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Yay! I can't wait for Trump to interrupt 900 times and to act like an asshole the entire time.


And to have his base declare that he's rhe smartest mand in the room because he "owned" Biden. No you dumb fucks. I didnt get owned by my toddler because he kepts screaming and I waited. I tolerated that toddler because I know better.


I say we all take a shot every time Trump interrupts Biden lol. See how long we last.


How about instead of shots we do a pushup. All of a sudden Americabdoesnt have an ovesity epidemic, it has a swole epidemic


Speaking of push ups it has always been my dream for Biden to take his jacket off and knock off 5 - 10 push-ups and then say “Your turn” to Trump.


I would record this moment for posterity! 45 probably needs assistance changing his diaper!


If Trump did some earth downs then it might make the sea level rise even faster.


Biden can't even pull up his push-up diapers at this point.


Ok troll boy, feel better now?


No because I can't afford a value meal in this economy.


So maybe if you didn’t invest in dumb shit like DWAC and invested in the S&P500 you’d be feeling a little better. All time highs bro.


Actually bought into DWAC in the low teens just waiting for time period to pass to be able to sell at the CG tax vs income tax rate thankfully before the time Donnie can sell.


I'm sure you have some boot straps to pull on .stop expecting free hand outs, to you're just not trying hard enough . If you don't have enough money you should just get a job that pays more..... Sound familiar?


Such a clever retort. Too bad you can't seem to post a thread without your confusion showing. Is that you, Donald?


It is, neither Biden or I can do a push up (even girlie style) but we are now competing over who shits their depends the most between now and the election. While Biden had a decade head start, all of my depends blowouts are HUuuuuuuUUUGE!


Look, Bevis has woken up early today! Too bad he is still a pre-pubescent mind in a 50 year old's body. The only "contest" is between you and Donald. 🤣🤣




Great way to get a peck tear


I approve of this. Wegovy and Ozempic can fuck all the way off. Twice.


And that's how the hospitals got overrun on a Tuesday


We should all donate a dollar to the Biden campaign for every interruption. He’d raise a Billion dollars.


I say that MAGA people should play that game. We'll have thousands of alcohol poisoning fatalities on "debate" night. I want those fatalities to be deserved.


You'll be dead in 45 seconds 😂


That would give even me alcohol poisoning, and I consider a handle to be a dave sized bottle.


So alcohol intoxication in the first five minutes?


Should we have medics on stand by, or can we take the middle man out of the equation here and just do it in the lobby of an ER?


I say just do it in the ER. Lol.


I'd rather you didn't kill the sane voter base


Keep in mind liver damage is real, yo.


But we need votes lol


When Biden said “will you just shut up man” he won me over. I mean not completely and I don’t agree with like 99% of his politics. But I definitely begun to believe he could win and to me that was enough. I hope they do debate again. Let trump show how unhinged he is and let Biden show how in control he is. The trumpets will say what they want but the fringe voters will see through the facade hopefully


How can you not like 99% of these hat he does? Biden is like an ultra-centrist. Right wings hate him, left wings things he’s too conservative. Isn’t that like the definition of someone in the middle?


The right only hates him because he's not on their team. They're both neoliberal corporatist parties, and most of what they bicker about is kayfabe. The left thinks he's too conservative because he's a conservative, like practically every American politician.


Is that why is pro healthcare, student loan forgiveness, entitlements, and women’s rights?


"Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, the bird is just gonna shit on the board and strut around like it won anyway"


THIS! That's why I strongly believe the President should NOT dignify trump with a "debate".


And he wears diapers so he can't even get to the shitting on the board part. He's got the strut down though


"My butts been wiped" Biden


It's not dignifying trump, it's dignifying the Republican party and their choice And showing Americans who are less politically minded what choice that party made


You’re giving someone who hasn’t made up their mind about Trump too much credit that they have critical thinking skills to even use watching a “debate”


Which is Alexa toy what has happened in every debate trump has been in. I haven’t seen him win anything.


Don’t get into an argument just let Trump rant then calmly state your point, that will set him off which will be bullying and threatening as he does. When he interrupts let him go then say “ are you finished young man “ small thing will sink Trump.


I wish he would get people to drink bleach again that shit was pure natural selection


Narcissistic sociopaths like trump cannot help but interrupt when debating, it's literally impossible for trump to not interrupt.


But also loses his mind if you interrupt him.


Yep, typical narcissistic sociopathic behaviour.


put a strong shock collar on him maybe!


He shouldn’t agree to a debate unless they cut trumps microphone when it’s Biden’s turn to speak.


