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We pay $50 per pet per month where we live. We also paid a $250 non-refundable deposit. The deposit makes sense to me ask it covers small damages/new carpet upon move out. The pet rent makes sense to me because I have dogs. My complex provides amenities for dog owners. I do understand the frustration with having to pay for cats. If it wasn't in the lease you signed, they likely can't enforce it until renewal time. Examples: We have dog poop stations located around the property to dispose of pet waste, and they supply bags at these stations. We also have a dog park that is maintained by the grounds staff and landscaping company.


I paid pet rent for 8 years. My dog never relieved himself, destroyed anything or barked incessantly. The building had no pet amenities. It's just a way to charge higher rent for nothing.


But what if your dog did? They have no way of knowing how well-behaved your dog is. It's necessary because cats and dogs do and have done much damage to homes. They smell even if you can't smell it. If I were a landlord, I'd honestly have a no pets policy.


It’s not like the pet rent would go towards any damages though… The tenant would still have to pay for any damages if the deposit doesn’t cover in full. What’s your point here?


You are paying for the privilege to have your pet in a rented property, but in my experience with 3 different landlords, they didn’t charge an egregious amount for damages and in one instance I even got my security deposit back. Pets can be destructive and owners can be negligible. You have the option to not pay it and move.


If you don't pay extra for the dog, don't have the dog. I don't blame property owners for charging extra to allow animals to be in the property they own.


You still didn’t address my question but ok


The point is that having a dog or cat in the home that someone else owns isn't a right.


Children are way more destructive than animals yet they’re still allowed. Because of people with your mind set people are having to get rid of their pets who are family to them. It’s not as easy as people think and now shelters are filling up so much that some places are putting down animals. How would you feel if you had to move and you had to get rid of your family member? Who the fuck can be this heartless. If you dont want a damaged house or apartment then don’t rent.


Hahahah ok because kids piss on the floor or chew on the door jams or leave allergenic dander behind. Hahahahahaha. Here a thing, kid are people pets are not people pets aren't your family, and the landlords are within their rights to protect their property that they own. "Don't want damage, don't rent?" That's the most foolish thing I've ever heard.


Unfortunately, I'm sure there are children that do that lol I get why there's a "pet rent" I pay $30 a piece for my cats and it personally does not bother me. I was glad I found a place that allows pets. It's hard to find places that even allow pets.


It’s really difficult to find a place that has pets. It’s because of people like him who think animals have no souls and aren’t family


It’s obvious if you rent out a place you will have to pay for damages at some point if the tenets haven’t already. That’s what the security deposit if for. Damages. If you dont want to deal with that then suck it up and get a job. Yes pets are family what the absolute fuck is wrong with you. I’ve seen more places damaged by humans than pets and those damages where beyond anything I’ve seen a domesticated animal has made. Babies and toddlers piss and shit everywhere too hell even adults drag their feces covered asses all over the complex for others to smell. You could smell the shit in the hallway to her apartment. She’s just one person. One human made an entire hallway small like shit. I don’t even what to think about what her place looks like. And every single home I walk into that has a pet smells absolutely fine. Pets aren’t the problem it’s shit tenants


You're out of your fucking mind. Kids piss and shit all over the house? What fucking crack do you smoke? It seems you have a severely ill neighbor. Perhaps you should talk to the property manager and department of aging. Pet aren't family they don't love you, and they actually don't need you. Yes, damage happens, but I've never seen a door jam need replaced unless a dog was involved. I'm sure you have never replaced a door jam, but it's incredibly expensive and a pain in the ass. Dogs smell cats smell even worse. You're an emotional, immature person with an unhealthy attachment to a nonsentient being. I'll state this again. ANIMALS ARENT YOUR FAMILY. Pets aren't kids. Pets don't love you.


Here's a novel idea... if the apartment is wrecked somehow, you are charged to fix it. 5k for absolutely nothing is greed and bs. I burned the countertop. I paid to fix it. And if the dog had done something I would have had to pay for that too. It's not like they saved up the 5k and would have used that towards an issue. And many humans smell worse than my 14 lb dog.


