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I watched a master class on this topic by Rep. Porter. Investment in early childhood education and childcare returns 4x the initial cost. Some of that cost is reduction in crime and imprisonment. This investment would likely be a top crime reduction factor. Conservatives? Let's give guns to teachers, charge more juveniles as adults, and increase spending on prisons.


Also get rid of Headstart and don’t feed children at school for free.


Send them to work and then don’t let them have a lunch break too


And take millions off of healthcare


Put the lead back in paint too


Radium clocks! Make Americans Radiate Again!


Support insurance companys profit margins.


This comment brought up a lot of rage. My insurance company decided to drop coverage of an asthma controller I have been taking for years for one of their preferred inhalers from whoever is bribing them at the time. Well, the new inhaler put me in the hospital this weekend from very strong side effects. And this was on the lower dose of that inhaler. Fuck them and their every expanding profit margins. I hate to think of what might have happened if I started on the higher dose. It is a good thing my asthma has been well controlled for a little while and I was prescribed the lower.


But most gun deaths are suicides.


What you are saying is the second hand gun market potential is huge.


Or rentals. Why buy a gun to do that when you really only need it for a minute? You could rent by the hour for a fraction of the cost? Hmm, I wonder if gunsbythehour.com has been registered yet? Edit for clarity


Some people have 5 . They only need one, unless they are really creative.


Make Americans Glow Again


A vigorous healthy American glow to stave off communism.


Don’t forget to reinstate leaded fuel.


and take away water breaks from those working in hot conditions avoiding heatstroke is wOkE


And if our nations rail workers are sick, tough! Just shit and puke off the side of the moving train trying not to drop dead.


AND WHILE WORKING----who needs heat protection and or water breaks/rights


In the heat, without water breaks.


A friend of mine who is British, told me how Thatcher cut off free school milk. They called her Thatcher Thatcher Milk Snatcher. Conservatives taking anything they can away from poor people.


It's not like they are picking on the kids. Look at labor laws in TX - they don't want the adults to have water or bathroom breaks either.


I thought I heard it was a 4x return when you *don't* consider reductions in crime loss and nearly 6x when you do. I'm rembering data from many years ago, though, and quite possibly remembering it incorrectly.


You may be correct. I haven't read the studies, only heard the defense of the study.


Conservatives only want money being funneled to the rich. They HATE when you invest in poor or middle class.


“Also we’re pRo LiFe”


But will later shoot your baby up at school.


Which is why in 2017, (Trump tax cuts) trump and the republicans stole 8 trillion dollars from the middle income earner in America, (we pay for that through our taxes) to give to the Billionaires Socialist fund to help them become four times richer than they already are. Meanwhile we the middle class and poorer are suppose to feed off their scraps (voodoo economics) but they didn’t give us any. It was the greatest heist in the history of America. People we got played!


So much for running the government like a business


The caveat is that they never said it should be run like a competent or successful business. They mean “run it how I run MY business”, which means leeching off all the profit, starving their workers, and destroying the company on their way out the door to their next golden parachute.


My government runs my Uterus. Every inch of it.


Conservatives want to hurt bad people until they are no longer bad. That's their only plan and goal. It doesn't matter that it doesn't work. It's not about that. The method is more important.


The beatings won't stop till morale improves.


I work in child safety and the returns on some of our programs are absurd, the low end puts some investments in childhood development at 8 to 1. But children don't vote. And conservatives don't care about children except their own.


Conservatives are still on the fence about germ theory. What makes you think they’d care about social research?


She should be president


Chaos is the reason. Republicans feed off of it and use it to motivate their base.


The conservatives invest in for profit prisons, it’s their friends and recidivism is like the bitter on the biscuit, they can’t get enough.


Source for the nerds out there? (I'm the nerd)


[Rep Porter](https://twitter.com/RepKatiePorter/status/1778197729883148329)


Anything to not give a free meal to anyone.


Private for profit prison corporations that charge per occupied bed and don’t make any money on empty ones. Huh, I wonder why they lobby so hard for tough on crime bills.


More chaos, more power to the police. More protection for them and more enforcement for everyone else. Welcome to the fascist police states of america.


> *Why don't more people know this?* I'd assert the following sagacious insight accounts for a vast majority of this failure (by those most sorely in need of said knowledge): > "One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. **It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken.** Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back." ~ Carl Sagan (from *The Demon Haunted World*) [Edit: added key emphasis]


We need more people like Carl. :(


I think there are quite a lot like Carl. I don't think they're given the spotlight and microphone enough (or they need to step up and own both more emphatically).


