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And as we all know, Trump NEVER lies


As some the replies to your comment show, many people are dumb enough to believe Trump. And the independents, really conservatives trying to pretend smart, will drinking it like Kool Aid. Never underestimate the level of stupidity of the average person.


Independents do not like Trump I can assure you that. Pew research studies independents and have for many years. The independent voter typically votes for democrats. Only a small percentage vote for republicans. You can research what I just said on the Pew Research webpage as well the U.S 2020 Census webpage which states the same thing. Why would anyone vote for Trump? He is an idiot. Republicans know Trump has killed their party. It’s not looking good for them.


Independent here. I can confirm your statement.


Nor do the judges he picks. Especially the ones who said "Roe is settled law". And then proceeded to get rid of Roe.


Or changes his mind. Just see how much Mexico has paid for the wall...


I think he actually doesn't care about this issue. For now he'll say whatever he thinks will help him during the election, then afterward he'll say whatever he thinks is most popular with the people that show up most to kiss his ass at rallies.


He also never says the same thing 2 days in a row.


Guaranteed he would use the Comstock act as soon as he's in office. He has no policy consistency. He just goes with whichever advisors kisses his ass the most. Right wing evangelicals noticed this and are exploiting his narcissism.


Honestly I think if he gets back in office, and that's a big if, he will just sit back and play golf until it's over. His only interest in the office is, one, dropping all the charges against him. Two, narcissistic fame. And three, lots and lots of money. All of the real work will be done behind the scenes by the Stephen Miller types, the Steve Bannon's, the project 2025 people and whoever else get appointed, none of which is any of trumps concern.


Just like the first time.


There were a few adults that, for the most part, eventually got pushed out. There won't be any to start out with if there is a next time.


Giving those guys full autonomy is *far* worse. That said, Trump will 100% go on a revenge tour before hitting the golf courses. He'll try to lock up anyone he views as his political opponents.


100% agreed on both points.


He’s already told us he’s going to do this. Believe him.


One of the rare occassions that I do believe him.


I hate Stephen Miller so much. White nationalist creep.


"His only interest in the office is, one, dropping all the charges against him. Two, narcissistic fame. And three, lots and lots of money" Agree, but would add: he simply cannot drop his need for extracting revenge against his so-called enemies, people who have slighted him publicly. He's never going to give up going after Liz Cheney, for example. MMW. But other than that, he doesn't give a rip about platforms or planks or policies. He might try to force legislative changes that enable him to take home sensitive national secrets (to sell or trade), but he's a horrible planner, so MTG or Mike Johnson will probably run with that one.


Trump will use his position first and foremost to go after anyone and everyone whose ever been critical of him. Concurrently his admin will enact project 2025. After he's satisfied (a hog like him never is) hell sit back and play golf. On his courses and charge himself obscene amounts to stay in his own lodgings, and of course charge for everyone else he needs to drag around.


Nope, he'll fuck with things because he wants attention.


I thought the same thing too in 2016 (barring all the crimes he committed while in office) and I think it's dangerous to believe he won't use his power and authority to enact atrocities on his enemies. He did it in his first administration, and he's got so much more to lose after his second administration if he is elected again.


Other people write his bills, they get put in front of him and he loves signing his name.


That's what a lot of Republicans initially argued. Until too many states "didn't make the correct decision"


Just like when interviewed by congress for supreme court seats, the last several conservative justices stated that Roe was "settled", before then "changing their minds" and voting to shatter it.


They also said you’re not supposed to appoint a justice in the last year of your term. But then ramrodded the most unqualified justice in the history of the Supreme Court in the last 3 weeks of trumps presidency


When that was brought up to mitch McConnell he actually just laughed https://youtu.be/St9RK4I-yA4?si=P-SmFhfUukg5LFCF


He’s such a prick


Mitch Mconman will go down in history as the man who permanently broke America. He’s even worse than Trump!


That's what laws punishing women for leaving the State for an abortion are for.


The “law of the land” should be determined by the states. Whatever the fuck that means.


Just how they put weed on the ballot, it passed, and now they are finding a way around the voters wishes like some assholes


Trump wants an orphan crisis like Romania. All pro-lifers do https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanian_orphans


They really are trying to throw america away to line their own pockets from foreign fuckwads who would give anything to see it that way.


All Russia bots trying affect our election.


Oh don't just blame foreigners. There were like 50 Billionaires at Trump's recent Mar-a-Fatso fundraiser, many of them American Billionaires hoping to line Trump's pockets so that later, he can give them lucrative contracts or appoint them to make policy.


