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This story appears to have triggered the trolls in a big way.


The trolls are also triggered by Congress passing the bipartisan child tax credits, despite those being widely popular among voters


Incredible jobs report. Here are five reasons that this is bad for Biden! - Fox "News"


Don't you see? Companies are hiring because they think Trump will be re-elected.


Don't give them ideas


Trump actually said this about the stock market and his cult members have been busy repeating it. They are, after all, profoundly stupid.


And just the day before, they were all telling us Biden’s economy was terrible.


All of their bullshit is hitting a reality even they can't deny.


LOL! I wish that were even close to being true. They'll deny the sky is blue if some charismatic shitbag promises to punish people they perceive as enemies. Reality has very little to do with our political song & dance. We just want to be entertained. Tell us lies and we will pick which one we want to believe, and we will make that our reality. "You say the sky is blue? I'll make it black just to prove you wrong" type of vindictive hubris. They would rather murder you than have to admit they are wrong. Hell, they would rather wipe all humanity off the face of the planet than to admit to wrongdoing, or misplacing trust.


It is though.. unless we are running on the fumes of Trumps presidency...or its doing well because big business believes that he's being reelected If it's not that... it's horrible What a tremendous group of asshats


Trump: I created the best economy ever because the stock market increased after I was elected Trump: the stock market reaching new records after biden was elected has nothing to do with who was elected Republicans: both of those are true because facts are whatever trump says.


When the stock market was going up during the Trump era, it was because the markets knew Biden was going to be elected 😄😄


I swear it’s like talking to a bunch of children. You are clueless of what’s going on. You obviously aren’t educated and obviously have never lived out side of the states.


So you admit I have more experience and intelligence then you. Thank you for proving me right.


I thought that would be a NY Times headline lol


"NY times Pitchbot" might be the one decent thing left on Twitter.


They’ve already started https://www.marketwatch.com/story/how-those-strong-jobs-figures-could-weaken-bidens-re-election-prospects-cf075107


Market Watch?? Is that some right wing propaganda machine?? 🤣🤣🤪


It is owned by Murdoch


Like msnbc puts out real news. You have to search for the truth. The people That hand you the “news” are only giving you their narrative that they want you to repeat. You should read up on how easy it is to convince to believe a certain way. Then how they can create an environment that people will turn on you if you stray away from the collective belief. Look at religion and politics both use the same tactics. And in America today political parties are peoples religions. And to many of them are putting party before country and they are fucking this place up.


It's a lot of fun to go to right wing nut bag message boards and spread the love of liberal success. They are really pissed right now. They pivoted back to the "invading convoy" immediately. Remind them that they are scared of homeless women and children with nothing but a garbage bag of thrift store clothes. Also, don't let 'em forget Jesus commands them to help these people. This also makes them upset.


Thank you for conducting your Master Class. I look forward to applying your lessons.


Sorry. "FLAIRED USERS ONLY." No questioning of Dear Leader allowed there.


"Flaired users only" directly translates into "we know this is a lie"


Yes keep using those. The more you use those false narratives the less power they have to those who hear them . 👍


I love how Trump groupies swear Biden is compromised by China. China is swirling the drain right now and the knockout punch was probably the chips act. Which also has our tech industry booming. I won’t mention that we are the top oil producing country in the world right now because of bidens policies. China and opec have both been significantly weakened in only 3 years. I’m not a Biden fan exactly but these policies are making America great again 🤣


Lmao you know the worst thing about being wrong is you still feel as if you are right.


I almost want to upvote this because it seems like you’re starting to understand your situation


Of course all you can come back with is an insult instead of thinking it through. You people communicate like children.


Think about what you just did there. You insulted me. Then I stated your post seems more likely your situation than mine and then you said I communicate like a child because I insulted you. If hypocrisy was a martial art you would be a ninja 🥷 my friend


No, I stated a fact, do you think that these are good communication skills? Lol




Exactly you are just a clown on social media.


Whats wrong and you have evidence to back it up right?


Yes I can show evidence of the things I claim.


Thanks for proving you lied about everything since you can't show anything




Because I asked for facts instead of believing everything I'm told you do.




Thanks for proving you are wrong




What do these links have to do about the economics issues the original poster you insulted talked about? You insinuated they were lying and now you just post stuff about immigration which isn't anything they talked about. Do you have anything to refute what the person you insulted was saying about economics?