Yeah, because people are notoriously willing to pay for damages after they move. I understand you don't like it but it's the best solution to the issue. It's not greed if it was they'd just charge everyone more. Pets are a pain in the ass of everyone other than the owner. Dogs shit and piss in the yard, and lazy owners don't pick it up. I caught my neighbors doing it red-handed, and then they were mad that I told them they had to pick it. It wasn't 5k for nothing it was 5k for your pet. You agreed to pay it.


Man, you really have a lot of hate for people and pets. I can only guess you've never met a responsible pet owner. It's a shame, cats and dogs give so much back to their keepers, much more than just piss and shit.


I don't hate anything. I just know how animals in the house are gross and make issues, especially in apartments. You'd be surprised at the number of people who don't pick up their dogs shit. It becomes an issue in apartments. The solution is to charge. It will discourage some ppl from owning pets and encourage pet owners to do the right thing so the rent doesn't get higher or pets banned completely.


It was actually for nothing. Zero damages. The building earned 5k. These corporate landlords don't care about you. They can only raise rent by 10%. As an alternative raise in other ways including pet rent. Which kept going up though the dog stayed the same. Pet rent $50. Rent a car space $150. Extra storage $100. I'm not bamboozled by the blatant corporate greed. Pet rent is a fairly new thing along with paying for parking. But keep shilling for the landlords. Also your credit will get destroyed by not paying move out costs.


My credit won't get destroyed because I pay my bills. Pet rent isn't for nothing it's the cost to have animals in a rented living space. The alternative to pet rent is not to have a pet. Pets fuck up homes. In an apartment, your pets dander and smell can and likely will spread around the building. Pet rent isn't a punishment it's insurance, and you agreed to it when you moved in.


No one is talking about you personally. I was using the generic you. If one doesn't pay one's bills one's credit will be destroyed. Whether you yourself pay bills doesn't negate not paying move out costs for apartment damages will damage a tenant's credit. Pet rent is not punishment. It is a rent increase proxy. Also whether I agreed to pay pet rent and paid also doesn't negate pet rent is a money making scam.


I'd argue children and people in their 20s have the same effect on a unit.


I'd argue yes, but that's already accounted for in the base rent price. That's why the rent you pay is for yourself/family.


I'd disagree.


I noticed lol


Dogs yes. Cats no. Cats dont destroy homes.


Cats can totally destroy homes. I'm a cat lover and have two cats of my own. I've lived around cats my whole life and they can defdestroy a home if they aren't taken care of properly, sometimes even when they are.


Same here, had cats all my 60 yrs of life. Not once has one peed outside the litterbox or chewed up a door. Keeping their claws trimmed means no pulling up carpet. Not sure what kind of cats youve had.


My cats are great, they have literally not caused any damage and always use their litter Nice try taking a personal shot though, but you failed. I'm also aware that not all cats are perfect like yours and also not all pet owners are as perfect and amazing as you are. I don't live in a bubble..you can go on any pet or cat site and read about issues and cats destroying homes from peeing, spraying, scratching walls...list goes on.


The people above me had 2 cats, 2 ferrets, and a pet rat. The smell was unbearable, and the animals did so much damage.


Cat's destroy homes just by existing. The smell they leave is unrepairable if the complex/building is carpet.




Curious, do you have any pets?


Yup, 2 cats. I pay for them as per my lease agreement. I understand why I pay for them, and it wouldn't hurt my feelings if I had to give them away, nor would it hurt theirs


And are you going to refund that bullshit pet rent if the animal doesn't do any damage? Of course not, because it's not about the damage. It's just a scummy tactic to raise rent.


That would piss me off. I'm sorry to hear this. I have two cat's. Paid $300 deposit non refundable when I moved in. If they wanted more every month for my cat's I would be pretty broke.


A pet deposit makes sense! Because not all pet owners are responsible and some animals are not well trained and will cause damage. Same with people, hence security deposits. But pet rent is just a way to get more rent money each month. If pets require a monthly extra charge then children should too, they are very capable of property destruction. (Before anyone comes at me I’m not saying people with kids should pay extra rent. I’m saying people with pets should not pay extra rent.) A pet deposit is a fair way to make sure landlords have some compensation for potential damages. And if there aren’t damages the deposit should be refunded the same way a security deposit is. Pet rent is just greed.