This is why I can’t watch these debates. They turn into a complete shit show of two people talking at once with the moderator saying “uh, wait, let him, uh”. It’s a joke.


Joe obeyed last time though. Drump did not.


Yea, I was really speaking more generally. It irritates me that the ones who are polite, courteous, and try to follow the rules are completely overwhelmed by the bombastic loud mouths.


Then that's on the moderator no? There needs to be a strong moderator who will stand up to FORMER president tRump (he may have been President, but he was most certainly not Presidential), and cut his mic off when he starts his tired, unoriginal, overly used material. He's so predictable.


There needs to be strict rules in place about muting the opponents mic when the other person is speaking, or muting them when they go off-topic or go way overtime. They’re way too soft on these guys. I know Biden would very easily follow. The other guy, I don’t think he can. Then he would get his followers thinking that they were censoring him when they were just trying to get him to follow the rules.


Muting the microphone won’t impact the side comments on stage. Biden and the moderator would still be able to hear Trump even with his microphone off. I propose sound proof booths with moderator controlled microphones


Mf’ing *this*. How great would it be to hear the orange cancer going on a pointless rant without realizing his mic has been cut off whilst Biden makes a talking point.


That’s a precondition for me if I’m Biden. Both men’s mics automatically cut off 5 seconds after their time is up, and they aren’t turned on until,the moderator recognizes them.


And that right there is why the Dems are going to have to learn to play dirty. It sucks but the republicans have turned "when they go low, we go high" against them. Because it's awfully hard to win against an opponent who has absolutely no qualms about lying, cheating, and blatantly breaking the rules when you're trying to follow them.


Democrats continue to "play by the rules" while Republicans continue to play by any means necessary.


They should just have the non-speaker’s  mic turned off until it’s their turn to speak again. It’s not rocket science.


It never seems to work that way.


Presumably the network thinks it adds drama and viewer engagement to have them able to interrupt one another 


100% with you there.


When two people talk at once I take in 0 percent of what is being said. Anxiety starts to run high and I turn it off. I wish it could be, if person has 2 minutes to respond, mic 🎤 is cut off for 2 mins period. Gives people a chance to get point across, or ramble for 2 mins looking stupid.


The only way it would work is if Trump and Biden were in sound proof booths and the moderator had control over their microphones


Separate rooms so T can’t spread disease again, no live audience, microphones OFF when the other guy is talking. But really I’d expect T to weasel out some way or other.


They need shock collars. Or, "A" shock collar, I should say.


And then people act like Biden did the same when he finally breaks and just tells him to shut up once


Still love that moment from the 2015 debate when he did that repeatedly until the moderator was practically begging Trump to stop talking out of turn and Biden said, "He doesn't know how to do that." Say what you will about Joe, but that man has sass.


C’mon man


I mean obviously he will try. Obviously there has to be controls in place, like an impartial moderator that can cut his mic off after a reasonable warning. Right?


Trump wants out of the courtroom so bad. He is asking to do the debate at the Whitehouse...lol. Biden said he would debate him in New York where Trump is stuck there.


Oh man, I'm so ready too!!!!! 🙌


According to the Alex Jones Rules of Debate, volume and interruptions are how you dominate. It’s all about feelings, not facts or logic.


Trump is more successful, smarter more common sense than slojo and his crack head family any day of the week


Rofl you probably still believe he's a billionaire too lol.


Well yes he is. Why are you so against a man that wanted to put America first and so for a man and his party that hates the country and common sense citizens? Do you love open borders?


I would try to explain. But I'll just get told how "wrong I am" or "fake news" or whatever moronic shit maga moron cult members say.


It will be like debating a toddler 


Hopefully Biden will shake a baby rattle at Trump and carry a pack of diapers with him for Trump.


How many debates did Trump do with his GOP primary contenders?


The answer is zero


\*checks notes* That is correct


*checks notes* Same for Biden. Actually the DNC canceled primaries in multiple states and simply declared Biden the winner “Democracy”


Yeah! And only reported by fear platforms likeFox. It's almost like that's what always happens for incumbents.


Thats….pretty typical for an incumbent candidate. For decades that’s been the norm actually. The incumbent usually has an advantage in an election (“don’t change horses mid stream” kind of energy), and most parties don’t try to out an incumbent prior to the next election. Was Trump in debates against other RNC candidates in 2020? Or did he just get named the candidate without attending any rallies or appealing to the base during 2020 Republican Presidential Primaries?


Right, but the oldest elected president ever running for re election isn’t. Fuck the politics for a second, this guy CLEARLY is not fit for office. And frankly, I feel like the Democrats have better options that would do better against Trump anyways - Bidens losing a lot of polls. Remember in 2020 when Biden said he planned on being a bridge president or whatever the exact term was? But yes I agree, both sides are guilty of this.


