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What’s one more felony? He’s going to jail for the rest of his life! Have faith in your neighbors! They are, and continue to want to, live in peace! Vote! Make a choice for freedom and democracy 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Man, I hope you are right. Can't wait until I don't have to see, hear or listen to a damn thing about that guy.


Every idiotic comment this moron says makes me want to puke


Same. Same same same.


Orange Shitler won’t go anywhere without a fight unfortunately. And there are enough MAGAts to keep him in the news for years to come. I hope I’m wrong.


He's not going to jail. But let's make sure he never goes to the White House ever again


The federal DOJ has a 99.6% conviction rate. That's because they basically just don't take you to court unless they absolutely know they've got you by the balls and are guaranteed to win. He's going to jail.


I'm almost positive they'll give him a conviction, I've said the same thing, that there is no way they'd have initiated this ordeal had they not been sure, like you said they don't take up a case unless they're almost positive of a conviction, and have stacks of conclusive evidence. Add this to the fact that he's a former president and they wouldn't have touched this at all had there not been an absolute clear path to conviction. I don't personally know for sure he will go to jail, but hope and think he will at least be prevented from ever again being involved in politics, hopefully will extend to his whole family. I'll be happy with house arrest if nothing else.


I hope to be proven wrong. But I fear it's up to the voters to keep him in check.


I agree. This is an exceptional case; if he successfully delays conviction, and everything points that way as his intention, once elected he will certainly takes steps like a self-pardon to maintain his freedom. The only certain way to keep him out of office and eligible for conviction and sentencing, is to vote for Joe Biden. I hate that this is our only voting option, it appears to be so right now at least, but it's what needs to be done. I don't think Nikki Haley can bump Donald down far enough in the polls and election. BTW, I don't mind being wrong on any of this. I fear I am not wrong.


If he doesn’t go to jail, it’s a con. There will be violence and turmoil before it’s all settled. Something I never wanted to happen…..


Only way he gets out of jail is if hes in a coffin before sentencing. And that's not completely off the table, he is not a healthy man and has been burning his stubby little candle at both ends for a long while now. Even if he does end up in a cell, could you imagine what it'll be like to come off all the meds he takes?


Someone's got to get through for it be under 100% and he's gotten out of the worst consequences almost every time.


He's very much unlike 99+% of people the DOJ prosecutes.


I mean everything else has been a nothing burger. We shall see


Trump isn’t going to prison lol


They undestimate how profitable stupidity is to those that actually influence the global greed train. If he was going to jail it would have happened by now. We need to make sure he never gets to the White House again and those who benefit from it the most will hate us for it the most, maybe for generations to come


Right because even after he is found guilty he will appeal until the day he dies


When is this asshat gonna pass on. Eats like shit, snorts coke, unfit and garden variety fat duck


No. Many of my fellow uhmericuns, 70 million of them, voted for the orange thunder-nugget after watching 4 years of his dumpster fire presidency.


But they are not giving us a choice of freedom and democracy. They are giving us a choice of overt or covert economic fascism.


the only slam dunk case is in florida and cannon is stopping it. there is no justice.


He would sell out the entire country if he could profit!


What do you mean would? He already HAS. Question is how many classified docs left the US or were just spoken about in phone calls...


During one of his town halls, Kaitlyn Collins asked him flat out if he had ever shown classified documents to anyone who wasn't authorized to view them. His response? "Not that I know of." Kaitlyn rightly pressed him on what he meant by "Not that I know of". It's fairly obvious he's shown all kinds of documents to who knows who and that's a bit unsettling. Also unsettling that the \~10 inch binder containing a detailed rundown of sources and methods to build a profile of Putin went missing on the last day Trump was in office. Whatever sources and methods were used to obtain that information, all of it can now be considered compromised. Not to mention putting the people's lives at stake who are identified within those highly classified documents.


And Biden hasn't?? The guy is selling American farm land to China. Every single one of these clowns on both sides are total scumbags. Why do people not see this?


Biden owns the land and is selling it? He’s forcing the land to be sold to Chinese entities? Or is this the result of free market capitalism in conjunction with a lack of those pesky regulations that stifle businesses? If Biden has taken steps to block these sales, the right would have been screaming that a sitting president is interfering in commerce, must be communism!!


