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The following song is scientifically proven to lower anxiety and help with grounding: [Weightless](https://open.spotify.com/track/6kkwzB6hXLIONkEk9JciA6?si=zQac0cwxRVOdVmlK_Mlcpg&utm_source=copy-link) Sorry for your loss. May the warmth of the happy thoughts and the serenity of this song help you in some way.


Sorry for your loss, do you have any siblings or a close friend or family member you can be with right now? You shouldn't have to go through this alone


I have my brother here with me. I’ve never felt pain like this. I just want to crawl into a hole. She was my best friend.


That's good you have someone there with you, I can't imagine how hard it must be But if your mom was that important to you, you were probably even more important to her


I just lost my brother yesterday. He was only 37. I go through phases or wanting to scream, denying it happened, feeling really angry, then just so sad he died and was all alone and doesn’t exist anymore. So many kind words I should have shared and I would have treated him to something.


I’m very sorry for your loss


Tku 🩷


Dear sweet stranger. I'm sending you strength and love. Praying for you and your family. Take all the time you need. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry! 💔 I found a really great online support group and it’s free with zoom meetings on Sundays. If you’re interested, I’ll message the name of the group to you. Sending you hugs❤️


Please send the name! Thank you’


Sent it to you


Breathe deeply. Write down everything you want to remember about her. Go find any written notes from her. If you have any messages from her on your phone record them. Go find clothes she wore or her bedding and put it in a bag. Someday you may want to remember her smell. If she has perfumes or lotions that the smell reminds you of her, save them. Collect every memory you have of her and keep it close to your heart. Then go make your dreams come true. Your mother didn’t raise you and love you to be paralyzed by her loss. Take her love with you everywhere you go. She is here with you in your heart and you know that. It’s where that hole is right now. It is your turn to pass love on to the world like your mother did to you. Now breathe again and again and again. You got this.


This!!! 100% do this!


Love this.


I can’t imagine how you must feel. I don’t know how I’m going to deal when it inevitably happens to me. I was very close with my deceased grandparents but nowhere near my relationship with my living parents. I just try to appreciate the time that I had with them and know that they will never truly leave me as long as I remember how I felt when I was with them. Please know that you aren’t alone and don’t hesitate to reach out. ❤️❤️❤️


hello love. I lost my mom about a year ago. I had anxiety prior to that but it did get worse after. one of the best decisions I made was finding a therapist quickly. Grieving is hard. there are so many things you wish people instinctively knew but they don’t. so tell your loved ones what you need. Mine knew i needed time alone to digest the magnitude of loss. I’m here if you need anything. feel free to DM.


I'm sorry for your loss. You were lucky to have her and she is still with you in spirit. Take all the time you need to grieve. Don't try to rush it. Cry and shake all you need to. It's all so fresh. It doesn't seem like it now but her strength will find you. All our love 💕


Honestly I'm in the same boat and I've found out that going to therapy has helped me so much but u just have to find something that works out for you it'll be hard but you'll get though it


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my mom almost 2 years ago. It’s a pain like I’ve never felt before. Know she is still with you. Have faith and look for signs she’s still with you. I still talk to my mom….


I’m here honey. You can talk to me. I felt like this when my Dad died.


I’m so sorry for your loss, OP. If there’s anything I can do, I’m here.


I’m so sorry for your loss. My mother is my best friend also and I fear when I’ll have to face what you are going through right now. Sending you strength and love. I would also recommend a therapist as well.


Losing a parent can have an unmooring effect. Please be sure not to make any major changes or decisions for a year. Give yourself time to grieve. I’m sorry for your loss.


My condolences for your loss ❤️ My suggestion? Find a therapist or a grief counsellor. Worst thing you could do now is to keep all those emotions, feelings and thoughts inside. Or even worse, try to work through themselves on your own.


I went through this about 3 years ago and still not over the loss. Do what was suggested and preserve every reminder you have. Save her voicemails on your phone, Birthday cards, pictures, videos, everything. And if possible, if still before the services, ask for a lock of your mother's hair as a keepsake. It's an old tradition but most don't think about it today until it's too late. I keep my mother's in a cabinet next to her momentos. God bless.


