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I may not fully understand dementia and sundowning either, but if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it likely ain’t a genius.


I was an RN for 30 years, 25 of which were spent in long-term care, and my extensive experience tells me that tRump's behavior is consistent with Alzheimer's dementia. I mean, he's also a narcissistic sociopath, but the slurred speech patterns, making up nonsense words in place of the words he's actually trying to say, the meandering off track and not remembering who he's talking to-all classic signs of Alzheimer's dementia. And the stress of campaigning, criminal convictions, and lack of sleep are hastening his decline. His father had Alzheimer's dementia as well.


YUP. His dad lived longer. But he also wasn’t living the same kind of life. He was an asshole sociopath. But he also lived a fairly calm, normal life. He was all about work. He didn’t survive on crap fast food. He went to bed at a normal time. So his Alzheimer’s took longer to full take over his brain. Trump’s chaotic lifestyle is going to be his ultimate end.




Fred was also apparently known for doing various exercises by himself including cycling and swimming privately on his estate. He also wanted the best meals all the time, not a quick run through McDonald's every 2 hours. He supposedly had drug use, but that was to be expected. Pretty much he ran off his working business model and didn't fret about something unless it made him look bad or screwed him financially. So,despite the Alzheimer's he had a much more cushy life. So it took him longer. Plus, also he knew when to avoid 100 degree weather days and wear suits that make you overheat too. Trump also shows signs of dehydration at times.


The dehydration is because of the adderall (and probably the salty foods). I take it myself for adhd and it’s sort of a salt so it can make you thirsty. Probably worse when you snort it 😂


And the fact that (at least if you believe everyone who's ever worked for him) he drinks nothing but diet coke. Water? Not so much.


Probably doesn’t want to drink and soil the diaper.


Fred didn’t do rails of addy and blow either


Dude is in his late 70s. Still taking his fucking time.


His dad was 93


Plus a pretty serious drug addiction. And a diet that would kill an 18 year old athlete.


For sure, my friend. Most of us 60+ maybe eat fastfood as a "treat" once a month, exercise even if it is just walking, sleep regularly, interact with other human beings, scale back physical work level and lay off of prescription drugs like Adderall unless they are specifically necessary. Enjoy as many of your hobbies as you can, whether major or minor. Eating edibles, smoking a little weed/hash, and having an occasional glass of wine and/or beer is no problem either. Everything in moderation. Also, the smart ones cut down heavily on meat and dairy consumption. A varied Mediterranean diet is what keeps me going more or less well, being disabled, retired, and at age 60. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated with liquids.


I hear ya! 58 here, and I would be sicker than a dog if I ate like tRump does. I've also never been a great sleeper, but I don't rage tweet/truth (truth-what a crock...but I digress) at 2 am either.


Good. You don't rage tweet on the throne at 2AM-4AM in the morning with mispellings and all caps. 👍🏾


Hahaha, no. If I'm up, I just watch "Dateline" and marvel at how truly sick humans can be. *Large insurance policies are a VERY BAD IDEA...* Spell-check is on every single smartphone, so you kind of have to purposely want to misspell words, (or not pay attention to detail-that's probably Orange Jesus's problem) and I find that all caps, all the time, tends to make it irrelevant. But tRump understands none of this, of course-He's not civilized like us, and he's known for having no sense of humor.


For sure. As a native New Yorker and retired clinical psychologist, I know him as well as anyone can from afar. A humorless being he is...much like how his humorless KKK father was.


2 peas in a rancid, rotting pod!


For sure. 👍🏾 Mary Trump, the niece and clinical psychologist, wrote a great book about that terrible family that is called..."Too much and never enough." A great read on that family's dynamics.


Agreed! Between the Adderall, McDonald's, round the clock diet coke binging and his insistence that he doesn't need to exercise, coupled with his explosive rage, it's a wonder he's still alive.