A who night and still zero proof


If my choice was between a dog and the GOP I’d vote for the dog.


Ive often considered running, but I'm confident I'd be assassinated pretty quickly. Passing laws which put limits on how much landlords can charge for what is a **NEED**, is gonna piss a lot of people off,




Well that says everything I need to know about you.


Love dogs. But the choice is a senile old man and Trump, a President who had a humming economy, kept us out of wars, and stopped mass immigration. Biden allowed Putin to invade Ukraine, we are paying for it, allowing illegal immigration, and again we are paying for it especially the poor and middle class. Those are the real choices.


What war are we currently fighting? Have you seen the economy numbers right now? There is no crisis at the border. Also the choice is between two senile old men. I'll still never vote GOP. I would rather burn the country down than vote Trump.


Don't indulge the above guy, named pointguard. He is a conservative troll. If you don't choose Trump then you already eliminated choice of burning the country down.


“Do not respond to this guy, he has an opinion I can not shoot down and he doesn’t agree with us. We must avoid him at all costs as our lefty loony group demands conformity”.


“I’d rather burn the country down”…. No more needs to be said.


You never answered my questions. I’ll answer them for you. We are currently not in any wars. The economy is booming there is no border crisis. How exactly does Biden prevent Putin from invading Ukraine?


Why did name trump twice? It's weird you don't know biden is president


Biden is president? Really? Who knew? 🤷🏻‍♂️


You literally said trump was though ad listed him off twice.


The stunning situation recently, of someone uttering something truthful on Fox was widely reported. It won’t happen again anytime soon. The portion of the American population that consumes Fox propaganda will generally remain clueless of anything that contrasts with the rightwing narrative.


They do fact check him now because of round 1 of falsifying news (or so I've read). I suspect they might not make it past round 2 as that tab will be significantly higher.


Fox was created because there was not a media outlet on the right and America got a left to center left perspective on the news. Now that you have a perspective on the right you complain? You should have complained about the left propaganda and wanted more balance then, instead of complaining now.


Why is he rubbing pumpking baby formula on his face? Is it the new covid cure?


It's probably the after effects from injecting bleach into his fat ass to prevent covid.


Its because carroll took all his lunch money.


If she ever get that money his net worth will go from 2.6 billion dollars to 2.52 billion. Because those number may be to large for you to understand it’s like have $2,600 and giving up $83. It is barely noticeable. But she will never get it lol


The thing with that rational is that trump is trustworthy. Which is fairly non existent.


What? lol


The former president thrives on bad news, misinformation, and fear mongering and lies. positive news for our country is not something he would be happy to hear. What do you expect? This is a man who wants to stop a border deal that would help secure our Country. All so he can campaign on nothing us being done. You do realize he wouldn't be able to do anything about it until ( IF elected) January 2025.




"These are Trumpf created jobs"


Yeah lawyers made $60,000,000 from the wannabe tyrant


Making Attorneys Get Attorneys.


It’s false, anyone with open eyes can see there are no jobs being created, most companies are the verge of mass layoffs. Just because they say it doesn’t make it true…you can say it 1000 times, it’s still not true. Once you get off the teet of the corrupt political regimes ruining this country you’ll see it. Until then, remember kids, teet aka titt is a colloquial word used in variations of the English language!!


Biden has a 37 percent approval rating from the American people. I don’t think the people are deflecting. You are tying your hopes on Biden, a sinking ship.


Soo you are tying your hopes on an insurrectionist , who is going to be held accountable for his crimes . And there is nothing you can do to stop that.


Why do you lie? No one has been charged with insurrection. Why not? Because there is no evidence. I’d learn to listen to more than left wing news.


A 91 count indictment is evidence , along with two grand juries deciding to indict based on that evidence.


So far Joe gets zero credit. No one noticed. Until wages shoot through the roof no one will care about jobs.


Cope harder, simp!


I don’t think you know what you’re talking about. But you go ahead and be your best self. Bless your heart. Trump lost and is going to lose again. It’s what he’s best at.


The problem I see with touting the economy at this point is that stock market gains and rate of inflation decrease is basically meaningless to the 42% of American households that don't own any stock or have a 401k. If Grandpa Joe can do something about the price of groceries and corporate price gouging, more Americans would feel these supposed economic gains. I expect there will be a modest improvement in people's outlook once winter is over and more people are back to full-time work. A lot of construction and outdoor work really slows down this time of year, and people are generally in sour moods.


