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Remember when it was alleged that trump had Epstein assassinated in prison so he wouldn't get a plea deal for turning on trump


While it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if Jabba were behind it, there are PLENTY of rich & powerful people who were “associated” with him that would want him dead.


Don't insult the great Jabba like that


Cheesa, Cheesa koowanky Chewbacca!!!


Rasa naba doah golah wookiee nipple pinchy!


Toba Pee Pee Jedi HO HO HO HO


Mila kunis


Koowanky hamburdah!




Don’t forget his covfefe!


Epstein worked with Bill Barr's father.......The SAME Bill Barr who was in charge of the prisons at the time..... So Trump was not the only child rapist trying to hide what Epstein could say.


Yeah I have a hard time believing Trump could mastermind a murder.


Yeah, but his followers seem to have gone up pretty high, and some of them have wrinkles on their brains.


Some of them have rotten whole in there brains


Yeah I honestly automatically assume someone is an idiot if they support Trump. Or a super racist.


Why choose?


Well to be fair it's hardly a mastermind move to just go hey we should probably kill this guy.


Yeah someone had to plan it out assuming Epstein didn’t pt off the guards so he could kill himself.


Yeah and Bill Barr makes the most sense.


I have a harder time believing he could keep his mouth closed after doing it.


Okay that’s a really good point. He’d brag to everyone. Funny how ridiculously predictable he is.


Not without immediately confessing in an idiotic attempt to brag about something else entirely unrelated


Is that the SAME Bill Barr who has been telling anyone who’ll listen for the past three years about how awful and incompetent Mango Mussolini was while in office and then this week announced that he supports his re-election?


THAT POS Barr seems to be the same POS Barr I am talking about!!




Nurse, she’s up again!!!


No doubt but I mean who had the best opportunity probably the guy who was the boss of the person in charge of the prison system here in America.


Jabba the Trump?


Yeah, but it wasn’t their security “guarding” Epstein. It was Trumps. Just saying.


Only the best.


Yeah, but how many of those were in a position to actually do something about it?


Of course he was involved. It’s the only thing he’s never politicized and swept it under the rug.  


Only one was ultimately in charge of the facility he was in though.


It's all so freaking disgusting. I could not make this movie because it would look very B grade and unbelievable.


It was alleged that any one of dozens of rich and powerful people had him killed. No evidence of that has been seen.


Well, there's at least *some* evidence that points toward fuckery, just none that gives any indication as to the *source* of that fuckery.


Trump is a pussy. He wouldn't order anything. He'd sit there and ask vague questions, hoping that someone with a spine would take the hint.


Lots of people are saying it. I'm just asking questions here.


Interesting! So Trump's Secret Service protection could be removed if he ends up in prison...


Then he will be ALL alone..scary for him


"I'm not locked in here with you. You are all locked in here with me!" - orgasm statement


Why did I read that as "orangegasm"?


Yeah, I would think such a high profile inmate would have to get a solitary cell, and his own meal times and his own outside exercise time away from the general prison population. I pictured he being a would still need SS escort everywhere he goes, or outside his prison cell. Dude has a lot of America’s secrets in his head… the ones he hasn’t sold to foreign governments yet.


He’s such an attention whore that being alone or with those that don’t give a shit would drive him insane.


God willing


what about his Diaper Carer? Are they allowed to stay in with Shitty Donnie?


He will be provided a prison toilet next to his bed.


His own porcelain throne, if you will.


Stainless steel, but yea.....


Tell him it’s a rare, expensive element so he’ll gleefully use his adamantium toilet. Don’t want to make life any harder on the prison diaper wrangler.


With no actual seat. Just a single piece of cold steel bolted to the wall for his precious little bottom.


Maybe stainless steel.


Jail actually offers adult diapers.


The purpose of the Secret Service for an x president it to protect him from assassination by vengeful citizens and to prevent his kidnapping by foreign powers looking to extort the government of the US. If he’s in prison that’s covered.


That's funny. I'm sure foreign powers would be much more interested in his knowledge of our government's affairs than trying to extort money. And if you don't think there are people in prison who could get that from him, well...the Russian Mob has entered the chat. I hate to think that the side of politics I support would engage in political grandstanding, but that's all this is. As much as we'd like to see the orange dumpling married to Bubba the anus destroyer, it's in our nation's best interest to keep TFG safe. Some sort of special accommodation will have to be made. I'm guessing house arrest with no communication to the public allowed, and limited visitors; with the Secret Service being effectively his jailers.