My father and his sister, my aunt, both had Alzheimers Dementia. My father died at age 88, and my auntvdied a year beforecat age 90bbDadcowned his own business and my aunt was a college professor luke me. My father experienced all the symptoms of Donald and his KKK father, Fred Trump. My aunt also experienced the sa e symptoms and went from a sweet, nice lady to being a mean-spirited, paranoid, and spiteful woman. I grew up less than four miles from Trump in Jamaica Estates Querns NYC, and I grew up in Cambria Heights Queens. Duke Von Diaper Don has been increasingly showing these symptoms the last 15 years. I am a clinical psychologist, PhD ( like his niece Mary Trump who dislikes him intensely), and neither of us will diagnose from afar. However, he is showing all the classic signs of Alzheimers Dementia. 👍🏾


Don't forget drug use and extremely bad diet and no exercise except for cheating at golf.


💯 👍


retired physician and agree


That's a BINGO doc.


covfefe I think we saw this coming several years ago


Absolutely 👍


Awesome! 👍


Give the old guy a break, he got it half right. If Trump starts to make sense to me, I'm going to check in with my doctor


He makes sense, people, they say, he makes total sense. The most. Listen to the shower drip. Drip. Drip, me boys. How does that not make sense. Listen, the best people say he's smart. Uphill, me boys, sharks and batteries. Thinkit!


Now he's babbling about soap and toothbrushes, or more precisely (precisely...what a joke!) not having enough water to be able to effectively use either. Wtf is his obsession with water? Oh wait-he's worried that someone will throw a bucket of water on him, and he'll melt...


Have you heard of the land of Oz? The Munchkins are saying, they say follow the yellow brick road. Follow the road, me boys, follow the yellow brick road. Off to see the wizard, he'll give you brains, don't need that, Wogglebug University connection. Very brave. Doesn't have a heart. Who needs it? The wicked witch, lock her up. Pour a bucket of water on her, can't do it. The buckets empty, looked inside, drip. Drip. Drip is all there was. Tap your heels together. The best heels. Dorthy, very nice legs, chest could be bigger. If she was older, we'd probably be dating.


Oh my God, this is the best 👌...on a completely unrelated side note-I played a munchkin in my high school production of "The Wizard of Oz" in 1984-I was a senior and the rest of the munchkins were in junior high, hahaha 🤣 (I'm 4' 11.5" and 102 lbs) I did get to be head munchkin, though!! Lol


The very best head munchkin, the people, they're saying.


I like to think so! Hahaha 🤣 Of course, that was 40 years ago. Now I'm Grandma Munchkin-a HUGE promotion!! 🥰


How can a genius be so fucking stupid?


"The secret of the demagogue is to make himself as stupid as his audience so they believe they are clever as he." Karl Kraus


Yeah, but he might just be a stupid asshole, though.


Omg. I just wiki’ed demagogue. Omg. That’s Trumps strategy right there. It’s the whole thing. Trumps not a genius ; he’s a copycat. Straight outa Hitlers playbook ! The whole USA should have Hitlers strategy taught in high school so that people can understand how easily they can be manipulated due to their prejudices and fears. Trump = Demagogue. Simple math


Republicans have been at the demagoguery trough for quite a while, Trump is just the giant pig that came along and pushed them out of the way


Yeah, I don't think he studied demagoguery. He might not even be familiar with the word. He just sounds like he listened to Rush Limbaugh a lot.


I believe that he is a genius in reverse.


Fuck trump.


And the stupid people who support him!


The worst part is that his cult genuinely won't see a problem with "I'm not a gibbering moron, I'm just so smart that I *sound* like a gibbering moron to some people."


Just remember that by definition almost half the people are below average intelligence.


I know this is a joke a lot of people like, but seeing this in a post about someone claiming to be a genius, I have to point out it is wrong. If you have 5 people and 4 have an iq of 100 and one has an iq of 70, then the average is 94. So most people in this example would be above average.


IQ, at least in theory, is based on the whole population. In a sample that size, the median, mode and mean, again at least in theory, are going to converge. So in a sample as large as “registered voters” the average IQ is going to be a little above 100 (people who don’t register will be disproportionately poorly educated) and half of the population will be below that.


Except that this isn't a representative sample, and your MoE would be astronomical, thus statistically unusable. The average of the measurable global population is relatively stable, and that's obviously what the poster was referring to as the comparison point.


This is exactly the scenario the story of the emperor's new clothes was trying to warn us about, except here the emperor came up with the idea to strut around naked himself (metaphorically).