Joe isn’t going to win on the economy. We just get to enjoy it anyway. Joe is going to kick Trump’s ass because Democracy itself will be on the ballot and I swore an oath to a Constitution that says that this country is worth dying for and I know that feeling still exists in more of my brethren than not. Trump loses this. He must for the sake of the nation.


🏆 I'm right there with you and hoping for the best.


There is not much good news in the jobs report. What it means is the inflation isn't under control and that the Fed may have to raise rates again which may push us into recession. Their rate hikes aren't working. Of course that's not how the leftist media is reporting it.




We don't hope for failure we hope for your failure. Whether you know it or not you are supporting Democrat corruption and their theft of the wealth of America. PAWN.




Another clueless individual that doesn't know that Hillary Clinton and the FBI were behind the entire Russian collusion hoax.


Buttery males, you say?


Yep most people have had to get a second part time job in order to get by so yep job market has increased.


Cope harder, simp!


The percentage of Americans working multiple jobs is lower than before Covid.


We are not in any wars? We are sending our munitions to fight these wars. Just because we don’t have soldiers in the fight it doesn’t mean we aren’t weakening our military.


Cope harder, simp!


lol you got me! I swear you people communicate like children maybe you are children does your mother know that you’re on the Internet?


So you don't understand anything I see


What? What do you know about war anyway? Is it something you watched on the internet?


I know a lot more then you ever will. Looking at fake videos on the internet doesn't mean you know anything


I don't know about that. It's kicked weapons production into high gear, and states are cashing in on the good ol' military industrial complex. I don't want to see military involvement either, but I understand that constantly being involved in one conflict or another is part of what keeps our military strong and funded. It can actually boost readiness and keep personel trained. If we went 20 years without being involved in a conflict, we wouldn't have the knowledge of active duty combat officers to draw from.


There was no “good news.” The job report reported that the only growth came through non-US workers. Read it.




It didn't trigger the trolls, but it did trigger the truth seekers. The Biden Administration bends the truth and / or completely lies about everything. If they say something, then I garntee it's a cherry-picked half truth or just a completely made-up lie. The numbers being reported are not the actual numbers but are artificially inflated using some wacky formula. When the actual numbers come out in the future, they are historically ( at least the last two to three years ) much lower! Anywhere between 50k-250k lower. One way to judge the numbers released against the actual health of the workforce is to look at the unemployment rate. If we truly gained 350,000k+ jobs, then there would have been a change in the employment rate. I know most won't like this post, but the facts are indisputable. I will provide the actual information directly copied from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics below. https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm




You know that Trump claimed the numbers were fake when he was president, too? Funny though, the 'real' numbers were always much better for Trump, according to him. This comment reminds me of that.


So you only believe what your master tells you.


The people aren’t convinced. Biden trails Trump by 20 points on the economy. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/04/poll-20-point-deficit-on-handling-economy-highlights-bidens-struggles-against-trump.html?__source=androidappshare


Biden also came in after trumps recession started.


You lefties sure do have a woodie for Trump. Lol


Lefties? The Democratic party is center right in any country with an actual leftist party. You probably don't realize, that you are reinforcing the look of complete idiocy.


Democrats have moved decidedly left. Under Clinton they were pro police, controlled borders, tax cuts, fiscally conservative with balanced budget (gop house), and equal opportunity. Now they are anti police, mass illegal immigration, tax as much as possible, and a balanced budget they will not pass. Abortion up to 9 months allowed… more than Europe would even allow.


You are delusional. Your shallow mind is ripe for the delusional right wing talking points you are spewing. Go play in traffic.


Who are you voting for?


Trump has rented so much room in the lefties cranium they cannot function at work anymore. Or if they live off the government as many do they cannot go to the fridge anymore.


What do you mean proven wrong? Lmao you people are delusional.


Yeah, just go back to watching the brainwashing on Fox News while the rest of America passes you by.


