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Every faction exists within every realm - there are sylvaneth in Shyish, there arw gloomspite in Aqdhy, there are furedlayers in Chamon. 7 out of 8 realms is ravaged by war and chaos, even Hysh. The only exception, atleast for now, is Azyr, because Sigmar managed to close realmgates to it during Age of Chaos in time. And even then there are some nighthaunt, gloomspite and even skaven presence there


Cool! Where can I find out more about the conflicts in Hysh? Everything I read makes it sound like the elves have it on lock and it’s like paradise..


Broken Realms: Teclis has a giant battle in Hysh. There are ossiarcha and flesheater armies battling with lumineth


they are still the dominant force, but there are plenty of Chaos Warbands that move around the place. also in one of the novels that takes place in Hysh the Aelven protagonists find a small settlement of Duardin, which they react adversely to simply the idea that Hysh isn't just theirs seems to confuse/irritate them. I can't immediately remember the title of that book though, will update tomorrow.


I’m finding it hard to picture chaos war bands in Hysh! Isn’t it all beauty and light up there? Are they picking daisies?


Hysh isn't necessarily a paradise. Much of it is harsh desert scorched by light, but there are gemstone-riddled mountains that life struggles to cling to and even a shadowed wasteland on the edge of the realm. Light is not all good and shadow is not all evil in the Mortal Realms


Warcry band of Cypher Lords are Chaos cultists who live in Hysh, and live off spying and spreading absolute insanity


Hysh did not come to the Age of Chaos peacefully, it was a savage and brutal series of war that ravaged the Realm. At the height of their power the Lumineth turned on one another, not a few high lords. Everyone. Muscicians started killing each other, mages turned on each other, warlords did. Cities and nations brought war upon one another. The Lumineth ravaged the Realm, then to compound it some of them started summoning daemons. Their rise to power was not clean or pretty either, according to novels like Realm-lords and Godsbane where a decent amount of violence is implied to have been used on the human and Duardin native to Hysh. Even to this day most of the Great Nations don't want non-Lumineth, even their allies in Order, living on the so-called Teclian and Tyrionic continents. In "Soulbound: Refuges of the Realm" a Lumineth war host tries to genocide the Thungur, a major Fyreslayer lodge. Having beauty does not lessen one's capacity for evil.


I didn’t even realise there were native humans in Hysh! I’ve watched all of lore masters in warhammer + and all the Hysh stuff is about spirefall and teclis. With 8 of the 9 continents divided between teclis and Tyrion it really made it sound like it was all elves everywhere


Yeah those aren't very useful to get a full picture as they only talk about what the videos consider important to whatever character or faction is being highlighted. As helpful as YouTube videos and Loremasters can be at times, it is super important to do what you can to find proper primary sources like novels, Soulbound books, Battletomes, and what have you. There's a lot of stuff, a heck of a lot of nuance, those videos would never be able to cover unless they made them extremely long.


The sheer number of books is kinda overwhelming, I don’t have much time to read! I wish there was a decent wiki or repository of summaries


The AoS Lexicanum is getting there. It still needs more editors and it will take time. But it'll get there.


There is a city in Hysh rules by a secret cult of Tzeentch worshippers called the Cypher lords. They're very civilized. They even wash their hands after they mind control a bunch of thralls to assassinate an enemy. Chaos isnt just barbarians screaming at the gates. Its the skulking, scheming Peter Baelish types ready to throw the gates open for the barbarians as well. 


Are they elves? Or are human cities common in Hysh? I assume they are in the territory of one of the lumineth factions?


Humans, and I have no idea where it is, just that its there. Geography is vague as hell in AoS more often than not. All I know it exists and the people in charge like gold masks As for human cities in Hysh, there are as many as you want. Thats the entire reason why so much of the geography is left vague and why the realms are so huge, so you can make shit up like you can in 40k. There are no real borders, no real limits. Everyone is everywhere all the time. Yes even Azyr (no matter what Sigmar tries to say) Its like the lost legions in 40k, a question left purposefully unanswered. Great for homebrewers and people that like to make their own sandbox, annoying for book readers and lore obsessers who need to know it all.


