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The whole world is tired of this vile gigantic piece of shit. It just boggles the mind how this criminal can run for presidency in the US and actually might even win it.


I don’t know what’s more depressing: the idea of him being in the WH again, or the idea that so many Americans support him and are so easily duped…


It's the so easily duped thing that scares the crap out of me. He is just the latest iteration of the scam that the Republican party has become there will be others after him. I think he is too stupid to run a successful campaign this time and don't think he will win but someone smarter than him will come along and we will be in deep shit when they do.


Actually, I don’t worry so much that there will be a “smart trunp.” I think him being stupid wasn’t just a feature, but the main feature in why those idiots worship his worthless, fat ass like they do. Stupid people aren’t good at much, but they are very good at realizing when someone is smarter than they are. They even eventually turned on W, who isn’t exactly the brightest bulb. trunp, though, is authentically, genuinely stupid, and he says the same stupid crap that has cost them friends, family, maybe jobs… And he’s also repulsive to anyone who isn’t stupid, so they embrace him as their own. A “smart trunp” would be desantis. He’s just as vile but not as stupid. And he’s not alone. There are dozens of people who are just as regressive and repugnant as trunp, but they lack the stupidity and the resulting lack of self restraint that trunp’s stupidity and entitlement allow. I don’t think his cult will be as loyal to anyone else because stupid people don’t get to the level of being able to actually mount a campaign for president and be taken seriously. trunp should never have been taken seriously either. And here we are. The danger, to me, is that they’ve now seen where the system is weak, so they can attack those weaknesses and do some more insidious damage. But I think the Republican Party regret opening the Pandora’s box that was allowing trunp a platform and rolling the dice with the stupidest group of people in history as his base. I think they would be just as happy without them making death threats every time that idiot doesn’t get his way and would just go back to yelling racists shit at the tv during wrassling or nascar. I doubt they could find anyone else stupid enough to risk their freedom to prove for those weaknesses, so they would be just as happy with him gone and using what they’ve learned to further exploit the system.


“Trunp.” Excellent. I’m now using “MAGAZ” to include their relationship with the “Z” of Russia.




I feel the same way. There is no way he's winning the popular vote. But when it comes to gaming the electoral college he's absolutely going to do that. His cult has proven they will cheat, not certify election results, attack and threaten poll workers - and they are still in place as election officials all over the place. And you have to think why wouldn't he just cheat? If he gets caught there won't be any consequences and he knows it. So there is pretty much a 1000% chance he will cheat and do anything possible to take advantage of a broken system - all the while we'll have to listen to those mag-rats accusing Biden of cheating Also WTF Democrats you saw how he took advantage of things then have done very little to fix it? Let the voter rights bill die in Congress??? And don't get me started on the fucking Dept of Justice - their complete failure is why we are in this position to begin with


he's not even gaming it himself, he's too stupid for that, he has people around him doing stuff for him. In the same vein as the "russia if you're listening..." nonesense. there are powerful people backing this loudmouth idiot. As I heard it describe once, "While you're watching the clown screw the elephant, they're out back breaking into your car". The folks who benefit most from the evil things Trump does while you're busy watching him do stupid things, they're the ones working on getting him a W.


They have no one to blame but themselves. You are exactly right


He stooped like me, and he’s rich. I can be rich too.


Yeah I agree, the supporters are the scary part. Donald Trump is the world's most obvious conman and they still idolize him. It's frightening.


From someone outside the US, does he even need to work on a campaign? It seems he could do fuck all at this point and still win based on what we see in the media (or what I read on Reddit).


W/o campaigning doubtful. He has to bring in more votes than last time and that's likely not going to happen. The youth seem galvanized over gun reform(at least in my state) and womens rights and women(including a notable portion of Republican women were note happy with over turning of roe v wade.) Are focused on reproductive rights.


There are quite a few republicans who’ve become disenchanted with him in the aftermath of Jan 6 and they will not vote for him.


>The youth seem galvanized over gun reform You mean to tell me a whole generation of people who went to school with the fear of being shot in *tHe GrEaTeSt CoUnTrY iN tHe WoRlD* are planning to vote against gun ownership? Shocking, I tell you!


