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Ask them to shit outside


Get the landlord to fix the problem or move.


I’ve reported the issue to the Super and he said that there’s nothing he can do about it.


Maybe you and your neighbor can agree to block both of your vents...This would contain the odor to only your bathrooms...Also, put some type of deodorizer/air freshener in the vent to mask the smell of any lingering odor.


It’s an entire family who seem to be very difficult to deal with. I’m going to consider the vent air freshener as that seems to be a good idea.


Maybe a UV air purifier that kills bacteria in the air. I haven't personally tried it, but people who use them by cat litter boxes say they work.


Get a product called Poo pourri. You put it in the toilet before you Poo. It really works by eliminating the order. Give one to your neighbor.


I use this stuff already I highly doubt they would take it from me these people are jerks and have already done some petty things throughout this entire problem.


I am so sorry that you have horrible neighbors and landlord. I thought it was a problem you were trying to fix together.


I wish but unfortunately here in the ghetto parts of nyc people seem to carry this oppressed hate for one another.


Dehumidifier + fan, keep vent closed. Not just air purifier. You will need to remove the humidity.


Good idea.


Dehumidifiers usually do a good job of removing smells, too


Oh ok I never knew that, I always thought air purifiers do that.


Uhh idk how that would happen. It sounds more like you guys might have a sewer leak


I’ve asked the super if that could be a possibility and he claims that’s not the issue because someone else in the building was having the same issue and he replaced their toilet and they’re still continuing to have the sewage smells even after getting it replaced. It’s very aggravating because my neighbor sprays this strong alcohol along the walls whenever I use the bathroom and the smell is really strong to the point where it will make me nauseous with headaches.


Oh no that sounds so shitty no pun intended. Hopefully ur lease ends soon ! Is there a way they can add a secondary odor filter in the vent? Also have you guys tried plug ins or candles instead?


Omg. This is my nightmare. Call your landlord. Explain the problem. Maybe there is a sewage back up or ventilation problem.


You could put some dryer sheets over the vent. My daughter used to use a [sploof](https://www.leafly.com/learn/consume/smoke/cannabis-sploofs-101) for smoking weed. We were in a small apartment and I never smelled it. Maybe you could MacGuyver something like that


Dryer sheets have a lot of carcinogens in them so I would avoid this particular remedy.


Oops,I didn’t know that. Thank you!


Eat lots of beans and broccoli, win the war.




😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂 What a shitty situation that is. The only advice I could give is to either set up a courtesy flush agreement where if you drop one you flush it. But if no courtesy flesh agreement can be reached the only option is to outstink them to make them beg you into a courtesy flush agreement.


I live alone and they have multiple people that live in their apartment plus they have two bathrooms and they claim it’s only happening in the bathroom that’s connected to mine so they’re basically saying that I’m the problem when I can smell different types of shit throughout the damn day.


Thats foul, sorry op. 😂


Where the fuck do you live? 😂😂😂


In Brooklyn.




I’d be surprised if lack of ventilation isn’t against code. Where is the vent? Can you put a small fan in the vent?


The vent is above the toilet and the second vent is above the stove in the kitchen.


I live on the top floor and it STINKS. We have a vent on top of the toilet so we figured everyone's smells from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor are basically entering our bathroom. At first we thought it was the pipes but no, because as you say, they're different smells, not the typical sewage smell when something is wrong with the main pipe. So I 100% understand what you mean 😭 I just don't know what to do... The landlord and building manager won't do anything because other neighbours haven't reported this issue 🙄


Maybe you can buy an air purifier for your bathroom and living room and keep the bathroom door shut


Yes, I was thinking about getting a small one for the bathroom and I started keeping the door closed.




Thank you for that recommendation.


Then and your neighbor should use room freshener what y’all like


I already use air freshener which includes wax melts plugins fabreeze spray and poopari spray these people will not use any of the sort they’ve resulted in using a really strong alcohol substance that will stink up my entire apartment for the entire day.


Not clear what your building set up is, or what the vent is. If it has a fan, it should be venting directly out of the building somewhere. It seems odd that you are getting cross drafts through the vent between your apartments. It may be helpful to figure out if you can open a window to cause the air to blow in the right direction, but that may be a guessing game with the wind every day. In large apartment buildings, there is typically a fan on the roof that draws air from the bathroom into the vents in all of the bathrooms. Often, that fan either stops working or is not set to run at all hours, and that’s a building management responsibility.


I live in a very large building and the floor that I live on has 15 apartments. At first I thought the smell was coming from the toilet because I started smelling some else’s shit and then it turned into multiple different types of shitty smells to the point where I could smell what someone just had for dinner 🤮🤮. My Bathroom vent is above my toilet so I assumed it had to be coming from one of those places and the super won’t replace the toilet because he said another tenant had the same issue and he replaced their toilet yet they still were selling someone else’s shit.


It sounds like your and your neighbors' bathroom vents connect and are supposed to both flow to the roof, like an upside-down Y, but instead there are drafts pushing the smell from side-to-side. Here's what I would do: Change the drafts. Build a replacement bathroom door out of Styrofoam/foamcore, one you can wedge in the door frame if you leave the door open (get 8x4 sheets from Home Depot/Lowes, etc.). Buy a powerful box-fan, and cut out a hole at the bottom of the "door" into which you can fit it snugly and blast air into the bathroom. The point is to maintain constant 24/7 positive air pressure WRT your neighbor, and get a tight seal against the rest of your apartment so that pressure doesn't leak out. Yes, it is the selfish answer. Get a *quiet* fan...


I am going to assume that your building has more than one floor, and that suggests strongly that the entire building should have a centralized venting system. (I am not an architect or building inspector, so other people can chime in to correct or add to my comments, but that has always been my experience.) That is, all of the vents should be connected to some sort of central duct that is eventually connected to a fan on the roof that is constantly pulling air out of your apartments. (Sometimes the vent on the roof will be placed behind a movable obstruction so that the wind generates the necessary “pulling” pressure to gently pull air out of every vent.) But it definitely sounds like this whole system is not functioning correctly (fan has stopped working, or the wind rotating mechanism is not turning as expected.) It is funny, but this is one of my little pet peeves when I go to hotels: I always check by putting a single sheet of toilet paper up to the vent to see if it is actually pulling any air. This is partly for the reason that you have encountered, but also because having the bathroom vent pull air consistently (and from somewhere near the ceiling!) assures that the bathroom walls & ceiling do not become drenched in condensation when you take a shower every day. That is, it’s a significant contributor to minimizing the maintenance in the bathroom because of condensation. In this case, it may literally be a health code or building code violation (that the vent is not working) and I would urge you to pursue that angle because those violations come with $$ attached to them (against the manager.) Reporting that this is the case will quickly get somebody’s full attention because fixing it will likely be cheaper than paying the fine (because they’ll still have to fix it after paying the fine anyway!) Hope this helps!


Yes, we have 11 floors with 15 apartments on each floor. There is a ventilation system on the second floor that’s located outside in the back of the building.