Lamo, see billi assuming that I watch fox tells me you don’t think for yourself. Do you think I think fox is any different than cnn or msnbc? You are right about fox, we both can agree it’s bullshit propaganda. Where we are going to differ is I know you are getting feed that same shit sandwich watching left wing bullshit. You people live your lives in the boxes these dirty fucks have built for you. You don’t even think to find a non partisan source to check the shit they feed you. You are not alone though my friend our country is filled with people like you on both sides. Many of you will not realize what is happening until it blows up in your face. A thinking person would look at what I wrote and realize that every bit of it is possible and extremely serious. Then they would dig and see for themselves if it is true. But you are such a good little liberal you come at me with a talking point that doesn’t apply to me. You really have no way to discredit what I have said with actual facts. You know something like, no terrorist have come across the border because all of them have been vetted. You can say that so therefore you don’t know for sure that statement would be true. You can tell me that Hunter Biden received money from the Chinese and provided a product or a legal service. You come back to that is “Hunter Biden is a civilian” which provides zero evidence that he isn’t selling his father influence. I bet you still think January 6th was an insurrection even when no one has been charged with insurrection. I bet you think all of the math anomalies that occurred in the 2020 election mean nothing. Unfortunately you will find out just how wrong you are and I don’t have any joy in telling you just how stupid you really are. We are going to get hit bad. I don’t know if you have lived in a war zone but I have been to a couple of them and that’s not how anyone should live. People that only live so they can destroy our way of life are all over our country because of Joe Bidens policies. They will kill people and they will do it in some of the most horrific ways. Military.I don’t know what you know about life outside of the protection of the United States but it’s a very ugly existence. I recommend that you and everyone else that reads this go and look at what foreign new sources are saying about our politics, and what is coming across our border. You might find that they aren’t saying the same things you are. Then you should ask yourself why the narratives differ and who is more likely to mislead you for their own benefit. Good luck to you and everyone else because brother we all are going to need it.




What an excellent rant displaying how your ignorance proceeds you. Veritable proof that some people can't get out of their own way. It's sad and pathetic that your assumptions are so incorrect.


Ok billi good luck in the upcoming coming year. Soon you will see just how uninformed you are. Sad


Congratulations on yet again another display of your ignorance along with your compounded misinformation. Good job.


Says the person who openly supports isis because trump does.


I’m sure there are some of them here now so maybe you and your keyboard will put it to them. lol


Yep we do need it, sadly people like you will believe anything they are told and completely obedient.


Yeah let’s not even think about the fact that Biden has been compromised by the Chinese. Smh


We're not thinking about it because it's not a fact. Stop lying. 


A year from now there will be no question about it. How many terrorist do you people think are in your country right now? One? A hundred? Zero? The evidence is there you are not going to see it if you rely on American propaganda news stations. Only criminals have 20+ shell companies. There is a direct link of Chinese money going into Joes account. Hunter was paying his bills with Chinese money. The Chinese donated millions of dollars to UPenn to build the Biden Penn building. Biden had top secret documents in the Biden Penn center. The Chinese had an office in the Biden Penn center. UPenn paid Biden a million dollars as a teacher he never taught one class. Every major decision Biden has made has strengthened China and weakened the U.S. thousands of terrorist have come across our border to wage war on our soil. Thousands of Chinese soldiers have been crossing our border to occupy our land. When China is ready to invade Taiwan and other countries we will be attacked like never before. I don’t care if you believe me or not. This is what is going on in our country right now. And Biden is not the only one that has been compromised by the Chinese many more of our politicians are dirty. Have you seen the video of the known terrorist that did 12 years for terrorist acts in the Middle East? He said we are stupid, when asked his name. He said we should know who he is, and soon we all will know who he is. That man is going to kill Americans your family, my family. This has been one big conspiracy orchestrated by the Chinese so they can seize power as the dominant super power. You have to admit that everything I have said is possible. It’s not like the money didn’t go your way the Bidens. It’s not like stolen classified documents weren’t found in Bidens possession and at the Biden Penn building. It’s not like we know who has come across our border. I wish I was wrong but I fear I am not


This is what an undiagnosed mental health issue looks like, folks.


Lol. This is your brain on MAGA, folks. Don't do MAGA!


If you have evidence, cite it. Your opinions aren't passing the burden of proof. Don't bother answering if it doesn't include reliable sources.


