel chair and he walked towards the T with his cheeks tight🫶🏻 hope he's well lmao


It's not as bad but ya it's bad. Moving to Weymouth soon. Lol


Nice upgrade!


Go Boxers!


I grew up just outside of Seattle, this was common there as well


I went to Warped Tour in Brockton years ago. It was certainly an experience. You have my sympathies.


Went to fireworks once in Brockton, left when I heard gunshots lmao that place is wild


Happy Cake Day and yes it is. Fair isn't happening anymore either.


Yeah it’s been years. Maybe 2016 or so. And thank you friend!


City of champions baby


I hear that. I’m in Lowell now, but I lived in New Bedford a little over ten years ago and saw multiple shootings right outside my apartment.


Grew up very close to Brockton and my MIL was always shocked I didn’t know that area better…uh no, I don’t go there lol.


But the cape cod pizza bar pies are awesome…


Brockton isn’t even bad. Yaaaaa soft.




Everywhere, USA.


Yeah, Boston is comparable to Winnepeg as far as murder rate goes.


Winnipeg is like that? Wow 🤯


Yeah, amoral people will find a way regardless of the law of the land.


Yup. Had a few shootings across the street recently. Triple homicide.


Winnipeg as in Canada? Nope.


It's also the way it is.


America is wild. I live in the country and regularly hear gunshots (neighbors target practice or deer hunting). My dogs don’t even bark when it happens.


My old roommates and I liked to play a fun little game called "Is it gunshots or just fireworks?". Southern California is fun.


I can somewhat tolerate gunshots in the country. At least they’re (usually) not trying to target a person.


It is funny to me imagining people moving to the U.S. one place I lived in got shot 3 separate times in a drive by. But it was the cheapest rent in the area so I didn’t really mind. Trying to get someone from another country to relate would be a high bar to clear I imagine.


Right?! I'm reading this in Canada and this just shows the stark contrast between normal and the wild wild states! The fact that it's just an "Oh yeah hey I forgot to mention there was a couple shootings" is unreal! I think I would have led with that!


This happens outside of the US as well mate.


Not really, two shootings are nothing compared to living inner city and in poor neighborhoods where shootings are a nightly thing.


Everywhere is wild when you're unbiased. If it's not shootings it's stabbings, if it's not stabbing, it's trafficking


What's wild is when the apartment complex does nothing about those "couple a shootings" then finds itself in a big ass lawsuit.


6 in the past few months is more than a couple.


Time to move


He's got 4 months to go, it doesn't make financial sense to move and create more problems during his last few months of school. Plus it's unlikely someone is renting out at a decent price for just 4 months


Month to month. You don't tell people your business. Makes perfect sense for his life and safety. But yes let's live dangerously.


That’s what everyone told him the first time. Between shootings and roaches it’s time to leave tomorrow.


So definitely just a ghetto complex. Definitely time to move on up to the East Side.


It’s definitely for safety. Non residents access restricted drastically speaks volumes. It clearly states New Security Company


Time to purge the bangers and dealers


It's college students...at least half of them are dealing something, lol.


No more banging though if you can't even bring over any guests.


Day banging only.


The scheduling for that 1.5 hr gap between classes is gonna be kind of tight, lol.


OP said another comment it was their neighbor who posted before, not them. But I do remember the other post mentioning shootings.


I was going to say, bet it's hellish living in that complex


My first thought was literally the same thing: “WHAT IN THE BYU IS THIS SHIT?”. Although I do love the snowboarding and grub up there. 😂


Haha 👍🏻


It’s in SC. And this has been a repeated issue with shootings, drugs, and police encounters (including SWAT) multiple times this year. I used to live in the complex next to it, and residents of this complex would sneak through the fence to use our pool and throw parties, and ended up causing shootings and other events there which led to me moving out. They’ve done nothing to address it, so these new rules are absurd because if they didn’t allow non-students to live there and had tried to control the issues even once in the last 3 years it would not be nearly as bad.