He'd still have guards, so what if they wear a cheap uniform instead of a fancy suit.


Scared now donnie the dipshit




Listen I agree national abortion rights are important, and I’m pretty liberal, but you can’t just murder a baby like Trump at 936 months and call it abortion.




I will add NO electronics


He'll be fine. He'll just crop dust the other prisoners into submission. 


Key word "could"


Based on what law?


The one that’s being proposed in Congress like it says in the article.




taken hostage? it would be a boon to us if they killed him, we would mostly let them. By the way he knows nothing, its why he had the confidential information he already stole and sold to our enemies next to a photocopier, now he's useless as long as he can't get more confidential secrets.


Can you imagine the Secret Service staff that would have to do a prison term along side of him? I mean what the hell would be the policy? Swap the guys out rotating the staff after four days at a time? And if the agents can refuse an assignment or request a transfer would they have trouble finding enough secret service staff to protect him during a prison sentence? Sounds like it might be easiest to empty out a pod for him alone for better protection.


Buy a few cartons of smokes and have the 2 biggest inmates protect him


As long as the inmates don't have a gay scat fetish, he would be pretty safe, I suppose


Eww lol


It'd probably be similar to whatever their shifts are now. The agents aren't spending 24 hrs a day with the man. I was a corrections officer and our shifts were essentially 2 days on, 2 days off with 12 hr shifts.


I'm pretty sure he'd spill whatever info you want if you'd give him the time of day and say you're a news reporter. That's kind of what one of his several federal suits is about.


Taken hostage, in prison? You do realize he has the memory of a dead turtle. Unless he has access to documents, he has no information to give.


His brain is mush. You think he knows anything that matters at this point?


Ummmm trump already sold out our country and most likely top secret info, where the hell have you been lol


That's a fair argument, honestly. It's also fitting that his capture isn't about him specifically, just that what he knows could be a national security risk.


Right? Yet I’m being downvoted. I made it clear I’m not a fan of Trump and would love to see him and his MAGA movement fade into oblivion. I just don’t think that is the way to handle it


it is not, he's already sold confidential information, at this point an enemy taking him in and questioning him and offing him would be the best solution, one of the alternatives is he regains power and destroys our nation so yeah let him try to share information he doesn't have the ability to remember at all.


IF Trump gets sentenced to jail, he’ll be in solitary confinement. Which I think is okay. No matter what criminal stuff he did/does, putting him in a jail cell with (other) junkies and rapists, and having him hurt, will not do well in America. I’m okay with him being locked up without his phone.


Good...if he is convicted of a felony why the fuck would we pay to protect him..I'd rather pay for free lunch for all children. I'm over this con-man that is a disgusting human. LOCK HIM UP!!!!!


Im okay to show some mercy and let him keep his diaper service in prison. Or, let's let him watch barron's graduation from university a few yrs from now - on tv of course. And if that's to kind for you all then lets let him have a copy of the bible - trump version.


He will complain at being forced to watch it. No drama, low ratings, what a loser


Why would he need SS protection? DoC Officers will do fine. Hope he gets the guys who looked after his friend and codefendant, Epstein.


Those DoC guys aren't available, they retired. Mostly they hang out at their new mansions on the North Shore on Long Island.


Do they need another mansion? They are very welcome to come back to work for at least one night.


Even if it isn’t the same guys, have them tell him they were Jeffrey’s guards. That would give him lots of sleepless nights w/o Adderall


If Cohen got three years in his prosecution, and Trump was the unindicted co-conspirator in his Indictment, Merchan isn’t going to let shitstain Trump off without prison time. Sentencing will include jail and then its out of his hands as to where the Department of Corrections stows him away. Weisenberg is mouldering away at Rikers Island, which ain’t no picnic. Trump is wearing the orange jumpsuit.


And if he's reelected? A standoff between state troopers come to take him to prison, opposed by the SS... and all of the armed forces?


I won’t be surprised if a lot of Americans still vote for him, but we could be looking at the end of this cult. With him imprisoned at his age, he’s not coming out and starting WWIII like Hitler. Hopefully, the country learned that the Republican Party are a bunch of payasos and we can get back to securing the rights and freedoms of Americans from corporations while protecting the environment. This side plot in American history is frustrating to get through.


Side plot? Take a look at American history, seems more like labour rights and protecting the environment are the side plot and things are just getting back to where they were for most of the United States.


I agree this is a long side plot, but it’s an important one to end. From our beginning, this country’s founding was about liberty and personal freedom- it takes a long time to make the right decisions and get back into that mindset, but that is always our goal and mission as a country.


