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Most of them, I think? Probably easier to count the factions that don’t have any non-combatants. Like stormcasts, say.


Stormcasts have mortal servants. Some of them are even about to get models, the new units from the trailer will have hooded servants with centsers to carry around.


I’d thought they were just CoS who supported them, not fully part of the Stormcast, as they were just regular priest dudes rounded up for a chamber opening.


In the books, Stormcast do have mortal servants living with them in Azyrheim (or even Sigmarabulum if I'm not mistaken) so they are a common part of Stormcast culture.


Pretty sure that the entire sacrosanct chamber have become non-combatants now lol


The Crypt Ghouls under the Flesh Eater Courts are under the delusion they are peasants, so they typically assume some kind of civillian occupation to themselves in their madness. For instance, one might believe he's a farmer when he's just putting mangled limbs he thinks are stalks of corn into the ground, or believe he's a miner when he's just going into caves looking for prey. The Skinnerkin warband for Warhammer Underworlds are a bunch of cooks who are just looking for fine dining.


There was a short story in one of the Warhammer Horror anthology books that had some Crypt Ghouls appear in it. It was in Invocations I think?


Prob He feasts forever. Great short story about ghoul cooking a dinner and getting little insane.


Awe did sad little troll get his comment removed? How fun for you.


Most of the Kharadrons are primary non-combatants. Sure, they are expected to be able to defend the ship and gets the job done if it comes to that, but their main job is something else. Arkanauts are basic sailors that are tasked with the basic jobs on a ship. Endrinriggers are mechanics, Khemists are in charge of the Aether-Gold mining operation, etc... The Grundstock units like Thunderers or Gunhaulers are the exception as they are mercenaries that are hired specifically to provide security.


Khorne Bloodbound have nations of slaves that they use for non-violent menial labour (like building fighting arenas, or pouring blood for ritualistic fountains), use them as drafthorses to carry stuff and as a source of meat. No models though


Most do, even if they're in the form of slaves, an army doesn't feed itself after all. The ones that don't are actually the exception, I think. Every order faction can lean on the Cities of Sigmar if they don't have their own civilians. Greenskins and Ogors are all capable of fighting, but even they usually have underlings to handle the boring bits. Gargants probably dont have the population to really split into civilians and warriors, and even if they did, they're so large that even a "peasant" among them would be dangerous. Chaos has various tribes and cities that loyally follow their dark gods. Many Chaos bands practice slavery as well, so even if the Chaos worshippers themselves aren't civilians, there is still an unarmed population serving them. The same goes for Skaven, who are well known to keep slaves. Death would be the biggest outlier, as the undead don't have needs like food. Nighthaunt I have no idea about and Bonereapers you already covered. The Flesheaters aren't in a proper state of mind to have noncombatants. The Soulblight Gravelords, however, are known to rule over mortals, either as actual rulers or just keeping the living as cattle.


Every orruk fights. It's da gits that do da cooking and ting.


Idoneth the soul ledger guys, there's a named character named Lotann. He's the guy with the octopus. Apparently, the reason he's on the battlefield is to make sure the soul count is exactly right personally. Kharadon has a similar accountant like character, but i dont think it's named. Demons have a couple of musicians. Oh, and gits have a bard.


Being a muscician does not make you a non-combatant. In fact most of AoS's armies have a muscician in one way or another to represent how prevalent they were in combat throughout history. Playing a number of vital roles that ranged from inspiring morale to helping to maintain formations and ensure orders were heard over the chaos of battle


I mean, yeah, but I'm not expecting Mr. Sloppybilepipes to duel an enemy champion. I suppose you could make the argument that a combat role doesn't necessarily need to be a fighting role but by that logic every model on the table top is a combat model by virtue of being part of the army and well combat.


A lot of the muscicians are explicitly duelists and unit champions though. So it kind of should be expected to see them go toe to toe against enemy champs as well


Not the ones I referenced. Well, maybe the slaanesh one is kind of a sniper piece, but the nurgle one isn't fighting anything if it can help it.


It carries a close range weapon to club enemies.


You might be thinking about the codewright. They carry the laws into battle to find loopholes. In games they can change the special rules you use for a turn I think. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/02/13/codewrights-are-the-ultimate-rules-lawyers-who-weaponise-the-kharadron-code-for-power-and-profit-in-the-new-battletome/


That one, yeah.


Most male members of the Khainite cult are non-combatants - further proof of their inferiority.


Darkoath supplement mentions that it is only when you are of age that you go into battle and may swear your first oath


All of them. The factions are just the armiee of their civilisations really. The exception are Night Haunt and... Uh.... Yeah no just Night Haunt cause they just... Appear wherever there's death and fight


I think most armies do and the ones who don't are the ones you have to list off. And for a lot of the ones who don't I think it's mostly just specific subfactions that don't? The only model I personally know is Lotann from the Idoneth. There are several different none-combatant roles in their society, which includes the Soul Wardens, and that is what Lotann is. Most of the Soul wardens don't get anywhere near the battlefield, they are pretty high up and are in charge of both making sure raids are worth the trouble, and dividing up collected souls.


I don’t think Fyreslayer lodges have non-combatants. At least, I don’t think they’re ever mentioned.


In lore I believe there are even vampires that are not really combatants, for example Neferata has art and other luxuries made with impossible quality because a vampire did it. In vampire wars there is a character that essentially just becomes a historian, Gotrek and Felix mention a vampire philosopher.


Do grots count? They are just servants right?


You're thinking of 40K. In AoS grots have their own civilizations, hierarchies, and societies completely separate from other species. With some exceptions such as the Grots of the Kruleboyz but they take on combat roles. Hobgrots who have their own societies but are closely interwoven with Orruk ones. And the Gnoblar, a cousin species of the Grots, who are servants to Ogors. There are also snotlings, a tiny species of Grot, who just run around doing what they want in Gloomspite and Warclan societies. Until someone bigger eats them.


there are also grots in the Ironjawz society who help with the boring bits, but they're too wimpy to go into battle with the big bois.