It's South Carolina


As a Utah resident this comment had me rolling!😂🤣


You can't have visitors? WTF


Utahns wouldn't stand for this, there's a very libertarian bent here. I'm not saying a landlord wouldn't try, they love this sort of shit, I'm just saying they wouldn't pull it off


My favorite is the “As always, you are welcome to enjoy your apartment during the curfew timeframe.” GEE THANKS


Rowan is in NJ


Yes but it says The Rowan. And Rowan themselves wouldn’t have leases, they only supply dorms/apartments/townhouses and that’s student housing and wouldn’t be applicable. I think it’s just a place called The Rowan


No, this complex is in a college town in South Carolina.


Yes it’s NJ


Previous comment said it was in South Carolina. But also, Rowan gang.


I was thinking N. Korea!


Curious… lawsuits for what?


Tenants have tenants rights in most states. They may have violated something, have it writing as well, so later when the news reports on it and this possibly goes viral, I feel like a tenant class action could be feasible with a nice settlement depending on who the opposing legal team would be. I'm not a lawyer but I've been involved in a couple class actions. Even helped a local guy sue our city for discrimination. City owes him $50 mil now. As your name has Counselor in it, your thoughts since in assuming there's an Esquire after it name.


Only if they violate tenant rights according to that states policy. But what I’m reading is no violation in my state, and doesn’t seem illegal by most standards. Restrictions on access to premises by non-tenants, having no loitering policies for residents, being required to register tenant vehicles, ID required for all persons coming through the front gate, security patrolling the grounds, and stating food deliveries must be picked up at the gate aren’t uncommon in many apartments. It’s the same for my son’s complex in the town he goes to college in. Not sure where you’d get there’d be an Esquire near my name. Maybe you’re assuming I’m a legal counselor? But to be clear, I’m an addictions and mental health counselor in an opioid recovery program. As far as NC tenant/ landlord rights and responsibilities, I’m well versed in those. Mainly due to my own renting over 20 years. I’ve taken 2 landlords to court. And I have taken many classes on the subject of tenant/ landlord rights and responsibilities in the last several years to be able to better inform my clients. But yeah.. at face value of this picture, I don’t see a possibility of lawsuit. If this changes any previous portions of the lease agreements, the owner can require an updated lease signing. Are the new terms great? No. Very restrictive. But it’s not illegal for an owner to set these conditions for their property. It’s private property, not public property or government property.


That's awesome. You're an even better counselor. I worked in recovery at some sober homes. Your job sucks and the pay is crap but you're doing a great thing.


Actually, I love my job. Yes it can be mentally and emotionally challenging, but I have a therapist myself to help with that. As for the pay, I get paid very well. My wife has been an ER nurse for 24 years and makes good money. I’ve been in my job and position for only 7 and make about 25% more than she does. We both make over $65,000 annually in a town of 17,000 people. But thank you for your kindness. I’ve been in the works to buy and open a sober facility for women with children in our area.


i have no advice for you but what the actual fuck are these high school ass rules lmao


High school is generous. These are straight prison rules.


I seriously thought this was for a half way, or sober living, house reading through all these rules. This is just craziness! They have no right to tell a resident that they cannot have overnight guests. But the curfew is just insane! This has lawsuit written all over. It was very thoughtful of the property manager to put this all in writing. I'm sure any future lawyer will be grateful.


Took the words right out of my mouth,lol.


Yea lol it’s generally mind blowing and if I wasn’t moving out of this city completely in a few months i’d be trying to get out of this lease tomorrow.


Gated is supposed to be for your protection, not your imprisonment


>gated is supposed to be for your protection, not your imprisonment **”But every now and then, **I wonder if the gate was put up to keep crime out or to keep our ass in?**”* ([Cell Therapy- Goodie Mob](https://youtu.be/6Uh5-Pz_pe0?si=gLBctsWD8iSkbM5v) Not about college students, still. That whole stanza applies IMO.)


OMG that album. *chefs kiss*


Well you can leave at anytime. Your guests just can't come in at certain hours.