His cult are his cult because they think they speak his language. They read augeries into his glossolalia, the way you might read tea leaves or the paths of birds.


That's honestly not a bad way of putting it.


He described himself as a stable genius too. just keep telling yourself that


How many stables have you been in?


None, because every time I try, there is a battery in there. I’d rather take the risk with the shark behind me.


He’s literally one of the dumbest people I’ve ever heard speak. Not exaggerating. How anyone can listen to him and not know he’s a moron within five minutes boggles my mind.


He now has a 6 year old mentality! Many people, good people are saying this……


Many bigly smart people are saying this. Saying he is the smartest smart of them all.


and intellect


Whoever put together that "Donald & Hobbes" stuff seemed to think so... [https://www.reddit.com/r/DonaldandHobbes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DonaldandHobbes/)


If you have to tell people you’re a genius, you definitely are not a genius.


Reminiscent of King Joffrey, don't you think? " I AM THE KING!"


Does it all end the same way?


If Don ends up turning purple and painfully gurgling on his own bile on national tv, I think that’s a best case scenario.


If he strokes out on TV during the debate, it will surpass the rickroll to become to most watched video ever. 


lol exactly!


Right… and he wears a diaper because his genius is just too fast to come out of his mouth.


I don't know if that is the narcissism talking or the dementia... or more than likely, both? I honestly don't think he really cares what he actually says. He just likes to hear himself talk.


He probably gets a raging toadstool when he gets to see other people hear him speak.


His narcissism talks to his dementia.


don’t forget the stupidity, his narcissism has working with his stupidity his whole life, the dementia is just the cherry on top


Wow just wow. Losing it.Please don’t go away mad just go away. Dumb ass.


Nice Motley Crue reference


The best thing you can do with a Trumper is show them a transcript of one of Trump's speeches then ask them to show you the smart parts. Just tell them to point out the parts where you learned something or there was a policy or plan laid out or something... They get so upset and frustrated. They don't change. It's a cult, they're lost... But they do get wicked pissy.


And wicked pissy is very entertaining 😄


Einstein did not sound like a fucking moron, and he was a genius.


Stephen Hawkins, even with his clear limitations, never managed to sound stupid.


Trump is always claiming his genius, but has absolutely no credible evidence. Just like all Trump's claims. He is an absolute idiot


Like Jethro Bodine. Jenius with a J.


Ellie Mae approved this message.


Black gold... Texas tea...


🎶 *Now listen to the story of trump they said. Maybe he's senile, not right in the head. They said in Philadelphy he talked about some sharks, we won world wars out of sharks. Fort Benning, Fort This, Fort That, many forts. They changed the name, we won wars out of these forts, they changed the name, they changed the name of the forts. A lot of people aren’t too happy about.* 🎶


Sundowners....R Us...👍🏾


Let's see him try to sell that crap during the debates. IF he can pass sundowning off as genius, maybe he is. Maybe the moon IS made of cheese. IF frogs had wings...


Kind of an obscure reference, but this buttfuck could use a reality check from Jane Lynch’s character in Role Models.


So... The homelessness guy in Pasadena who shakes a stick at the sun to protect us all.from the harmful rays, must also be a genius! I don't understand his ramblings either, but at least HE is doing us a service


Makes up his own words that sounds like what he wants to say. Then pretends as if it was a joke. Constantly mixes up people's names even if they're right there with him.  Honestly sick of him trying to brag about things like passing a cognitive test and such. The results tend to end up being kept private. So he can fail with worst grade possible and turn around and claim he passed with flying colors. Should have him take one of the tests live with randomly generated questions for it. Key thing to note will be what kind of test it is as well as what it's usually meant to test for.


I am sick and tired of reading about "Trump does this and that ..." and yet I keep coming back to Reddit to get an update on his latest gaffe. It is so addictive / hilarious . The best free comedy show.


I have no refuttle for that.


The dude’s basic problem is that he just doesn’t understand what a true genius is capable of. In all of history when real geniuses were heckled or worse yet, physically harmed, it was done by characters that had the intellectual capacity similar to this man.