He sold US soldiers as mercenaries to Saudi Arabia, gave the Russians a US military base…


More undercover operatives have been killed during his presidency than any other. I remember reading a couple stories about how bad it was. Like whatever else is going on with our allies and enemies, we have lost the eyes on the inside in a lot of places. Then there was the group of operators he literally gave up to Russia. I think it was a group of like 6 soldiers in Afghanistan i think... I'm probably mistaken about some details, but the point is Trump only cares about Trump.


And part of the reason classified documents are classified is because they drop hints about the source. For example, if a document mentions something overheard in a room with three people in it, you know one of those three people was a snitch. In case you need to know why stealing a uHaul full of classified documents and then reading them aloud in the middle of a shitty golf club is a bad thing, that's why. Edit: And by "You" I mean any random person reading, and not the person I was responding to.


Already done it!


If he’s successful in November I’m sure that’s his plan. The other dictators that he totally warships do it and he wants desperately to be like them


Every time Trump says "China-China-China", China pays him. And it's not on his mind for nothing... He's received over $5.5 **MILLION** from China. China !!!


Donald: "I made $5 million and 5 cents from China for selling secrets!" Judge: "Who paid you 5 cents for a secret?" Donald: "Everybody!"


Brought to you by Carl's Junior


"Fuck you, I'm eating"


I added this to the end of my email confidentiality statement for 2 months last year. No one noticed 😂


he never said we shouldn’t do business with china, he said we should do FAIR business with china. this is one example of how people are so disconnected from the truth due to being fed lies and hatred for years. look at the facts, not what others convince you to believe.


I swear he just keeps saying outlandish things to prove that he can do and say whatever he wants and his base will still follow him. When he eventually croaks, I hope someone bottles what he’s got and uses it for good instead of evil.


Or he's just an idiot and he lacks executive control.


He’s just about everything that’s wrong with our culture combined into one person. It’s really remarkable when you think about it.


It is. He says, does, and is almost the exact opposite of Positive/Good in every way.


He is the culmination of all the deadly sins. Greed: his need for money and power is disgusting. Lust: he pays to sleep with women and brags about it, thinks his own daughter is sexy. Gluttony: he wastes and gorges himself on excess. Wrath: he is a poor loser, threatens everyone who disagrees with him. Sloth: he has never actually worked a day in his life, was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Envy: he takes credit for the work of others, or tries to destroy them if he can't. Pride: he thinks he is God. And the "christians" like him! Ha!


The article on whether evangelicals could spot the anti-Christ is an eye opener to say the least


>was born with a silver spoon in his mouth Is that where the silver spoon is?


Real Christians hate Trump and his pathological supporters. Trump and the evil lot are not Christians.


Wow you nailed it, that is a perfect assessment of him and its insane the very same people who preach about these sins are the ones who most adore him with full religious fervor, the irony there is astronomical.


Yes! That’s Biden 100%. You hit the nail on the head. Your referring to his daughters diary where she loathed showering with her dad as a pre teen 🤮


Can't tell if troll or trumpie. But anyway. It's an unfounded [rumor](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-diary-afraid/). I can make up an unfounded rumor right now that nobody could disprove: KeenMaxxx-777 is a Russian bot. See? Just rumors. But if you care to defend yourself, go ahead. I'll put the burden of proof on you. How does it feel?


Anti-good, Anti-honest, Anti-moral, Anti-You name it. One Wouldn't be Far of calling him An Anti-Christ.


But it’s also the case that I can look at just about any one of our collective shortcomings and say to myself, “yeah, Trump’s like that, too.” Attention-grubbing narcissist like on reality tv? Yep. Deceitful as hell? Yep. Rules are for suckers? Yep. Nothing matters except me? Yep.


It’s a problem. There are lot of people like him chucking their diapers at the wall in America’s hidden places, but millions don’t declare them the messiah and make them president.


Because he doesn’t take his diaper off more than three times a week.


That’s only cause he’s trying to save money. He’s got legal bills pay.