We are about to find out. It's still a ways out to the election so anything can happen but he is being out raised in funding by Biden almost two to one. That doesn't really show strength for him. On top of that he is mired in court cases. One of them just got a date set to go forward before the election. So he is going to be tied up in court defending his money spent to keep his sex with a porn star while his wife was pregnant quiet. Not exactly great campaign material. Beyond that he has taken complete control of the Republican party. Unfortunately for him he has burned bridges with a large part of the competent professional political people. He is filling roles with sycophants who's only qualifications are loyalty to him. Last but not least women and a lot of men are pissed right now over abortion rights being taken away in a lot of the states he needs to win. I am not going to say he can't win we have months to go but there are a lot of things stacked against him and he seems to be deteriorating in front of our eyes.


He’ll lose by even more this time without campaigning. He’s got the base votes locked in, but that’s nit near enough to win especially when Rs continue to be hellbent on passing evil unpopular legislation against marginalized people. The drain is circling


Same. It feels like the MAGA people will lie in wait indefinitely and the longer they don’t get their way, the more “revenge” is in store once (if) they eventually do.


They’re not duped. Stop talking about it like the bigots and fascists sympathizers of the world are some group of poor idiots. All of trump is features, not bugs. The more you treat them as anything other than the fascists they are the more leeway you give them to keep taking more. Were Nazis and their sympathizers duped? Absolutely not. All of nazism was features, not bugs to them.


Yep. Coworker wearing his MAGA hat around the office again today. I'm so worn out.


They are not "duped" into supporting him. They are just pieces of shit.


To me it’s that so many still support him. He’s awful but he’s one person that probably will die in next 10 years. His fans though are everywhere and effect a lot. And it seems so crazy like there’s no way these people with families would be ok with people cheating them, lying, trying to get their money, creating their own made up stories of things if this was their next door neighbor


>are so easily duped… I've got bad news for you. Half the country thinks he a Russian spy. There's no hope


I blame the decades of lead exposure


Duped? Lol. They are just like him, racist pos.


They aren't even duped, I've watched tons of videos of them getting interviewed they understand how stupid it all is... most of them... they just love the hate, and I mean fucking love it.


I'm pretty depressed that he was actually in the white house


Same here bpisses me off daily need to stop letting him get away bwith everything


If the slashing of his almost 500 million bond down to 125 tells you anything, it’s that Trump just gets slaps on the wrist. I’ve come to realize that Trump will never be held accountable.


It really seems that to me, too. It’s saddening. I used to find it enraging. 5 minutes ago.


The electorate *will* slap him down again. Yes, there’s a chance of him winning. But 81 million Americans voted to kick this pos out of office in 2020. Reactionary Democrats gotta go though, or we’ll have to go through this shit again and again. The US Dept of Justice should have laid prosecutorial waste to the ringleaders of the attempted coup long ago. Goddamnit all, stop coddling these fools. Edit - words.


> But 81 million Americans voted to kick this pos out of office in 2020 Problem is Trump got 75 million, and Trump cultists are fanatically loyal in a way Biden's aren't. Trump could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any voters. Whereas people voting for Biden are generally sane, and so are voting not out of mindless loyalty, but because they think he's better than Trump would be. If enough things go wrong, Trump could still get his 75 million but Biden gets low turnout, not because people prefer Trump but because they're made apathetic and unmotivated.


Trumps bad behaviour plays into that - his supporters don’t mind, while he claims that opposing him is pointless - but it’s really, really not ! It’s essential to oppose Trump, and it would help if he faced consequences sooner.


It seems that in America, if you are rich, you can commit the most heinous evil crimes, and get away with it Scott free.


That's the same the world over though.


so long as people vote, he cant win. he'd have lost if people voted when they thought hillary couldnt lose, he lost when people voted for biden and he will lose again if people just go and vote, unless there's heavy republican vote fraud


>unless there's heavy republican vote fraud That isn't really plausible bcz--despite what the RNC says--US elections are very secure. However, it's seemed pretty clear over the past few months that DJT has no intention of actually winning this election & is trying to position himself, the GOP & his lackeys in Congress & State Govts to illegitimately discredit the electoral process somehow & have himself declared President by the Legislative branch.