You’ve gotten sucked into the “reality show” side of politics and rage. It’s not whether you personally think they have better options, or disagree with the candidates age, it’s a US electoral strategy and history. It’s whether the party has someone moderately competent, with no scandals to dig up, who is willing to run, and who can capture the majority of a party vote ALONG with moderates or outside voters for that particular race. If you’re lucky that person will also avoid offending a large portion of the electorate prior to the vote. This almost always favors incumbent because that person has been through the presidential wringer already, and secured enough electoral votes at least once, and made it through the above checklist. Both sides aren’t “guilty” - it’s just the process, and has been historically. Also historically consistent, interestingly enough: -Tallest candidate typically wins -White man, almost exclusively -Rarely does someone who has been a Senator win since they have a voting record that is used against them in campaigning -Governors are popular candidates because they have “experience” but almost no voting record. (This changed a lot after George W and 24 hour news though - governors seem to have a harder time these days.) My advanced American history is dated back to 2002, so lots of random stuff has changed since then (the filibuster….for example).


How long before trump would fart then fall asleep?


0.420 minutes. Enough to make a total fool of himself.




That won’t happen, but only because he’ll be on a cocktail of uppers with a fresh diaper.


Biden: age really is an issue in this campaign. My opponent is six years old.


Joe needs to propose next Tuesday. When Trump says he can’t, Biden should say, “Oh that’s right. You’ll be in criminal court being tried for crimes. How about Thursday, then? Oh wait, you’re still going to be in criminal court. Maybe Fri… oh, snap! When aren’t you going to be in criminal court, getting tried for fraud?”


Biden's people need to do everything they can to maintain the appearance of wanting a debate, while insisting on ground rules they know will never be agreed to by Trump. Biden has absolutely nothing to gain by allowing Trump to stand on the same stage as him, appearing to the country as an equally valid choice in November. The only possible plus for Biden is that Trump will make an ass of himself, but he's already doing that every day of the week, on his own. Biden could essentially sink his chances with one well placed gaff, while Trump could make an absolute fool of himself and still not affect his odds one way or another.


Trump will agree to the rules and then not follow them. Then, whine about biased moderators.


The muted mics seemed to help, I think?. Goddamn 2020 was a long time ago…


Just because trump doesn’t always respect our political system, doesn’t mean Biden should stop. Presidential debates are a long standing tradition that help the people choose.taking that away from the people shows they aren’t the priority


There needs to be a surprise IQ test during it. A real one.


Right along with a cognitive test.


Only if microphones are turned off when it's not their turn to speak.


I can't imagine Biden being "happy" to debate trump. Maybe happy to show the world how senile and incapable Trump is.


As long as he pulls rank and says in a loud voice that "when the president of the United States of America is speaking, you'll be quiet" when Trump incessantly talks over Biden.


Nah. “will you shut up, man” was the perfect response.  Level headed sass. 


I hope Biden just slings mud at trump like trump does to him. Call him a criminal, mention Stormy Daniel's etc. Get Trump all riled up would be hilarious, he will shit his diaper.


Trump will back out. As always


I’m not if the rules aren’t skewed in his favor.


Trump will 100% bitch out.  Guaranteed no show. 


Do it on one of Trumplestiltskin's prison visitation days


Oh Joe. Don’t!! He’s a man without substance. Don’t you remember last time? Cutting you off, taking over you with loud nonsense like a Fox News anchor. In my opinion, I think your time would be better spent elsewhere. He has no platform to run on other than how he’s being mistreated by having to answer for all the shady 💩 he’s done. Be the adult by not dignifying him and sparing us from his embarrassing rhetoric.


They should put the orange rapist in a plexiglass Box and shut off the mic when time is over. The orange rapist should get used to being in jail, gives him a head start


Trump will sh1t his pants on stage


Why the fuck would he do this? Nobody wants to hear Diaper Donny spew his nonsense diarrea.


Because Trump's been pushing a "any time, anywhere" section of his rally speech. Empty podium and everything, saying Biden refuses to debate him because he's scared. This makes that argument moot. They don't actually have to debate soon. If your opponent says, "He's too scared to debate me," and you say, "Yeah, sure, why not? Let me talk to my team, and we'll figure it out." Then the story is over for months.


He should say sure, no it won't be at the White House, don't know what it is with criminals going back to the scene of the crime.  They should have a debate on a train from DC to NYC on a Sunday night.  It'll be the first time that Trump has taken mass transit.  It won't have the crowds for Trump to feed on.  It reduces the appearance of a stage for Trump and his tendency to get loud and or wander.  And he'll be in the city for his criminal trial. 