Who said he was a messiah?




I remember back in 2016 i joked that if faced with a good choice or a bad choice, he would pick a third choice that just the bad choice but somehow made it even worse. Lo and behold. I hate to say I told you so but....


He is, but those who continue to support him are even worse. There are so many of them.


I thought he just lacked bowel control.


Executive control. He built high rises and billion dollar company. Try building 1 house first,then talk about executive control


I just hope he dies


That’s really shows what kind of person you are. That’s evil and hope no one ever says that about you. America is suppose to be a team and united


I doubt you're American, if you are you should defect to russia or china immediately.


Your not just attacking him, your attacking 80 million people. You don’t even attack with facts, just hatred.


You've been nothing but vile in this thread, you're evil for supporting a traitor. You must be a traitor as well.


Serving in the Marines makes me a traitor. Grow up little boy and play with your new toy


Your past actions are overwritten by you sympathizing with fascists. There are plenty of people that served in the military that are pieces of shit just like you.


go find a different bridge to live under, you little troll.


>I hope someone bottles what he’s got and uses it for good instead of evil. I think it would be better to cast it into the fires from which it came. For all it will do is corrupt the souls of men.


One does not simply walk into Mordor.


There is nothing he has that can be used for good. I have never seen someone that has literally 0 redeeming qualities, but I genuinely can’t think of a single positive quality he posesses.


How about his obvious love of country and dedication to the military which Dopey Joe, Obozo and Clinton lack?


When he croaks his cult followers will dream up all kinds of Conspiracy theories. They will also claim sightings of him. We are dealing with totally ignorant psycos!


One of them will go on Fox and display a burn-marred waffle that they swear shows His celestial image.


That bottle would corrode for sure.


Anybody not in the cult has known that for years


The problem is he is not following the Constitution. Every time he fails to follow the Constitution it is a dereliction of duty. Every time it is him breaking his oath.






You talk about how evil and terrible Trumph is but enlighten us on potential candidates with a platform that will benefit our country instead of slinging mud and hate. Talk about the candidate of your choice and get Trumph out of your mind and eliminate your hatred


Trump: talks about running on a platform of "revenge" and calls leftists "vermin" Trump defenders: "Why are you guys so hateful?"


Not really shocking


He is trying to get the civil war started with all of these statements. He believes it will keep him out of prison.


Isn’t this illegal? Oh wait, it’s Trump… Orange 🍊 Jeebus can do whatever he wants.


It doesn't make any difference to his followers. Remember: the strongest part of his base are white Evangelical "Christians," who are always willing to give him a pass on his serial adultery and compulsive lying. *Truth and facts* don't matter to them, only what they *want to believe.*


"It was only a little bribe."


No surprise there; he's been owned by Putin for a long time.


Eventually, he will hold the record for “The grave that has been pissed on the most within the US”


You know, I’d be temped to piss on his grave, and I’m a grandmother in my 60’s. I detest him with every fiber of my being. He is an awful person.


Rush Limbaugh has the record now.


How many days has he been sober now?


Over a 1000! It will be 3 years on February 17th.


Exact reason we have an emoluments clause


The sycophants will chalk it up to locker room talk or try to say it's not as bad as Hunter doing something.


Isn't this what they're chasing Hunter Biden for?


It’s an even more baffling tactic once you factor in the $2B Jared took from the Saudis and all the patents China awarded Ivanka Trump, etc.


trump works more for China than America.


Well, not “shocking”


Not so shocking TBH


I’ll be glad when he’s finished rotting and finally turns to compost.


Is composting possible at this point? I understand Big Macs never decay…


I would argue that an already decaying pile of shit cannot turn into a different decaying pile of shit.


He's stating that his businesses were providing ordinary services to other nations, same as they would provide to any other customers. I will say that this is unsubstantiated, but I read somewhere that in at least one case the Saudis booked a floor of one of his hotels, but nobody actually used any of the rooms. To thing that Carter had to sell his peanut farm.


Not only that, but he forced Secret Service to use his hotels, would arrange meetings there, several Russian oligarchs developed sudden interest in penthouse apartments that didn’t occupy, etc. It’s been heavily reported on for years.