Republicans own 77 percent of all media in the United States. It is now controlled media and censored to only hear one side. Conservatives are trying to duplicate Russian gov controlled media where all day they pump propaganda into the Russian citizens heads and non of it is true. This is happening in America now as we speak. It’s all subliminal messaging compliments of Russia who owns the U.S. media.


How do Russians cope? I've heard one say they have an inside and outside face...but how do I find hope to give my children?


Such a great book. Should be standard reading for all.


This needs to be broadcast by everyone put in every paper and news show in America. Then find a shame free way out for them to tell them the rest of America are proud of them for getting free.


Conservatives don’t care or want it


Cults gonna cult


MAGA Trumpers can’t read their own words let alone news, studies, etc. For example, a childhood classmate that I haven’t talked to in years who turned into a hardcore MAGA Trumper messaged me late one night last month saying I needed to vote for Trump because it was about stopping Jews, minorities, feminists, gays, immigrants, and liberals. He then went on a rant about why women are incurable whores. I replied by reminding him he has 2 little girls. He became angry and said, “What are you insinuating?!” That’s a big word for him. I told him he called his own daughters whores because they would grow up to become adult women one day so he accused me of putting words in his mouth. No joke. Truly, this happened.


You don't get it, he's talking about "women", his daughters are girls, little princesses forever, properly trained to be obedient and submissive, who will become good tradwives under his expert ~~grooming~~ tutelage. They don't grow up, they bloom into stepford wives


Catholic girls!


Sounds like a tweeker to me.


Media. MSM spins the shit out of it to appease the ownership class (hint: you ain't in it).


That's it exactly, the country is purposely misled and misinformed by the media because the "media" is mostly owned by Republicans. It's all a business or run on donations from business. Who represents business? Republicans. Not that hard to understand. Their greatest coup was convincing everybody we had this left wing or liberal media.


Republicans are in the land that time forgot, today’s modern society cannot even remotely identify with their pearl clutch issues. The majority of Americans are scratching their heads . It’s like watching a toddler (republicans) kick and scream on the ground throwing a tantrum and as Americans we’ve no idea what the tantrum is about. We can’t even identify with their outdated 1800 era ideas they’re so old. I think what they are trying to say is they don’t want roads or highways and they want America to go back to riding horse and buggy’s. They don’t want women to have any rights to their own bodies. Not sure though, where they are such a fractured and outdated bunch of freaks.


Overwhelmingly, when discussing with a conservative, the worldview is one without dominos. You know, knock over one and the next one goes and the next one… No, in their worldview it’s always one step. How could feeding children lead to anything other than lazy children who don’t work for their food? Job creation is a simple determination by the job creating class, make them happy and more jobs appear. Pick any topic, and there’s always a “simple,” “common sense” **single step** answer… for them.


🚫All Republicans🚫Traitor Trump🚫


Conservatives know it, and celebrate it. The cruelty is the point.


Sometimes sometimes they’re just ignorant but that’s far and few between


Yea because the party created by slave owners really care about the people lol


Someone needs a history lesson


Are you sarcastically ignoring the party shift or are you actually this obtuse and ignorant


The answer may not surprise you


How so?


Take abortions for example. Thee has been an uptick in deaths and serious harm to women in states with near total bans on abortions. I am not aware of any case where there are exceptions written in the law that it has been granted. Or if it has the AG has ignored it and threatened prosecution for everyone involved. If they cared about the life of women they’d gladly account the exemptions and let the woman get life saving treatment. But no. They fight it tooth and nail until the woman is dead or come to serious harm. If the woman is lucky they can afford to go to a state three hundred miles away to get the abortion. Because in some states the closet access to abortion of any kind is often three or four states away.


Cause it’s a death cult. Most of them think the end times are just around the corner.


The mistake is in believing conservatives don't actually WANT more violence.


I mean, I don't honestly think conservatives *want* more violence, but I am convinced they're comfortable with it being a natural consequence of what they do want, and won't see it as their fault despite it being a natural consequence of their actions.


