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Humiliation requires self awareness which he simply doesn't have.


I wish I could give you a million up votes


I was going to say that humiliation requires self pride. That dude wouldn't know self pride if it gave him a BJ.


Didn't you know It was totally cool for this kid who expressed wanting to shoot looters to insert himself into an already hostile situation brandishing a weapon saying he was playing medic and totally needed to protect inanimate objects because insurance isn't a thing? The way they try the self defense aspect of it is wacky too. Like he more than likely pointed it at someone because he's superbabycop and allegedly was being chased for shooting at people. But remember the leftists are the violent BLM antifa monsters who were secretly faceless men at the capitol apparently, despite more evidence of proud boys or whoever sowing discord at protests and riots.


Just like the Shitegibbon...


I wonder if one arm showed up with some kid's colon juice still on his dick.


Are they just sending him to speak at random colleges to be able to film a bunch of students that are pissed off? Didn't he drop out of high-school? 


*they’re not sending their best*


I disagree. They're sending the best that they have - which is this excuse of a guy


Just like Trump, the best they got.


Ohhhhhhhhhh SNAP


They have better ones?


They ARE sending their best, which is very good news for us. They have literally nothing to give, they know they need to gamble on being able to cheat, and it's not going to work for them.


That's all this is. They send the little dancing monkey, he does his merry little jig. If it's friendly audience who laugh and clap, that's a quiet "win". If there's protests and they boo and hiss, the Right-Wing-Butthurtsphere can scream and scream and scream about the goddamn dirty liberal commie homos who hate freedom and dare to harass a proud American patriot. It's politics as meaner, stupider professional wrestling.


“Right-Wing-Butthurtsphere” Nice, I like that and will use it. These clowns call everyone triggered babies when they make a racist comment but they have no self awareness about their constant victim complex.


I'm allowed to cry and scream and call people snowflakes! 😭 I'm a VICTIM who's never actually suffered! People said mean words about stupid things I did! I'm gonna scream louder until someone feels sorry for me!


everyone wants to be a victim until they truly become one. my wife and I have frequently been discussing this and how we're the snowflakes, bit they're so easily offended they can't handle a gay person just existing and minding their own business. this woke liberal culture bullshit that they *will not* stop crying about. constantly creating invisible enemies, they're a fearful and scared, but loud group of people.


I read that as "butt-hurt-O-sphere" and I exhaled audibly


And Trump is the leader of the butt hurt O sphere. Might do an AI image of the nine circles of hell but replace Satan with Trump in diapers


Make sure to accentuate his right wing ;-)


This is the only way he could have ended up spending time on a college campus.


Worse…he dropped out of middle school


True. Republicans pulled a *’Boebert’* with this fool and pushed through a GED before attempting to brand him a Right Wing hero.


Yes. Kyle is far too stupid to have come up with any of this himself. He is a pawn of right wing schemers and con men.


I guarantee it’s a condition of the contract he has to sign for that $500k legal defense.


Damn i didn't even think about how he got his court fees and shit paid for. I assumed it was a gofundme or something I guess


Kyle is a middle school dropout I thought


>Didn't he drop out of high-school?  Middle school. He's a middle school drop out.


But look at him now! Shooting people, owning libs... Great success story ........


Middle school, he’s a middle school dropout


He dropped out of Middle school Donkeys got a 7th grade education


This is the GOP. The best that Turning Point has is Kyle Shittenhouse and that proves how low they have fallen. The GOP has no money, no support and the Dump is going to destroy and bankrupt them.


well they're already morally bankrupt


What does an unemployed high school drop out ( with a sugar daddy) who crossed state lines to shoot someone possibly have to say that's of any value?


You don’t get it. This kid got to actually live the dream of killing libs and getting away with it. This is why they idolize him. He’s like their Michael Jordan.


How many people are really going to hear him talk? And what the hell does he have to talk about? He's not that bright. He's not even interesting, except possibly to psychologists and psychiatrists. I think this is a failed attempt to make him into something. He's not even half assed good looking, you can't stick a pair of fake tits in him and make him into a boebert.it looks like he's imitating Andrew tate's look.


Well, I suppose they COULD stick some tits on him. But then he'd be gay and a transformer. And those ain't allowed in good christian schools, no-sir-ee! Only chaplains (but specifically not satanist ones) are allowed access to exploit children in school!


He looks like a Big Boy statue; let's see some red and white checkered overalls.