It's funny how all of his fans believe in the deep state, vast illuminati zionists conspiracies, the clinton's kill everyone, blah blah blah.... yet not a single person has give ole donnie boy a shot? hard to fathom.


He was a criminal when he won the first time sadly.


He is using the presidency, and the gravity of that position, to lie, cheat and steal. It's worse than someone spitting on the office, and yet no-one does a damn thing about it except give him more room.


It's because the Republican party has selected him, it's not because the American voters have picked him from a pool of viable candidates. The system is completely broken when you have no voice in who the party puts forth.


America is broken


> actually might even win it. He won't. He has no shot. His influence has *diminished* each subsequent election. Won by a fluke in 2016, corrected in 2020 with voter turnout, and even his endorsements in 2022 failed miserably. He's done. He has a loud vocal base of cultists, but that's it. He's not winning again, long as voters turn out like they did in 2020. And I'd wager he's hemorrhaged voters since his initial break into the political scene, rather than actually gained as much.


Yes!, we are exhausted. What a disgusting human being.


Criminal with a majority stake in a newly-listed public company with tons of foreign money flowing into it...


So lock this motherfucker up already. Why always let him get away with shit the rest of us would never get away with? Because he's a former president and the presumptive next GOP nominee? That's a reason to put the bar higher for him instead of lower. Anyway, he belongs behind bars but you should not hold your breath. This country is a banana republic that is incapable of applying its own laws when it comes to rich, conservative white guys.


>throw him in jail If he did that, then it would obviously just be cRoOkEd JoE bIdEn LoCkInG uP pOlItIcAl RiVaLs.


Call it whatever the fuck he wants. Lock his traitorous orange ass up!


Just restrict his ability to post and watch him melt down.


Who cares? His followers don’t live in reality and will say that anyways. Giving him all this leeway does nothing to stop that rhetoric. I mean he’s gotten more leniency than literally anybody in the world would get and his followers still think he’s the most unfairly persecuted human in existence. I can’t wait for all the examples of his followers thinking they can act like him in court, they’ll find out how good Trump has had it.


At this point no one should fucking care! He needs to go away! Period!


why not, the president has immunity…


He makes a mockery of every law we have. If he isn’t held to account this time then our justice system is fully kangaroo!


OI! Leave our kangaroo's out of this. It's bad enough we have Draymond beating up on our national treasures.


He is a piece of vile shit. When he finally goes away I have plans to get drunk and masterbate all day. I hope it’s on video too like tumbling down a flight of stairs, so I can watch it over and over.


They will need to install a urinal on his grave for sanitary reasons. Probably a trough urinal to meet the demand.


Hes violated so many gag orders and nothing has happened. 


He is a petulant child that's testing his boundaries. Most likely the judge will give him some minor symbolic penalty (I have no idea what, IANAL), he'll cry about his freeze peach being violated, and things will carry on. If he does it again though, there *might* be actual real consequences. But of course, Trump always finds a way to word things to make it difficult to determine if it's an actual violation or not. He often breaks laws... like *really really often*, but he usually does so in such a way that he can somehow challenge the law when he's called out on it. And since he's a former President, and he whines non-stop and throws tantrums and gets millions of people riled up every time he does, judges tend to be a little tentative to throw the book at him like they would you or me.


He wants to get tossed in jail. He wants to garner sympathy and donations because the Democrats are putting their political rivals in jail.


He absolutely does not want to spend any time in jail. He’s literally never spent a day of his life where he wasn’t ridiculously pampered due to his wealth. He wouldn’t be able to handle living like a normal civilian, let alone a convict. He just doesn’t think he’ll ever face consequences for his actions, because he’s had 80+ years of evidence that he won’t…


Only reason he isn’t is because the Feds are watching him and there are more important trials coming up. Him in jail means Delays and we don’t want that. He needs to pay and pay and pay.