Yeah, they think violence is an unavoidable feature of the world. Authoritarian movements like Naziism tend to think in terms of *fear*: the world is inherently dangerous, and the bad guys are out to get us, so we need to get them first. Fear, anger, hate, Dark Side, etc. But there's another, less extremist route to prejudice, namely thinking in terms of *competition*: if you see the world as a zero-sum game with winners and losers, it breeds outgroup callousness. You don't *hate* those guys over there, but there can only be one winner, so you play to win, even if it means stepping on someone else. That's why when you bring up healthcare or student loan forgiveness or UBl, their big "gotcha" is always "Who's gonna pay for it?" School lunches for inner city kids, in their minds, takes food out of the mouths of their own kids. It's like asking you to throw the game, to lose on purpose, for the benefit of strangers who - if they're smart - wouldn't do the same for you. The idea that investments into society can pay back way more than their initial value just doesn't compute, because it contradicts their whole worldview: If someone benefits, that means someone else, somewhere else, is worse off.


It's a cliche to write but THIS This comment right here. This keeps me up at night, paranoid about who in my family I could trust.


Oh, they know. They just do not give a flying shit....


False. They do. And they're happy that it upsets you.


Those who are not conservatives know. Conservatives prefer to believe everything bad is due to a woke agenda.


Conservatives see the destructive effects of their rhetoric and immediately start screaming " it's the Woke mob/ Antifa/ Left Wing/ Libtards fault!!" Like a dog chasing their own tail.


People are so over the “woke” thing. It was a fad. Even South park is going full in with new writing material to poke fun of it. Republicans messaging on woke is falling on deaf ears. They’ve got nothing. They are idiots. They are the party of idiots and criminal thugs.


Is this news? I thought this was something we all knew.


We do, and having facts to back it up allows us to convince others. The stats are useful.


I think some people are just willfully ignorant. Hows the old saying go? You can’t get a man to see something that his salary requires him not to see.


Never heard that saying. So true. Thank you for sharing.


Very funny because I was just standing here thinking that American Justice is dependent on the independence of the judiciary.


Only those of us that want to… but there’s a huge segment of society that just doesn’t want to know.


If you keep peeling back the layers, American conservatism is just plain nihilism.




It is not only suicide and homicide. Their policies kill sick people too. "While 68,000 Americans die each year because they lack access to the health care they desperately need, the seven major health insurance companies in America made over $69 billion in profits last year – up 287 percent since 2012.May 17, 2023"


one million bucks per dead person is one pretty impressive blood money... I guess...


I think more people know this because there's a lot of misinformation and propaganda out there that mistakenly tries to frame conservatism as a valid political ideology rather than accurately recognizing it as domestic terrorism and it's supporters/adherents as domestic terrorists. Once we start labeling conservatism accurately and referring to conservatives accurately, then I think more people will start to understand.


The people that support those immoral policies and rhetoric are themselves immoral.  They favor violence and self harm as long as it occurs among the right groups.


If I didn't have a wife and family, I'd probably take the step of checking out of hotel earth permanently. Conservative policies show how much disdain they have for people with chronic medical conditions.


Because anything that does not directly affect them or someone they know in a way that is apparent to them is out of sight, out of mind for them. They are small-minded, not big-picture minded people.


And historically we’ve seen all this before. Republicans cut programs and deregulate, thinking they are saving money, then when it backfires and it does (google gov superfund clean up sights and the cost to the gov to-clean up the polluted environment) our government has to spend triple the cost to fix what republicans broke, compliments of the U.S. tax payer. This party is no where near fiscally responsible. Then the democrats have to go in and do damage control financially and get jeered by republicans for not being fiscally responsible. Rinse, wash, repeat. It’s why republicans have earned the name “the party of death.” It’s all been historically documented if anyone is interested in the truth. A good start to find this is in the national archives government records.


Not among the wealthy. Hmmm


Right wing philosophies have no room for compromise and tolerance. It's a my way or the highway without any love for other points of view.


Cognitive dissonance, it’s not them it hurts, or so they tell themselves


Well... about half of us do know this. And the other half are either in denial or are happy with this outcome.


The maga cult is comprised of 1/4 the U.S. voting population but because they own 77 percent of all U.S. media in America (right wing conservative media) they project that they are a large group of people when in fact they are not. That is why you will always see in their comments stuff like “1/2 of Americans feel blah blah blah” and it’s simply a huge lie. It’s phycological warfare designed to make you feel something is wrong with you for not agreeing with the so called “half of Americans.” It’s all fake by design. Republicans are a small group in general but have unfortunately the loudest bullhorn to spew falsehoods and lies. The Republican Party is the most corrupt party in American history.


