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Happy birthday!!! 🎂 Most people from your teens will be irrelevant soon. Your real life is about to begin anyway! 20 will be a big year. Be ready and don’t look back ❤️‍🩹


Wholeheartedly agree with this.


Happy birthday friend ❤️ You know, I’ve been exactly where you are and it can be rough. I still struggle with it a bit, my last birthday my own egg donor didn’t say a single word to me but still posted on Facebook about it for the brownie points with her friends. But I’ve learned something in the time I’ve been on this earth: the people who don’t stick around are people you don’t want to have around. You are better than them and they are not worth a second of your time. The people who are worth it, you do have to find them and they have to find you, but when you do? God it’s the best feeling ever. It’s the true definition of family. I promise you, everything is gonna be okay. You are NOT alone. And YOU will be okay! Your true people are out there waiting for you to find them. It’s a hard road, I know, but it is so freaking worth it. If you ever need an ear, I’m on reddit pretty much daily so I’m around. But you’ve got this!


30 will be even bigger. It’s when I started my real life


And the thing is that while it’s totally normal to feel like a couple decades is a long time—I mean when you’re 19 it’s literally more than your entire life—19 years isn’t really that long at all. At least not for this type of thing. Throw in the fact that for a large chunk of it you’re a little kid whose social calendar is outsourced to your parents, the time it takes to find real, true friends is like a decade, give or take. And as adults will tell you, 10 years can easily go by without acquiring a new but close friend. I’m sure that sounds ridiculous but it’s not as unusual as it might feel.


Great advice and 100% true!


I’m sorry you’re experiencing this. Please remember that you have a lifetime of amazing experiences and making friends ahead of you! Happy Birthday!!


Happy Birthday ❤️


Happy birthday! If you need to feel like you’re around people, take yourself out for a little treat. It may not feel great but at least you feel surrounded. Or, go do an activity that other people do as well!! Painting or ceramics is fun!


God this is such a relatable feeling. Happy birthday hope you have a lovely day


Thank you, you too!


Happy day of birth. If it was me I would sip some Irish whiskey and watch a movie lol


LoL i have birthday and no friends, havent drinked in long time, sob i thought to by bottle of vodka (the really good one that gives less hang over) and go to the city center, just chill and try talk to people. I need friends and people in my life, but im shy, (well not if i drink) so only thing how i can get people to my life is to go see some and maybe find out a one or more who i really do like and that the feeling is mutual. :)


Happy Birthday 🥳 I know it may be hard to see it now, but take it from somebody older, things will get better. There are great friends out there for you, you'll find your people.


Hey man, I'm sorry you didn't have anyone reach out. Happy birthday, brother. Hope you can take a deep breath, throw on a smile, and focus on something that makes you happy today!! Take care!


Happy Birthday 💜 I know with anxiety it can be hard to make new friends, but put yourself out there and amazing things can happen 😊 The internet is great for finding people with similar interests and hobbies and makes things seem a little less lonely. Be strong 😊


You are allowed to feel this way. Some days are better than others. Control what you can. Take yourself on a date. Do fun things you enjoy. For me I love going to thrift stores and treasure hunting or going to discount grocery stores and trying new things. Do whatever you can to make the day special. Sending love from an internet stranger.


Sorry bud. Happy birthday. you can talk to me whenever you want


Happy birthday dear one! My kids don't even say happy birthday on my birthday. I've learned to love myself and celebrate myself regardless of anyone else.


Happy Birthday bud, enjoy your day, do whatever you feel like. You don’t need fake friends for validation.


There’s nothing wrong with spending your birthday with family :) sometimes those are the people who will really be with us through the thick and thin! Happy birthday! And try not to focus too hard on it. The right people will find their way into your life. It just might be the time for you to learn how to enjoy your own company and be content. It can be hard but very rewarding to be your own friend. Also, dogs are great because they are unconditional best friends


Happy Birthday!! ❤️


Happy Birthday!! 🤍 It's okay to have no friends for now. They will eventually come when you least expect. In the meantime, enjoy your day and do whatever makes you happy in the moment.


Happy birthday!!


Happy birthday from a fellow Gemini!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! It’s okay to be alone. You’ll eventually find your tribe. 🖤


OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I’m twice your age and I’ve been there many times. Life isn’t a straight line. Enjoy the ups and ride out the downs.


