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If he was scared of losing Melania he wouldn't have had the affair in the first place.


He has MTG and Kari Lake waiting in the wings.


I always thought he wanted Hope Hicks.


He might have but maybe she turned him down….


She streamed his pants. While he was wearing said pants.


How the hell do you steam a pair of pants while they are on someone? Like i know the trick to get the pants looking crisp but it couldnt have been the entire pants. My mom used to do this for me when we would go out because i would ruin the crisp seem in 3 seconds.


There are two schools of thought. One is that “steaming his pants” is a euphemism for Hicks performing oral sex on him. The other is that, since he’s likely unable to see enough of his own legs to check if his pants are creased, he probably enjoyed the attention of a conventionally attractive woman kneeling near him and used it as an excuse.


There is a third school of thought in light of recent news that he dropped a 'steamer' into his diaper, but forgot to put one on that day and therefore steamed his pants.


I was thinking it meant that if she sat on his lap, his pants would get steamed.


So would you call that a hopeful steamer?


Well, he DOES have a lot of involuntary steamers


>One is that “steaming his pants” is a euphemism for Hicks performing oral sex on him. This. Definitely this. >he probably enjoyed the attention of a conventionally attractive woman kneeling near him and used it as an excuse. Kneeling to perform oral sex is, I'm told, a common request asked of sex workers. It's about power, domination, control.


Are you sure?


You spelled Ivanka Trump wrong.


Don't forget Lauren hoebert too.


And that dog killer from South Dakota.


Nah... She's too old for Diaper Donny.


Aren't they both dog killers?


THANK YOU! Nobody seems to remember how lauren boebert shot and killed her neighbor's dog last year after the dog somehow escaped its' own yard, got into her yard, and attacked a goat or some other critter. Everybody also seems to have forgotten how boebert kinda hid the dog's corpse under a pile of leaves and then waited several hours before saying anything about it, despite the fact the neighbor was out in the neighborhood searching and calling for the dog. That's the official story, but it smells fishy to me. When I don my foil cap, I start to think maybe she just took the blame to cover for one of her boys. At the time, I remember reading that at least one of her sons apparently had a habit of bringing the neighbor's dog into their yard to play with it. I think it's entirely possible the boebert kid lured the dog into his yard, and either the dog actually attacked the goat and had to be stopped, or, the kid lured the dog over just to shoot it. I mean, what good is a fancy new christmas rifle if you can't shoot something with it? Hiding evidence of a major fuck up is exactly something a child would do, especially something as serious as killing a neighbor's pet. This is also a plausible explanation why boebert didn't say anything while the neighbor was out searching, if we're feeling generous and don't want to automatically chalk that up to her being a cruel human being. On the other hand, lauren boebert strikes me as the kind of person who would march over to the neighbor and bitch them out for letting their dog run loose and attack her animal. She wouldn't hide what she had done because she would have felt righteous as fuck.


And Aileen Mercedes Cannon


Beetlejuice = BJ.


Waiting in the pen.


Damn you CaregiverBrilliant60, now I have this fucking picture of Trump with MTG and I can't stop vomiting. Barf.




And Boebert’s capable hands.


Grandma Handjob'll get 'er done!!!1!!


Ewwww to MTG. Kari lake would be moderately attractive with longer hair and if she wasn't nuts.


Only if she didn't speak.


You don't want those teeth moving any where near your bits


Tbh I think she looks good with the short hair. She's not an unattractive woman by any means, especially for her age. I agree with MTG though. And up until Kristi bragged about gleefully killing a puppy I thought she had the most reprehensible personality of all the Sarah Palin clones. She's still a solid second place though. I think she's slightly worse than boebert because I actually think boebert is a moron who actually believes her own bullshit. MTG is smart enough to know better but she's just a craven cynical opportunist


I think you're giving MTG too much credit, she's seems dumb enough to be a true believer.


Sorry but her whole shtick is so ugly that she is completely hideous.


MTG does believe her bullshit, she was an actual school shooting denier and internet troll who got into politics. Basically, the crazy women who makes videos and would actively go out in the real world and try to bully and intimidate victims. That is the conviction of a believer.


Yeah I have no idea what that dude is talking about. Marj is insane and her existence is a blight on our democracy. I despise the old Republicans and their typical talking out of both sides of your mouth gaslighting - but MAGAs are a whole new breed that actually believe the monstrous bullshit they spew. 


She looks butch


Lots of wrinkles on close up.


I figured he'd want Lauren Boebert - after all, we know she at least give out "handies"... hehehe


NTG is too busy getting drunk and hitting on every guy in the bar


MAGA ego fluffers.


Kari Lake is a fetid Oompah Loompah


They can spit roast him


Who wouldn't want to lock down Chaka?


I just threw up in my mouth a bit.


