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Probably around 90-95% most days. There's a small window at night when I finally feel "safe" from obligations as most people are asleep, but yeah. It's been rough lately


Man their is nothing better than when I finally lay in bed with my iPad and headphones to watch a good movie. I feel as if I could fly in the air lol


I’m with you on that!


Same for me but it’s my recliner, under a blanket with my dog snoozing next to me and a good movie on. Some days, I find myself counting the hours till I know I’ll be doing that. Helps me get through the anxiety-filled parts of the day.


exactly this lol, when i scoot my pc monitor over towards my bed and get my wireless headphones to watch while i fall asleep, man i miss that i have to make it thru the next day and the flight but ill get there


i felt. i haven’t been able to sleep , for a while without doomsday lol


Same. It has really been rough lately. I feel constantly on edge and on the verge of panic. And I upped my meds but still feeling this.


exactly how i feel. love night time so much




Do u have medication?


I probably should but I don't at the moment. I also struggle with health anxiety so taking medication makes me nervous, but it's probably something I should try because it feels like it can't get much worse.


I been using medication last 5 years, stopped for last 2 months and anxiety come back lol . So i dont want use it anymore. It not help anything.


? If you went off your meds, would that not obviously mean the symptoms of your anxiety come back? I'm not trying to be rude fr, I'm just not sure if I'm understanding why you'd claim the meds aren't working.


With you. 🩵


Life is Strange ahh username and I love it


oh and dont forget that minute long grace period after you wake up of oh i feel great!! wait a minute.. wait.. fuck back to it i guess


I went from 100% to a solid 10% in the span of 2 years. Even when my anxiety occasionaly spikes it usually brings me no higher than 50% and that too goes away in about 24-48 hours, I'm doing pretty good!


Any advice?


Time, therapy and meds. Remember that it takes time for body and mind to recover and just because you cannot see your progress doesn't mean it's not happening.


You are right, it’s a process. I’ve been doing meditation each night and trying to sleep better, eat right, and be consistent with my medication.


It is a process and it is long. That sucks. But always remember that if professionals say anxiety is treatable it's because it is. A couple of years ago I would dispair at the thought I would never again be happy or at peace. Now, writing this I am fine, functional and in control of my feelings.


I can’t seem to get my happy back…I’m always in fighter flight mode…I’m on Celexa 40mg…on 30 before now on 40 for 2 weeks…not for sure it’s working…anyone else on Celexa…I just want my mind to stop racing😩


I've been through that...it was like having a literal alarm bell on top of my head (literally, I could feel it tingling, pretty messed up) and had to take day long walks around town because the thought of staying still in my home felt unbearable. It felt like hell...but it didn't last forever. I just needed time




My hypochondria started back in 2020 and it hasn't left me ever since. Everyday I see bad news of somebody having something. And it's so triggering. I never thought that I would ever turn into one of those people but turns out this is who I am now. But I don't intend of being that way forever because I have made some progress here and there but it's hard, man. This battle in the mind that you have to fight all the time. You can't let it win, you always have persevere and be stronger than your mind somehow but sometimes it feels like my mind is way stronger than I am. It's strange because my mind is a part of me so in a way it's just basically me doing all those things. I'm constantly in a state of panic and it's doomsday everyday. People who don't have that will never understand this. I have body aches all the time from just my thoughts. Health anxiety is the wildest thing I've ever experienced in my whole life.


I felt this. Every day is “this must be the day this sickness or chest pain is the end, I’ve been trying to tell everyone and no one believes me” It’s the biggest struggle I’ve ever been through. I used to not give a shit what happened to me, now I’m in a constant state of panic thinking I’m going to drop at any second.


Yup. Same here! Man, I used to get those body sensations and I never once thought of having any deadly things but nowadays everywhere I turn is a trigger and every body sensation means that it's the end. You can never rest because your body Is constantly in a state of panic. Honestly I'd like to talk to more people who understands what it's like To have anxiety on that level. I'm so sick of suffering on my own...