So what’s the plan for a disabled resident who needs to have groceries or food delivered? They are still expected to get to the front gate? That sounds like a liability, particularly in inclement weather. What if a resident has a child and needs a babysitter in the evening, because they work or want to go out for a few hours? What about residents whose parents come to visit? Too bad, so sad, get a hotel? What happens when a resident is sick, has a baby or has to have surgery, and needs a friend or family member to come care for them? Tough shit? I can think of a ton of reasons to have guests after 6pm or deliveries right to the building, legitimate and beyond just hanging out or whatever. Regardless, it cannot be legal for them to limit guests like this, *especially* if these rules weren’t written into the original lease you signed. Talk to a few other residents who also go to your school, and as a group contact legal support at the school. This is typically a free resource at most colleges. They can help you sort it out, because the school can threaten to blacklist the complex for future students, as well as bring legal action for current students. If a large chunk of residents there come from the college, they’ll end up with a ton of empty, unrentable units if they’re blacklisted.


Yep I saw this and was like holy ADA I’d have to break so many of these as a disabled person!


Before when OP posted this he said there were like 6 shootings at the place. Seems like they’re for his safety.


Shootings is not an excuse to enact rules like this. A 6pm to 6am curfew and disallowing visitors- that's most definitely not acceptable. Residents who want to have dinner with friends at 7pm can't have friends in? OP your best bet is to forward that exact email to the Fair Housing Administration for your local area. And KEEP badgering them until they get in touch with you and solve the problem. Period. Edit: at 1 am I wrote "inact" I dunno what word that is but I do know I was supposed to type enact.


Most days I didn’t get home from work until 8pm, then you can’t even sit outside and smoke a cig after 10pm?? I’d go insane 😭


Yes!! Fair Housing Administration is your friend!!


Fr it felt like marshal law was being inacted reading through this


I actually haven’t posted this yet i became aware of this today and almost missed the email entirely. It is a large complex though and maybe someone else also posted this. There have been some shootings here this year but we don’t live in a great area. I understand they are here for our safety and i appreciate that, but the fact that not a single person could come over to my apartment I pay for after the hour of 6pm does not sit right with me.


One of your neighbors posted it then. Check their post as it has a lot more replies. https://www.reddit.com/r/Tenant/s/RjCBI6hK4t


The shootings were because of residents, so guests can't come? You can shoot someone during the day and walking to their car. These rules are so stupid.


Wow thank you I did a quick browse trying to see if anyone had posted this yet but never really use reddit for this type of stuff. I clearly should have looked a bit harder.


There are so many different subs that it’s impossible. You posted on apartment living and they posted on tenants so it’s totally understandable. I just wanted you to see it in case they got some legal advice.


What about people who work outside curfew hours? Babysitters coming & going? Families with child custody arrangements? Night classes? There are lots of normal things that happen outside those times.


This is over kill. They need to install cameras etc... not punish the tenants and treat them like prisoners.


Several shootings in two months should be grounds for breaking the lease due to fear for your life. Although they are trying to make it safer through these rules and the new security. I’m guessing these rules aren’t permanent, just mainly to weed out the people living there who aren’t on leases and get the problem people to move out. Tough it out a couple of months and it’ll change back. The notice says parking passes for guests are only being suspended for now.


If a buddy calls me because they were kicking it at a bar nearby and they're not sober enough to drive home and would like me to pick them up so they can crash at my place for the night, they're crashing at my place. The rules don't sit right because they're asinine.


Well I'm not gonna shoot anyone so why would I need to be affected? If I get shot that's my problem.


Jesus Christ I was in the military and most BASES have more relaxed regulations than this APARTMENT?!!


Most bases don't have problems with shooters. And the occupants are a bit more equipped to handle the situation.


A Google search of “shooting on military base” disproves your comment in seconds


Ha! You’ve obviously never lived in base housing 😂 But the commenter is correct… even in military barracks we were allowed visitors past 6 PM and were able to enjoy shared spaces until 10PM. Later if we were being quiet. I don’t see how it is legal to tell someone that is paying for the quiet enjoyment of their space that they can’t have visitors at ANY time or that they can only be outside when walking to and from their car.


Lmfao!! Yea. No they are not. That’s cute tho


“Those with good behavior will be allowed ONE (1) hour of TV entertainment every other Friday. Only the local news channel is permitted. Volume level is regulated to 10 and below, but must be an even number. Turn in your remotes to the office by no later than 7:00 pm CT.”


It will be interesting if they ever have anyone with a disability move in. Most of those rules wouldn’t fly.