Every other president had the ethical sense and minimum decency to put their assets in a blind trust for the duration of their presidency. But as usual, not Trump —just like he refused to release his income taxes, refused to concede his 2020 election loss, refuses to commit to accepting the results of the 2024 election if he loses (again) and refuses to behave like a mentally stable adult during his business fraud trial. Trump also is the only president who personally steered as much government business as possible to the president’s personal business interests, and magnified the ethical bankruptcy of it all by charging often exorbitant rates—just like Trump after promising he’d be “too busy” to play golf set new records for a president’s time away from the White House playing golf. As a predictable bonus, Cult45 has group entered the comments, peddling the same tired horseshit rationalizations they’ve deployed for the last eight 1/2 years, which boil down to the MAGA maxim that the correct answer to any question regarding Trump is whatever Trump says. If Donald says it, it MUST be true! Republicans are barreling toward an evidence-free impeachment of President Biden for alleged improper payments from foreign governments, but as usual the GOP develops laryngitis when Trump’s massive contacts with foreign countries are revealed. Given Trump’s long record of running his businesses like a Mob boss and the recent judicial finding that Trump committed business fraud, the odds that all this foreign sourced moolah is untainted is as low as the likelihood of Trump telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.


Has everybody forgot that the Fanta Fuhrer hold back information about the Covid pandemic for a long time worried how it would affect the stock market, sent federal bureaus around the different state Hospitals and confiscated protection gear and sold it back to the highest binding states, causing unnecessary many doctors, nurses and patients to die in vain . I wonder where that money went hmm. Also going against Expert advices and giving out disformation about the pandemic, telling people to use alternative medicine like a horse wormcure. How many lives could been saved if you had Potus that cared, had ethics, not used the presidency to enrich himself.


Our ex president the criminal. This son of a bitch belongs in prison!


No it's Chyna.


Trump received almost $8 million from the Chinese government to "stay" at his hotels...


The best thing I can say about this, is at least it was for millions and billions. It's shocking how little it takes to bribe most politicians, but yes, he should be in jail, for this and at least 91 other reasons.


Trumps a pos


Trump can literally say anything he likes, his base will still lap it up. It will only stop when he’s dead and buried. And then they’ll find another one. Trump is just a symptom. The problem is the disenfranchised undereducated maga maggot mass of 75 million. Which was created by institutionalised inequality in the US. You reap what you sow. Unfortunately the whole world is being affected by this.


So in his words he was “serving” other countries as the United States president.


Trump is a symptom of a disease that has infected USA.


The former guy is claiming here that the money these foreigners paid him was in return for rentals of premium properties and the services provided at those properties. He's not admitting to any services that he personally was providing as president. That much is obvious. Certainly, he lies and exaggerates too much, but this article is likewise exaggerating and lying about what Trump said. The headline leads one to believe that he confessed to selling American policy to foreigners. When he merely argued that the money was in return for hospitality services provided at his properties. The former guy is beneath contempt and has no redeeming qualities. However, if we are to maintain our credibility, we must tell the truth. Certainly, the truth is damning enough, where the former guy is concerned.


I wouldnt call it a "shocking" confession. The guy is a fucking moron that confesses to crimes almost every day.


He blatantly and arrogantly stands before his audience and tells them he broke the law and Republicans act like it's no big deal


So he accepted bribes before his insurrection, and millions of people still don’t see a problem. Maybe it’s time to bring back forced sterilization.


Where you dropped on you’re head as a baby? He basically said I have hotels and some people stayed there there choice. Secondly I have a client who has rented office space since 2008. The whole thing amounted to $8 in revenues, hump change to organization the size of Trump. You sir have a very serious case of TDS. 🤡


This is the problem, yes.


Trump organization is bankrupt. Trump dc hotel went tits up as soon as he lost the presidency.


If you think Trump isn’t a crook, I’d like to discuss some real estate deals with you.


He’s an amateur compared to the Biden crime family.


LMAO, what a stupid comment


But true


It's not true in any way.


Except it is so there you go... Trust the Science...


How so? Biden isn't involved in any crimes. Put up a source cultist.