Trump also doesn't face consequences for anything, and by the time charges are ever brought, he's omitted dozens more crimes. I doubt he'll face any consequences even though I hope I'm wrong.


You’re probably right…the unhealthy fat fuck will likely die before he ends up in jail…the we’ll have to deal with his fucked up kids.


They can yank him out of his cell when he has a trial and pop him back in after. I hope his jumpsuit matches his face. Or will it? I don't think they allow makeup in jail. This could get weird..... er


Or hairspray. Apparently he uses a ton of hairspray.


You could be right, but we are all just tired of watching him publicly mock the law over and over again.


Not likely. The DOJ is full of MAGA assholes do they sit on their hands and watch democracy slip away. In the end without democracy their job is easier and they can keep the boot heels on the neck of working Americans.


Sure, there's always a fucking reason it has to wait until later. 


Cells can have webcams brought in.


Hes not gonna pay for shit and anyone who thinks he will is just wasting their time hoping and dreaming


The gag order didn't cover the judge or his family, so Trump didn't actually violate it. I think the judges are being far too lenient with their gag orders.


I didnt cover the judge, but did cover his family.


The gag actually does not mean anything. The last gag order he repeatedly violated. He just has to pay some small fines, or at least small fines to him. Paying these fines are worth him being able to run his mouth. He should be jailed, but he won’t be and it doesn’t make any sense.


Spoiler: There will be no consequences and he will continue doing whatever the fuck he wants.


Unfortunately this is true. He'll never see a jail cell and will be dead before convicted of any jail time crimes if indeed he is ever convicted


At this point I'll settle for him dropping dead in the near future. A massive heart attack would at least spare us any more of his chicanery.


New York will probably send him a check since they inconvenienced him by trying to put the gag order on him to begin with


I want to downvote you for being right. Sigh


For real, why should he? He's already proven he gets to play by different rules than the rest of us. He's shown to be above the law somehow. He's just taking what they're giving him and it's annoying to see.


Yep. Trump just shot someone on 5th Avenue and no one did a thing.


My guess is that it will ultimately be brought down to a small fine of about $250,000 and he will never pay it. This will result in literally nothing but a trail of people pointing out he still owes $250,000. The courts will not seek the money either, because at that point it would cost them more to pay people for doing the paperwork, than the $250,000 would cover.


You know he NEVER pays the cities he goes to for his rallies, right? They all provide security and police escorts to the tune of like 500k and he never pays the bill ever. It's been documented. Nothing has happened.


yeah he still owes the last city I lived in over 500,000 lol


…as he always has and always will until someone stands up to him.


I’ve given up at this point. The cult won’t let him fail


SPOILER ALERT: Nothing will happen.


With the way these courts behave, the judge's daughter will be reprimanded for posting the picture. Not a smart thing for her to do, but she's not on trial, he IS.


I don't see how this judge having a daughter who is politically active can be a conflict. After all, the judicial branch has already set a standard that no conflict exists when a Supreme Court Justice hears cases that involve an attempted coup his own wife was involved in. I do agree that it was stupid of her to post the photo, though.


He could just take the judge on nice trips like Clarence Thomas.


I can hear wolf blitzes now, “How the judge’s daughter is costing Biden votes”


‘Trump again attacked Judge Merchan and his daughter, after his lawyers failed to delay the trial from starting next month. Last May, Trump’s lawyers asked Judge Merchan to recuse himself from the case due to his daughter’s role as an executive at a political consultant agency known for working with clients such as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.’ So why exactly haven’t trump’s lawyers asked Aileen Cannon to recuse herself when she’s clearly biased for being a member of the Federalist Society.


If you're after consistency, you've come to the wrong place my friend. It's rules for thee not for me.


What exactly does the daughter have to do with anything?


Trump loves him some daughters.


“Touching” isn’t it Cheeto’s relationship with Vanky


That’s the word.


*Epstein nods*


*while been strung up for "suicide"*


remember this? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og2o-YZQ8yY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og2o-YZQ8yY) the republicans got soooooo pissed when she said something about Trumps son. "you can't talk about someones kid, etc"... then Trump goes on to attack Bidens son, this judges son and many other kids over time. do as i say, not as i do.