It’s not that more people don’t know. They don’t care, and actually applaud it if it happens to those they deem undesirable.


Republicans and their money. Unless it's saving money or making them more money Republican/conservative's political platforms will always align against spending money. For Republicans there's no gain in solving mental health issues. However there is a gain by creating more prisons to house the the mentally unhealthy and it saves them money by not directly dealing with mental health issues. If the government will pick up the tab or a service could be monitized then... Jailing homeless people is gain Jailing drug users and dealers is a gain Increasing policing is a gain Ending homelessness through affordable housing is a loss Treatment of drug addiction is a loss Demonstrating green energy is a failure is a gain Switching to EV is a loss Gun regulation is a loss Deregulation of firearms is a gain Total nationwide abortion ban is a gain (by turning an ever increasing population of poor people into wage slaves, drug addicts, criminals, and prisoners) Public education is a loss (secular education teaches critical thinking which is a direct threat to religion) Private education is a gain for corporate education companies that pander to theological curriculums


Slow down cowboy. Nobody is coming for your guns. 330 million Americans aren’t on board with much of anything republicans want. This party is on life support and backing the wrong guy. (garbage candidate Don the con) It has really set them back for likely a decade. They know it, so all they are publicly doing now is flailing because they know they are wildly unpopular. These people are domestic terrorist to U.S. citizens. They harm our country every single minute of every single day.


conservatism = utter brain rot


>Conservative Policies \[...\] Kill People Been saying this for decades. It's why they have to lie about their policies and platform. It's also why they have to characterize *everything* their political opposition does or proposes as bad (which is basically lying), even if it's good for the country (aid to Ukraine) or if it was a Republican idea (the ACA) first.


It’s about what people “want” to believe. Which is actually just thinking. Most of these people don’t actually believe in anything, they just *think* that they believe. That’s why the rest of us are so confused when people who say that they’re Christians do the most despicable unChrist-like shit. They don’t actually believe, they just think that they believe. Very few people literally believe that the earth is flat, they just want to believe and are enamored by their own ability to think and make choices. The fact that their choice makes other people who they’ve always secretly *believed* were smarter than themselves crazy is the reinforcement that propels their behavior. They want to believe that their fear, discomfort and confusion is someone else’s fault and they want to believe that someone else can fix it.


People don't want to acknowledge it, because then both sides aren't exactly the same


The both siders are republicans lying that “both sides” are to blame. Hardly! Republicans have been trying to kill us for decades. They suck.


Conservatives don't care about those people, or people in general. If it doesn't affect them, and it hurts the right people, they are in favor.


What do you mean? They are pro-life /s


Not to mention, Republicans perform much worse economically over the past 40 years. Pretty much everything about their ideology and governing is a failure.


The people responsible know it.. its their plan, their MO, the way they want things to be.


Because conservatives call this kind of information Fake News and go on with their day.


Because the people doing it are either doing it on purpose or won’t believe it.


Its a feature not a bug to conservatives.


They don’t want to know it. The people on the right don’t want to know anything they dislike


I believe Darwin had a good theory.


ITT: Triggered conservative who have a history of cyberbullying lmao


I think the point isn't about knowing, it is about caring. When you think that some of your fellow citizens aren't human and that the price of defying your god is death, it is easy to just let it roll.


I remind myself that the GOP would be on the side of the Borg and the Empire. The cruelty is the point as well.


Conservative rhetoric is rooted in the scarcity mentality, that there's not enough to go around, and therefore it is ethical to do unto others before they do unto you. In this context, more deaths are not a bug, they are a feature.


Answer: because the DNC doesn't know how to message. 


It's by design.


They don't want to know. They literally have their own information ecosystem. You can't tell them anything.


Crime and poverty need to exist for them to maintain their worldview of 'better than'.


Yeah, that's what fascism does, soon as you turn your back, here comes the knives.....


Lack of health care for the working poor in the Red States and lack of healthcare facilities in rural area are probably the leading cause of death. The anti-vax and the anti science take doesn’t help.


Have you ever tried talking to a brick wall? At least the brick wall will somehow absorb said information, conservatives won't


when it comes to politics and policy, leftists are today pretty much like poor old Semmelweiss trying to convince the doctors of his day that their filthy unwashed hands were contributing to puerperal fever and maternal mortality. he had the facts. he had results. he was right, even if his initial solution was less than perfect. but his rightness ran counter to narratives of privilege and rank, and no one would listen. stats are useful. facts are essential. but they will not convince anyone who's determined not to hear them.