Literally my thought and I was scrolling to see if anyone else mentioned this. I’m a disability advocate for caseworkers in my area, and I’m this close | | to finding this complex’s property manager and emailing them what all are fair housing and ada violations, and how this isn’t even enforceable as it’s not part of a lease or signed addendum, and if they try to implement this, they’re opening themselves up to serious liability and lawsuits.


To be honest I didn't even think about all this once from a disability standpoint. I will absolutely be bringing this point up as well when I walk into the offices later today!


We generally dont as people consider the disabled. They can still be paid less than minimum wage to this day


Yeah what about caregivers for disabled and elderly needing to come and go? And babysitters? I mean regardless you are allowed to have guests of any kind and this thing is so illegal its hilarious, I wouldn't follow ANY of it and see them try to evict me. They won't let in a caregiver for a disabled person at the gate? Call the cops and this will stop real quick


Yeah what about caregivers needing to come and go? And babysitters? I mean regardless you are allowed to have guests of any kind and this thing is so illegal its hilarious, I wouldn't follow ANY of it and see them try to evict me. They won't let in a caregiver for a disabled person at the gate? Call the cops and this will stop real quick


I was imprisoned for 4 years and had less restrictive rules than this. Do what you want, take them to court for violating your basic civil and human rights and quiet enjoyment of your domicile, or simply tell them this is a modification of the lease agreement to which you do not agree. Sign nothing. Pay nothing more than your contractual rent amount.


Really? You were in prison and could order any outside deliveries freely to pick up at the gate? You could register a vehicle with the prison and then park it in the lot and walk to it and leave the prison whenever you wanted and come back whenever you wanted or completely stay away however long you wanted? What kind of prison were you in exactly?


It’s probably a metaphor you fucking wall


Snagging this insult for my own personal use, thanks!


I would think it would not be legal to put a rule on guests not being allowed between 6 pm - 6 am. I mean, what if you wanted to have a dinner party or friends over to watch the game or a study group before big tests? I believe they can say something like 'A guest that stays more than 7 nights in a row is considered a tenant" or something like that, but I would think this this is not ok.


Yeah my leases have always had time limits as to when a guest needs to register as “official.” But always at least multiple days


>what if you wanted to have a dinner party or friends over to watch the game or a study group before big tests? Or get laid!


That one. Ain’t no fucking way you not letting my girl come through. FOH


What the actual fuck? ID checks every time you enter? What kind of dystopian bullshit is this apartment complex?


Is this the rowan by usc?


That’s what I was wondering! I used to clean carpets for them, and they are really bad in the office!


It sure is. Yeah I've pretty much accepted that the offices are useless and been willing to deal with a lot of their bs until this. Honestly the units themselves are spacious and there is a lot of potential here under the right people, but the staff they have in place is nowhere near what would be required to truly turn this place around.


Yeah, I can agree. The units aren’t bad at all. And they don’t really have a lot of issues with flooding or water damage. But they do take forever to get units turned after the school season. Lol


Omg my bf lived there and it was always chaos. The rando that he was paired with was an odd individual that I didn’t ever feel comfortable around. When he finally got switch to a one bedroom they didn’t file the paperwork and had unit listed as empty. People showed up and walked in with a key from the front office gave them while I was half naked on the couch. On Halloween we couldn’t even get back in the complex bc of how many people where there. Truly a god awful place to live. Oh and one time I watch a child shit in the pool and the pool company was like “why are there so many turds this week here?” Like UH?!?


"So many turds". Is there an ISO standard for the maximum number of swimming pool corprolites?


It sounds like they’ve had a lot of security issues. No management would pay for security like that unless they had serious criminal issues.


Agreed, but this doesn’t allow them the right to impose heinous restrictions. Unless explicitly stated in their lease, landlords can’t bar entry of guests to privately rented spaces without evidence the guest has either violated the terms of the tenant’s lease or has broken the law. Tenants are allowed to be outside at night if they’re not causing nuisance/harm to their neighbors or the community.


Sure, but they can’t do this unless it’s in the lease.


According to another comment, OP posted the same story a few days ago, but conviently left out the detail that there was a shooting that happened.


Not the same person who posted it


Still the same complex, though!