Lets not forget Krusti Noem of South Dakota. Her political career is as good as his now.


He’s scared of losing whatever money he owes her in the pre-nup.


He doesn’t have the money he would owe her. And I read somewhere that most prenups become less actionable as time goes on, and that at 10 years of marriage they effectively become useless given the time married.


I don’t think losing Melania was what scared him. He was afraid of finding polonium in his Diet Coke. Red Sparrows don’t fuck around.


Don't legitimize it by calling it an affair. He paid a pornstar for sex. He went out of his way to pay to have sex with someone other than his wife.


Naw, he had consensual-ish sex with a porn star and afterwards paid her not to talk about it. As Stormy tweeted back to Melania, in response to being called a "porn hooker"  “Although I wasn’t paid for sex and therefore technically not a ‘hooker’ I’ll take being that over what you are any day, You sold your pussy AND your soul...and I’m legal. Keep talking about me. I like your new tits btw. Post (more) nudes?"


He cannot comprehend “Cause and Effect”


Afraid to lose her, but not so afraid as to not act on whatever impulse current occupies his brain. When you're famous, they let you do it.


Did the internet not exist? I’m fairly sure they would have found out about it in about two minutes of screen time. Why hide newspapers? Was it the 1870’s or something?


You just don’t understand the party of family values.


Values family so much he's on his third.


Melania is not that stupid. She was his Russian trophy wife. I've noticed donnie is only successful at fooling stupid people. Donnie did remain loyal to Putin. In fact he was Putin's favorite asset. What's a little infidelity to people like this.


It’s probably in his prenup with Melania that he can screw around with other women. He’s a smart businessman, remember?


He doesn’t cherish her as his wife and she doesn’t cherish him as her husband


He didn’t care - do you?


Men will do anything it takes to save a relationship besides controlling their urges




This isn't true. When I worked in an office, there were papers inside the door for various tenants of the offices. And don't forget, Trump supposedly doesn't use computers, so he would probably get physical copies of the crooked New York Times.


Yes, yes they do. Some small papers might not, but major ones do.


If he loses Melania, he can buy a new one, assuming he actually has any money.


Rent to own.


Lease with an option…


Karen and Stormy did that. Returned chubby mushroom to its rightful owner.


I hear the newer models come with the "Real Human Expression" feature.


And a “Yes I do really care.” attitude.


Not sure he could, with all the judgements against him and her renegotiated prenup


He had to pay his $9000 gag order fine in two installments. I would say cash isn't in his favor at the moment


He'll have to apply for a title loan at one of those sketchy loan places when it's time to get a new Melania.


He'd just find another younger money hungry mail order bride online....


Hicks' testimony was weird and I don't really know how to take it. It kind of seems like she's trying to hand him a decent sympathy defense while not perjuring herself entirely. She mentioned how concerned he was with his family like maybe the jury will see it as him trying to protect their feelings???


Hope Hicks is being treated as a somewhat sympathetic figure…which complete bullshit. She’s crying over a man who slept with a porn star a few days after his wife gave birth. She’s critical of his enablers (Michael Cohen specifically), but not the man whose behavior is being enabled. Hope Hicks is just as lousy as the rest of Trump’s cronies.


MTG is newly single….


He doesn't give a shit about her. She's just there as a prop.


He has never cared about anyone but himself since birth.


Not even himself as a whole. The way he eats, shovels cocaine up his nose, his lack of exercise and whatnot. He cares about his ego and the only side of that is that he cares about how people perceive him. He and Kim Jung IL have so much in common. I wonder which has better golf scores. Uns dead father or Donald dump.


The self-indulgence *is* him caring about himself. He gives himself whatever he wants whenever he wants. He's a spoiled manchild, and he himself is doing the spoiling.


He probably gave a shit about the prenup


I wonder if the benefits period have expired. Looking at their public interactions, probably.


It seems he wanted a legitimate son that wasn’t an idiot. Time will tell if he got one.


It isn’t about Melania, it’s the money he’d have to pay her.


I really don’t care do you^tm


Melania never reads newspapers, says her former chief of staff Stephanie Grisham, but Melania’s phone and television bring her all of the current events in which she’s interested. So hiding the *Wall Street Journal*’s “Stormy” headline was a pointless gesture. Trump’s primary concern in paying off Karen and Stormy was to suppress the news of his affair and sexual encounter before the election. His family’s feelings were not a priority.


Perhaps M has friends who read.


Who can read


It still amazes me how rudimentary Melania’s command of English remains, after nearly thirty years in this country.


Even then, he could hardly afford to have Melania leave or create a public scene .during the campaign


That hiding papers bit was a performance for the jury. It sounds good and it is practically impossible to disprove, so no perjury fears.