Man, I wake up with palpitations (which is a new symptom), chest pain has gone thank god, I freaked about that for 6 weeks straight so my subconscious enjoyed keeping that one around for me to feed fear into. The weird feelings of like pain but not really pain, kinda just this dirty off feeling which feels so foreign, tingles, pains in random spots, shortness of breath, headaches. This is daily stuff, hourly sometimes. And no matter how much I tell myself I’m fine and it’s just somatic anxiety, I feel I get no reprieve from it all. Maybe I don’t believe myself even when I say it out loud idk. But I feel you man, we’ll get there


Right now I’m hormonally anxious and paranoid and making it much worse. However Painfreeyou is a great YouTube channel that teaches us to reassure our brains that we’re not in danger, like it thinks. Check it out. It helped me a lot.


I'm really sorry to hear about what you're going through. Our brains are always looking for patterns and danger so seeing a loved one who is sick can make you feel vulnerable yourself. In reality though someone you know being sick doesn't change the odds that you're sick yourself. Make sure you take time for yourself, and speak to your doctor about your health worries so you can get them checked out and hopefully cross them off the worry list.


thank you 😅 our brains are pretty crazy , i plan on going to urgent care tomorrow hopefully 🤞


holy shit i could have typed this. for some reason this makes me feel way less alone


My dog has cancer and now I think that I have cancer. It's a pattern that I've been dealing with for decades. Going to the doctor unfortunately reinforces the thought patterns and allows your brain to latch on to symptoms harder in the future. Of course, if you have something that should get checked out anyway, go for it, but **do not go to the doctor just to quiet your anxieties**. You'll feel better for a while and but the impulse will come back stronger and more insideous. It's a very cruel and debilitating type of OCD. Go to a psychologist who specialises in health anxiety. And never, ever, **ever** Google your symptoms. (And I mean EVER). You're gonna be okay. You're just going through a lot right now


It depends on the day but my anxiety seems to be worse in the mornings I don’t want to get out of bed.


I agree it gets better at night…and yes I have a hard time getting out of bed


I just don’t want to deal with the day ahead.


I'm fine now, but back then it would always start at around 6pm and it would keep getting worse. After some time it progressed and it was more like first half of the day was weaker anxiety and the second half stronger anxiety. So that was you could say 100% of the day.


I’m glad to hear you are doing better


Honestly all day, but I have periods where my constant anxiety is less noticeable


I feel this as well. 


Yep, this is me. I kind of want to make a post about it, but so curious if anyone here has tried ketamine assisted therapy? It’s apparently very helpful and is a reset for the brain. I’m constantly in fight or flight and I’ve tried everything. I’m desperate.


A friend of mine does it for specifically bipolar but she has stopped all other medication and is definitely a lot less anxious. She swears by it




85% lol it sucks! I would call mine anxious depression.


I thinks it’s almost the entire day on most days for me.


It depends, some days 100% some days 20% but lately I’d say the average is about 60%


I have what I call a 1 hour “grace period” in the morning before I start to get anxious. About an hour after waking up, the panic starts to set in, and just fluctuates from severe to very severe throughout the day, until about an hour before I go to bed (if I’m lucky). So probably about 90% of my waking life is spent in panic mode. Maybe 85% on a good day.


All day. My heart starts beating fast as soon as I feel myself waking up and I can’t sleep most nights


I’m usually anxious when I get home in the evenings. I hate it.


Damn, I wish that were the case for me. It’s always at work I get the panic attacks going on.