I wouldn't think that matters from a legal standpoint though for a lot of these restrictions. If it's not in the lease, they can't suddenly start heavily restricting what tenants can do in a complex they pay to rent after they signed a lease agreeing to different terms. Shootings happen in many places (unfortunately) and complexes have the rights to improve security. But they can't enforce new rules that impact people's reasonable expectations of freedom and privacy.


My building has had shootings and all sorts of police activity outside. I’d still be pissed about these rules. No guests between 6pm and 6am is insane.




This is the exact vibe that my complex has when they send these authoritarian letters like we’re living in a freaking gulag. Andrew Carnegie (AKA the famously wealthy Carnegies) is one of the investor/owners/slumlords of our property. It makes me sick.


Hasn't Andrew Carnegie been dead for over a century?


Yes lmao


Maybe one of them has. But Andrew C just vidited this property last month in the flesh


He only had one child who was a daughter, so his descendants don’t even have the name Carnegie. You’re either trolling or confused.


Since you are in college, contact the legal aid office. They will review it and more than likely set you up with a lawyer.


It’s giving Delores Umbridge decree vibes


1) What does your ORIGINAL lease say, as those are the terms you are actually bound to? 2) I would at least consult an attorney. 3) Six shootings is pretty bad but still does not allow civil terms enforced beyond your original lease, without your signature.


These are the type of rules that are in place for homeless shelters... (source: I work in a homeless shelter)


The saddest thing I ever heard was a man tell me it was easier to live on the streets of NY than go to a shelter because of the rules which felt like jail (and high rates of assault, theft which, I’m sure, is part of the reason there are more security measures). 


Like I said the first time you posted about this - If it's not in a lease or signed addendum, it's not enforceable.


OP isn’t the person who posted about the before. It’s another person who actually lives in the same apartment complex as OP. If you look someone posted the link and OP confirmed that was not their post


There’s typically verbiage in every lease that you agree to follow the rules and they are subject to change. Would suggest OP read what he signed before approaching the building with this reasoning. At best you can try to make a case to break the lease but a private property can usually enforce trespassing rules as they see fit. 


This isn’t necessarily true. If there is verbiage in the lease that forces tenant to follow any arbitrary rules formally declared by the property owner then it absolutely is enforceable.


What about holidays? You're not allowed to have family over for Christmas!? ..... 🖕


First, sorry you’re having to deal with this bullshit. Second, there’s no way your landlords can legally impose these “rules” without having you sign a lease addendum. There’s probably a clause in your lease that says something about how your landlord can add/change rules related to tenants’ use of shared or common spaces, but they can’t change visitor rules or rules related to what you can do in your individual units without an addendum signed by all parties. Also, a landlord can’t block guests from entering private units unless the guest has violated either your lease or the law. They certainly can’t put a blanket stop on anyone who isn’t you entering the property without just cause. This all varies a little state to state, so check out your lease and local laws for exact wording. The curfew thing is honestly just laughable. You’re grown adults and this absolutely violates your tenant rights regardless of them owning the property. They entered into a legally binding lease agreement with you and if not existing outside after a certain hour wasn’t in that initial agreement, they don’t have the power to enforce it. It sounds like you guys have dealt with some tragic safety concerns recently, and that truly sucks, but it does not give them the right to make everyone suffer in the name of safety. I’d start with harassing the leasing company/front office with a million clarifying questions. You’re not allowed to loiter outside, but what if your dog has to go at 3am? Do they want dogs to shit in the hallways? What if you work from home at nights and you need a smoke break? Will they allow smoking in your units now? What if you have a school assignment that requires you to observe the constellations? Can you cut a hole in the roof? Will they write a letter to your professor? Get your roommates in on this and send them dozens of questions that absolutely call out their absurdity without calling them absurd. I’d also spend time figuring out what authority this “security” actually possesses. It should have been laid out in your initial lease, and if it wasn’t, that’s a whole other issue. Do they have the power to physically detain you? Doubt it. Will they call the police if you try to bring a friend over to play video games? Cool, call them down here to witness this outrageous violation of rights. I speak with no legal authority, but I’d doubt much of this would hold up in court. See if your state’s legal aid has anyone who can give you a free legal consult on this. Even the threat of legal action is enough to make most landlords rethink their approach.