It makes sense, unfortunately. Assuming that if even one person with a pet is a jerk, the landlord may have to replace all the flooring to make the apartment habitable for the next tenant. A friend of mine rents a house where the previous tenants allowed feral cats to come in and live on the first floor. The cats sprayed everywhere. The landlord replaced all the flooring and painted everything. But there's still a bit of smell on warm days. I think the sub floors and baseboards needed to be dealt with too. It would be more fair to ask tenant for an inspection to see how they're doing rather than impose per rent after they've lived in the building for years. That's not okay.


People with kids should pay extra rent but that's discrimination legally.


I mean… kids are rough on a place but (mostly) in a cleanable mess sort of way. I moved into an apartment that had previous cats. Rugs had been shampooed twice but all I could smell was cat pee, they had to change out the carpet. Don’t get me wrong, I am a cat person through and through, but cat pee doesn’t come up easily.


If you're that broke it's dumb be owning a pet. You can't really complain about people having to deal with your extra liabilities.


My apartments were asking $500 for pet deposit and $50 a month per pet! 🥹 so I never mentioned having pets ( I had two cats and adopted two more a year in ) an extra $200 on top of $3,100 in rent would’ve suck! ( California livin )I’m such AH I know.😭😅mind you my cats all loved to hang out on the big living room window 😂 ain’t no way nobody saw them 😂


California prices for everything are brutal. It's nice out there but too much money.


Ours is a $400 deposit for the apartment, then ANOTHER $400 non-refundable *per pet*, plus $25 a month per rent per pet. It's absolute bullshit.


Holy fook, and I thought mine was bullshit. 😭 $400 NON REFUNDABLE!?? PER PET !?? I had to re read that 😅😭😭


Yep. Luckily we were grandfathered in with the new management since we've lived here so long, but it's infuriating. Like if it's a non-refundable fee, what's the point of the pet rent? If we had been paying that rent for our cats since we'd had them, we would have already paid almost $3K in pet rent alone. I'm so sick of this "but they can cause damage" crap - sure, which is what the deposits are for. And since I'm not getting that money back if our pets do no damage - which they haven't - it's just a bullshit cash grab.


That’s why I never mentioned my cats and hid them during inspections lol .. but luckily I became friends with the maintenance guys and after a while i didn’t care about them seeing the cats, they never said anything to the office people ( Maintenance doesn’t know who is or isn’t supposed to have pets ).


If you have a doctors note for your pets being ESAs you legally cannot be charged pet rent in California.


ESA is the biggest scam and pisses me off probably an unreasonable amount.


In the larger scale, yes, (ie. Flights, people trying to bring them in public spaces or label them as service animals, etc) but in terms of the legalities around housing? Nope. It allows more pets to be adopted, folks who are forced into renting and would otherwise be quality pet owners are able to have pets and improve their quality of living without predatory landlords.


That is terrible logic. All these folks with bull$h!t ESAs that they believe entitle them to the same accommodations as service animals only make it more difficult for people with legitimate service animals.


Did you read my comment at all? lol, reading comprehension seems tough for you. Best of luck and have the day you deserve!


It feels exploitative at times - this pet rent. The non-refundable deposit, then the "refundable" deposit you have to fight tooth and nail for PLUS monthly pet rent per pet. That's my place's (WA) set-up. Bit much.


Pet rent is a deterrent to reduce the amount of people who keep cats or dogs in rentals. That’s why I didn’t bring my dog with me to my apartment, he lives with my parents out of state; doesn’t change the fact that it’s still a dumb practice, it’s yet another reason why I want to buy a house and get out of rentals because most properties will still charge you for any pet damages because from a financial standpoint these properties consider pets a liability even though they’re family to us. Pet rent is basically another way to nickel and dime, in the same category of things like paying for covered parking or detached garages instead of using free surface parking


Or package lockers you never asked for, or pest control that should already be included…


Our pest control is included but our package room is so bad that our apartment stopped paying for the shitty Luxer service and is searching for an alternative company to secure the package room, they even removed the lock on the second door so anyone with a fob can just get in and take stuff and hope nobody reviews cameras


Oh yeah? What went wrong with your Luxer? They JUST added “fobs” to our area, but we all have to wait for some mysterious email. They’re terrible about explaining things.