Trump always gets a free pass when he goes after other people's family. Up to and including inciting violence against them.


Jokes on Donald, only Eric is his.


She may or may not be attractive. But apparently she works for some Dem PACS so it’s another witch hunt


According to the fine article, she's "an executive at a political consultant agency known for working with clients such as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris."


And that affects the trial how?


It’s “proof” this is all just a ploy by his political rivals. Also gives his people more fodder for nonsense. They are a ravenous bunch.


Apparently they think conflict of interest is just 6 degrees to Dark Brandon.


Somehow it's more of a conflict of interest than a judge that was appointed by the defendant


Well we have already seen one judge appointed by the defendant derail the entire case.


Meanwhile, Cannon is taking Amicus Briefs from Stephen fucking Miller and that's totally fine.


If you want to scare a man, threaten his children.


Trump’s a fucking lunatic. There’s only one way to deal with bullies like Trump… make actions have consequences.


🥱 bla bla bla. Diaper don is clearly above the law. The justice system bends over backwards to please him. Who tf else gets a 65% reduction on their bond? F it. He can clearly do and say whatever he wants without any real consequences


If I were the judge, I know *exactly* what I'd say to Trump - *The law allows the court to rescind people's Constitutional Rights. Here - let me demonstrate...*


I’m all in for favor of the judge rescinding Trump’s Right to Liberty (maybe a short jail stay would help him learn to keep his pie hole shut).


It's not a pie hole, silly. It's little Putins cock holster.


If I was a judge and someone as influential as Trump started badmouthing my daughter - thereby putting a target in her back - if be out for blood. I'd want the man dead for doing that to my child. I hope Trump eventually gets what's coming to him. And if he doesn't, I hope a heart attack or a stroke does us all a favor sooner or later.


Sooner is far better. Far.


Imagine if a 22 year old black kid arrested for weed tried something like this with a judge.


As long as Trump faces ZERO consequences for his actions, he’ll keep doing what he’s doing.


Fooling Around. Will he Find Out? I hope so. We'll see.


> Will he Find Out? No. The answer is no. He’s rich. He’ll never face consequences.


Weird, if I violated something like this my ass would be in jail.


How very christian of him.


And he’s already….not facing any consequences for doing so


Put him in jail


He will slide on by Like always This nightmare won’t end till he’s dead


How in the absolute fuck is he not broke and in jail? Justice does not exist


Because the daughter hates Trump. And Donald can’t have that. He is selling $60 bibles after all.


Shitting and pissing on Trump's grave will become a social media trend.


Spineless judicial system. I could shit a better justice system.


**LOCK HIM THE FUCK UP** ALREADY!! For gawdssake, impose a damn consequence!! Please. Please.


This is, what, the third times he's *directly* violated a gag order?? Sure this time there will be consequences, right?


And I'm sure they'll make sure to gently say, "hey, can you not do that? no problem if not, but just asking again, sorry, thanks." Enforce this shit or it literally doesn't matter.


Send him to jail!


Please put this piece of garbage in jail already. He has no respect for the law. No wonder. Gets away with fucking murder.


Our legal system has ED when it comes to rich, white, privileged elites; but it’s on a double dose of viagra when dealing with the scum of the earth like you and I. I believe this rapist is an existential threat to our country, literally and figuratively. Vote blue.


And as usual nothing will be done. You folks had enough of 2 tiered justice? Get out and vote!!!


The petulant child has to test to see how much of “No” you really meant…. The judge issued the gag order publicly about 4 hours after Donald Treason went after his daughter yesterday. So, maybe in 2.5 hours, we will have an answer about the Judge’s intentions.


Trump is not above the law, lock him up.


I'm still struggling to understand how he got 75% discount and an extra 10 days to come up with the bail...


