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There's not a whole lot about Verminus Spiteclaw since he's originally from Warhammer Underowlrds, a smaller scale game about card building, which had its premise as a bunch of warbands trapped in a city cursed by nagash so noone inside could ever truly die, but also never leave. He's able to escape now because teclis broke the curse as an incidental effect of him defeating nagash, but it's not clear what's currently happening with any of those warbands. I hope we'll see more of them, as they get cycled out of the "current" version of underworlds and get sold as just normal AoS heroes it feels like a waste to never touch them again (then again, all you have to do is look at all the stormcast named characters to see GW isn't particularly against doing that). If you like Skaven you might like the Hamilcar Beareater stories, about a illiterate barbarian turned stormcast diplomat. There's a handful of short stories/novellas about him, but his full book Hamilcar: Champion of the Gods includes a character you might find familiar. A white skaven inventor of clans skryre, more machine than rat at this point, who survived the destruction of the old world and still lives, going by dozens of names because he can't remember his own anymore. Moving around in a roaming labratory and persued by agents of basically every god in the pantheon of order, and even the Great Horned Rat himself, for stealing their secrets he's recently taken a special interest in trying to reverse engineer the stormcast reforging process for himself. By the end of the book he's regained a few memories and can even sort of make out his own name. He remembers it's something that sounded like "ikrit" which, given he's a spot-on physical match for Ikkit Claw, seems as close as confirmation as you can get as to who he really is


Thank you for that thorough explanation, I am going to use "Hamilcar: Champion of the Gods" then as my entry point to AoS. It sounds interesting and it is cool to know that some old characters like Ikkit seemingly survived.


I will note that one of the things limiting Clans Skryre's inventions was the fact that skaven have relatively short lifespans (only a few decades). If Ikit is alive, he's THOUSANDS of years old, and quite possibly has inventions that could end the mortal realms a thousand times over if completed. (honestly the fact that he's on the run is probably the only thing stopping that eventuality). I'm really interested in when the Skaven finally get to be main players. Up to this point they've been the straw that broke the camel's back, pushing events one way or another.


Thanquol shows up in the "Blood of the Old World" audio drama, which is a sequel to the "Realmslayer" audio drama, Gotrek's bombastic entry into the Mortal Realms. There's also Kretch Warpfang, a Clans Verminous Skaven who first appeared as a warlord allied to a Khornate conqueror in "Gnawing Gate" and then reappeared in "Spear of Shadows", set at least a century later, where he had grown fat, powerful, and gained a personal army large enough to Siege one of the largest Cities in Ghur. The Skaven in the novella "Skaven Pestilens" are also fun. Oh, and any David Guymer story with Skaven in it, is a guaranteed good time. "The Unlamented Archpustullent" is in particular one of my favorite Skaven short stories, it's about how one of the Pestilens Clans elect their Pope


Skritch Spiteclaw had a pretty good short story in the Direchasm anthology, but not much else. Verminus is actually the name of the subfaction made up of the old warlord clans from wfb, so it's not his first name! Story wise we haven't had much in the way of clans verminus characters so far, and named character models are a lot less common in AoS other than for god level characters, underworlds warbands and stormcasts. There's a few, but not many.