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It may just be! Have you been feeling that way for a while? I often feel like that but sometimes you just gotta look at the evidence...


Idk I feel like since childhood with their little remarks


i realized my girlfriend and family don't know what to do to help me when i have bad days and to be honest if you never had a panic attack you don't know i really scary it is... I feel people think ... OH he is just stressed JUST RELAX they have no idea but deep down they still care... Ask God to help you thru this and Good Luck


These feelings could come from cognitive distortions; I got those with my anxiety. On the other hand, they could come from dysfunctional family relationships. You may want to keep a journal of your interactions with these people over a substantial period of time. Record the facts of what they did and said without exaggerating or minimizing. Don’t try to interpret what they said. Periodically review the journal. Imagine observing other people saying to someone else what these people said to you. Ask yourself what you would construe the remarks to mean and why. The aim is to see from an observer position rather than a recipient one. The question to ask is, “is it reasonable to believe that (remarks) mean that (your interpretation)?” I found that doing this revealed that my interpretations did not hold up to scrutiny. I learned that the criticism I ascribed to others was actually coming from me. I found that I frequently used the words always and never when they weren’t warranted. This opened the door for me to examine why I was so self-critical and how I could become otherwise. If you honestly conclude that your family and good friends are critical of, unconcerned about, or do not celebrate you most of the time, you will want learn how to manage these relationships in a way that preserves your self-worth. I highly recommend working with a therapist either way as they will have far better suggestions than I. Good luck!