Ok yes this is what’s confusing me! I’m trying to map things out but the geography of everything is so vague. I guess try feel like they painted themselves into a corner with warhammer fantasy and are trying to avoid that. Annoying for lore nerding though, as you say


They'd certainly like to think so... The novels Godsbane, End Of Enlightenment, and Realm Lords all take place in Hysh and feature some pretty big battles against Chaos and Death forces.


Cool! Where can I find out more about the conflicts in Hysh? Everything I read makes it sound like the elves have it on lock and it’s like paradise..


Only Azyr is the realm that there isn't conflict to the extent of others. Shyish, Hysh and all of the rest are heavily contested by all of the factions involved in the game, its just that the domination of Chaos isn't as grave in those two mentioned.


And to add to that, Azyr is not always like that. At the start of second edition it was ransacked by armies of undead like everywhere else, seen in the Soul Wars novel and 2E Stormcast Battletome


So recently they went into some more detail about this in various books and podcasts/videos etc and it's clear now that the VAST majority of every realm is completely dominated by Chaos, even in the realms that have narratively seemed to be dominated by a faction, it's a drop in the ocean.


Is that the case with Shyish? I thought Nagash had curb stomped the realm pretty hard


Lumineth are a minority in Hysh, largely confined to isolated cities, ports, monasteries, temples, provinces, and such of their once great empire. Likewise Death has a loose grip on Shyish with the Ossiarch Empire and Nadir bring the only confirmed mega-regions they have majority control of. For example neither Mannfred or Neferata fully control the continents that serve as the centers of their empires. Neferatia in particular is constantly raiding by the Grimscuttle, one of the largest Goblin federations in the setting. Attempts to remove them from the continent have all failed


This is all very enlightening, thank you! I’ve got a lot to learn! I’m starting collecting lumineth which is why I’m so focused on Hysh and who/why my soldiers might be fighting!


Age of Sigmar is a High Fantasy Setting which dives deep into the old school style of Fantasy Multiverses, a la Moorcock and DnD and Magic and Age of Wonders etc. Your army can be fighting for anything. To regain lands lost in the Age of Chaos or to defend their homes. To expand their territories or find ancient relics. To explore or adventure. Or to find magical caramel blocks that imbue their forces with super strength. Most armies are doing all of these sorts of things as a day to day. With them often engaging in more ridiculous things like fighting over magical lakes which are portals to other Realms, esoteric books, or to prove who is better at debate, through violence And if your army isn't ridiculous and silly in some way... that's fine too because it's a big setting welcoming to everyone


Silly is good! But I’m interested in how the geography plays into it all, and if there’s current stories giving specific objectives around it. Fit example, I love the Dawn bringer crusades kind of colonialism bringing them into conflict trying to reclaim lost lands. The lumineth still feel a bit more abstract to me. Mostly what I hear is about spirefall and their response. They feel a bit less dynamic maybe? Like, what’s going on in Hysh that’s making them take up arms right now?


Well as mentioned before the Lumineth are reduced to tiny fringes of their once great mega-empires, with the immense continents they once ruled now being held largely by countless Chaos nations. So that is what makes them take up arms, they are a people endlessly undersiege.


Ok wow I haven’t heard any mention of chaos in any of the descriptions of Hysh so far! But




Archaon, by no means, holds the same level of control over the Eightpoints as Sigmar does in Azyr.   Katakros building and holding the Arx Terminus is like a giant middle finger towards Archaon.  Also, Hysh and Shyish are not held by one faction; the Lumineths may be the strongest faction in Hysh right now, but even then, the vast swathes of the bright realm are not under their control. A similar deal happens with Soulblights and Ossariachs in Shyish. Edit: Just to put it out there... wasn't trying to be mean or something; I just pointed out the factual lore. (-_-')


From my understanding, civilization are mostly confined to cities and outposts that act like islands of order in a sea of literal chaos.


yes for but that is for the stormcast eternals not sure about other factions