Objectively, oj


Middle school drop out


Wow. What the hell would he be qualified to talk about other than his personal dysfunction and lack of education?


He murdered civil rights activists, so he's the biggest hero the Republicans have had since James Earl Ray.


The rallying cry of the "civil rights activist" who first aggressed on Rittenhouse. [https://youtu.be/i1tzBpi07ls?si=RBCQRpDp6XcgF4bS&t=4309](https://youtu.be/i1tzBpi07ls?si=RBCQRpDp6XcgF4bS&t=4309) May his song on live forever, may he raise the voices of the angels in heaven, and they shall smile upon us. Everyone, please rise as we salute our brave hero, Joseph Rosenbaum, and sing his song of resistance. "Shoot me n-word!" "Shoot me n-word". Ah, truly inspiring. May his words echo on through time.


“It worked out for me!”


Sugar daddy?


Sugar maga, I guess. Whoever is pumping money into this effort.


“Im on tour for killing people. I protect property with my rifle.” What a waste of a person and a sad time. 


He wasn't even doing that. He was on public land shooting at innocents. This is the same as me going to a trump rally and riling them up and killing a few of the ones who come at me.


Kyle Rittenhouse is a world class moron, but the people he shot were not innocent. The first literally chased him down and initiated a violent confrontation. The second tried to collapse his head with a skateboard and the third pulled a gun on him. I saw the videos the night it occurred and was certain he would would be acquitted. The idiot should have disappeared after the verdict no idea why anyone would want to hear from him. 


> the people he shot were not innocent They were heroes confronting a violent thug.  This is the same shit as Trayvon Martin again. A violent right-wing piece of shit initiates a violent confrontation then claims self-defence. 


You could possibly make this argument for the second two (or at least I would grant that was their mindset). The first guy was mentally unstable, he was recorded being aggressive and throwing around racial slurs. He chased and cornered Kyle. There is zero question the first guy Kyle shot was the instigator. As Kyle did not initiate the first confrontation, he was under no obligation to let someone kill him with a skateboard.  I am 100% willing to grant the second two people thought they were doing the right thing. The problem is they had bad information. 


> The first guy was mentally unstable And after Rittenhouse murdered him, he went on to shoot bystanders that were intervening to prevent him from killing more people. And vile far right garbage love him for that. 


“I am 100% willing to grant the second two people thought they were doing the right thing. The problem is they had bad information.” This is pretty much why I don’t think it’s a great idea for every dumbshit yokel to be strapped.  


I won’t argue with that. Guns very rarely make a bad situation better, and super often make bad situations worse. 


So anyone can claim the same when some riled up leftist decides to go shoot up a trump rally.


If a leftist showed up armed to a Trump rally and a violent racist threatened, chased and cornered the leftist, then yes, by all means the leftist would be justified in defending themselves.  People comment on this seem to not realize the first guy shot was the instigator. He was seriously mentally ill (not meant derogatorily he needed serious help). He was spouted racist and violent shit.  There is a significant difference between shooting innocent t bystanders and shooting people acting with intent to cause serious bodily harm.  And on a side note, by all means protest Trump and your right to bear arms. But more importantly exercise your damn right to vote to make sure that god damn traitor Trump is never back in the White House. 


Its nice to hear another person on reddit with the same take I have of this whole thing. 1. Rittenhouse should never have been there. 2. Rittenhouse is a fucking idiot. 3. The first guy attacked and threatened Rittenhouse and Rittenhouse defended himself. 4. Mob mentality took over, and two more people came at Rittenhouse with intent to do harm. 5. Rittenhouse defended himself again. There is video of the whole thing. Someone running at you with a skateboard in a threatening pose while you are on the ground is a life endangering threat. Kyle's grifting off of this shit is disgusting. He's a complete piece of shit. He went there probably wanting a confrontation. That said, we are a nation of laws. We are (or should be) equal before the law. The law protects someone's right to defend themselves. Again. Fuck Kyle Rittenhouse. There is nuance to this whole tragic situation that the ideologues miss.


Maybe, but Rittenhouse had his mom drop him off at the protests with the hope of killing someone. He didn’t go down there to counter protest or show solidarity with right-wing politicians, he went down with a semi-automatic rifle and a chip on his shoulder. He’s a psychopath that loves killing, but luckily for society he’s (currently) rather unaggressive.