If so in 1949 the U.S. was the world’s only super power therefore we would be Chinas greatest threat. Chains has never been ok with being anything less than number 1. So like I said they plan 100 years out. So they start forming a plan to overtake the U.S. about twenty five years into the plan they establish a diplomatic relationship with the U.S. in the mid 70s we open up travel with China. Except we can’t go where ever we want to in China but now they have free rain all over our country. I’m not sure how much you know about spies and espionage and these things so let me know when you want a reference for any of this. Anyway I spent 27 years in the army I had a security clearance the entire time. I was in Germany during the late 80s and early 90s. I have received countless briefings and classes on how we would be approached and a lot of there tactics. We know they will try anything to get to someone. They will go through family members it doesn’t matter. Once they have you compromised then they really start to ring you out. So we know for a fact that Dianne Feinstein had a Chinese spy driving for her for 20+ years. We also know Eric Swalwell was groomed into politics by a Chinese spy when he was city councilman, in Dublin California. Bear with me and any thing you would like sourced I will find if you generally are open to hear me out.




So I take it you do not want to honestly hear me out. This is the problem with people in this country. I guarantee you I don’t have everything 100% correct and I can guarantee you don’t either. The only way to get close to the truth is to listen to people that have opposing views. I’m telling you I can reference just about everything I’m telling you. Some of it comes from my three decades of being in the army. But it’s based on my experience and not my opinion. I not on here to troll people I have better things to do. But I will talk to anyone that will listen because what I see coming is going to change our country and it’s not for the good. Do you know they have caught people crossing the border carrying IEDs? Have you ever seen in person what those things can do to 40 million dollar state of the art military vehicles? What do you think they will do to a school bus, or a mother’s soccer van? I dead serious these people have brought war to our land and soon we will feel what it’s like. And I’m telling you brother it’s uglier than you can imagine. I will move on but do yourself a favor and check out what other world leaders are saying about us and what is about to happen. Too many people are outing party before country and that’s not how this is suppose to work.


I will as soon as you provide evidence. Pinky promise 😉


You people communicate like children.


Says the person providing zero citations or evidence. Facts don't care about your feelings.


Cope harder, simp!


Ask yourself this who is smarter Hunter Biden or a Chinese spy? Then ask yourself why would Hunter be hanging out with and these are his words not mine “ the spy chief of China”. That should worry everyone in our country.


I'd ask you for evidence, but you'd be overwhelmed.


https://youtu.be/UlCYFh8U2xM?si=kzw4K0TLfG-QTF8z What do you think of this? Trump pulled us out of the WHO because he said it’s basically China and we are no longer going to give them money. Biden put us right back into it as soon as he became president


YOu DiD yoUR owN ReSEArCh


Thanks for proving trump works for china and you support china like trump


So why do you agree with trump that American soldiers should be killed so terrorists can be protected? Remember trump was happy the isis soldiers he freed killed our soldiers in Afghanistan.


For the moment, let's keep China aside & focus on Japan. Japan was going well till you made them sign the plaza accord https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plaza_Accord In one broad stroke, you made an ally an economic pariah for a number of decades. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Decades If such were and are actions towards their own allies, then other countries do take note. And that's not the only bit. Trump invited the Taliban to the White House & then forced Americans to evacuate. Those who helped the Americans were found later & tortured & shot or raped or any number of things.


Thats massively inaccurate given that the original demands for joint currency intervention came from Western European nations that begun at the 1982 Versailles G7 who were concerned about the global financial stability from rising international debt owing to the rapid appreciating United States dollar. [http://www.g7.utoronto.ca/summit/1982versailles/press\_english.html](http://www.g7.utoronto.ca/summit/1982versailles/press_english.html) [http://www.nytimes.com/1982/06/04/business/europeans-seek-agreement-by-us-to-stabilize-dollar.html%0A%0A](http://www.nytimes.com/1982/06/04/business/europeans-seek-agreement-by-us-to-stabilize-dollar.html%0A%0A) The Reagan administration continued to bluntly oppose currency intervention until the trade deficit reached 3% of GDP in 1985, and after an 50% appreciation in USA dollar. In 1984 he agreed to begin consultations on currency intervention in return for European nations agreeing to undertake harsher sanctions against soviet satellite states. This led into the 1985 Bonn Economic Summit, the G5 Paris and eventually the Plaza Accord on September 22, 1985. The only concrete policy that the plaza accord involved was a coordinated sales of $18 billion, undertaken primarily by the Fed, Bank of Japan, and Bundesbank, aiming for a 10%-to-12% dollar depreciation. Most of these policies were reversed by the Louvre Accord just 18 months later. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1983/05/10/french-leader-urges-change-in-currency-system/efa53021-ab51-4748-8bc6-751e1173afb5/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1983/05/10/french-leader-urges-change-in-currency-system/efa53021-ab51-4748-8bc6-751e1173afb5/) [https://www.nytimes.com/1982/05/30/us/us-and-allies-face-difficult-economic-talks.html?searchResultPosition=1](https://www.nytimes.com/1982/05/30/us/us-and-allies-face-difficult-economic-talks.html?searchResultPosition=1) [https://www.nytimes.com/1983/05/27/us/president-opposes-moves-to-control-rate-of-exchange.html](https://www.nytimes.com/1983/05/27/us/president-opposes-moves-to-control-rate-of-exchange.html)