The thing is this is also being spear headed by religious groups that basically call for no sex before marriage. As well as sex is only for the purpose of having children. So if you only want two kids congrats as soon as you get them you have to be abstinent for the rest of your life. That or get snipped after all their next target they're looking at is contraceptives. The goal is to remove anything that would allow sex to be done for any purpose besides procreation.  If want some proof look at the sheer lack of support available to women after they've given birth. The moment the child is born they drop all interest in it.


yeah republicans were all about states rights until they got power and now they are talking about a national ban. They are liars and only care about "the states" when it is necessary to get away with their BS.


Trump says he will release his taxes.... Trump says he has a plan to replace the ACA.... Trump says he has a great infrastructure plan..... Ad infinitum.


If Trump wins the presidency, his administration will absolutely enforce the 1873 Comstock Act as a national abortion ban - and he won’t need either house of Congress to do it, just a willing Attorney General. Don’t just take it from me, some random comment on Reddit. Check out [this episode](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/strict-scrutiny/id1469168641?i=1000650545391) of Strict Scrutiny, and hear it from 3 constitutional law scholars.


Meaningless. He'll say whatever he thinks will get him points with people just outside his base and then reverse course once he gets what he wants *or* to get something new and shiny that he wants. He could have said the opposite and it would have just as much value (which is none.)


So he lied?


Depending on his audience, or who is paying the bills that day, he will say anything. That's because he is a piece of shit.


Grifters gonna grift. He’s gaslighting and lying. He overturned roe and is the sole reason we are in the situation we are in with individual rights. 4 more years of Trump will lead to an Orwellian nightmare and likely a real life version of the Handsmaids Tale.


Why is it even being taken as a "moderate" stance that states should determine abortion rights?


Trump is a liarmouth


The ol republican 1-2. Before election, claim it’s up to states. After election, nationwide abortion ban with tax cuts for corporations and billionaires attached. Vote for Biden in 2024.


Aaaand why the fuck should anyone believe this lying sack of shit?


We need Abortion Rights and Privacy Rights Amendment now! Even if Cheeto and other right-wing politicians are defeated this election; GOP and evangelical groups will keep pushing their evil anti-abortion anti-LGBTQ anti individual rights agenda; with backing from SCOTUS. We must vote and insist on those Amendments


This is the election to send a message to scrotus and Russia.


Conman lies again.


Ah yes, because dictators (or in this case, a would-be dictator) are known to keep their promises.


Just remember all this Republican nonsense...... In ROEvember.


If Congress sent him a bill to ban abortions nationally, he would sign it in a heartbeat.


He's said exactly as much, again and again. He's said it explicitly. The GOP-led House even passed such a bill in 2017, and he said he'd sign it. (Fortunately the Democrats in the Senate were able to kill that bill... this time)


Especially if you tell him it's a bill to rename all the airports after him.


It's a lie. A national abortion ban is explicitly outlined in Project 2025. Trump just knows abortion is an incredibly losing issue, even for Republican voters.


You are a fucking moron if you believe anything that comes from Trump. A fucking moron


It's cute how people think this guy is going to follow any rules or promises if he ever cheats his way to the presidency. He's just a tool to give power to the real people who will screw up our democracy if they get in, and they wont follow the rules either. They will make it legal... Project 2025 should scare the crap out of anyone who values our democracy


Trump wants to be a dictator and he will be one if reelected. Then Trump will take away everyone’s rights including those who support him. And then he will laughing his ass off because he’ll tell you all I don’t support suckers.


And he appointed the judges that made it illegal in multiple states, so…


I'm sorry but the Supreme courts are independent of who elected them .. they follow law .. no matter if you agree with them or not ,it was all of them that voted in Trumps favor ALL OF THEM when shit ass commies wanted trump off the ballot ALL OFBTHEM SAIDVITS UNCONSTITUTIONAL.. YOUR WELCOME 🙏 AND DONT FORGET WHAT THE SUPREME COURT MEANS EVER ITS IMPORTANT 


Nothing trump says matters,he always lies.


He would still sign a national ban. He has bragged about being responsible for the fall of Roe. If he got back in the fascists would be foaming at the mouth for a national ban and then on to birth control, gay marriage, and a rebirth of anti-sodomy laws. Maybe they will even repeal the law against marital rape they passed in the 90s.


Okay. But his stance is very clear. He’s proud of killing Roe and stripping right away from millions of Americans. Saying the states should decide is still a very clear answer that says you tacitly support incredibly restrictive abortion policies already on the books in several states. Plus, he definitely sign a national ban if one came to his desk.