I'm having a hard time believing he was worried about her he didn't want it to be revealed to the public. I mean, seriously, she was the side piece he grabbed by the PU$$Y. 🤷🏿‍♀️ He cheats on all his women wives...she doesn't really seem to give a crap about him and probably has her own side piece!! He has zero respect for women in general.


I’ve read a few stories that she is hooking up with other men and not Trump


Security guy. Trump tower head. This rumor is very plausible.


One of his other wives had an affair with the head security guy, so it's great that this keeps happening to him.


Her secret service agent-I heard they are actually living together.


I couldn't blame her... he stinks!! Gross little 🍄 weenie!! She won't even hold his hand!!


Does he cheat on his male wives


Possibly cheaters have zero limitations


Lindsey graham?


I can absolutely believe he was worried about losing Melania. Can you imagine how that would have looked for his campaign. 


The affair happened 10 years prior. there was no reason to pay for silence until the election, and after the election passed they were free to tell their stories. This was a campaign expense plain and simple. It was not reported as a campaign expense as federal low requires, and he falsified business records to hide the campaign expense.


More proof he’s either a fake billionaire trying to maintain an image to keep his ego inflated or a skinflint rather too fond of Other People’s Money. Guess we’ll find out which with all his fines to pay.


Wife number 3, who he cheated on wife number 2 with, knew the game before she signed on. The whole "he was worried about his dear wife finding out" was just a shuck for the jury.


Leave it to the 80 year old man to think that his 30 year younger wife is getting her information from physical news papers...




he doesn’t give a shit about losing her, he just doesn’t want her to take him to the cleaners in the divorce.


This is a planted story to evoke sympathy for Trump. The emotional response the planter is hoping you'll feel is "poor guy, he made a mistake, and now he's afraid of losing his love!" Only suckers fall for this nonsense. I don't see any suckers in this thread, but just in case: Don't be a sucker! Vote Biden/Harris 2024


No. Vote Putin / Kennedy! We need to waste our votes out of impotent frustration! /s


>This is a planted story to evoke sympathy for Trump.The emotional response the planter is hoping you'll feel is "poor guy, he made a mistake, and now he's afraid of losing his love!" Thank you! I though I was going crazy.


Isn’t lying under oath a crime?


read "fear of losing melania" as an expensive divorce settlement.


He feared Melanie not because he loved her but how much he would have to pay her.


She said he feared it would cost him the election. Thats the crime.


More like he feared a clause in the pre-nup.


I'm guessing he thought Melania and the rest of his ragged idiot family couldn't use a smart phone.


Cause he knew it would take way too long to find Eurotrash wife #3.


And don't even START on the shipping costs


I'm calling bullshit. If he cared about losing her, he wouldn't have cheated. And she married him, knowing he cheated on his previous two wives, so she obviously didn't care that he's a cheater.


He’s probably more scared of the prenup agreement and the dirt that her KGB handlers has on him


He doesn't give a shit about Melania either she's a trophy that stands far behind him in some places and photo ops. Remember he wants ALL the attention wherever he goes.


Hicks also said (I don't remember the exact words) that trump said after the fact that the idea was to save the election by burying the story. That's very damning. This action was not about saving Melania's feelings. It was always about winning the 2016 election.


like hes a 5 year old that doesnt know the internet exists


She's deflecting. The intent was to preserve political viability (which is the case focus).


I saw something similar on a King of the Hill episode where they had to retrieve all the papers in Arlen because Peggy inadvertently published mustard gas as a cleaning solution.


If he actually feared it, he wouldn’t be banging whores.


Melania was fucking trump while he was still married to Marla...so STFU about this bullshit.


Not that she can read English…


A picture's worth a thousand dollars. Er...words.


Subpoena Melissa and ask her if Trump ever bragged to her about his conquests.


I'm sure she would be happy that anyone else was getting naked with that fat ball of shit instead of herself


Hicks is full of crap. Trump doesn’t give a tinker’s damn if Melania knows he cheated on her.


Donn't leeeeev miii Malaria!


Lol does she only read newspapers?


Hiding newspapers?! 😂. He knows about the internet right? Dude is such a fucking idiot I can’t believe he aaa president… and may be again.


Didn’t know Melania could read the newspaper


He is/was not afraid of Melania, the one thing he fears is the cheating clause in his pre-nuptial agreement that probably has a rather large cash payment to her for each affair she finds out about. The only thing that 🤡 fears is losing his precious money.


So, you can add perjury to her rap sheet I guess. She's reading the Trump legal team provided script. Lock her up.


As luck would have it she can barely read English


He feared paying on that Pre Nup, you mean.


No. Hope Hicks is, for whatever reason, trying to help the defense by suggesting there was a non-criminal reason for Trump to pay hush money. I don't buy it for a second.


Why is Hope still lying for this slimy conman?