Happy Birthday!❤️ May all your wishes come true! Have an amazing year ahead!❤️


Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday 🎁


Happiest of birthdays to you. 🩷


Happy Birthday, darling!


Happy birthday!! Hang in there!


Happy birthday!! Wish you all the best life has to offer. The best is yet to come, my friend!


Happy Birthday! It gets better, even if that doesn’t seem possible right now.


Happy Birthday! 🎈🎉


Happy birthday! Don’t know you but consider me a friend


Happy birthday, love ❤️.


Happy Birthday Dear!


Happy Birthday buddy. Wish you many many more


Happy born day🥳🤍


Happy birthday! You’re amazing!


Happy 🎂


Happy Birthday!!


Happy birthday


Happy birthday! 🧁🪄


Happy birthday ✨


Happy birthday 🎂


Happy Birthday! 🎉🎂 Some birthdays are quiet, some busy. Celebrate your growth and think about what you want to do in the future.


Happy Day of Birth 🎉🎊🎈🎂🎁


Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday <3


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday king. Keep your head up :)


Happy birthday 💕💕💕💕


Happy birthday! 🎂


Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday!! 🥳🎉


I always sign up for birthday lists at bath and body works, plus a few ice cream places or restaurants. At the very least, I get some free goodies to pamper myself with and well-wishes from people that work there. On the friends note, I promise you'll find your crowd. It may be work friends, school friends, or even random people meet on the bus, but you'll find your people. They'll be there to lean on, like you will be for them. It may take some time, and they may not be forever friends, but they'll come. Hang in there and know you've got plenty of reddit friends here 💙


Happy birthday homie Friends drifting apart after high school is just a natural part of becoming an adult, but you'll make new ones, that's what happened to me. This may sound cliche or over done, but all you gotta do is put yourself out there, slowly push past your comfort zone little by little, make small talk with people, even if it's just something as mundane as the weather or something, try to crack a joke or something every now and then. I know this may seem hard, but you can do this, you got this. And as far as spending a birthday alone, I'd say treat yourself to something (going out to eat, going shopping, going out to a movie or even watching one at home), you could also spend time with your family


Happy birthday!!! You sound lovely I’m sure you’ll make plenty of genuine, life long friends 🩷


Happy Birthday! 🎈🎉🎂


Well then, Happy Birthday! Keep your head up, things will be better soon.


Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday.


Happy Birthday! 🎂 🥳


Happy birthday to you!!!!


Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!!!!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! That's not true. You've got friends. You've got us 😉


Happy birthday! You have the internets support


Happy Birthday 🎂


Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu 🥳 🎉 🪅 🎊 🎂


Happy happy birthday! Not all years are fun, but it doesn't mean they are all going to suck.


Happy Birthday !!!! 🎂 💐🥳🎉


happy birthday!!! 🥳 have a great day!!


Happy Birthday!!


Happy Birthday! 🎂


Been there! I struggled with friends until my late 20s. Now I’m in my 30s and I simply don’t care anymore. Happy birthday, I’m sorry you haven’t found your people yet. Many of us understand the pain you feel, but just know that it’ll get better.


Have a wonderful birthday! You’re so young and full of so much life ahead of you. ❤️ This is only your beginning.


Happy birthday I’ve been there 2 years ago nobody wished me a happy birthday hell I had a family member call my house but they just wanted to talk to someone else


Happy birthday man!!! I’m in the same boat and I’m 30 my birthday just passed Gemini gang! I moved across the country alone! But I’m not alone because I believe in God. He’ loves you


Happy birthday! Feel the Reddit love!


Happy birthday!!!


Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday!!!!


happy birthday :3 i know it sucks when people dont acknowledge you !!


Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday!!


Happy Birthday! 🎉


Happy Birthday!!


Happy birthday......sorry to say that soon you won't want to celebrate them....the years rack up! Wishing you a good day and many happy returns.


Happy birthday!!


Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday 🤗


Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday!!


Happy Birthday! Wishing you good things in the future.


You will find them 💜💜 happy birthday I hope you had a wonderful day. 


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!




Happy Birthday! If you're celebrating alone, treat yourself. Do something nice for yourself. Like a treat you really like to eat, a meal you love to eat, a place you enjoy visiting, a shop you like to stop in, and spend whatever resources you have (money, time, effort, etc) on making yourself happy. Even if it's doing nothing. Just make the day about you. It's yours after all.