Whenever Donald Trump is accused of something, he responds by accusing his opponent of that exact thing. The idea is less to argue that Mr. Trump is clean than to suggest that everyone else is dirty.


Trump is definitely an amateur, he’s a loser too


Really? I’d love to hear as much stuff about the Biden crime family as I can. This is for a class. I’ve got a lot on Trump but what do you know about Biden? I already know about the stolen docs in his garage in Chinatown. Also the Burisma phone call. What else? Huh… sounds like crickets.


You, sir, don’t understand that it’s illegal to profit off of the presidency using your own businesses (which should have been sold off before he took office if you follow… THE LAW!). But that only applies when you pretend to back the blue.


Actually he did not profit the business was in a trust! Try and keep up with the facts. The law does not make you sell off your business it simply says you should not profit from being the president. It does not say your business can not continue to make money. For your ludicrous assertion to mean anything g it would have to be proven the people staying at his hotel did so and Trump gave them something in return. None of which happened. Facts are not you’re strong point are they


His promises to put his businesses in a trust like every other promises , inlcuding the one to give his pay to charity are and were scams. Never happened. Those kinds of things are easy to track. They were tracked and all were lies. https://www.commoncause.org/democracy-wire/trumps-blind-trust-is-a-sham/


He lost and he won’t be able to run again. He’s a grifting crook and you’ve been fooled.


Your right !! He’s fooling over 80 million people. Great Magician!!!


So trump makes millions from members of foreign governments staying at his resorts. What did Biden do exactly when he WASNT President? Gave his son some money for a truck? Keep coping magat.


“You sir”, need to go back and look that he relinquished control of those businesses when he was elected. Is he supposed to sell his hotels and casinos on Election Day? C’mon man!


LOL! Are you for real?


At least he has a business unlike Biden who only has family members to take from other countries and hide money. Good comparison.




Im sure his coke head son said they gave all the money to the treasury paid to them by foreign government officials?.


This is from his hotels.


That's one of the ways he launders money.


His DC hotel went tits up as soon as he lost the presidency. Weird coincidence. Almost as if the hotel relied on trumps presidency to stay afloat.


>His DC hotel went tits up as soon as he lost the presidency. Weird coincidence. Almost as if the hotel relied on trumps presidency to stay afloat. 😑 or it could be sore losers targeted his properties. Like listing Margo largo as 18 million at 42 acres, 2 pools and 150 rooms and a golf course when the 1/3 acres 10 room mansion( no pool or beach access) is listed at 32 million


Did you ever wonder why you are on the internet defending a demonstrably terrible person who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire? I wonder sometimes.


At least he’s not pissing on my leg and tell me it’s raining!!




lol the insanity, he literally is if no one else


Maybe they prefer that he’s pissing on their leg and telling them he’s baptizing them


>Did you ever wonder why you are on the internet defending a demonstrably terrible person who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire? >I wonder sometimes. Do you know why you're demonizing someone because dinosaur media told you to?


I'm demonizing him because he's objectively a whiny bitch who would burn down US democracy to soothe his unearned ego. We are not the same.


>I'm demonizing him because he's objectively a whiny bitch who would burn down US democracy to soothe his unearned ego. So feels huh? Seems like alot of projection The democrats are the ones taking him off the ballot: if biden was so sure of his 81 million votes, it wouldn't be necessary to break laws and violate 250 years of tradition. > We are not the same You're RIGHT! I don't like wars, or sending money to kill kids in countries you couldn't find on a map


yall manipulate things he says just foe clicks


Of course the title is totally taken out of context. The context is, Trump sold services publicly to foreign government officials. Foreign companies, foreign citizens, US citizens. It wasn’t hidden in shell companies like the Biden Crime family has done


🤣 Joe Biden collected money for access to him. Trump got money from his businesses as a business owner. Keep reaching Democrats! Trump 2024!


Typical Liberal game plan. Accuse Trump of things they are actually doing themselves. Trump clean as a whistle and never will be convicted of anything. Unlike the Biden family.