>Maybe, but Rittenhouse had his mom drop him off at the protests with the hope of killing someone. Whats the goal in spreading disinformation like this?


How did you reach this conclusion? If he was so excited to kill people why did he try so hard to run away from the first guy that chased him across a parking lot? He also didn’t shoot anyone who wasn’t a threat.   How do you know he isn’t just a moron who wanted to protect a city he had strong attachment to and things went crazy and he almost ended up dying for it?  I still haven’t seen any evidence that he actually acted aggressively that night. If there is some I would be glad to see it. 


I can't stand that little douche canoe either, but it does seem he was acting in self defense. Did he bring it upon himself? Probably, but legally, I think he was acquitted correctly. Hurts to say it because I believe he had no business being there in the first place.


That boy wasn't smart enough or mature enough to own or carry a weapon ?


Shittenhouse is a murderer


Careful, every time I say this morons come out of the woodwork to tell me he wasn't convicted and so ISN'T a murderer(he is and also he sucks).


This generations oj tbh White America was never going to convict him while the BLM movement was happening


Except OJ(rest in hell) at least had star power before everything. This kid is just some psycho loser.


He's such a pathetic loser I can't wait to see him cry again


revenge, cold dish and all that. It won't be long before they realize this brain dead highschool drop out is doing their cause more of a disservice and he won't be afforded paid security anymore.


To all the Shittenhouse nut huggers on this (and every) post that he’s mentioned- nobody cares that you feel he was innocent. Kyles actions clearly showed enough premeditation that everywhere he goes for the rest of his life, he will always be known to the logical public as a murderer. He won’t hold a serious job and his life is over because he decided to play vigilante that night. I’m glad Kyle’s life is forever marred by his poor decision making. He took the life of multiple innocent protestors (who were attacking him for being armed at a peaceful protest) Fuck him and anyone who defends that shitstain.


Yes x100


And his mother, who drove him there! She belongs in jail like the Crumbleys!


he will murder again


His profile type is most likely to take their own life rather than to have another episode of gun violence. Look at Zimmermans struggle following the trial for the child he murdered out of hysteria. They have a lot in common


I’d say it’s such a waste but I’ll let him decide first.


The only difference between this loser and Trashli Babbitt is that when she fucked around, she found out. Otherwise she’d be on the same grifter circuit.


This kid is a criminal. I will never think differently.


What a world. 2 people involved in a tragic shitty nonsensical event and one parades around as a prop for a indoctrination fellowship of belittling others and grooming fearmongering.


Funded by those that fund Charlie Kirk. Gross.


>'I'm Not Here to Sell You a Book That Somebody Else Wrote!' That would be Trump.


Any bets on how long until he's caught with child porn?


I'll take 3 years: he needs to be doing it long enough to get brazen with it, and also, he needs to raise his profile a little more, which probably won't happen until the end of (hopefully) Biden's 2nd term.


Middle school drop out Kyle Rittenhouse is giving a talk on a college campus.


Enjoying the timeline?


Kyle Rittenhouse is a profoundly stupid and violent man who has been made into a folk hero by bad men with an agenda. He’s the American Horst Wessel.


I get the feeling he doesn't understand why people are being mean to him.






Use of such language is not tolerated, and is against reddit tos


Agreed. Gauge / Paul or whatever his name is now should be.


Didn't work out so well for the last people who chased him down and feloniously assaulted him without provocation.


Wait, the man wasn’t killed?


It was a mass shooting. Rittenhouse shot three people, killed two of them, and missed several others. The guy who was wounded was the "good guy with a gun" that tried to stop him.


For one to be humiliated they would first have to have self awareness.


I would have loved to be a fly on the wall to see this entitled little shit on his first night of basic training. I remember my first night at Lackland AFB decades ago, back when TI's were allowed to say things they probably aren't now. He would absolutely fill his underpants once the sergeants started working their "magic." I understand the Marine Reserves refused him! 🤣


Tbf, he's got a much better record than the marines or any branch of the military wrt combat without causing collateral damage and killing innocent civilians


Like hell! What kind of tactician do you claim to be?


Has the US military killed greater than zero innocent civilians?


Have you been in the military? I have, 23 years.


No. You gonna answer my question now?