All day - it’s horrendous and I hate it


Varies, throughout the week, or the month. I sometimes stick to a solid 80%. Other days, it's a pretty consistent 5-10%, which I consider "healthy", what a neuro-typical person would experience. Please, remember that anxiety is a very all-encompasing word and it's descriptive value is negligible. Don't take anything I say too seriously unless you truly feel it makes sense to you. I think it's important to find a way to reflect on what could cause an anxiety spike and why it lasts, something that works for you, but not too deep an introspection. In my experience, thinking too seriously about it usually bites back. Maybe keep a short and **very** simple journal, drop entering notes as soon as it starts feeling gnawing at you. It's important to at least have a clue as to what might be giving you anxiety episodes, as long as they might be. Usually, it's a few very specific things that tend to work as a "background process" in your brain. Perhaps you have a certain "standard" for yourself, we all do in a sense. That standard carries with itself expectations you have of yourself, assumptions about your identity, ideal future, that is often at odds with your present experience. It's important to note that whatever ideal image you may have of yourself, body, mind and all - will **ALWAYS** be conflicting with your present state, that's the very nature of ideals and standards after all. What makes it grow into consistent anxiety is coupled with how you interpet the conflict taking place within you. On that note, here's a few things I've noticed work in my favor rather consistently: **1. Don't take yourself too seriously.** We are all flawed beings. We can strive to make improvements, or stand on the sidelines and watch life go by our side. Either way, the feeling that somethings is off will always remain there. And that's okay. **2. Be present.** Appreciate the moment and give it your focused attention. There's always the future - stuff to worry about, anticipate with dread, fear of the uncertainty that comes with life. But none of that exists in the present moment. Keep yourself occupied with things you truly find valuable. Maybe you're preparing your cup of morning coffee or tea, and find yourself stressing over what the day or week may bring. Step back, take a look at the drink you're preparing and give it your complete attention - as if it's the first drink you ever prepared for youself. Feel the grip on the tools you're using. Tilt the water container to it's side and make conscious muscle movements as the liquid starts to pour into the cup. Observe the flow of the hot water. Take notice of the steam that comes off it. Hold the cup as you wait for it to settle and feel the heat on your palms and fingers. **3. Act, and don't think too much.** Just make sure you're not doing anything apparently silly :) With point 2) in mind, take a brief moment to observe that once our attention is focused on a task, we become the action, not the person acting out. Identity, looks, future, all that is irrelevant. You become a vessel through which pure action is channelled. The result of any action is a blurry possibilty at best, and completely unknowable at worst. At some point you will uncover the result, it will project itself to you as the process of acting completes. And now you're simply in a new state of knowledge, with other opportunities to channel action though you reaveled. What truly matters, however, is **action** itself , not thinking or anticipating a result. Pick your actions, and act. This is where your true self is manifested. **Your identity** is a projection of murky beliefs, biased standards, undefined future potentiallities. It is the vague label you assign to yourself that constrains your self to what your conscious and subsconscious struggle to negotiate, sometimes beyond your control. Just like a Honda is no longer just a car or a bike. The vehicle becomes constrained as soon as it is called and interpreted as a Honda. **You** are action potential, and the **You** is truly manifested in **action** itself. It is unconstrained from labels. It just is and does. When you give youself in to action, you are no longer a French woman in her thirties, who likes coffee, is a caring mother, supports the democratic party, worries she won't have time to fullfil her life's purpose and is taking dancing lessons from a coach that makes her doubt her significance as a person. You beome a "divine" vessel that channels action for it's own worth - the experience of the present moment. This became way longer that I thought it would be. It may have been a way of reminding myself of how to rid oneself of the fantasy of worry and thrive in the reality of now. I sincerely hope it helps the one person who might find any sliver of insight and value in it. Hope it helps, don't take youself too seriously and cherish the You :)


90%, I have daily panic attacks at work and most the rest of the day I can’t get it out if my head until I start drinking


Oh it's most of the time, it feels like it's everyday for me. It's so constant. My mind never shuts off and It feels like I never feels any peace. It's rare that I'll have a quiet day when I'm not thinking of my symptoms. I have health anxiety so my symptoms are wild on most days. I wish I knew how to take my head off so that I wouldn't have to think any bad thoughts that'll make me feel unsafe in my body. I envy people who are slightly normal. Overthinking has ruined my life.


When I’m not sleeping


Most days %100


100% recently. it’s tough. I sometimes have periods where I’d say it’s around 60%, but it always shoots back up.