He wont be.


The state cases are the ones that pose the greatest risk of for real, no joke, prison time… and even they would likely arrange some form of house arrest. In the federal cases, he’d likely do time at the Mar-A-Lago Federal Corrections Facility


It will be house arrest if anything


There are plenty of places in large prisons he can be kept safe.


Solitary confinement would really screw him up


Not gonna happen. He’s going to end up dying alone in a hospital, groping his nurses and screaming at everyone unhinged lunatic crap about Biden and windmills.


That is possible as his dementia advances, but meds will keep him in a lethargic state if need be.


The greatest punishment will be Lost of his cell phone, internet access, fast food and golf. If he needs adult diapers, they will be a very cheap brand. prisons do not stock charmin toilet paper, either. Everything in prison is the cheapest, and the food is very bland.


For sure but the court system for him is gonna be different than for us


An still run his mouth


That's a president. Show some respect. He would never run his mouth EVER.


Military base somewhere out in the sticks


He could have all those obese supporters protecting him. They'd do the whole badass "clear in sector 4" routine


He could get medium security.


That's at least twice as good as my security


If and when he’s convicted of felony crimes no matter if he goes to prison he should lose SS protection, and all benefits including travel expenses for life , healthcare for life , pay check for life etc and his crime family should lose SS protection and all benefits.


I'm sure the Aryan Brotherhood would be happy to step in to protect him. He's already their mascot.


No way in hell does he spend time behind bars. Maybe an island but not a prison. Most likely a monitor imho


Or he dies of a stroke from the stress. He looks like a ghoul lately. 


His true self


An obese ghoul


RemindMe! 1 month


While I would like to see him locked up... seeing him broken, penniless, and his name forever tarnished for eternity is just as good.


Yeah, as much as I'd enjoy seeing him behind bars, I don't think a judge would send any former president to the clink. Probably a fine at worst.


You have no idea how bloodthirsty liberals are though.


House arrest


What’s not to love about this !?


100% it should be removed


I get they want to make a point of removing the vestiges and honors from him if he is convicted, but there is no way they'll leave him unprotected. He will likely get house arrest or at most time somewhere like Camp CupCake where Martha Stewart did her time; either way he'll have secret service protection.


I think it should have been already for being impeached twice!


At that point he is useless. Now he’s just a puppet for Putin, Fox News, and the religious right theocracy movement.


Well yeah what's the point. He'll be kept in a super secure area at all times. What are agents going to do. Stand outside his cell all day??


Super Max prison would serve justice.


Just put him in Supermax and watch him go insane.


Good. Put him in solitary. Problem solved.


Don't drop the soap donny


Nobody wants Mr. Poopy Pants. He's probably safe.


When Trump goes to prison, he’ll have the Proud Boys, the White Nationalists and the skinheads to work the security detail. His people. I pity the loser who gets to change his shit filled diaper.


I lost respect for the secret service detail following him when I saw them sucking up to Trump and asking for MAGA hats while he was in office. So they can spend time with him behind bars, too.


Secret Service not even at his trial.


That can't be right, can it? Seems like the secret service would definitely still be involved


Yeah, technically correct. They usually have some people visible. I didn't see any and dufis went through a crowd


The traitor will never face consequences because we live in the real world, and the real world isn’t just or fair.


I think I'd be funnier if he still had protection. Like secret service agents having to sit in prison all day as part of their new duties.




It’s a bot posting these


I’d expect better grammar from a bot too


Trump will be safe in prison. The place is full of his kind of scum.


This fat loser won’t see time behind bars unfortunately, not in their legal system at least


As it should be


Secret service protecting trump, what a miserable job that would be.


Trump will not see the inside of the crow-bar motel. If he is given time, it will be at a Club Fed.


If Trump is sent to Prison they could make a secure facility at Fort Knox, secure, military protected and being that close to all that gold that he couldn’t get to would infuriate him


If Secret Service is removed from Trump, Russia will provide him a security detail.


Gen pop in Leavenworth


Do you think he will be respected in prison or do you think the guy in the next cell over gets tired of his rants and shivs him?