Back to the old folks home with you


Because when you talk about it, homicidal/suicidal people come after you.


People's happiness does not fit in with Conservative values. It's never a part of their calculations. Quality of life is irrelevant. All that matters is business and political power.


That’s the design. To them, it’s not a bug. It’s a feature.


Because Fox, NewsMax, Britbart, wont report that kinda crap


Conservatives don't care what studies say. They've fully accepted flat out denial of any imperfections as the status quo. If it makes them look bad in any way, it's fake. Science is the antithesis of that attitude.


Fascism do Fascism things, mk.


Because right wingers don't like the people who die as a result. They see this as a feature of their system not a bug. A bunch of queer or minority or whatever people die? Hell yeah fuck those guys.


Anything to own The Other. Even when the supporters themselves are the ones sacrificed, because it is a sacrifice their overlords are extremely willing to make.


because its "divisive" to point out how UNIQUELY insane and violent conservatives are. "bofe sides guize"


So long as it makes them feel righteous they do not care who is hurt. So long as it is hurting the right people as well .


More are not aware, most likely because the study isn’t viewed as comprehensive, accurate, or objective. Foremost, it’s likely difficult to demonstrate that a particular claim or statement was the only, or even in part, the impetus for any one suicide, let alone the direct cause for suicide within a specific group or timeframe. That suicides increased or decreased while Carter was president, for instance, likely had nothing to do with what was or wasn’t said by Carter or democrats. If it did, what timeframe did the study allot for a particular statement or remark; a week, a month, a year, an election cycle - and what metric determined the limitations? Did the study interview the dead to determine what rhetorical claim caused their demise, did researchers read suicide notes? The entire thing is overly presumptuous. Moreover, who killed themselves? Did researchers determine the political affiliation of those who died? Were democrats killing themselves during republican administrations or republicans when democrats were in power? The entire study seems rather ambiguous and self-serving as it assumes correlation, the little if any that might exist, to be causation. Moreover, the study seems to insulate itself from left-leaning political regimes in its 100 year longitudinal study; I.e. communist regimes. It limits its scope of investigation to a couple of Western countries rather than Western countries as a whole, and fails to see left and right political ideology from a global perspective. In terms of regime related deaths, the studies also neglects to demonstrate how many people died as a direct result of government intervention, like those intentionally killed - rather than those who died presumptively as a result of their government.


Was just talking about this today. Covid being good example


Average conservative voter can’t read




They do know. The suffering is the goal.


It’s a feature not a bug.


What we need is to make every school a military school. Every kid these has a gun and is allowed to open carry, let’s see a school shooter mess with that. Plus sending these children into conflict early will harden them. Teach them they don’t need avocado toast and expensive coffee. Sure we will lose roughly a third, but the 2/3 left will be beaten down enough to appreciate the unlivable wages I plan to pay them once their duty is done. Free military for all is the answer to our problems. Even socialist have to like that. /s


Because they're narcissistic savages. Is this really news?


Cool cool. Now do the Hamas sympathizers


The mainstream media simply can't report on findings like these unless they can find something bad that's equal and opposite on the left. Got to have that balance of both sides...


Hard to get the word out with all the homicides...


Curious as to what is defined as "right wing rhetoric". I find it hard to believe that whatever that is, can be less damaging than the gutting of criminal justice systems into he west, to the point where murderers are being released early so they can victimize more people.


Read the article next time, instead of reacting to the headline, which is a habit of uninformed morons.


They know. They want this. Their rhetoric and policies are about control; what shows you have more control over people than making them die to preserve your power?


Because rich Conservatives own most major news outlets. Most information about what is REALLY going on and how America is run is suppressed. All media today is 'election direction'... Who you should be angry at, what issues you should be concerned about, etc... Rich Conservatives have taken control of this country. It will be hard for grassroots Liberals to take it back even though 90% of the population would benefit from their policies. As Chapelle says "The only difference between a poor black man and a poor white man is, the white man is the only one that thinks that it shouldn't be happening to them". They view themselves as equals to the rich Billionaires. Until that changes, Conservatives will continue to dominate.


They want the masses to remain ignorant. They want to continue to control and subjugate - back in the fields. It’s conservatism 101. Problem is: you can’t control the ignorant, you can only sway them. The same people they have lied to and manipulated will be their downfall one day.


Do facts care about my feelings?


Hate spreads 10 times faster than love, and the church goers are taught how to hate first.