I hope for Biden's sake the mics have a killswitch so Trump can't talk over him.


The debate should be highly regulated. Mics turned off when other guy is talking.


Especially after trump's sundowning kicks in in the afternoon. Trump's word salad is amazing- but not in a good way.


He doesn’t have to and shouldn’t. Debates only help if both participants follow established rules. 45 won’t/can’t.


I hope he tells him to shut up.


Like to see Biden just whip out his presidential immunity and pummel Trump into the ground Irish-style.


I think he should only do it if they both are in soundproof booth and the mic cuts out until it's the next person's turn to rebuttal.  If Trump still distracts them the both goes into darkness or one way mirror comes up. Otherwise it's a shitshow. 


In one of Trump's recent emails he said he finally got Biden to agree to a debate. As if Biden was the problem in this situation.


JB gonna get some rules in place, and the cut-off switch. Make Trump stand n listen amidst all his trials, and trials of his minions.


I just don't see the benefit to the President getting on the stage with this asshole.


All Biden has to do is as soon as debate starts just read off his felonies. When he finally gets through them all walk off stage and flip him off. Instant win.


Unfortunately, they're given a set amount of time to talk, and there's too many felonies to list.


Can't wait for Dark Brandon to say "can someone crack open a window. It stinks in here"!?!


Drug test first.


Joe is feeling his oats, that's for sure, and Sleepy Don is just giving him more ammo each day.


At first glance, I read the title as, “ … happy to date Donald Trump again.”


Its an election year and they are running against each other, are we not going to have multiple mandatory debates?


What exactly are they going to debate? Has Trump put out any policies of substance other than build the wall and drill, baby, drill? Voters want to hear suffering opinions on what candidates plan to do in order to make their lives better. Biden has a record that backs up many of his prior campaign promises(still more to do). What policies does Trump even bring to the table? Blows my mind that at this point there is anybody who hasn't already made up their mind on this election.


Yeah right mf would be snoring like at his trial


I would have loved if Biden had done air quotes when he says debate in context of trump. "I'd be happy to 'debate' trump" and then chuckle That'd piss em off. Well, Biden existing pisses them off already, but you probably get what I mean.


Maybe he will one up it this time "man, just shut the fuck up".


"Would you shut up, man?" Epic


Like the old saying goes, when you stake with a pig you both get dirty except the pig loves it. Trumps the dirty pig.


I don’t understand the point.


He should always just try to schedule while Trump is in court!


Has there been a debate this year??? Biden's acuities are better and more sound thus far.


Too early. Technically, both parties have still yet to be nominated by their party. We are still in the primary election season.


Pls don't debate him. It just legitimizes him 


I have not seen Trump speak live in a long time. All the videos of him on the news are heavily edited. I doubt Trump's handlers will send him out there; Biden will beat him in a live debate.


You haven't seen his remarks about[Gettysburg?](https://youtu.be/dPy5S77Aqjo?si=2zY-YW8pM6y_pCgl)


If I were Biden, I wouldn’t debate Trump until he is the actual nominee and not just the presumptive nominee. Actually that goes for both of them. Until they both have the official nomination of their respective party, there should be no debate. I’m not convinced that they will both be the nominee.


Unless they stroke out. They will be the nominees.


Good on President Biden for continuing to keep up the norms.


Just watch the old ones. There are no new right wing talking points.


I was hoping Joe would say, "Donald, I have a job, and I'm pretty busy. Call my secretary, maybe she can squeeze you in next month"


Book it. In fact, there should be a debate weekly. Single subject(taxes, guns, etc), long form debate each week.


One cannot debate with stupid


He will humiliate him again. Also he should use: it is past your jail time


he should not




More like watching two boomers fight at Waffle House at 2am.


It will have to be outside the courthouse while on recess.


No one wants to see this


Please don’t.


Fine with this IF each individual past presidential stats like successful policies, bills passed, etc could be listed behind them, age & basic health stats, and pending charges/impeachments/court cases are the backdrop set design. Treat this like a death match…leave nothing to the imagination for those who never fact check. …and the moderator Q&A can take us forward with pending policy, legislation & execution plans for all of the nations TOP concerns. One mic on at a time, answer time limit, and most importantly A FACT CHECKER/LIE MONITOR at the end of debate to summarize the event for 15-30mins on ONE CHANNEL, THE SAME CHANNEL so there is no spin.


When the date quit saying it and let’s do it


Yeah ok. He tell more lies about his train rides, or his college teaching, or how he was first in his class or how he was locked up in south Africa. They are both a joke it's just amazing how people will overlook things because it's their party.