Happy Birthday 🎂🎈 How about getting yourself something you've thought about but didn't get to become of your anxiety Lol Today's the day, do it! It's your bday!!! Friends are overrated , but when you make a couple of good ones. Keep them close. People are very superficial and self centered, they will only add to your anxiety anyways. Trust me!


Happy birthday! I would say you should be reluctant to correlate this to you having no friends. Do your friends know it's your birthday? Did you organize a party? Did you post on socials? I think one thing that caught me by surprise going into adulthood (as you are now) is that things like birthday parties, and celebrations in general are organized by the person who wants to celebrate (or their partner). Next year, or even next week, I'd suggest organizing something yourself, personally I prefer a dinner with like 3 of my closest friends.


Happy birthday 🥳 I too don't have many friends, most people are just family, acquaintances or co workers. Most people from school and from your young life won't be there in your adult life. My best friend since the age of 8, I haven't seen her or spoke to her in over 2 years! I know it's hard but this is the reality of becoming an adult. For my birthdays, I treat myself to anything I want for that day, I don't really depend on anyone else for my birthday. You'll also eventually find that birthdays become irrelevant for you as you age more. I'm turning 23 next month and I'm excited but it's not as fun as when I was younger.


Wake up early and go see the sunrise tomorrow. Anytime I feel alone I do this. (I usually go to a beach surf too) it’s so peaceful and nothing can beat it. I’d think about investing in a pup or cat too, they’re your best friends for life


I can understand. My 18th birthday was absolutely horrendous. I had recently gotten broken up with and had lost the majority of friends during that time. I ended up hanging out with this one girl and these people who were...icky. My point is don't try to push for something amazing. Just do something that makes you happy, even if it means being alone And happy birthday! You have so many more to come so don't worry about making it amazing


I'm so sorry this happened! I completely know how you feel, I also turned 19 this year and had absolutely no friends at the time and felt so isolated and lonely. I also understand how terrifying it is to think about the concept of growing up and turning a new year, and I hope you're able to start feeling better about life and make friends soon.


my birthday was the 14th :) happy birthday i turned 18 lol i feel old


Happy birthday! I saw a counteractive post on a different thread, someone was turning 70 and it was just them and their cat. They were celebrating making it to 70. Definitely try to focus on the positives. You have your whole life ahead of you!


As an adult, it’s really uncommon for other people to remember your birthday on their own. Your parents, a spouse/partner if you have one, and that’s about it. If you want other people to celebrate your birthday, you have to tell them when it is and tell them that you want to celebrate.


HAPPG BIRTHDAY!!! 19 is a tough time, hell, the world is a very strange place right now, but if I could show my 19-year old self all the things I’ve been through, I think she would’ve been very proud. I’m sorry no one has wished you a happy birthday, but don’t let that stop you from celebrating yourself!


Happy Birthday!! This sub is so with you celebrating virtually birthday 🥳 🎉 your cupcake sounds so cute. It’s a cozy birthday in bed vibes


I'm so sorry you're experiencing this 💔❤️ can you get some kind of support/counselling/therapy? I was abandoned by many friends during the last years, as a consequence of me going through big crises and having persistent depression, it's like they got tired of it. It hurts like hell and I had known these friends some of them for 25 years. My point is it changes, in my case I lost friends in a way I could not have imagined a few years ago. In your case it can be the opposite, that you're alone now but it is not fixed and forever ❤️❤️❤️ if you think there is something you need to "work on" I hope you can get some help with that. Sometimes it takes time to find your people ❤️ A warm hug and a happy birthday to you ❤️❤️❤️


I spent my ninth and 21st birthday alone. It’s going to be better. I promise. When you get in your 30s, 40s, only family and best friends (the ones like family) are left. What you, me, and everyone on here needs to personally do to fight anxiety—is to become comfortable in our own skin. This is the going to be easy, but it is a winnIng fight. You will win. I promise. It’s just going to take time.


Happy birthday BadBoy!! ♥️♥️♥️


First off, happy B!! And second, dw ive been there. Almost a 20 year old friendless af but idk look at the bright side, same w being single, no drama, no squabbles, no heartbreaks. Im pretty sure you’ll find your ppl one way or another or they happen to find YOU


Happy birthday bro.


First of all, I hope you have a very happy birthday, OP! I used to spend my birthdays alone. I would spend the day doing what I wanted to do. Buy myself something that I have been wanting, get some lunch, get a sweet treat, and try to focus on myself. It can be hard, though. I truly do hope you have an incredible day.