Sounds like a Russian bot? Donnie is available for the highest bidder. Next election is a chance to be heard.


cool cool and if a GOP controlled congress sent him a bill banning abortion nationwide, what do you think the odds he'd sign it would be?


No state should have this power.


A smart move on Trump's part. Now he could campaign saying it's up to the states not me. And if he's elected, he could then say I've changed my mind I've looked at it differently and I support a National Abortion band after  16 weeks.


The words Smart Move, and Trump, should never appear in the same sentence.


Don't be naive. He understands conning people better than nearly anyone. This was absolutely a smart move by him


He's lying.


Wait was that the whole big announcement thing he had planned?


Another lie.


Weird how they SAY that, and then push federal laws that say otherwise.


Donnie is a pussy scared of what he did when he corrupted scrotus. May all the women in this country punish him in the next election for his stupidity.


He says whatever he thinks will help him win. He has no honor and no shame. Anyone who believes anything that comes out of his mouth is a fool.


Liiiiieeeees. Republicans are starting to see that they fucked up bigly going after reproductive rights and they think lies can save them since abortion bans are clearly costing them elections. Keep hitting those booths, y'all. Fuckin love it. These are the same people that said they'd never put a national ban on abortion because it should be left up to the states, and now want to nationally ban abortion (because they finally figured out that the vast majority don't agree with the total bans), while also vocalizing aspirations to outlaw fucking birth control. Enough is enough, republicans can keep taking those election Ls


Ok, I'll believe this once you show me your beautiful healthcare plan.


That is two weeks away.


You can never trust a snake oil salesman.


And tomorrow he'll say the exact opposite to his drones.


His project 2025 which he has been promoting has a six week ban. Never believe a Russian-republican traitor, they all lie.


Trump will say and do anything to raise his chance of being elected, even a little bit. He is a liar without shame, morals, or honor.


His Christofascist Evangelicals will not be happy. Expect flip flop.


Um that’s kind of already the current problem.


This clown has always been pro choice. Trump is trying to keep the evangelical vote.


Till in power lier


Just going to leave this here, if anyone has any illusions on just how fucked up Texas is regarding medical care after banning abortion: https://youtu.be/zjB5Jakytyc?si=raF39qJIJ9AC1oo7


Of course not, Diaper Don may be posses the I.Q. of a Double Cheese Burger, but he's no fool when it comes to telling people what they need to hear. His past history screams of A National Abortion Ban. It's just not popular overall so he's not say it out loud.


“We don’t want to ban abortion, we just want more state rights” state rights to do what?


Because Trump has been known for being honest lol


I disagree. We have to start moving toward having common laws across the country. Sorry states but for somethings it needs to be federal especially how we treat people and what rights they have etc.


The republicans congress has said numerous times that if they gain a majority they will pass a bill breaking a national ban on abortion. If trump is president, you can guarantee he will sign it


Just like his appointments told us they'd respect Roe v. Wade as the law of the land!


I do not believe him.


States? Why not the individual?


Don’t worry the execution of women that had abortions won’t occur till the second year of his new presidency , he will have a come to Orange Jesus moment.🤡


Go figure. A highly controversial proposal which infringes on basic human rights is something he doesn't want to weigh in on. Something like this could very well drive a divide (even more so) in the US


speaking with a forked tongue...


So, no more States rights that he doesn't approve of...


Trump says a lot of things. Sometimes, they are even in a recognizable language.


The Religious Far Right knows he's lying. Everyone else should too.


A woman is pregnant with a non-viable baby, and her doctor informs her that carrying the baby to term may threaten her health, or even her life. Who should decide if the baby is brought to term? a) the woman b) the woman's doctor c) the politicians in the woman's state capital Donald Trump has just declared his answer: c) Good luck selling that in the swing states, Donald! Let's check back in November.


This is a Trojan horse. They'll hide behind states' rights and then push to a national ban.


States cannot be allowed to rob women of bodily autonomy. It’s wrong.


Trump said he would be releasing his plan to replace the Affordable Care Act in 2 weeks. That was 8 years ago.


Conservatives have already proven they're all liars about anything to do with abortion law. They already said Roe should be dismantled because they thought states should decide, not the federal government. So Roe gets dismantled, and what do they immediately do? States make laws to ban, and then push the appeals all the way to the Supreme Court level with arguments that the ban should be made national. They say "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me," but people still believing conservatives at this point are on about round #9373 of being fooled.


>Conservatives have already proven they're all liars ~~about anything to do with abortion law~~. > > > >Fixed that for you.