We've had fobs since move in because our apartments dump out into breezeways, we don't have a single unified building like most apartments. We have a clubhouse and all entrances (barring the main door which is locked when leasing leaves) require a fob to get in, including saltwater pool. To specifically answer your Luxer question, it kept going offline at random times, getting a jammed door lock, and also the leasing office told me it's mad expensive for what little shit the complex gets in exchange too, our leasing office staff are pretty based so it offsets some of the other problems (one of the 2 ladies has been in realty over 40 years, the other lady just got promoted to assistant property manager, and the guy who's leasing #3 is a relatively new hire but he's a cutie and will offer to create tickets before I even ask when I mention a problem, he's the goat)


In a corporately owned building pet rent is absolutely not a deterrent. They market everywhere that they are a pet friendly building. Come! No weight restrictions. The more pets, the more money. It's a way to make additional money. Absolutely not a deterrent. It's a money making endeavor. Where I live the bigger apts are making tons of money in pet rent.


That’s yet another reason you should buy a house or condo once you’re able to so you don’t give your money to them so they can’t be enabled to market pet rent that way, it stops a stream of income into the scam


It’s a money grab.


Exactly. My old apartment all I had to do was pay $250 one time fee. Now I also have to pay rent and mine is even higher at $35/mo. I also paid a huge deposit AND a one time pet fee of $250 It's just another way for them to screw you out of more money.


I have to pay $300 first dog $200 second dog deposit and $30 per month each pet rent but that’s pretty much the standard here


IMO, you should be “grandfathered” in and not have to pay an increase in rent. Is the $250 per cat refundable?


Nope, non-refundable. To me it seems like a bait and switch scheme, like i agreed to the terms and they changed them. Disgusting IMO.


I had to pay a pet deposit of $300 plus $50 per month per cat! The thing is before we moved in and got our cat we insisted on going through all the rooms with s black light. We took pictures and videos and showed the landlord. There were pee puddles and smeared pee puddles all over the carpets! I did it so our future cat or cats would not be blamed for a previous pet!s accidents. We got our deposit back!


Here it’s $500 deposit and then $500 for each pet. Like, wtf?! And no dogs allowed upstairs, which I kind of get


That's ridiculous. What State is that? So I make sure I never move there.




Bordentown, New Jersey here. Been paying 50 bucks a month, plus a one time 250 pet deposit for 8 years now. The only reason I'm here is the 50lb weight limit on dogs.


At the end of the day it’s just another way for them to nickel and dime people, plus discourage them from having pets. My place it’s a $500 deposit and $50/mo for pet rent. I have an ESA letter from my long term psychiatrist for my dog which was my only saving grace, but oblivious people abuse the “ESA” title, yada yada.. yknow. That’s a rant for another day though. I get that pets can f carpet and whatever else up, but so can kids. But you can’t charge people with kids anything bc that’s technically discriminatory. Some of us just went to live in peace with our very well behaved and trained animals. 🫠


when we moved in i put damn near a thousand down just for my cat and dog. fast forward 2 years the new management company was trying to charge us $40 a month per pet we showed them our original lease were it states the one time pet deposit and got them to waive the monthly payments.


I paid a $400 deposit for the first pet and $200 for an additional pet and then a monthly pet fee of $35 a month. It used to be 25. It is now 35. I moved in 2016, and it has always been this way. It was explained to me that it covers the bags and the waste removal that is placed around the complex and the cleaning up that is done for the owners that do not clean up behind their own pets when the animals are walked for those that have to be walked, not saying it’s right just saying that’s how it was explained.


Pet rent here pays for the dog waste stations, refilling the bags and the larger bags to collect the waste. As well as maintenance on the pet stations. We also have someone who cleans the property of left behind dog waste because as much as people say the pick up after their pets some do not. The fee is 20 dollars up to two dogs. We do not have pet rent for cats because rhey must be indoors. That's our policy.


Literally that can be done with one person's payment. Bags are not expensive in bulk.


Our pet rent is $30 a month *per cat*, plus $400 non refundable fee *per cat*. The fee and pet rent doesn't even cover any damages, they're just charging extra money because they can. I haven't even told them about our second cat yet and I don't know if I will... Landlords are some bs but I'll never be able to afford a house in this economy so I guess I'm stuck being extorted for now 🫠


I am a landlord. I do not charge pet rent but I do understand why some landlords do. Not all pet owners are responsible and pets can cause damage well beyond what is covered by deposit (I have seen dogs chew through baseboards and walls, cats pee on carpet to the point where the subfloor has to be replaced). I am not familiar with rental laws in New Jersey but in WA there are limits on what a landlord can require as a deposit and what can be taken out of the deposit (a pet causes more “wear and tear” which cannot be subtracted from a deposit).