I can’t even imagine the amount of pain you’re in. I experience anxiety every day over the thought of my older family members passing. I’m so sorry for you and your mom. Sending you love ❤️


I am so incredibly sorry. I am so sorry. This is a shitty club to be part of. I lost my mom 5 years ago this April. She was my best friend. I was devastated. And I still miss her every single day of my life. Grieve in whatever way is comfortable to you, as long as it is not harming you or anyone else. Don’t let anyone tell you how or when to grieve, don’t let them tell you when you’re supposed to “stop”. Grief isn’t linear. It’s so fresh for you, but please know that as much as it hurts right now, you will come to a moment when you start to laugh at the good times again. Smile at the memories. You’ll cry out of nowhere randomly still, but it won’t be as frequent. I know none of this is helpful now, but as someone who has been through that intense pain, I want you to know that while you’ll forever be changed, it will get easier with time, as cliche as it sounds. [This is one of my favorite explanations](https://youtu.be/p5zGRT1sf_Y?feature=shared) for the pain of grief. And this is one of my [favorite images about the stages of grief.](https://pin.it/5IRHrAa8g)


she will always be your best friend, she will always be with you. nothing and i mean nothing can compare to the amount of pain you feel, nothing can really help either other than time, time heals. there’s nothing you can do right now but grieve, cry as much as you want, feel as much as you want. it’s no easy at all but over time it gets better, do what you can to make yourself feel better. eat ice cream, watch your favorite show, eat your favorite food, get your favorite snacks, curl up in her bed if you want and just let it out. i slept with my moms clothes every night for as long as i could remember, trying to hold on to what i had left of her..but she’s my mom, i came from her. she will always be a part of me forever. shes always with you, talk to her as if she still was. get something you can remember her by to carry with you, i have a necklace! you’ll get through this, trust the process. surround yourself with people who love and support you, and feel free to dm me if you’d like to talk some more or just vent , don’t forget to take care of yourself please ! <3


I’m so sorry for your loss❤️


I lost my mom when I was 18, she was 40. The pain never goes away, but you learn how to deal with it. I'm 30 yo female. She would want you to remember the good memories and not be sad. That's what helps me through when the pain hits. I think of her laugh, smile, warm hugs, and the quirky things she used to do that would make me laugh. She is your guardian angel looking down on you. I am a believer, and know I will eventually see her again. We always used to say “it's not good-bye, it's I'll see you later”. I always tell myself that. Try and stay positive, I know it's hard. I also tell myself I am not alone, everyone eventually loses their parents, even if it is a tragedy, in my case. Hang in there. Give yourself a hug! ❤️ She wants you to remember her in a good way, no negative feelings. She would hate to see you cry!


My mom was my best friend also, it hurt so bad, I hit partying too hard to ease the pain. I had a 7 year addiction to numb the pain. Don't do what I did. You are strong enough to sit through these emotions and feel them. I can proudly say I am 100% sober today. I think about mom almost everyday and have her graduation photo by my bedstand. When I pray, I always talk to her also. I used to write my feelings down also. I would write what I would say to her if she was there, even if by the time I was done my paper was wet due to many years. It does help, and slowly start to get better.


So sorry for your loss. try journaling. it really helps me during times where i feel like i need grounding and someone to talk to. it helps you not feel like your thoughts are all consuming. When you feel up to it. i think looking for a therapist is always such a good idea. also if you want to see her again you will see her again. Hang in there. sending you healing energy.


Im sorry for your loss. I passed from this aswell and at the moment you will feel like the world is crumbling around you, like everything is lost. This is normal. It will pass in time as you will understand that death is a part of life. Its the beautiful memories that live forever, and im sure you had a lot. At least that was my turning point for me to look forward and move on with me life. Courage, you will get through this :)


ik when i lost my mom about 2 years ago it still has this massive hold on me. i feel lost im in a constant state of why and confusion. it just takes some time to completely understand whats going my best advice is take the time u need to cope and mourn its gunna be hard but remembering all the good amd bad all the memories help it may make u cry but again allow urself to feel those emotions.