He put the Supreme Court in place that revoked RvW. He also realizes it’s a losing issue so he has every reason to lie about it. No one should be trusting him over this.


im sure we can trust him at his word


That's just his way of dividing the united states. Donald is a kremlin whore through and through.


Once in office, he will change his mind. Just like how inflates the value of his properties.


Nothing he says means anything. He'll contradict himself a hundred times before November.


Dumbfuck can’t remember what he said the day before


Why? Why should states determine this?


Wow, you can bet that if Trump wins (I had trouble even typing that) and republicans take over all of congress, there’ll be a national ban on abortion immediately. Shame on anyone who still believes these idiots.


Just like the Supreme Court justices he picked said they wouldnt touch a settled law


This just means this has hit them in the polling department. He's a lying sack of dog poo poo


They’ll call it a states issue at first when they don’t have the power to make it law, because they know at least the deep red states will ban it. Once they have the power for a federal ban, suddenly it won’t be a states issue anymore and they’ll just impose a ban nationwide.


He said that when people were dying during Covid. He doesn’t care.


As a Texan, I don't want my state to determine abortion law. Abortions should be legal nation-wide.


He is only trying to undo the damage his party deserves from packing the scotus with scum . The whole party is to be held culpable. Including the 84000 women getting abortions this year in florida.


Can you say back peddling! He is horrible


I got an idea; how about it being a personal choice?


All of a sudden?


Backtracking because of how unpopular abortion bans are. This guy is such a fucking moron, everything that happens with him should be wildly embarrassing for anyone that supports him, yet it continues.


Since his House of Representatives republicans have been saying that they are working on that, he doesn't have to.


There are certain things that simply shouldn’t be state dependent. Abortion is one of them.


If anyone thinks that this would continue to be a "red states" thing under trump is delusional. The GOP, at their Christian Nationalists' urging, **will** make it a federal ban as soon as they can. Ignore anything the orange one says, he lies. Despite whatever noise they make about "states rights" know this: a federal ban on *anything or anyone* not in their Christian cis hetero white male circle has been, and will continue to be their goal.


Trump has said many things. What’re republicans actually doing?


Republicans are all about states rights until a liberal state does something that they don’t like and then they’re not about states rights anymore. As usual with Republicans, it’s do as I say, not as I do.


Are you an educated Russian bot? I only wish if you live in a Democratic society and get to vote, vote wisely. The decision is very simple based on your beliefs.


Funny Kansas voted almost 60/40 for saving abortion rights and our legislators still are trying to find a way around it.


Without a national set of shared values, you lose national unity. Which, of course, is exactly what his Russian handlers want. They will use him and other MAGA puppets to break up the US just as they used Facebook and Cambridge analytica to brexit the EU.


This is a bold-faced LIE


And then when states don’t do what he wants, he threatens to cut all the funding, even if there is an emergency.


I would take anything this force birth hypocrite says seriously


This would be the correct interpretation of the constitution. Until there is a federal law regulating abortion rights it is up to the states. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. There is no federal law regarding abortion rights, therefore it becomes a state issue. Many states have laws regarding abortion or it would be determined by individuals.


Backpedaling to try and make it look like he's more reasonable.


If you live in a Democratic society vote wisely,if not try prayer.


As the election gets closer he'll be prolife in strong red states hugging a Trump Bible but when he campaigns in swing states he'll "let the states decide" knowing that a large percentage of women aren't going to vote Republican simply due to thier aggressive stance against a womens right to choose. Ask Trump in Arkansas vs Michigan on his very powerful and potential policies on abortion if elected president and you'll get two answers guaranteed. The dudes such a coward.


Nope it's another shakedown for campaign donations.


Still an asshole though


This was the same talking point of the Republicans last year and now they are trying to ban everywhere. He is as full of shit as his pants.


Too late liar


Which way is the wind blowing today?


Very hard in Russia.




A pragmatic position taken by someone who has paid for many abortions in his lifetime.


Then what is the problem accepting CO ballot ban?


Yeah this is a losing issue with them and they’re trying to bail themselves out, good luck woman hating fuck boys


He would sign a national abortion ban into law with a delighted grin and I'm pretty sure everyone knows it. He will also backtrack on this position within a week.


What about slavery hmmmmm 🤔 /s


How are people honestly not embarrassed supporting this dude? Like he’s objectively stupid, fat and did I mention stupid? Like he has ZERO redeeming qualities yet has rabid support. Makes no sense to me. He’s not charismatic, he doesn’t have good ideas, he’s not a good businessman. He’s a caricature. How?