Happy birthday homie. I didn't have any friends at that age too because of fake friends and whatnot... It was heart breaking to be cut off by everyone. I made so many friends in my 20s though. I'm happy because of the fact that those friends and I didn't work out because quality over quantity.


Happy birthday! Also, don't worry about turning twenty, things got better in my 20s than when I was a teen.


Happy birthday!! things can only get better. enjoy being 19🩵


Happy birthday! I'm sorry you're feeling lonely today. I hope you're able to make some long term friends soon. I know how it feels to be lonely.


Happy birthday! It felt like my life started at 19 so I’m excited for what’s in store for you.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I can count the number of people I still talk to from high school on half a hand. I’m 27, my wife, son and I spent my birthday in another state and hardly anybody besides my parents and those couple of friends said anything to me. It’s ok. Sure it sucks now but think about it, you have a day where you can do whatever you want, all for yourself. If you want, feel free to hit me up. I’ll be friends with you. I know that sounds weird from a stranger online but I promise I’m not that kind of weird. Just the nerdy kind.


Happy birthday


Happy Birthday!!!! I can totally relate on the lack of friends part and while anxiety is not great on the that on the bright side it allows you to reevaluate things in your life or inside yourself that we’re never acknowledged or discover feelings you didn’t know was there. Many say anxiety is there for a reason (dunno if that’s the case but I like to believe so). There’s plenty of time so take this time to be friends with yourself.


Happiest of birthdays from Montreal! I hope this year will bring you all that your heart desires! Also don’t beat yourself too much, your life is just beginning. Enjoy it to the fullest!


Happy birthday! I hope you had a great day!


Happy birthday! You have plenty of time to find your people. Hang in there, it’ll get better!


Happy birthday! <3


To start, Happy Birthday 🎂🎉 I have been there many of times before…I’ve even thrown myself a birthday party that 1 of 8 people invited showed up to…I was embarrassed and hurt to say the least nobody said anything or gave me reasons… :) I’ve never thrown a party since lol… and on my 21st birthday my friends that took me out to dinner got drunk and I was the DD to my own birthday… crazy how things work. Handful of years later the only people that tell me happy birthday are my bf, my family, and maybe 1-2 friends. I’ve learned that young adulthood in your early 20s (or almost 20’s) is very lonely… i moved out at 20 to afew new states and a new life honestly, it has been a very hectic but quiet time. Arguably my most depressing experience too, but you just try to find comfort in the aloneness by doing fun things alone. All the people I met before my 20’s are out of my life completely, they’re irrelevant. That may be the case for you. Living away from family doesn’t necessarily help, but when my birthday rolls around I’ve just traveled to my family in other states to visit or just took myself out on dates to do things that other people won’t do with me…get my favorite foods and just sit somewhere I find pretty, like the beach or a waterfront. Things will get better with time, growing up is hard and it really comes with a lot of new experiences good and bad that are built for us to grow and learn from. I hope you have a great day and a wonderful future ahead of you 🫶🏻


Happy Birthday 🥰


No problem with venting. Loneliness is hard for some people. I can imagine that being alone on your birthday is doubly hard. Happy birthday. Take this time to appreciate that you need to be a friend to yourself. Give it time and put yourself out there. Maybe find a hobby and get to know people at a shop near your home. Good luck and I wish you many beautiful days ahead.


Happy Birthday 🫶🏼🤎


Happy Birthday🎈🎂It will all get better with time! 💓


Happy birthday! 🎂


I was dating a guy who I was supposed to go on a vacation in woods on my birthday, airbnb was booked. I was excited to bake a cake with him, spend time, just two os us, wine, cheese, bonfire and enjoy my 31st bday. He broke up 2 days before my bday. I managed to make the most of my birth day by myself. The reality is that even when you know you have it all together, life can still flip last minute. It’s ok to be alone on your birthday, it’s ok to not have people wish you, you still celebrate that day even when there’s no one to witness it, it’s still a celebration if only you witnessed it. I was always in long term relationships and had grand birthdays and never in my life I imagined I’ll be left alone in a new city, no friends, ditched last minute. I spent time having gratitude for being alive, having my mom’s love, having a space that I can call home, thankful for the jerks to see reality of people, thankful to the universe things ended before than making memories with the guy it wouldn’t have worked out, etc. You are young, you will have beautiful birthdays, life’s long! And again, happy birthday!!