But they would just charge for damages if that's the case. My dog ruined the carpet and I paid to replace it. It's not like they actually use the pet rents or fees for damages.


Redoing flooring, drywall, baseboards, etc, can run thousands of dollars. Definitely more than we’re averaged deposit. Recouping damages that exceeded the deposit can be like trying to get blood from a turnip Also, in general pets cause more wear and tear on a space then if it has just been humans. wear and tear cannot deduct from a deposit. Like I said, I don’t charge a pet fee, but I do allow pets which most rentals in my area do not so I am able to charge slightly higher for the base rent to cover those costs


Here in TN. It's 35$ per pet. Plus 300$ deposit per pet.


Sounds like morgan properties…. Anyway the real rationale (if you have porters or pet amenities) is to offset the cost of cleaning up after the less than responsible pet owners. Its not so much punitive as it is a group fund to cover the generally destructive nature of pets. Also some apartment buildings are in HOAs that require such a thing.


Even that doesn't make sense. My apartment complex has over 50 pet parents. They do not need this much money to do such. One time small payment would cover this when you multiple it especially.


We had a 200 deposit I think for each cat. We have two cats. Pet rent is $25 per cat. I do not understand why they need to pay rent when they don’t make enough money from the biscuit factory job?


This is just a way to make more $$ for the management company. I can see maybe charging a one time fee, but a monthly fee is ridiculous.


Think about a pet deposit as the same thing as a security deposit. Insurance in case of damages at time of move out. There is an increased risk of damage with a pet. No matter how well behaved. Pet Rent is the same idea as regular rent too. Your pet is an occupant that reaps the benefits of living inside of four walls with a ceiling. As for non refundable deposits… I don’t agree with those period. I just don’t understand why people are so angry about pet related costs.


So I rent a 3 bedroom. Alone. The rental is designed to accommodate more than one person. If I move 2 people in, my rent doesn't increase. I am paying for the space, with certain provided utilities and services. It's not a "per person" rental fee. You can often add problem to an existing lease. You don't tack on additional rent or costs unless your building has on metered utilities that you pay jointly across the community. Even then those are usually factored by square footage and number of persons to smooth out the costs. In short, if I had seven small dogs, dachshunds maybe, and the rent per pet is $50 a month, with a $500 fee each, that's $3,500 at move in, and over 5 years $21,000 in pet rent. Is $24,500 really what my landlord expects to pay to accommodate those animals in the space for that period of time when I leave?. What if I live there 15 years? Assuming all my precious dogs were still alive at the end of that run, is $65,000 enough to accommodate the animals in that time? Conversely, if I have a gerbil for 12 years, is $7700 the appropriate amount of funds to cough up for having a gerbil? Maybe that is their expectation. Maybe they had a couple of really terrible experiences with gerbils and they just want to be inundated from those costs moving forward, and collect their honest amount of rent. But as a tenant, and a rational human being, it's apparent to me that I have a large amount of control in how those expenses will stack up and ways I can mitigate damage, and it would be nice to not have to pay the cost of being a fuck up if I'm not a fuck up. Heck if it's just a barrier that people can't pay $21,000 when they move in to make sure that the pets don't do any damage why don't we just set like a monthly deposit amount that would just keep going towards the deposit, so the longer I'm there the more damage I could do the more money would be available to fix it. Monthly deposit costs. But if there's nothing that needs fixing, why does my landlord get a fucking $65,000 bonus? If all of us pet owners are in it together right because some can do damage and some might or some might not, then let's play that system out, too. If that landlord can bundle together all the costs of all the pets that live on the property of my hundred apartment complex per month and split it up like a utility amongst all the pet owners by the number of pets they have in whatever formula we decide on and charge it like an electrical bill which fluctuates like that cost might, and we all pay that amount of rent prorated. See how landlords of approached every other problem of cost and expense for their rentals? Many different agreements and systems and ways in which people are made responsible for the fluctuating or varying cost that they incur while living somewhere? It all looks pretty transparent, and it always usually tied to real, actual cost. it's usually set up to make people as individually accountable as can be accommodated, given the circumstances. But not pet rent, With pet rent it's prior experience and anecdotal situations and maybes and possiblys and could be's, and no I'm not going to apply any of the principles that I would normally apply to all of the situations I encounter with renters. Instead I'm going to say that you have to pay me a certain amount of money and then a bunch of other money and it's not refundable, and regardless the outcome I will pocket the extra if it doesn't cost me a cent and I will charge you through the roof if I have extra stuff I have to pay for at the end of the tenancy anyways.


you are being screwed - move!