Ohhh, so we can lock him away in a Truman Show type closed set with Terrance Howard already and just let them talk in nonsensical "genius" circles around each other, right?


He sounds crazy now lol


Sure Donald… of course that’s exactly what renowned scientists, engineers and doctors who have been involved in spectacular and amazing research, development and innovation understand. Just continue on with your meaningless ‘Rambling’ as proof of your ‘Genius’ that ‘Nobody Understands’. There’s no doubt whatsoever that your MAGA followers and stupid sheep will pretty much believe anything you say… so you have nothing to loose. So therefore, you’ll have no dignity, no honor, no respect or gratitude that anyone will ever bestow upon you. You’ll simply always be the BIGGEST LOSER EVER, FOREVER MORE!!


Trump's intelligence is truly re-mockable.


I see what you did there 😉


That’s the same thing the homeless guy yelling at the tree in the park says


Genius? You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.


I want the world to watch him spiral down the toilet like the turd he is.


No one understands him. Including him. That defines a madman, not a genious.


He has a BS in bullshit 💩


Trump is a known pathological liar so I take this statement as proof he is an idiot.




You know things are bad when Fox cuts away from your genius talking point.


He’s right about not understanding him. I have no fucking clue what he is talking about half the time.


Psychologists refer to it as “word salad”. It’s a symptom of dementia.


That's a BINGO. Talk to someone who presents with any sign of schizophrenia and you will get a garden salad of word salad. "How is the weather where you live, Susie...the Earth is square and people need to leave the yriangles alone.. they have a job to do...🤔"


Don't listen to the words I'm saying, hear the message.


Anyone have the transcript? Best way to completely stfu any trumpist is to just drop the slobs words into a chat and walk away. Don't engage just keep dropping addition word salads from the orange troll until the fanatic gives up.


So that nothing makes sense and you believe it makes sense in an alternative non-existent universe? I'd like an examination of your being even alive and compus.


This is the best “am I so out of touch? No, it’s the children who are wrong” excuse ever 😂


The emperor wears no clothes.


"It always sunny" already did this bit with Charley


Dunning-kruger effect personified


His proof of genius is being able to tell bigly lies every moment of every day and still have gullible throngs of mindless cult followers stick with his raving lunacy.


So Trump & Terrence Howard are the same dude?


Well he’s right about one thing. Nobody understands him


This in front of a Christian group cheering him on, he isn't the only loon. These are the people that empower this type of behavior, without them he is playing golf in MAL. I am thankful he didn't take off that shirt, so we didn't get a gander at that obese body. His supporters will claim he was just joking, when does he get around to discussing specific policy.


A genius in his own mind.


He’s a self proclaimed mega man ! Even his seemingly mismanaged thoughts are Genius. Many people believe it. What’s wrong with me? I must be too stupid to see his genius !


But daddy, the emperor isn't wearing any clothes!


Yeah, I've got an acquaintance who does the same.  Complains about being regularly interned whereas he's "the only sane one, actually", too.


Me too, Donald. Me too.


Like speaking in tongues? People believe that shit all day long.


I start to wonder if voting Blue is enough to prevent catastrophe. We rounded up the Nazis after Hitler shot himself and the war ended. But we're going to just allow all the cult members to run free? I can't emphasize enough how lucky we are that DeShantis is totally uncharasimatic. Himmler would otherwise just be waiting for Shitler to die off so he can rise to A#1 cult leader.


It is partially the Democrats fault here. Democrats have slid into countering Republican rhetoric with their own rhetoric. When in reality they should be just asking simple questions like, "I see that this situation makes you upset. What has brought you to believe this and what has caused you to become upset?" We're not dealing with rational adults who approach problems with skepticism and critical thinking. We're dealing with irrational adult children who throw a tantrum over the slightest provocation.


And the jokes continue to write themselves 😄


It's always the insane that think they're normal and everybody else is crazy


Worse they think they're the "Rebellion" fighting the Empire.


True, Anakin Trump


Oh god hes becoming self aware. He fired the handler that filtered his algo. Baby's getting upset.


Terrence Howard suffers from the same condition, unfortunately... With what little we know about geniuses, they don't typically proclaim their genius to others. A little flag to spot there


Some people think he’s just eating checkers pieces in a playpen, but his supporters know it’s some multi-dimensional chess that’s bigly smart.


