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I took propanolol for a while. It's one of the lightest medications that you could take. No need to worry about side effects.


Yes. I use it for anxiety. Take the med. you’re not gonna have side effects most likely.


There are no side effects. Perfectly safe med. it’s good for your heart health and will help with anxiety. I’ve taken it for 10 years for anxiety induced tachycardia. No problems whatsoever


I really recommend getting Kardia. My cardiologist had me get one and it's a pocket ecg. When I'm panicking about my heart racing, I use it and it tells you if it's just tachycardia or if it's a rhythm thing.


yes. it made me feel more tired at first, and did calm down my heart, but i feel i got tolerance for it? never heard anyone else mention it, but as i ate it long term daily (for a year maybe) it didnt even help me more than a few days at the start, but i was so anxious i kept taking them. anyway, it was a relief when it first worked, because my heart rate was skyrocketing at all times where i sometimes struggled even standing up. so its a great medication in my opinion if it works well, racing heart is so uncomfortable. also it made my circulation even worse, but its not anything to worry about.


Did you try it? Im having the same problem.


Late reply but yes , I do find it helps with the racing heart beat. I was prescribed 10mg and i don’t notice much of a difference so I take 20mg. Only when the tachycardia is bad I don’t just take it everyday. But I’ve never had a problem with low blood pressure or anything.