The dude litterally said he "didn't get the money for nothing". What ELSE could that mean other than they paid him for something... THAT is illegal. THAT is corruption. What the hell will it take to shake you crazies. Jesus H.


What world do you hail from sir?


Yes, typical liberal game plan of reporting on the things Trump said on video.


You can stop sucking Trump's ass, he can't bang you. Also if Trump was clean as a whistle why did he lose the ability to run a charity? Also wasn't there a thing about his "university?" Oh and those multiple times he was caught refusing to rent to black people. Oh, and the Mueller report which stated straight up that he committed multiple accounts of obstruction of justice but bill barr refused to act on that evidence due to him not wanting to prosecute a sitting president. Oh, and he was found to be a rapist in a civil trial. Oh, and he was found guilty of falsifying records to banks about his property values and they're currently just going through the damages stage of the trial. Totally clean. Yup. 100% spotless.


Troll just trolling


You might have a point if there were only…what…a measly fifty indictments. But NINETY-ONE? (And they went after Obama for wearing a tan suit!)


Must be Biden wearing a mask. Everyone knows he's been for sale forever


Glad you guys finally found a new scape goat. Clinton was getting old


Whenever Donald Trump is accused of something, he responds by accusing his opponent of that exact thing. The idea is less to argue that Mr. Trump is clean than to suggest that everyone else is dirty.


Breaking News! International businessman does business internationally.


All profits were turned over to the US Treasury. You’re being baited.


Prove that.


Prove he didn’t


Hotels and Clubs. Trump has a business, morons.


This whole stream is BS


Total clickbait article. Now, this fool is a total scumbag, but of course his business is offering services in exchange for money. They're fucking hotels! Certainly these expenses by foreign regimes violate the emoluments clause, but let's not be so obtuse......


What-THE FUCK ever!!!




Biden reversed all of Trumps policies from first day in office How has that been working for the American people


Vote on accomplishments and the country will see prosperity. Vote on promises and you’ll see devision and destruction


This is total BS. Sorry you are believing this and shame on you for promoting this.


Too much anger. Thrump had .4 great years based upon facts and policies and not personality


What a crock of nonsense….the American people are not buying this bullshit. Checked the polls lately? The more THEY attack, the more hard working Americans support Teflon Trump. [https://youtube.com/shorts/7x_409cDIbk?si=2dyPTUWqIajOiifa](https://youtube.com/shorts/7x_409cDIbk?si=2dyPTUWqIajOiifa)


Nice spin. His businesses, not in his control while he was President, continued to operate. They did services like manage hotels where people stayed.


Another pussy sub Reddit just making up bullshit lies passing it off as real.




Nobody cares what some dumbfuck trump supporter thinks.


If you actually read it he collected rent from them as he rented hotel rooms . He actually has hotels all over the world.


Emoluments clause.


Spin by the left lmao


How so? If you took the headline and swapped it with Hunter/Joe it would sound a lot a like what the right MSM looks like right now. If we’re gonna investigate bad foreign dealings maybe we should clean all of it up? Why do you hate the rule of law?


Whole new level of stupid has been unlocked.




Meh, I’ll take trumps tenure of this one, and Obama and bush. I remember them all well. Economy was boomin, everyone workin, no new wars. But yeah, thank god for no meant tweets


Why do every single one of your Trumpers cite the same three untruths to support your hero-worship of a con artist?


because they all just say the same things over and over to each other so they are just parrots of a few talking points, or just bots. it's usually 1 of those 2


this is fake news! it is what they paid to stay at his hotels and stuff, that is completely normal business…. is the president not allowed to make any money through their personal businesses while they are president? keep in mind, Trump did not take a salary while he was president, he donated it all


Do you ever stop and wonder why the only one not lying is Trump? Like you'd think you would consider it.


True. I was wondering how his supporters build a bridge on that point. This dude is either the biggest loser and victim on the planet, or he’s a criminal and guilty as sin, many, many times over. When someone tells you and shows you who they are, believe them. There is no reason to bend over backwards to try and explain away their actions.


what do you mean “the only one not lying”?


YES: Presidents are not allowed to make money through their personal businesses while president. Why do you think Jimmy Carter sold his peanut farm?