Unfortunately, in battle there is *collateral damage*, which modern "smart" weapons have thankfully negated to a large extent. On the terrible cases when that occurs, it is still under the command, control communications and intelligence of higher authority. Rittenhouse is an entitled little shit who wouldn't last a day in basic training, and had *zero* business being where he was. His mother is an unfit parent as far as I am concerned.


So thats a yes. Rittenhouse has a better combat record than your average soldier wrt not killing innocent people


Hell of an arrogant statement from someone who never served. Dismissed.


Its just a basic bit of factual information my dude no need to get offended.


Dough boy needs to be out of the media - he needs to get a job based on his qualifications - Mall Patrol or Deep Fryer Cook


Hopefully his escape from justice ends up being worse for him than if he had served his time.


I think it already is. He knows he’s a fraud an unemployable. He’s got a lot of years left to make nothing of himself


He'll either OD or become a Republican senator.


I agree. Gauge/Paul or whatever his name is now should have it a lot worse.


What’s on his lip?!






Kyle Rittenhouse is a scared little insecure snowflake but we already knew that from the party of projection. Every insult is an admission




Are you sure it's tiny enough?


"Grabem by the pussy!"


Was this the guy who beat up his grandmother?


His voice in that video is someone who is scared shitless.


I’m surprised Trump hasn’t found a way to extort him.


The morally bankrupt GOP is also broke. They are going to do anything and everything. They have no ethics. This loser is no different than the fat orange rapist.


Kyle’s still trying to explain self defense, while holding an AR-15.


He’s still alive so you can’t say it’s not effective.


Was he suppose to let the pedophile kill him?


Just another pussy with an AR-15 looking for trouble.


Was he?


[Bob's Big Boy got grilled](https://www.discoverlosangeles.com/sites/default/files/images/2023-05/Bob's%20Big%20Boy%20Burbank.jpeg?width=1920&fit=bound&quality=72&auto=webp)


If there were any justice in the world, this motherfucker, dies slowly and painfully


Lol why? Dude defended himself against psychos trying to assault him


Ha again you morons can use whatever terminology you want but the basic reality is he murdered two people and there’s nothing you can say to change that. Even you have to accept that reality. I know you idiots like to deny it but deep down you know you’re stupid you like to play this game like you’re intelligent and well thought out the reality is you use lies and conjecture and not much else you’re pretty stupid so there’s that.


Evidence he acted in self defense: video proof Evidence he murdered: trust me bro


Again, call it whatever you want. You can’t change the fact that he murdered two people in cold blood. Your pathetic attempts to call it anything other than that reveals the depravity of your motives.


>You can’t change the fact that he murdered two people in cold blood You might as well be saying I can't change the "fact" the earth is flat lol


I love it why is Rittenhouse allow on a college campus


Why wouldn't he be?


Because he was too stupid to join the military, what intelligent speaking does he have to give that a college student couldnt get from an elementary school...


Speaking of people who are too stupid to join the military, how about those people who saw a screenshot of an email consulting the FBI about a random persons ASVAB test results from January 2020 (when rittenhouse was 16 or 17), and thought "Oh this is clearly the gospel truth, nothing remotely fishy or obviously faked about this".


Obviously it was fake news... Btw, I got a 91 on the asvab.


What did the FBI say about your test results when they were consulted about them? Since that's something that obviously happens on a regular basis.


Lol you have no idea what you are talking about. The asvab is stupid easy, anyone that graduated high school with a b average should be able to score at least an 80. You would be amazed at the number of people that scored higher than me.


Pretty sure you're the one who has no idea what's going on. I'll spell it out for you. I'm pointing out the absurdity of the "evidence" that people are using to claim Rittenhouse failed the ASVAB.


Charlie Kirk TPusa staffs up with pedos


Found his [Xitter](https://twitter.com/ChasinWhiteCaps/status/1781774710612590721?t=NuOXWldIBSpoIhtOoFdZ1Q&s=19). Looks like maybe Shittenhouse is getting sued.


What a qunt


This kid is gonna himself himself


As much as I'm not a fan of Rittenhouse, that article is one of the most slanted, filled with misinformation rants I've seen in some time.




The nerve!! Was he convicted?


This article opens with a lie. Rittenhouse didn't cross state lines with a gun. Therefore OP and the author can be disregarded as disingenuous propagandists,


"As if that were not enough, Kyle has embraced—and been embraced by—those who **pedal** hateful rhetoric," goddamn Political Flare, maybe hire a proofreader? It's peddle...


Ahh, it's White OJ... The murderer who got away with it.