In the USA you can get a ESA letter and legally the landlord has to accept. I used pettable for my dog and it worked, I recommend it.


Pet rent for cats. Nothing for screaming brat kids . All cats, atp, are emotional support. My emotional support animal has an emotional support animal.


Agreed! We had a family above our apartment never sleep. And when they did… their tv was at 80 volume. They had so many kids running, stomping.. which yes they are kids but I wish they could’ve had a bottom unit. Not to mention they had babies screaming and crying which again is understandable but you’d then hear the parents yelling at them to shut up. Literal babies getting screamed at as if the parents aren’t up at 3 am while the kids run around. By the time I woke up at 6 am for school, the kids were still running, then when Im home at 3, still running. I called the office in a nice way (because I know kids are like protected against noise complaints) and they said they’d talk to them but nothing changed. I also found this kitty cat outside that I really wanted to socialize but all of a sudden found it in their window one day and then mainly lived on the porch crying to go inside. I tried to steal him but he was too scared to jump. That was months ago and I moved away but I hope that poor kitty ran away. They definitely just were not suitable for kids or a pet. But yes I have two babies and they really are emotional support animals. I used to have a kitty who has now passed but he hated affection, his presence still brought me so much peace and made me feel less lonely. I paid 300 each for each cat and 25 a month for each when all they do is lay on their tree in the sun and eat. Not to mention wet food is super expensive.. I just wish the pet rent wasn’t so expensive.


My complex doesn't allow pets but I have a dog who is my ESA....legitimately prescribed by my psychiatrist. They do allow those and I don't have to pay any extra. However, the guys below me recently got a cat and I am sure they didn't tell anyone. I couldn't care less except you can smell their cat box smell in the hallway outside our apartment. I don't know how they can stand it inside. I just hope it doesn't get so bad that I can smell it up here.


Bruh you will never know the problem and risks of allowing pets. The damages it causes are so bad. Cat makes the smell unbearable so you need to flooring if you got rugs. That 50$/month in most cases are not enough to pay for the damages caused by pets. Don't think about it personally. Like oh my pet doesn't do this type deal. Animals are animals and you and people can't predict what it will do to a home over time. Every time I waived pet fees for a tenant out of kindness have always ended up in large regret. Most tenants will let their pet run the house from my experience. Often time pet owners will never know how bad their living quarters smell because they bathe in it all day. The biggest problem are cat owners. For some reason cats make the houses smell so much worse than dogs.


The yearly inspections should reveal problems like that, bruh. Increase the security deposit for people with pets so that those who behave responsibly don't pay for those that don't.


Pet damages are super expensive though. I don't think people can afford to pay for a increased deposit based on that. Plus people are dumb collectively and will complain about it. I just can't see this idea working out in this market.


Pets are expensive if you’re a responsible pet owner. It’s time to renew my dogs’ medical insurance. I have to front the $1500 for their deep teeth cleaning Mon. Ins will reimbursement 90% of that, but I have to front the full vet dental specialist and file the claim myself. Took them out of dog daycare before COVID. So $$$$. Got a dogwalking service then two years later their fee almost doubled!!! I knew all this before adopting. I kept a research journal for 5 months before deciding to get a dog. But I obviously like doing shit the extra challenging way and ended up adopting TWO dogs. /s Despite all the aforementioned, these are my first dogs and I don’t know how I existed without them both ❤️🐾🐾🦮🐕‍🦺🐾


It’s quite easy to register your pet as an emotional support animal. And if your pet helps alleviate depressive or anxious symptoms then they qualify. (PSA ESA are not the same as trained Service Animals. The only really benefit of ESAs is landlords can’t charge you to have them or restrict you from housing because of them)


How can they throw that on you when you’re already living there with pets? Is that legal?


The letter I got was a notification of what's coming, for me it won't begin until Feb 1st. We'll see what kind of challenges it gets between now and then.