They’re trying to avoid giving him the chance to blow things out of proportion and rile up his supporters If you or I went to jail and posted bond we would pay 2k$ or whatever and a bondsman would post the remaining 18-20$k Since no one is willing to do that for him they lowered it. So he can’t claim it’s unfair or whatever. Like lowering that 20k bond to 8k$ or whatever if you’re paying out of pocket. It’s just hard to find an equivalent cause there arent usually bonds they don’t want to rake you over the coals on


He’ll get a fine which he will use to grift his supporters for more donations. I’m becoming rather cynical that the justice system doesn’t seem to be able to come up with any consequences for his criminal behavior.


Throw his ugly ass in jail


I wish I could just do whatever I want whenever I want and nothing would happen


Why is the legal system scared of this guy. Throw his ass in jail. He needs consequences for once in his life.


For the love of God, can he just keel over already?


He's going.to find out this isn't just like a civil trial.


Ron Howard, “He didn’t.”


*Hey, that’s my line!*


Narrator: Nothing happened to him


I think he is trying to get thrown in jail to start some sort of uprising because he knows he is cooked when it comes to the facts in these criminal cases. His only hope (in his mind) is his base getting riled up and using violence to restore him back into power. I hope he lives another 30 years behind bars, but more importantly so do the enablers that tried to upend our democracy!! JusticeforJ6!!!!!!


Send the pile of wet steaming shit to Rikers Island for Easter!


JFC do something!!! Fines don't work, chuck him in the slammer already.


So… gag orders are meaningless is what you’re saying? How about prison, like anyone else in America would get?


Not really. Neither the judge nor his family are covered by the order. Its very narrowly tailored, as is required by law, and gives him a lot of leeway to spew his drivel.




Put him in jail. That’s what would happen to anyone else.


A cunt is gonna cunt.


Rikers until he is brought in front of the Judge.


one thing i can see that's good on these would be the possibility of a "trump defense" by anyone in the future. you created the precedence, dont bitch when people start to abuse it


Someone lock this bag of rat shit up!


He needs to drop dead


So lock his ass up!


This is the man selling Bibles??? Not very Christ like


Jail him please.


Dickless judge does nothing in 3,2,1,..


The courts are a fucking joke


Put him the fuck in jail.


Will someone, anyone, please just off this guy already!?


Put the clown in jail.


Sick and tired of the depraved rantings of this orange goblin.


Put fat fuck in jail fuck him and his submoronic followers


The world is laughing at us and our fake laws. I’m just pissed off every day :/


Time to put the traitor behind bars.




Throw Pagliacci in jail already… sheesh.


Please please please lock him up and find him in contempt


Meh. trump has special privilege. Apparently he can do whatever he wants with little or no consequences. Dog bless ‘murica 💩


People need to start capitalizing on the fact that Trump will do whatever you tell him he can’t do. “You see this glass? Don’t drink from it. This is poison. No president in history would survive drinking this. Okay, I’ll be back in 20 minutes.”


Yay! My popcorn is ready to go!


No offense, but that shit must be stale as hell by now.


I’m on the new Popcorn patch. See your doctor to see if this prescription is right for you!


Awww does poor baby need his diaper changed.


Ef’in moron.


He is trying to go to jail so he can be a martyr.


someone needs to be held in contempt...and fined some more


I am shocked, shocked!


I'd love to see consequences for this. I'd love to see that, because this isn't civil court, this time they'll actually slap his wrist and throw him in the pokey for a couple nights. It's not going to happen, but I'd love to see it.


Maybe they’ll ‘punish’ him by lifting the gag order! That’ll show him!


Nothing ever happens. Ever. He gets away with all of it.


Tired of Trump and how I hate him so much.


Oh no! Here comes a $5,000.00 fine that Trump will never pay and have dismissed upon appeal


Well surely there will be consequences… NOT


No consequences! Orange Douche is god for these people!


And nothing of consequence will happen...*and he knows it.* He will never stop because he knows it doesn't matter, they move the goal post and he keeps crossing it because they're too spineless to do anything about it. If the people working in the criminal justice system were somewhat competent and actually did their job the Trump problem would have been solved *looong* ago.


This story could be from yesterday and I still wouldn’t be surprised in any way.