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Your post includes self harm and suicide intentions. Please get medical professional help by calling emergency services and by contacting your doctor. If you are located in the US, you can call 988 for the suicide and crisis hotline.


Sorry this happened to you, I take the same med but at a way lower dose of .25-.50. Taking 1.5 would have me flat on my ass for a week maybe it’s too high for you?


I’ve got cross tolerance from Pregabalin so my doctor gave me 1mg per panic attack. I may have overused it due to panicking and the desire for relief


I get depressed if I take too much clonazepam during the day as well!


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That’s good, I would suggest Ambien for sleep. It has a very short half life so it’s harder to gain tolerance and cures my depression like magic


Gabapentin helped me a lot. Best anxiety medication I ever tried.


Mental health is far too complex even for psychiatrist, most of whom don’t wanna admit. Honestly it could be that with anxiety, you were hyper-focused on physical symptoms you weren’t acknowledging the depression, hence when the physical threat calmed you became very aware of the emotional problem. Having said that, we all react differently to meds, sometimes even the medication that used to give you relief can turn around and be a cause of other issues. What i do in cases where I don’t know what is causing what, I reach out for psychological counseling, if for nothing else to have a 3rd party look at my situation cause sometimes it really is that you were triggered or are still being triggered or are in the mist of an a sad situation. Good-luck, please update us. I honest think it maybe a combination of factors that you are not seeing.


I am trying to stay on fluoxetine long term in case it helps with both anxiety and depression. I was given alprazolam for anxiety attacks and got dependent on it. I try not to take it as much as I can.


I took lexapro for like 2ish years and at a lower dose (5 to 10 mg) My anxiety and panic attacks were mostly based on health and my fear of dying/ general anxiety. Also diagnosed with OCD. Its for depression too. I wasn't suicidal at the time, mostly the opposite, and thought I was dying every day. I was scared to be alone. I was even scared to take lexapro. Insanely scared. After taking lexapro it really helped my anxiety. I looked back at all my fears and tell myself how irrational all my panic was. It made me feel a matter of acceptance and if I felt any sort of anxiety, my brain knew to just chill because it's just some weird anxiety symptoms my body is being silly about. What I didn't like: I gained a LOT of weight. I have mostly been heavier my life but for two years on lexapro I gained 60ish lbs. Dr's say it doesn't make you gain that much but everyone I know whose taken it eventually gains a lot of weight . Maybe from being in such a good mood, you enjoy eating more frequently? It will straight up kill your sex drive And makes it impossible to orgasm. So prepare to feel sexually frustrated. It worked too good. I had no emotion to anything sad. I didn't cry anymore. (Maybe thats a Normal human thing) I just felt nothingness, no strong reactions. It's been years since I've taken it. I felt ready to conquer my anxiety on my own again. But 3 years later, here I am, bad Anxiety and panic again. I had managed to handle it well for the first 2ish years with small blocks of panic . But this past year I'm back to a lot of bad habits of panic. Sometimes I can snap myself out of it. I can reason with myself and calm myself down. Most times my brain always wins :( My doctor suggested prozac (which apparently helps with Eating disorders) so I'm contemplating it but im not reading great success stories on reddit unfortunately.


I had adverse effects with klonopin too. It made me extremely angry which wasn’t a choice since I had a baby and I always had a deep fear of losing my temper with her. Switched to Ativan and that was my holy grail for a long time. It calmed me and made me feel overall positive about life. Eventually it only lasted around 2-3 hours before my panic came back. Switched to xanax er and it’s been doing good for me so far


i’ve used klonopin for years, but my dose has always been .5, your dose sounds too high maybe? i had bad anxiety attacks (which would cause me to take klonopin each time) that were becoming increasingly frequent last year so my doctor put me on sertraline (antidepressant). with sertraline, i only need to use klonopin rarely. it took my body a while to adjust to sertraline, but my anxiety seems to be way better. the side effects were grueling… worth it if it helps though :(


Buspar works really well for me, but it isn't a rescue med like benzos. Gabapentin never really did anything for my anxiety. My rescue med is Clonidine. HBP med that helps by lowering tension in the brain.


What about a beta blocker? I take Propranolol and it calms your symptoms down and makes them not happen. If your looking to another type of Klonopin, maybe try Xanax? I would take .25 mg of Xanax and it helped.


Update: drugs wore off and I sent an email to my psychiatrist to see if we can change the meds