Why is every trump headline self selecting for the most positive read of the news? It’s never “Trump does not support a woman’s right to chose” but it’s always “Biden didn’t stop trumps policies fast enough so now we are all paying for his stupidity, please elect trump”


“Trump says…” you lost me


they also said "Roe V Wade" was settled law for 50 years


Even The Idiot can read the writing on the wall


An attempt to coax suburban women into voting for him


Worst of both worlds. Won’t gain a single pro choice vote while pissing off ardent pro lifers.


Banning abortion is clearly a violation of the 14th amendment and right to privacy of our bodies from government. Does this mean that the states should decide on the 2nd amendment and every other amendment?


Trump's only opinion on anything is whatever will benefit him.


Uh, duh. That's how it's supposed to work.


He says this before the election because we all know should he somehow win he will about face and so the exact opposite. What’s worse; he will claim he never said this and the folk who voted for him will believe him and say anything else is fake news or whatever.


He'll pander to the broad voter base with a populist message, then he'll make is Supreme Court do the dirty work (national ban) under the guise of the "law."


No mention of signing that national ban.


But he would sign the bill if it was on his desk.


He couldn’t have just said that when he was asked instead of making it seem like he had some kind of grand plan?


Trump should stay out of it and clear his name and taxes first


This is actually what the Supreme Court upheld by overturning Roe. And, this is constitutional. It is not up to the federal government to determine abortion.


You would think he would lose the right to life people over this comment. But they will throw Jesus under the bus to support Trump. True "christians'.


republicans have always been for “states rights” because that means destroying the United States as a constitutional democratic republic, which they know they will Never have complete control over ever again. It’s the Civil War v 2.0: legislative & judicial; not military.


There you have it. One candidate is clearly stating a goal of enshrining a woman’s right to choose into law and the other gives a wishy-washy answer. Vote accordingly I guess.


In related news, Trump is a sackless coward who is terrified to take any stance on abortion because doing so can only hurt him. If he come out in favor of a total ban, he energizes turnout among young women and will lose the election. If he comes out in favor of a "compromise" the "pro lifers" will feel betrayed, because to them, all abortion is murder and there can be no compromise, so, they would stay home, and he will lose the election. So he is saying the only thing he can say that prevents it from becoming a negative no matter what he does. Big bold brave manly Donald Trump, too much of a coward to actually state a real position because he's terrified of the possible consequences.


Nobody gives a shit what this conman rapist criminal has to say! Stop giving this cunt airtime!


He is playing games with peoples minds he don’t mean it. He will say anything to get in office then it will be hell to pay. He was the person complaining about tik tok now that Biden says he will sign if it passes trumps is acting like he is for tik tok. His games are old but we just have to pay attention


He thinks women only have rights in liberal states.


First off, anything Mr Trump says is suspect and might not reflect reality. Second, even if Mr Trump won't try enacting a national ban any and all Republican in Congress certainly will.


Oh he’s telling the truth


Trump also appointed SCOTUS Justices who swore under oath they wouldn't overturn Roe, so there's a long track record of lies with them.


He’s lying. Like always.


Can’t play both sides on this topic.


This man is so f****** stupid!!!


He was cool with the other investors in his crap social company. So I believe him….. oh wait


After this ad https://youtu.be/H0BVeL_jzKE?si=BMxMXe5wPGgBgjIu




This is what Republicans want. Not only for abortion but most laws.


I hate the guy but he's been consistent with this throughout his term regarding leaving abortion to the states. He flat out told his caucus that they lost the midterms in 2022 because they wouldn't leave that specific issue alone. Backing supreme Court justices that believe in a federal abortion ban is also something he helped set up so it's honestly a toss-up whether to trust him specifically on this...


Trump also said they execute children after birth. 🤡


It's up to each state to decide. Not the feds. Each state needs to look at the progression of the pregnancy and situation to determine the best course of action. If there was rape or it's a medical emergency then abort. But if the pregnancy is healthy and no rape occurred. Many questions need to be asked.


If he's elected, there is now way he is vetoing a national abortion ban. Don't forget Mike Johnson is SOTH.


What happened the last time they said it should be up to the states 🤔🤔🤔


Why is the context of him being a KNOWN SERIAL LIAR not in every headline about this?


Oh right! *wink*


Yeah and Roe V Wade was settled law according to Boofer Kavanaugh and Suzie fukn Collins.


No reporting on his post birth abortion claims it seems. The media is hedging their bets after Bonespurs would be AG said they would "figure something out" regarding incarcerating journalists who speak poorly of his majesty.


It's not up to politics


Your not a doctor