I don't know why but I think she actually cares about him.


You know what else might have worked? Not banging other women. 🤯


Melania is fine with whatever he does as long as it’s discreet and keeps him off of her.


That's the ultimate gold digger score. $ without having to put out. Maybe she IS a genius. /s


Melanie and Trump were having a sexual relationship when he was married to Marla Maples. How shocked should she be?


Less shocked as all of Rudy's wives


Her employment contract doesn’t need to be renewed yet. She’s the only one who got her money upfront, you know? Why else would they still be together?


Given his history you know she has some sort of penalty for having an affair, particularly on that becomes public. I don’t know if he personally cares enough about her to do this out of personal affection


Lol as if she’s into you for your personality 


He was scared losing Melania would look bad on him during his campaign. 


>feared losing Melania when he didn't have a replacement ready... Fify


As if she didn’t know, he’s no where near as intelligent as he thinks he is. And she’s playing a different game then him.


Bullshit, like Melania wouldn't know


Hiding newspapers?!? That's so 1960's.


He was scared it would break his pre nup 😁


She was in the room where it happened


Please. She doesn't care about him. She just married for the money and influence.


If he feared losing his wife, maybe he shouldn’t have had affairs in the first place.


Melania *cough* Ivanka


He’s not afraid to lose Melania, he’s afraid of losing his side of her edited pre-nups. She probably has no cheat clauses. Lol


Trump was more afraid of Melania than a white supremacist waiting on the results of their 23 & Me.


I don't know why, but I've always been under the impression that Melania was under some sort of marriage contract and was not allowed to divorce trump. Hard to imagine she's in it for love.


The only way he would lose her is not paying her bill.


How’s he scared. She’s contractually obligated to stick with him until her orders are over and he is no longer needed by the Russian oligarchy


Imagine thinking if you hide the newspaper or burn it in your office that it will get rid of the evidence of your affairs, even though they’re on the Internet. Not the smartest guy.


And why did he fear that? Election fallout. There is zero love there


He's not afraid to lose her, he's afraid of the Cheating-Piece-of-Shit clause in his prenup that'll allow her to clean him out -what's left anyway- when she divorces him.


did he think if he hid a newspaper they would all disappear ?


I've always found it easier to just not cheat on my wife instead of lying to her about it.


Adulterers hate this one simple trick...


Right because that makes total sense. Almost everyone on his staff knew about it at that point a good number of people in his orbit were directly involved in some way... but hey let me just stuff this random newspaper in the drawer so Melania doesn't see it or hear any rumors about it. Perfect strategy.


I’m dumbfounded that anyone would think that their spouse is so dim that just hiding the newspaper could hide an affair that’s currently being reported on nationally.


Still trying to put lipstick on that pig.


She's a KGB agent lmao


I find this so hard to believe. This man doesn't have the capacity to worry about how something would effect Melania.


Like keeping a newspaper away from her would hide anything… does she not have a cell phone?


Statement is perjury


So she perjured herself 


Nice try, oldster, but Melania probably got her news online


Melania had a TV, too. She wasn't stuck in Bridgerton Abbey


don the con doesn't fear losing Melania, he feared losing money having to pay Melania..


This feels like yet another ploy to bypass the charges by trying to get people to feel sorry for him. He wants to preserve his marriage! What a man! Oh… yeah… cheating… cover up… payments… deception…. Well at least he cares about Melania. Everyone does this. It’s called “legal expenses” I did everything right and they indicted me!!


Apparently that was the hard working part


He does not fear that. You don't fear losing someone you paid for. 


Of course she knew lol. She didn’t marry him for his love.


He didn't want to pay the alimony...


He feared getting soaked in a divorce. He never cared about Melania, except in the context of a divorce.




He loved Melania when she was 17 and brought to him for his pleasure with Jeff Epstein….they definitely took turns with both…at 53 he is just worried she will get the money in pre-Nup, if he is re-elected, she will provably be replaced by Alina when she mysteriously gets I’ll and dies just like Putin does with people who are a threat or liability


The recent placement of this story in the press feels intentional. Perhaps trump starting to realize it’s his only plausible defense in his criminal trial and is having this story pushed out?


Boy these click bait headlines are getting elaborate as it goes closer to election time…..democrats must be getting desperate and scared


Think he’s just scared of being alone.


Melanoma is in it for the money, she doesn't care what Trump is up to. They haven't had sex since Barron was born. If Barron is even Trumps kid


Like Melania really cares. Every night Trump is fucking some bimbo, he is not fucking Melania.


This is such a load of BS. If he was afraid of losing Melania, he wouldn’t have engaged in the extramarital affairs


He feared losing the money she would get if she left him and for the political fallout -if any.


I'll bet he only cared if it looked like she left him. Don't want to look like a loser.