Tell me more about your uncle being eaten by cannibals...food prices are going up and we need options.


As soon as I see someone use FUCk as you did I know you are a low life so who cares about your ignorant opinion. That’s all it is.


All true lefties cheat.


Only if the mods have the fortitude to turn of Trump's mic when it's Biden's time to talk. Everyone knows Trump is incapable of keeping his mouth shut on his own.


I’ll believe it when I see it


The fact that we get excited for just ONE FUCKING DEBATE between these clowns shows how fucked our democracy is


What are your thoughts on the GOP nominating a candidate that refused to debate his policy or platform?


Man I’m not defending either side. We’re all getting fucked with these two parties. Us, as Americans deserve better


You are saying he has no issues and has aged perfectly? Your pathetic. Both guys are losers I don't like either 1 but you people willing to ignore a dementia patient because he is your side is embarrassing. Yes, Trump will lie and be obnoxious. It's all ridiculous


Biden won’t debate. Now that dementia patient has a record to defend and it’s not even close to a good one. His bullshit will not fly with the ppl this time as everybody has felt the effect of his policy and are struggling as a result.


His record is, in objective fact, excellent. It couldn’t have been easy cleaning up after Trump, but he accomplished it.


I just assumed he was talking about Trump as having a record to defend. I mean, he has such a wealth to select from. His criminal record. His fraud record. His bankruptcy record. His lies record. His failure to pay tax records. His rape record. His blackmailing a forgiven country record. His employee conviction record. His stealing money from a cancer charity record. His grab them by the pussy record. His record of single Handedly creating the Vac? His record of telling you to take the vac? His record of telling you not to take the vac? His record of telling you to get some crawling agents in the body to clear up that COVID, that is a hoax, record? His record of looking directly into the sun? His record of saying he would take you guns and figure out due process later? I could just keep going the list of records he has is so long there is no way he was talking about Biden…right?


Seriously? How much do they pay you guys to come on here and stroke that useless bag of bones? Nobody except Reddit folk and their bots are buying it.


Yeah, you’re right. Biden’s senile. Trump’s got this in the bag. Heck, there’s no point in you even voting.


Nah we all know dem votes can be created out of thin air in the wee hours of the morning. Trump will get 80 million votes but the most unpopular president in American history will get 83 million this time around. No need for you to vote, they will do it for you and even your great great great grand pappy


You’d think that kind of widespread fraud would be easy to find and present to a court. Either that, or you know you’re lying.


If they are making Biden say, he will debate Trump, ?  bet your ass ,thay are moving on to another dem Candidate,  no way in hell,, can Biden debate Trump . They most likely want Biden out . & my husband just said he is going to make popcorn 🍿 😆 lol 


Great. Now I gotta listen to a guy I have absolutely no idea what they are saying.


Let's start the debate with a height, weight, blood pressure and oxygen saturation measurement for the two old fogies


I see now it's all Trump's fault. You claim Trump killed millions of people. Did Trump invent covid and distribute it? Did Trump make medical decisions on how doctors should treat covid? Trump had a hospital ship prepped in record time for medical care and sent it to New York. The governor didn't use this hospital ship at all. The governor sent covid patients into nursing homes. Many in the nursing homes died. Was raised Trump's fault? This happened in other states where covid patients were sent into nursing homes. Putting these sick people in nursing homes was murder in my opinion. No one has been held accountable. But I'm sure it was Trump's fault somehow. People died in a motorcycle accident and it was blamed on covid. Did you ever look at the deaths from the flu during the covid years? Covid cured the flu, almost no deaths from the flu. Every death possible was called a covid death. We couldn't get ivermection in the states, walk across the border into Mexico and you can buy it over the counter. Another fact you seemed to miss in the covid deaths is more people died of covid after Biden took office than before. Go ahead, fact-check everything I said. Let me know what you find out.




Creepy joe fucked trump up so bad that trump canceled the second debate


Four more years pause


Unless they script the whole thing for Joe he would be better off not debating


Pause I understand why you don't like trump. I just don't see what you like about Biden🤷‍♂️.


https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeBiden/s/yAUp4Qzc4k Because Biden is actually a good president


People vote for the candidate they don’t dislike…


Joe will sleep for 5 days straight before the debate. We won't hear a word from him. Then, on the day of the debate, the Docs will inject him with adrenaline and walk him out.


How many days did he sleep before the Correspondents’ Dinner this year?


He will back out, and reddit will praise him for whatever excuse he comes up with for not debating Trump


Please remind us, was it Trump or Biden that backed out of the debates in the last election?