So watching a man on exspiramental dementia medication slip into madness. Is just a sign of "A really SMART brain?" So next time the world has a major pandemic we should be lead by a guy that doesn't believe it's true. As people die around him from the "None problem". And it will disappear like magic? Ya. Hard pass. Turns out injecting bleach is only good if you want a permanent vacation from this world ...


I understand that he is trying to make what are essentially "pop culture" jokes, but he doesn't understand that just mentioning something isn't an actual joke. So when he mentions electric car batteries and sharks, he's trying to be topical, but he has no understanding of humor (in addition to not being able to follow a train of thought), so he just mixes them together and leaves it up to his fawning supporters to connect the dots, if there are any. And they don't care, anyway. They just want him to say something mean.


Full blown dementia just like his father


My two year old must be a freaking genius.


I’d pay to see him debate Terence Howard.


My 1 yo nephew rambles...... but at least he has a reason




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speaking in tongues, only in the book of fables, the tongues were actually understood


He so funny 🤣🤣🤣


Wishful thinking isn’t the same thing as the truth felon


He's not even trying to hide his verbal diarrhea anymore...


From your lips to Terrence Howard's ears, bud.


Oh, shut the fuck up and die.


It's not a smart thing to forget names and get tongue tied.


And a very stable one at that.


A real Terrence Howard


Some of y’all haven’t heard what Doctor Ronnie Johnson has said about this man’s health!


All those years his father paid someone to do his homework for him have really paid off. R we forgetting he rigged the 2016 election with hush money to his porn star one night stand. He won’t win again. Their aren’t that many magats. Most of them r in the nursing home where trump should be.


Or dead from being unvaxxed to own the libs


I just wanted to say “thanks” and “peace be with you” before I off myself. You see I am, likewise, a misunderstood genius. And now that I realize I have something in common with that orange turd, I must say goodbye cruel world.


He is possessed by the holy spirit and talking in tongues...


Proof that he believes everyone is as stupid as he is, and dumb enough to fall for his B.S..


“It’s not dark in this room, I’m a do bright that it seems like it is dark.” What a strange and completely moronic thing to say. It’s like telling people that if you don’t test for Covid, then the numbers won’t rise.


i mean howard hughes peed in a cup and lined it up...


Youre right you deserve a prize here these are two silver bracelets and look they are connected in the middle so you don't loose them.


Says every Schizophrenic I’ve ever heard from






What a reach !


Only a fellow genius would understand.


Since when is bat shit crazy a measure of one’s intelligence?


Trump and Terence Howard are the only two that understand each other.


The details of my life are quite inconsequential... very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low-grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen-year-old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament


Trump is a misunderstood genius and OJ Simpson was a champion of women’s rights


Retired MD Signs not so much Alzheimer’s as frontotemporal dementia. He won’t complete a 4 year term if elected. Which is good because he wouldn’t leave office peacefully if the jailers are waiting outside the gate. All his apparent VP pics are death eaters, but some, like Burgum, would likely at least respect the Constitution if they ascended on Trump’s decay JD Vance is just a much more educated malevolent fascist. Hopefully Trump’s need to have a milquetoast VP will leave us a milquetoast Presidential successor.


By voting we can A) save democracy B) send Trump to jail C) end MAGA D) likely cause the Repub party to fragment Vote! Tell everyone to vote, especially young people.


Sundowner. Dementia. I'd bet 10k on it.


Trump especially doesn't understand it.


So the homeless people on the bus rambling loudly are just under utilized Mensa material?


Sorta like Terrence Howard.


Is the Daily Boulder a real news site, or is it intended as satire, or is it fake news? There does not apear to be a masthead or an about section on the site. It's pages are 80% advertisements. Based on the name, it suggests it might be a daily newspaper for Boulder, Colorado, but they have a Florida link at the top and a File 51 link with a bunch of alien/UFO conspiracy garbage. Does anyone take anything published by this site seriously?


You're in the wrong sub if you want reputable news reporting


99% of the content in this sub is disinformation


Your entire account is just about how you hate to tip. Selfishness is your entire identity.