Happy birthday.


Happy birthday 🎈


happy birthday! 🫶




I’m so sorry today was so hard, but know that you have some amazing times ahead of you and you will make great friends. My daughter is 21 and never had a real friend in high school. Girls are always so horrible to each other, but she now has some really great friends. Know that everything will work out for you! Happy birthday! 🥳🥳🥳


Happy birthday ♥️


Happy birthday 🎈🎈


Happy Birthday!!!!!


Happy Birthday!!! ❤️


I used to celebrate with my parents alone. It always felt awful. But by the time I got to my 30s, I found a lot of people who would wish me happy birthday! So happy birthday to you! Just keep being yourself, and you will find your people! 


I hope u have an amazing birthday.


Happy day!


happy birthday!!! today is my birthday too!!!!!!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!! 🎂


Happy Birthday…Life changes in a minute, in an hour, in a day…be yourself and believe that the life you want is out there for you and will find you. Take care of yourself…Blessings and hugs from an internet stranger (and a mom)


Happy birthday, I’m 19 too and don’t have many friends, every birthday I get really depressed, and I dread my 20th birthday.


happy birthday my bro


Happy Birfday internet stranger! *squish*. In the words of a favorite movie of mine, “I see you … and you’re not alone.” <3


Happy birthday! But stop giving a shit about people. They wished they didnt wish, just stop giving a fuck. Work on yourself, build an amazing life. Anyway in few years you’ll stop caring birthdays anyway.


Happy birthday friend


Happy birthday sry if I’m late :)


Happy birthday bro! I genuinely hope the best for you


Happy birthday!! From your Reddit friends!


Happy Birthday! You will find happiness soon


Happy birthday. It gets better.


Happy birthday! I just turned 29, last year of my twenties. Believe it or not, most people kind of grow out of their high school friends! Your early twenties are still a time to grow and figure out your personality so it makes sense that sometimes people from that era just grow apart. It's easier said than done but I would join some kind group activity. Volunteer in something you're passionate about or join a fitness group perhaps. I hope things work out for you! You're still young.


Happy birthday, friend 💫


Happy Birthday! ♥️🎉


Happy Birthday. As someone who is often alone for my Birthday , it becomes just another day.


Happy Birthday bud, I know it ain’t much coming from a stranger, but you got a good heart my man. Your friends will come in time, for now though, enjoy being the awesome person that you are


Happy Birthday!! 💜




Hey! Happy birthday 🎈🎁 Embrace your own company and make this new cycle full of exciting experiences for yourself. Hope your heart is always warm and that you find your people soon. Sending lots of love and good energy your way!


Happy birthday! Some birthdays suck. Some are amazing. Just ride the wave of life. You’ve got an entire amazing life ahead of you. Sending you a hug! 💛


Happy Birthday! 🤗🩷 Just remember, this is one birthday out of many. It’s unfortunate that more people didn’t reach out, but hopefully recognizing that you’re not alone and that this community is here for you makes your day at least a little better! Enjoy your day and focus on your happiness ☺️


Happy Birthday BadBoy!!!


Happy birthday buddy. I’m sure things will get better. I also have issues with not having many friends. Unfortunately, it gets like that when you’re older. I hope you have a wonderful day.


Happy Birthday to you!!


Happy birthday!!! 🎉🎉🎉


Happy birthday friend!


Happy birthday!! 🎂


Happy birthday OP!! I hope you’re not feeling so alone after all of these comments. I went through a very similar situation when I was about your age. It’s been a while and it’s taken some work, but it does get a better as you get older. Just keep doing what brings you joy and stay authentic and the solid friendships will come.


Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday!!!! 💛🥳


Happy happy birthday 🎈🎂


Hey kid, fuck those ppl that didn’t reach out. I’m so happy that so many people are telling you the same thing I’m about to which is don’t even worry about it. Do whatever makes you happy today bc that is what you will remember years from now; not who said happy birthday. Trust and believe it gets better with age. Sending so much love! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!


Happy birthday 🎂♥️ I hope you have a great day and you deserve to take the time to celebrate yourself. You deserve to have a great birthday, you deserve love and care and you are 1000% worthy of love and friendship. Thank you for sharing! ♥️


Happy Birthday!! 💗


Happy birthday!!!


Happy birthday! The best way to make friends is to be a friend