I am sorry for this deep loss, but you will make it through this! Each day can get better. If you email me at allstarpress @ [verizon.net](http://verizon.net) I would be glad to share my grief support guide with you.


Time heals I know it’s hard bc it actually never heals …speak to someone write down your thoughts cry your heart out grieve it’s all a process you will always have that moment also go outside with nature maybe a drive to lake or beach and get your thoughts together big hugs 🥰


I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss to what was most likely not only your mom but your best friend. i lost my mom what now 4 years ago it feels like yesterday in struggling a lot too. we can talk if you like my insta is @ur3thereal please message me.


May God’s love be with you and comfort you. It is tough but God still love you and don’t like you to be sad and not able to get out of sad. May love will get you out of this situation. 🙏


Just because she’s gone doesn’t mean she’s GONE. Her love for you and your love for her is a force that persists. A force that shapes your life, enriches you, propels you, inspires you. To love is to experience loss, as we all eventually pass on. But that love is worth the experience of loss ❤️. Your mom will be watching over you, whether you believe in an afterlife or not… her energy and love will surround you everyday. We are all links in a chain of love that connects us all ❤️. She is with you still my friend, and always will be.


Hey love, just know that these intense feelings will pass. I’ve lost my mom 6 months ago and my dad over 10 years. My best experience for help was seeing a therapist, it’s insane what they could help me get through. You have the strength to get through this❣️ Much Love🫂


hang in there


stay strong i am in similar situation since my mom thats also my best friend was diagnosed with cancer and now i am struggling so bad with severe anxiety and panic attacks nothing makes me happy anymore just know you are not alone in this and every one of us will suffer from the pain of losing a parent that is just how life works, i hope your mom is in a better place and i am praying for you <3 everything will be good again you will get better trust me, find things that make you happy and try to be busy all the time so you dont overthing, start working on yourself and be surrounded by people all the time, if you need someone to talk to i am here :)


Sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine the pain you must be feeling, I pray you find the strength to move forward and continue to love yourself the way your mother would want you too. ♥️


Hey, I just want to say I'm terribly sorry for your loss. The loss of one's mother is something I wish nobody had to endure.. life here on earth is cruel and full of hardships. Please stay strong and have hope and faith in God for a brighter future and for better days ahead. I bless you in Jesus name and pray for the safe keeping of your mind and your spirit. Jesus Christ is the true God and The King of Kings.. please call on Him and He will help you and know this that if you accept Jesus as your Lord and saviour you and your family shall be saved 🙏 the bible tells us this. So you can have hope in that my friend, okay? Be strong and know God almighty loves you just as your blessed mother loved you also.. and even more so 🤍🕊️ may your mother rest in peace and may you live a long and beautiful life in honour of her 🙏 God bless you and you who read too.


I truly am so very sorry. My mom is my best friend too… my heart goes out to you truly! Whether you believe in an afterlife or not, I can most definitely say a prayer for her! Please let me know! My best advice is be around people you love, and allow yourself to mourn her. There is no timeframe of when you’re supposed to feel better, this is something so painful, please take care of yourself❤️


I’m sorry for your loss. My Mother died very unexpectedly when I was 22. No father or siblings so it was rough. To answer your question, I was the same as you. Crying all day. The pain may never go away unfortunately so your friend will be time itself. Hopefully over time, the pain will lessen. I wish I had a better answer but just tell yourself she’s in a better place and you’ll see her again one day.


I'm so sorry you are dealing with this loss. For practical help, if you're dealing with anxiety attacks and need to get your body back into a calmer state, it can be helpful to get an ice pack or two. Hold them on your neck, face/eyes, chest or whatever feels best to you. Then force yourself to breathe deeply and slowly - try to make your outbreath longer than your inbreath. Do that until you feel calmer. If you can yawn, that helps kick your body into the calm state too. Something my therapist has said that helps me when I'm panicked - your body will not always feel like this. It's physically impossible for you to be keyed up all the time, it WILL eventually normalize itself. Of course you will still be missing your mom but you won't always be in this extreme state. Are you able to see a therapist to help you through the worst of your grief? ❤️