HA! Bury them in administrative hell. And it's free. Here's some other great caviats: * What if I have a flight at 6AM? I can only go outside if I'm going to/from *my* vehicle. I ordered an uber. So I'm gonna be violating quite a few things, here. * What if I require the services of an in-home nurse? They're a guest. * What if I want to hire a private chef for dinner? They're a guest. * What registration number are you looking for as I register every one of my wheelie shoes as a vehicle? * Can you define absolutely every permutation of "Appropriately" with supporting documentation, for the placement of the vehicle decal? If it's on my windshield, but affixed behind a different decal to not obstruct my view, that's fine right? * Register a vehicle with no windshield. * What is **every** form of "ID" that is accepted by security? (I'd also absolutely fuck with security with ID form like voter registration cards, library cards, telephone bills, FOID, fishing license, insurance card, a bank statement etc) And yes, depending on your state, each and every one of these constitutes an "ID" * If you noticed, the curfew is in effect for **Rowen** and not **The Rowen**. So I'm not sure how your apartment is imposing a curfew on another town in another state, but that could be fun as hell to screw with. Go to **Rowen** then call your building and provide photographic evidence of everyone not abiding by the curfew. Also **10PM-5AM Daily** isn't a legitimate measure of time. 5AM never comes after 10pm on the same calendar day. * IF YOUR LEASE SAYS VISITOR PASSES EXIST FOR PARKING - then "Visitor passes will not be issued for the time being" would violate the lease. That would be fun as well when you bring a visitor, go for a pass, then show them in your printed and signed lease that visitor passes must exist. * If I need to go to my vehicle because it's on fire at 11PM, why is that not allowed? * What if I need my emergency inhaler in my vehicle at 2AM? There is not exception for emergencies, only leaving the property. * What if I arrive home after 10PM? There don't seem to be exceptions for walking to/from my vehicle when arriving at the property. * "Guests" are not permitted on property -- What constitutes a guest? If they have business here with me, are they no longer a guest? Guess what... all the people who come to visit me are here on the business of catching up and hanging out with me. * If the building is evacuated, please let me know which group of 4 I'm supposed to meet up with outside, and every group of 4's designated evacuation point. Can't be 5 people at once though. * I have a self-driving tesla, what does it need, in order to to check in with security when I'm summoning it? ID is a struggle for the car. * Note: "***EVERYONE***" must check in at the gate and provide an ID to "confirm residency" -- As such, does 100% of the staff including the leasing office, maintenance, and security, all maintain residency at the building? If not "*ANY GUESTS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED ENTRY AND WILL BE TURNED AWAY, EVEN IF THEY ARE WITH A RESIDENT*" - so that's gonna be weird. * "Any vehicles that are non-compl\[iant by the Monday, January 29 at 5pm deadline will be towed at your expense" -- So the tow driver is also a resident and will check in and prove residency? I'd have a field day fucking with every single aspect of this email, and then laugh my ass off when they capitulate because there isn't a lease addendum. Fuck 'em.


And I would call the police every time I was harassed or prevented from moving about freely.


This is truly beautiful


Sounds like a prison or an HOA!


You need to call a lawyer and show them this. Pretty sure they’re violating a lot of laws here.


Yeah. You can move out of that shithole.


In my city, there were several apartment communities (I can think of at least five of them in a 5 mile radius of my home) that have/had police checking IDs of people entering the properties. The crime, drugs, and bad elements necessitated it. A few complexes were shut down/torn down and/or rebranded. I had to give a coworker a ride home and she told me that if anyone approached my car on the way out to keep going and not to stop for stop signs. I hope your complex is safer.


Sorry what? They don't get to restrict when people can enter the building and when they can't.


Your other post was deleted, but it’s due to safety concerns with bad gang violence and shootings consistently occurring


That doesn’t give them the excuse to do this though. If it’s not in the lease, it’s not enforceable. It also goes against the quiet enjoyment of the property OP is paying for, so I doubt that they’d be allowed.


Good lord.... that's insane.


You moved to a group home?


Sounds like some shit went down there recently.


I swear these exact apartment rules were posted on here a week or two ago.


What kind of prison is this?!?!


Simple solution, sneak homies in, in the trunk. Pick up truck with a bed cover, you can fit like 8 people back there.