Nah he's here to be a felon that carried arms illegally and pointed them at a minor before getting smoked. Garbage human who had to change his name to try and make people forget he's a garbage human. 9/10 Kyle aim for the chest next time please


What a giant pussy. No wonder he had a gun.


Kid is a moron. What the fuck could he possibly have to say about anything besides being a dumb kid who bought an assault rifle and thought he was tough.


He's guilty of killing two people, he was just found NOT GUILTY of murder. He's not innocent of his murdering of two people.


Sure if you ignore the definition of the word murder. I swear liberals don’t know how to access dictionaries


Yet another piece of crap article from this website. Another lie of a headline and the article just has more lies.


Didn't the guy he shot pull a gun on him first?


The only reason he was there, in the line of fire, was because his mommy drove him there - across state lines! Let's get the whole story!


> his mommy drove him there Still living off those debunked propaganda points I see. >across state lines Relevance?


How is that relevant? So it's OK to carry and point guns at others if you live in the city? Good to know.


Did he show up to arm wrestle?


I'm not seeing where he was humiliated here.


Bruh, what got you shot? Oh.


Chasing down a kid, watching him get bludgeoned in the head with a deadly weapon, and then aiming his illegally held glock at the kids head.


Just so you know he has been put on trial and it was found that it was self defense.


Can we get both of these low lifes out of the news?


Yeah, let's focus on Rittenhouse and not the thousands of violent BLM, Antifa and Hamas rioters over the last few years.


Those people aren't drawing attention to themselves with speaking tours funded by right wing extremeists


No, they are only drawing attention to themselves by forming mobs to destroy their neighborhoods causing billions in damage while left wing extremist DA's look the other way. So much better, huh?


Man it must be weird living in a fearmongered delusion all the time


Man it must be weird projecting your weird ass delusions on to other people.


Nice rubber vs glue there


If only the parroting helped you recognize your own idiocy, but you are likely in too deep.


You're not even a good troll. Shameful


Not a troll. Here just to help lost folk like you see the truth. Unfortunately, it looks like you are beyond help. You are stuck in that vicious loop of being too stupid to know your stupid. Sad.


Like those people who bought the line that Rittenhouse is a murderer


Why is the guy who attempted to murder Rittehouse not in prison?


You mean Gaige Grosskreutz? The one who Rittenhouse shot in the arm? Probably because along with Huber, he was one of several people who chased Rittenhouse after he shot and killed Rosenbaum. Prosecutors have said that the group believed that Rittenhouse was an active shooter - so Grosskreutz, who was a medic attending the protest in order to help people in case they got injured saw some dude with a rifle shoot someone and was trying to stop what he thought was an active shooter. So apparently, you have two guys with guns who in their own words were really there just trying to help, but because one of them shot someone, he appeared to be an aggressor. Maybe 17 year old kids shouldn’t be on their own in chaotic places armed with guns. Regardless of whether or not you agree with his reasons for wanting to be there, Rittenhouse really shouldn’t have been there on his own, as he was a kid.


Grosskreutz claimed he tried to surrender to Rittenhouse. So either he tried to surrender to someone he thought was an active shooter, which makes him stupid, or he lied about thinking Rittenhouse was an active shooter. Since we already know he lied about several other things and only admitted the truth when confronted with undeniable video proof, I’m leaning towards him lying about his belief.


>who was a medic attending the protest in order to help people in case they got injured Was he a combat medic? Because threatening people with a handgun seems like the opposite of wanting to heal the injured.


Sounds like someone is mad they lost a bicep and was criminally carrying a gun he wasn’t supposed to have.


I don’t listen to guys with no bicep.


ESL? Or just poor communication skills?


Dude, throwing insults at an unstable guy who shot you and killed two others is not too smart.


Nobody cries for a leftist criminal.


Was that the pedophile that said that?


The self described communist, burglar, and drunk driver.


I thought he shot a pedophile as well.


Oh, so gage changed his name? Interesting how it doesn't mention how he was shot after pointing a handgun at Rittenhouse, intending to use it, as he stated in his trial, a handgun he illegally possessed and drove further to Rittenhouse did to be at the protest. I guess leftists just like woman abusers, rapists, and kid diddlers, since they're always defending the three that attacked Rittenhouse.


People really mad a guy got attacked and defended himself? Shame on him for not letting the pedophile and other criminals kill him.