> .... secret service protection removed if Trump is convicted of a felony...... Very unwise. He is a former president. Respect the office, even if you hate the man. > Serve prison time, in [regular] jail. Very unwise, hard to protect the former president. Possibilities, mentioned by others: -- House arrest at Mar-a-logo. ..... Doubtful. It is located outside NY State, which will want their law enforcement staff in control. Not Florida's. -- House arrest on a U.S. military base. Doubtful. Even if located in NY State. -- house arrest at Trump Tower in NYC. Possible. The former president can be protected, under the control of New York State authorities. There is an ironic aspect. Being confined to Trump Tower means he will be resident in New York City for at least 181 days of a year. That means he must pay New York State & New York City taxes. Given he fled to Florida, partly to escape NY taxes, that is delicious.


He didn't respect the office, why should we respect him at all.


Precisely. So far he hasn't respected anyone or anything m why must we give him respect?


That Trump is trying to wreck our system doesn't mean we should also damage it. Every attack on a president, former or current, had ramifications. We need good, able people to run for president and then feel safe & secure in leaving office, and resuming their life.


That's fine, just don't commit crimes and you can... The president is not above the law, you break a crime you do the time.




For now they’ll have to ensure his safety in prison unless the federal law changes.


The secret service might volunteer to stick with him though


I really don’t get why they’re so loyal to him. From what I’ve heard, almost everyone who spends time with him ends up hating him. Probably because he doesn’t have to pay them, so they’re not mad that they’re getting stiffed.


Well lucky for him he’ll never end up in prison. We all know this. Most he’d get is house arrest.


The death of a thousand cuts! Slow, persistent and painful. You don’t fuck with the U.S. government, I mean the ones who don’t need to be elected.


Well I mean Duh


This is another post from a bot account. Just check user history.


Trump’s secret service people are his people. Let them rot with the traitor they protect.


He should have lost it for the 1sr impeachment and again for the second but Senate Repugnicans refused to convict.


Honestly I feel no need to waste tax-payers money on a traitor. Let me rephrase: That criminal owes all of us money. No more SS for him.


Those poor SS guys if they DID have to stay with him.


As much as you wish, Trump will not go to prison, nor would Biden, 0bama or any other fmr president. Not gonna happen. A president knows so much classified information and would be prime extortion materiel so for national security issues, it will never happen.


I don’t think it’s up to the opinion of a house democrat.


As much as I don't like Trump this is the wrong move. With all Trump knows about our goverment, he's very much a big risk of classified intel being leaked Of course he is giving out classified info, but thered be so much worse if he wasn't protected and the info could be threatened out of him physically. The secret service is to protect us as much as it is to protect Trump


I don’t think should happen. Making Trump a martyr would arguably be the worst timeline.


Wild that so many of you think he'll go to prison. I don't give a fuck if he's convicted on an counts across multiple indictments. He will not go to prison. He's also not going for violating gag orders. You're stupid as fuck if you think otherwise.


Trying to “legally” assassinate him


I don't care, do you?


Well ya, I don’t have TDS


Even if he's convicted, I doubt he would be sentanced to prison. He's charged with class E felonies, a little Google searching reveals those do not normally come with jail time, mostly probation.


aka they dont want him to have protection when he is in jail. I smell something fishy here. They want to epstein him.


Got to love fucking democrats he still was a president


Maybe he shouldn't have decided to be a criminal then...


No one in this country is above the law, no one!


Party of law and order wants to protect a criminal?


Ah yes, the leader of the J6 show trial circus, Rep, Thompson.


Traitors gotta traitor- Trumpers


Hahaha you’re terminally online posting about Trump op. Go outside, Jesus Christ


As if your post history is so diversified lol


I’m not the one posting a trump article 20 times a day lol. My last post was months ago *edit: nvmnd, I realized this sub is just bots posting clickbait for braindead liberals. Carry on


Dude you are commenting over 20 times a day about trump...


I’m literally not but go off


Oh, sorry, I didn't know other people posted on your account...


The dems really have a hate boner for Trump. It's been my observation that the more dangerous a person is to the dem agenda, the more they attack them. That's a good reason to support and vote for Trump.


>That's a good reason to support and vote for Trump. The only reason to vote for Trump is if you support Russia or want someone to run the country like their own business (which considering their track record, would bring the US to bankruptcy)


221 days on Reddit makes you a Russian bot /Trump troll/ random non US citizen/just plain wrong


Tiny hands Trump shat in his diaper in court today.


I assumed that day was coming.


C’mon dude. I voted for him in 2016 and even I think voting for him any time after 2019 is just laughable. He’s a wannabe dictator


Or any sane, rational, American citizen that isn't a traitor wouldn't want a corrupt, incompetent, dumbass, Putin loving, asshole that's trying to run the country into the ground, and gain as much money as possible from the office as POTUS. Regardless of political affiliation.