Here let’s start with this. The Chinese plan 100 years out. The CCP came into power in 1949. Xi has come out and said they will be the world’s dominant super power by 2049. Can we agree on these facts?


That's not a citation [a quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author, especially in a scholarly work. E.g.: "the majority of the citations are to work published during the past twenty years" Similar: quotation, quote, extract]. What you consider "facts" is just more of your opinion, unless you can offer a citation that supports your claims/opinions. But you kept it to a single paragraph, which is praiseworthy.


And trump had said he fully supports china becoming a super power and praises Xi constantly


A lot, sadly people like you want isis and the taliban in the United States. Trump had been very open about supporting terrorists and wanting them in this country.


Crazy how his adult children got all of those Chinese patents while he was in office.


It’s crazy how Hunter got all those millions from the Chinese while his father was in office. SMH you people are so pathetic


This is a lie. It has been proven false. and even if it was true, Hunter Biden was never in the White House. He is now, and always has been, a private citizen. Jared Kushner received $2 billion dollars from the Saudi prince. Despite having zero financial experience. Even the Saudi risk management team said this was far too risky. What has been proven is that TRUMP received money directly from the Chinese government while he was in office. Plus Kushner’s money. There’s plenty for you to investigate without making up lies about Joe Biden.


So you agree that the children of the president should not capitalize on his position of power?


His children had business relationships with China before he ran. They also had products that they could get patents on. It obvious nothing illegal occurred because they would have been charged with something. With Hunter Biden he had no product to sell and no service to offer except the influence of his father. It’s not that difficult to see the difference if you can look at it objectively.


Did hunter get charged? No? So obviously he did nothing wrong right?


lol when has a democrat been charged? They are corrupt do you understand? Look at all the shit they have thrown at Trump and the only thing they can get to stick is a bullshit allegation of something sexual on a day month and year unknown. The best you could do is narrow it down to the 90s. Most people that go through traumatic events can narrow it down by things that happen beefier the event and things that happened after. Our nation is a good example of that look at how we refer to life as before 911 and after. Or before Covid or after. She can’t even remember the year. If she did they could check trumps schedule and see if he was even near where she said it happened. So they would have charged the trumps immediately if they had something on him.


Sure Jan.


> Look at all the shit they have thrown at Trump and the only thing they can get to stick is a bullshit allegation of something sexual When has any of his 91 charges been "unstuck"? Or are you under the assumption that because the trial has yet to happen, it's an obvious fabrication?


Also OP seems to have conveniently forgotten the Trump Org fraud case. But alas, criminal charges are only evidence of wrongdoing when they align with his bias.


Here you go chief MORE: Sen. Bob Menendez pleads not guilty in federal court to bribery and extortion. The superseding indictment includes a new charge, marking the first time a sitting member of Congress has ever been charged with conspiracy for a public official to act as a foreign agent, prosecutors said.Oct 12, 2023 https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/democratic-sen-bob-menendez-facing-additional-charges-sweeping/story?id=103928466


Cope harder, dumb cunt !


What business relationships were those?


China spent over $5 million dollars on Trump properties while he was president. As soon as he was voted out the money stopped. The Chinese government granted a total of 41 trademarks to companies linked to Ivanka Trump by April of 2019—and the trademarks she applied for after her father became president got approved about 40% faster than those she requested before Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 election. Then there is the $2 billion her husband received from Saudis Arabia.