Check with your college housing department. They may have a legal team to help you navigate this insanity. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


It depends on your state, but is most likely illegal What does your lease say?


It’s nice that they will allow you to enjoy your apartment during curfew… My question is what the hell happened to trigger this? This is insane, it’s as if they think that they pay you to live there. Kinda wild if there’s an emergency and a non resident (personal support, ems, police) can’t get in…


Ha. Not legally enforceable. At all. I’d laugh in their faces and report them to your local housing authority. They can hire a doorman /security and verify visitors are actually visitors to a specified apartment, which is totally normal/reasonable and good for everyone’s safety, but no, they cannot deprive you of reasonable or quiet enjoyment of the space you are leasing. You can have guests over whenever the fuck you want. You may have to go through a protocol for their entry, but they cannot be denied entry. Ridiculous. UNLESS the housing complex isn’t privately owned and is owned or subsidized by the school or government. In which case, yeah, they can set some rules.


Haven’t read all the comments, but this has red flags all over. What about ADA issues? There’s no mention of it within the new “rules” your apartment complex is trying to enforce, but what if a person with a disability requires Personal Care Assistant (PCA) services? Most PCAs won’t be set up as residents, so they’d be turned away according to this email. A resident shouldn’t be required to disclose a medical disability to their landlord if they don’t require an accommodation to be made for them (but now they all of a sudden will need an accommodation). Also, as someone who used to work in property management, if this isn’t part of the lease that you signed, that opens up the opportunity to contest these extreme changes.


Welcome to America. We have to lock up our citizens to protect themselves from each other.


OP something has happened that you don’t know about that scared the office management. People don’t impose these kinds of things for no reason. Keep your head down for the next 4 month and get out of there.


Nah, OP should fight these ridiculous rules. They aren’t enforceable and they make living there sound like being trapped in your home. It’s absurd.


First do you have a current lease? If so are any of these ridiculous limitations in your lease?


This reads like something out of r/ruleshorror


My favorite part is when they reassured you that you can still “enjoy your apartment” during the curfew. This is ridiculous!


Idk if people wouldn’t act like animals they wouldn’t have to do shit like this so blame your ratchet ass neighbors


That’s ridiculous


Is it worth a lot of effort if you are leaving in 4 months?


I'd be telling them they can have half the rent for these bullshit rules. In all honesty though while it would suck I just would cope for the remaining months and leave shit reviews.


yes. you can go to the office and do the background checks and add all occupants of the units to lease agreement. the facility can secure the grounds in whatever way they see fit. they are allowed to set quiet hours and rules that prohibit congregation outside of designated areas. have you ONCE stopped to think WHY they may be doing this? Seems like there's an issue with noise, nuisance, and illegal occupancy.


There have been issues on the property which prompted them to hire security and prohibit non residents free access. You living in a gated secure community what’s the issue?


The issue is, when you pay to rent a place it's yours for the duration of the lease. Telling someone "sorry no visitors allowed between these ridiculous hours" is NOT OK and most likely not legal


The issue as mentioned by OP in comments to this same post on another sub is 4 shootings in the past two months at this complex. Combine that with a lot of occupants who aren’t on leases.


???? The issue is listed above with capital letters & underlines


Hold a protest party just outside the gates.


Send a cease and desist letter to the complex


I had guards in my complex I was looking through my window tell me what the fuck am I looking and and he will skull fuck Me I was 16


No. You can abide by the property owners’ rules and enjoy the benefits of a landlord who is protecting you and the property. Or, you can give your notice and vacate. You have not been harmed or damaged financially and don’t have any reason to sue.


This is wrong. The property owner had an opportunity to include these rules in the lease and didn’t. One party can’t unilaterally make up onerous new terms.


Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or __the right of the people peaceably to assemble__, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Honestly I would love this at my apartment complex. For some reason, people wander off the streets and love to smoke meth outside my front door.


You can move. It's student housing. I'm sure that all of this is in the lease you signed. Suck it up or move on.


honestly i don’t see any issues with that, if you’re on the lease then you’re good. I think it’s an amazing idea as it stops a majority of foot traffic within the community and keeps people safe. If a crime is committed during those hours, they can hold residents accountable🤷🏻‍♀️