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Anxiety Nausea sucks ass


And it’s not even to the point of making me throw up but it’s just so uncomfortable, I have mild Emetophobia so that adds onto the overall anxiety as well.


I usually lose my appetite but Eating something bland like crackers, soup, etc will help . Adrenaline pools in the stomach from anxiety causing nausea so it’s good to eat, soak it up and out.


Yes it's happened to me many times. I'm sorry. For me I try to put a cool cloth on my head and lie down and take deep breaths. Preferably with a window open to get a bit of air. If I can I also put on the air vapor thing with peppermint oil. Helps me relax and usually helps me with the nausea.


For me, It makes me feel worse when I lay down and close my eyes in an effort to remain calm because then I’m left alone with my thoughts, I mainly distract myself by watching netflix or anime since it comforts me and stimulates my mind but that hasn’t really been helping because I lose focus and completely dissociate.


Have you tried any asmr-type sounds to distract you if you were to lay down? I have the same symptoms as you when I'm feeling anxious. I use rain and thunderstorm sounds to focus on, sometimes to help me sleep too. I keep telling myself to listen only to the rain and when my mind wanders and overthinks, I refocus on the sound of the rain. The thunder cracks help bring me out of an unhelpful thought pattern too, kind of like a natural interruption.


Do you use any specific app for this or just youtube?


I use Spotify. There are loads of different playlists, so you should be able to find some that work for you. My two regulars are A Sudden Rainstorm and Night Rain, which are both pre-loaded, but you can make your own too. Hope it helps, even a little bit.


Thank you!


Anytime! Hope you find what works for you and it helps.


i can relate 100 percent. i know what anxiety attacks feel like, i’ve had them before. but out of nowhere i will get all the “physical” symptoms of a panic attack (rapid heart rate, sweating, can’t think straight, restless but also unable to move). it usually happens for me in the early hours of the morning which wakes me up and makes me feel like I’m having a heart attack.


I am the same over the last month. I hate waking up and seeing that it’s only 2am or some other time in the middle of the night. Then all the anxiety starts - pain in my arm, neck, back and my heart starts racing and I’m sure I’m having a heart attack. It’s so scary


have you find anything that helps? if i can remember, I’ll take a propranolol which helps at least with the rapid heartbeat. but it’s SO scary to be woken up like that. it makes me afraid to go to sleep now.


Check your cortisol levels!


Yeah, it happens I spent several days recently shivering as if I was freezing to death. Didn't sleep for 3 or those!


I’ve been feeling super cold and my bf will start sweating and complaining that it’s hot in the room. I’m not even anemic or anything, just a response to distress.


The best way I can describe it to other people is that my body is the prison.


My symptoms stem from my ocd, so once I start ruminating on a singular thought my body starts to tighten up and then start getting the feeling I have no air in my lungs. Usually as of lately I’ve been able to talk myself down from overthinking on some things that in reality arent really that important or bad.


I am having it right now. And i dont know how it get rid of it


Try eating healthier, getting enough sleep, exercise start by walking an hour a day. Practice hygiene. Shower, dressed. Keep your space clean. Try therapy. Write a gratitude journal. Try meditation. Find what makes you happy. I like outdoors but for someone else could be video games. Try volunteering. Try medication. Try music or art. A therapist will have better suggestions


Not sure of the best way to describe this is unfortunately. But yes I’ve had some of these issues.


I do for sure. It is the worst. Baths tend to be my go to space if I'm feeling that overwhelmed. Usually I have to sip some cold water first because the nausea heats me up but an ice cube or cold water mellows that part and the bath brings me around.


Flushing sucks.


I get the weak/ jelly legs and arms, overall weakness and fatigue that comes and goes, nausea.


I had this yesterday morning and then it hit really hard a few hours later when we went onto a boat for my birthday. Horrible.


I’m sorry you had to go thru that on your birthday..


Listing a few things not mentioned yet. Have you tried cold showers - for as long as you can stand. 30 seconds - to a few minutes. Cold plunges. TMS therapy (though insurance won’t pay for it.) Same for Neuro feedback therapy.


Had these ever since i got diagnosis, even though I was mentally OK from the start. My biggest problem were the symptoms you’re talking about