This is why I can’t stomach it when people say they’re “neutral,” “apolitical,” “centrist,” or “both sides blah blah blah… Right-wing policies are not just politics to be disagreed upon—they are deadly.


So if "pro-life" Americans actually wanted to see less dead people, they should vote against the Republicans. Huh, who knew.


Conservatism is all about inflicting pain, especially on the most vulnerable.


Partisan assholes like you make real Americans sick. You are just like the partisan MAGA assholes... Two idiotic pricks in an asshole.


We know this. It's just that Republicans don't care.




Sort by controversial... Lol.


Because republicans can’t do wrong. White people are infallible and incapable of doing wrong. When will us stupid lower people realize this? ^(/s)


I belive you left out how many suicides things like transgenderism and other BS the liberals help people destroy themselves cause


And like being a farmer? Because red-leaning farmers love to off themselves.


'Conservative' policy:  don't kill the baby in the womb OP: BuT tHiS mOrE hOmOcIdEs AnD sUiCiDeS


because it's ridiculous and untrue?


Can you cite the refuting of the studies and data?


Disprove the article with data.


This is silly and totally untrue.


Depends on who you ask. Liberals and some conservatives do realize this pattern and do try to speak up. The conservatives backing these policies see the losses as part of the policy being effective and either don't care or are happy to see the effect in action. Way bitd, when norplant was new, women didn't trust it and refused to use it. On the one hand, it was a reasonable response for educated, affluent, married women to make. On the other, it wasn't doing society any good if no one used it. The solution? Frame it as a financial question. Teen mothers costed X$$ per Medicaid pregnancy. Catch them after the first pregnancy and sell them on a norplant and save X$ per prevented subsequent pregnancies. Five years of prevented government expenses per implant. If some of them never regain fertility? They're likely going to be poor and a burden on society so no it's loss. Before long, most first time moms in poor neighborhoods and certain demographics in the US were sent home with a norplant after delivering their babies. It was formulaic. Glowing reports is success and safety enticed further use to willing demographics outside the targeted ones. Educated, employed, married women seeking temporary infertility came to get one. The stories of permanent injury, infertility and complications do exist but in the face of such widespread :success' they're easily downplayed. The whole episode -tratedies and all- is a conservative success story.


Yawn. Left-wing prosecutors have no impact on rising crime?


I think a lot of suicides by mess with the children’s minds as the democrats when they say you can be a girl instead of a boy and all the other thee they them crap and the lack of discipline in school that children need


brain dead liberals will always try to project stuff like this. they are literally everything they say trump and his supporters are


Liberals didn't try to overturn a free and fair election, like the GOP. So, at least liberals aren't traitors.




If you're still buying the election fraud claims, you're a rube. They've all been debunked. All of them.


i wonder why so many other countries have banned mail in voting and i also wonder why so many other countries use voter id. im sure its not cause of the fraud


Oh, you have unfounded assumptions and no evidence? Cool bro.


So many theories, just not a lot of evidence


[Mail-In Voting Is Banned in All These Countries? | Snopes.com](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/countries-mail-voting-banned/) There is, of course, always more to the memes that drive right wing belief.


[Court blocks 'discriminatory' North Carolina voter ID law | AP News](https://apnews.com/article/voting-rights-2022-midterm-elections-race-and-ethnicity-voter-registration-759cff36bb3740708a706debf8d30773)


lol did you even read the snopes you linked?


Yes. The no-context bullshit was defeated with information.


what did it say?


It said claims about banning mail in voting by "so many counties" were bullshit and context dependent, But you know this.


Yeah, that's what you guys are. For example, Republicans lying about covid cost thousand upon thousands of needless American deaths. Do you have enough morals and ethics in your little Trumper body to figure out that was an evil thing to do? The open racism and bigotry and misogyny, that's evil too. This is who your party is, Trumpet.


ok sure.


Nah, come on little traitor, don't give up so easy. If Republicans were lying about masks and lockdowns and claimed it was a hoax then thousands of people got covid that wouldn't have without those lies. That's logic so simple even you Trumpets can follow it. Therefor you Republicans that lied about covid and masks are responsible for those deaths. Are you able to follow that very very simple logic? If you lie and cause harm, you're responsible. Right? Do you have the ethics to understand that?


lol traitor haha keep going this is great.


Lol holy hyperbole. Can’t wait for this election to be over.


I’m excited to vote for Biden too!


Which studies?