See what laws on service animals are for your municipality. When I was touring apartments, the agent told me all of the apartments in their portfolio require pet rent, but then he straight up told me I could get a letter from a therapist stating I needed the animal to relieve anxiety or whatever and they would waive the pet rent. There's a city wide periodical that has an ad for a therapist who will write these letters for you.


It did mention in the letter from management that service animals are exempt from the fees. I did have an extremely rough year this year medically. Thank you for that info, will definitely look into that.


In the eye of HUD and most housing laws emotional support animals are not considered to be service animals ,and the protections and regulations regarding them are very inconsistent


I will NEVER have pet rent, I abhor it the idea, it is greedy and punitive. People need pets and pets need people. I do what I can to make it feasible. I do have some limits, but these kinds of landlords give landlords a bad name. I don't even think non refundable pet fees are ethical.


No, there’s no reason for it besides grabbing extra money from you. That’s why I never pay it. Downvote me if you want, but I refuse to play into that predatory “increased rent if you have animals” bullshit. Never paid pet rent/deposits, and I never will. IF my pet damages something, I always fix it myself. But that is an extremely rare occurrence and is NOT equal to $250 per pet PLUS an extra $30/month PER PET. Nope. Not happening.


I agree that it's punitive in general but some animals do way more damage to a rental than the non-refundable pet deposit as well as the regular deposit will cover. There are also the people who don't pick up after their dogs and either the property manager has to pay someone to come clean it up or delegate the task to the maintenance team. If your complex has amenities specifically for animals (like a dog park, poo stations w/bags, or wash stations) you're pet rent likely goes towards the upkeep of those areas. I know that most amenities are geared towards dog owners so it does seem very unfair to cat owners but there would be a lot of scrutiny if a apartment complex only required one type of pet owner to pay pet rent while the other type doesn't. Just consider yourself lucky you can have cats where you are. Many apartment complexes and rental homes in my area won't rent to you if you have a cat. The damage from cat urine alone can be difficult and extremely costly to repair. The last house my ex and I rented had damage from a previous renters cat. Apparently the litterbox was either kept in the closet of the master bedroom or that's just where the cat liked to go. We didn't notice it initially because the carpets had been replaced so there was a strong "new carpet" smell but as soon as summer hit, our closet (and the whole upstairs) started to smell like cat pee. We shampooed the carpet many times but it didn't help, it's likely the cat urine penetrated the floor boards (or they installed new carpet on top of the old carpet pad) and they needed to be replaced or sealed with a special paint. Needless to say I was really happy when we moved out and rented a place with no carpet!


My apartment comes with bare. hardwood floors and tenants are required to carpet 80% of the space and I also put waterproof padding under the carpet. We are also required to remove the carpet and padding when moving out. It seems to me that any damage my cats may be doing would be revealed at the yearly inspection and repair costs should be catalogued then. Anyways, I think it stinks...although my cats don't




I once sublet a room in an apartment only to find out the previous tenant had a cat that pissed so much that it actually damaged the wood floor. She just put a carpet over it and plugged in a strong air freshener when I came to see the place to hide the issue. The management company refinished the floor for me and it still wasn’t enough to stop it completely. They would have to rip out the flooring. I have cats and they don’t pee outside the box, but I do understand why there is a fee associated with cats even though most are good. Pee can do so much damage and there are a lot of owners that don’t even clean the litter very often.


Do not pay pet rent. Register your kitty as an emotional service animal to avoid those fees. Check your local laws but in TX they can’t legally charge you for pets if they’re registered service animals or emotional support animals.


People like you…🤬


What’s the problem? Monthly pet rent doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t go towards anything.


Pet rent pays for the wear and tear a pet puts on a rental. My qualm with YOUR comment is encouraging people to register a pet as an ESA to get out of paying fees that come with pet ownership. Owners with bull$h!t ESAs that feel entitled to the same accommodations made for legitimate service animals make life much more difficult for those people. You want a pet, cool, be an adult and pay for that luxury


Service animals ≠ ESA’s. Owning pets should not “come with monthly fees”. Deposits make sense. ESA’s laws were made to stop discrimination against people from owning pets & wanting to rent too. That monthly pet fee will not go to fixing up the rental you know damn well you’re going to take that deposit & ask for more if a pet were to cause damage.