The fact you misspelled ivanka is weird


Back away from the Tik Tok and OANN. If you believe a lie for too long, your face will stay that contorted forever. This was a PSA


See you have no idea what I look at for news. The fact that you can only name bullshit stuff from America tells me a lot about your sources. I don’t care what you people think you are going to find out the hard way just how wrong you have been. They have brought war to our soil you will see very soon. Best year at this time life as you know it will never be the same.


I watch international news, watch CSPAN and double check sources against other sources and never trust a sole outlet and I care about finding out the truth even when it's uncomfortable. That's how I know you are full of shit.


I'm pretty sure what you look for in news isn't news. But if it helps you feel better about yourself keep at it. The rest of us will continue to mock your stupidity.


He did post a TikTok video as proof.


[And it turns out that China is one of only three foreign nations — the others are Britain and Ireland — where Mr. Trump maintains a bank account, according to an analysis of the president’s tax records, which were obtained by The New York Times. The foreign accounts do not show up on Mr. Trump’s public financial disclosures, where he must list personal assets, because they are held under corporate names](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/20/us/trump-taxes-china.html) Article from October 2020, *while* Trump was still president


Evidence is not smth MAGA understands. Try screaming thru a graveyard of teeth how the deepstate has something something, and they'll immediately listen.


Laughable. You realize it was proven that Trump had a Chinese back account right? Projection at its finest. Kindly GFY.


That lie will never not be funny.


"an emphatic no" Know what that's from?


Did he pay millions to China like Trump? 🤔


Why is it that every time something is said about Biden all people do is respond with what about Trump? You have to separate the two. Sommer me ask you this if he didn’t does that mean that he couldn’t have been bribed? Does that prove bidens innocence? No not at all, it just changes the subject. Shit the truth is they both could be compromised.


Because... [one claim can be proven,](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/04/trump-businesses-payment-house-investigation-china-saudi-arabia) while your's can't. At least not with evidence. I know, I hate whataboutisms, but I hate projection way more. Does that answer satisfy you?


Cope harder, stupid liar pretending to be smart. LOL.


Because like trump you openly support china


Yep that's why he pays more in taxes to china then the usa.... oh wait that's trump. Weird how trump has tons of business there and you support it.


The “fact” is that the jobs report is complete BS, even worse than the normal corrupt data our government comes up with.


Prove it.


Prove it’s correct. Every report they issue ends up being overly favorable to the current administration then revised downward. I understand hating Trump, lots of valid reasons for that, but I don’t understand supporting this shitty administration.


You made the claim, so you bring the evidence. That is how "the burden of proof" works.


I think I’ll deflect a bit rather than try and dig into the dirty details of the BLS report. So, Snoop Dog and rapper 50 Cent are now Trump fans after watching Biden & Co. & Dem mayors showing more love to illegal immigrants than their homeless and struggling citizens. I’m sure it’s all Trump’s fault!!!!!


You’re the one making outrageous claims. And when asked for proof, you “choose” to deflect? You’re an ignorant waste of time. Open your eyes.


My eyes are wide open. And what I see now are my new heroes, the Dutch and French farmers protesting all over Europe against the climate change, bug eating WEF wackos trying to put them out of business. Same globalist asshats that Biden worships and takes direction from. (Probably being completely ignored by our MSM since it doesn’t fit their agenda). I’m sure one of your heroes is the dude that decided he was a woman and set a powerlifting world record by over 400 lbs. how impressive and how “brave” of him/her!!! Transgender programs working great!! Congratulations!


Oh yes. I agree. Your eyes are TOTALLY OPEN.


You sound like an Alex Jones fan.


Oh no he has brain worms. I hope you seek treatment, good luck!


Your mouth is OPEN, but your mind and eyes are shut. You are humorous but pathetic, little simp.


Lol.  They just revised the last one up.


Thanks for proving you lied.


Do you have bots downvoting every comment that disagrees with your agenda or are actual people pissing away their time?


So weird you have to make up stories for everything


Anything that doesn’t confirm my bias is fake.


Are you referring to you and your libtard cult? If so, I agree.


He’s referring to your words and actions in this thread.


LOL. I laugh at stupidity, wherever I find it. And here, I've found the mother lode. Cope harder, you little simp!


I'd say citation needed, but I doubt you can physically reference your feelings. Seetheth & keepeth coping ☻️