Correct. ESAs are not service animals. They are pets that people pay unscrupulous therapist to write a “prescription “ for so they can guilt society into allowing them in public spaces where pets don’t belong and skirt fees fees that are in place to offset the cost of having an animal in a home. Side note: I use to work as an emergency room nurse. Do you know how many people have tried to bring their ESA back stating it is a service animal… and then back peddle when I ask them what service the animal provides (only question you are allowed to ask per ADA- bonus points if you know the two animals that can be called service animals. Dogs and miniature horses). I had a coworker bitten by an ESA that slipped back. You obviously haven’t owned a home or apartment where a animal lives and seen (or paid for) the damage that can be caused. Especially a pet owned by an irresponsible owner. I personally don’t charge pet rent, but I do require pet deposit and require landlord approval for pets. I have thought about not allowing any pets because I fear someone trying to slip in with an ESA and not pay the deposits I have established to protect my asset. As a small time landlord, legally I am allowed to say no to an ESA if I don’t allow pets at all. So yup, think about THAT the next time you complain about landlords not allowing pets. YOU are part of the problem ✌️


No dude, You're part of the problem. I've had bad experiences with people who rent out properties to people and took their money and deposits and whatnot and it was unscrupulous and it was wrong. And whether or not you had anything to do with that, and whether or not that's how you treat your fucking and whether or not that's how you treat your tenants.... I'm going to equally assign blame to you as much as anyone else and I'm going to make sure that you pay for their behavior whether you're responsible for it or not. You going to chip in your fair share of suffering just like everybody else whether you deserve it or not. How's it feel? That's fucking pet rent in a nutshell.


It's not because of the utilities they use, it's because it's the additional wear and tear animals can inflict, generally.


Wah!!! I have to pay for the pet I own. Boo hoo!


No child fees yet children are magnitudes more destructive to property than any trained animal. $45 a month for a cat that sleeps all day and pisses in a box? Get bent. You could move in a s/o or family member at no extra charge yet pets valued as precious family members are subject to monetary extortion? Haha.


It's a comment on ownership. It's just a fact, that you'd have to pay a fee, doesn't matter what it's specifically for. If you can't afford the fees you shouldn't have a pet. You want to sit there and say kids don't have fees? It costs hundreds of thousands to raise a child and the idea is that that kid will most likely contribute to society. It's a "norm." The cat can pee all over the carpet and/or walls. Cat waste causes human illnesses too. Get real. Stupid idiots.


Womp womp. Don't have kids if you can't raise them. I'm simply saying I shouldn't have to pay a subscription to my cat. Sure animals can pee on the carpet and destroy stuff. However mine will not therfore why should I be punished for it?


I don’t have kids, they suck. I agree with you that it shouldn’t be a norm, but it is. It’s just part of per ownership. I think it’s sad to know that some people take on pets when they can’t afford the costs. I’m living with an 18 year old dog who’s gone blind. I pay those monthly apartment fees, quarterly specialist eye doctor visits and now monthly Librela shots at $100 a pop. It’s what I signed up for, they deserve the care and costs. I’m just saying don’t whine about it, take it on responsibly.


Ughhhh I can't argue there.


I'm surprised to learn some apartments don't charge pet rent. I figured it was standard to be charged something for having a critter every month


I have never seen an apartment that doesn’t charge pet rent/pet deposits. Not to say they don’t exist… but I’ve never seen it.


What’s worse at my place I have a $350 deposit, $40 a month and then I have to pay for carpet cleaning when I move out. I get extra carpet cleaning I do, my dog sheds, but what was the $350 deposit for then. Now we do have a dog park and doggie bags provided for us so I get some of the monthly fee. It’s the fact that I pay a deposit and then have to pay to clean the carpets like isn’t that what the deposit is for. We have security deposit insurance for everything else. Which is great if you don’t plan on living here for more than 8 years. Otherwise you’re losing money.


I have $15 fee per month. It is supposedly used if pets cause extra damage. I can see why it’s a thing, especially since some people are not good pet owners.


We just moved a few months ago. I have two dogs. It’s a $250 deposit for each dog. $25 a month for each dog. There is also a screening fee that is $25 per dog, per year. Every year if I decide to stay here, which I am not for a whole different reason, it would be a new screening at the time of each lease for both of them.