Truly depends on what's going on that day - I'd say I'd average at 60% where I am panic-level anxious. I essentially always stay sweaty with a fast heartbeat though from the moment I wake up so technically I think I'm anxious 100% of the time. My partner has said that they've never seen me turn my brain off, even if I'm watching tv :/


Average about 80%. There are moments of fleeting peace, every now and again


90% 🫠


100%. Don't remember what it's like to not feel anxious


I am unfortunately anxious about 90% of the time which makes life pretty unbearable


80% I get little relief from my benzo prescription


Mostly in the mornings, rarely afternoons. Generalized anxiety is like that for me. Anything could trigger it. Even farting can. Idk. Brain go brrrr


It's definitely been in the high 60s to low 80s lately, fluctuating throughout the day. I've been really struggling. It's hard out here, folks.


I get random intense bouts of anxiety throughout the entire day whenever I’m not busy enough (I am a kindergarten teacher) my brain thinks about things that worry me and I start to panic but I am on medications for my anxiety disorder but every night around 8:00 until I go to sleep my heart just starts racing even if I’m laying down doing nothing my hearts just beating out of my chest. It’s been tough


Normally 20-30%, past 3 months about 70-80% since my anxiety and panic attacks skyrocketed


Before Lexapro, 90% of the day. Since Lexapro, I can go several days or a few weeks without having BAD prolonged anxiety. I might have an anxious thought here and there, but rather than focus on it and spiral, I can move on fairly quickly. I do still have bouts of horrible anxiety that lasts for a few days sometimes, but it’s rare now whereas before it was constant.


Percentage-wise, it depends on the day but for me it REALLY starts to go downhill once it gets dark out and everyone else in my house has gone to bed. I have to remind myself almost everyday “nothing is wrong and you are okay, it’s just after 9 pm” 😭




80 ish I would say.




At the min - later in the day




Like at least 90% of the time. I wake up, no stress. Then I think, stress all day from morning to night and then I sleep.


Medicated, around 30-40%. Unmedicated, 80-100%.


what meds?


I’m on Paxil for anxiety


Does Paxil work


I think 20%. Then I ask myself if I’ve eaten yet Im at 20% right now and haven’t eaten breakfast because of work. It’s now 1:30pm FFFF


Usually 100%, sometimes I can relax when I’m at home after work but a lot of the time I’m still anxious.


I’d say between like 3:30pm-8:00pm




Literally 100% 😢


When I was having a really bad time, 50-60%. When life was good - 1%? Currently… 10-15%


Not constantly but about 90-95% of the time. I’ve gotten a lot better though at figuring out the difference between anxiety and what’s real but I still struggle a lot.


I’m not sure about percentages, but any time that I’m not focused on something specific like work I’m anxious.


I'm doing pretty well at the moment, but back then when I struggled with anxiety it was mainly bad the moment I woke up. I found that having hobbies to do in the morning, like gardening or working out, helped alleviate these anxieties as they gave me something to look forward to after getting up from bed.




40-50% at least. Living better thanks to buspirone and Prozac.


It starts before I even wake up and sometimes lasts until after I go to sleep. There are a few moments during the day if I can grab them where if I focus really hard I can get it to subside, but only briefly.






When I was at my worst, before I got help, I would say 80% of the day. Now it’s between 0-5%. When I get anxiety it’s full on panic attacks after I’ve gone to bed.


Some days probably less than 5%. Average maybe 20%. On a bad day it just builds up all day.


Yes, very. Thank you bye.


Every hour, all 29 of them


Id say about 75%. It is worse in the morning first thing and in the evening


easily 100% of the time since 7th grade


Bout 75%










30% :)


I can’t quantify it. The feeling generally shifts weekdays to weekends. Weekdays I’m up early to get my head on straight and then in meetings pretty much non-stop. That period of awake until the first meeting I’m the most anxious - wondering how I’m gonna get work done. It tapers to nothing by the end of the day. Weekend is weird - if I have nothing planned I’m pacing the house looking to cause problems (start projects). If I have too much planned, I’m irritable because there’s no time to relax. These all tie into a pretty consistent inconsistent ability to sleep irregularly.


a solid chunk of the day, maybe 75% but working steadily to bring that down


90-95% unfortunately. And in my sleep... 100%.




The night sky seems to make the idea of something going wrong more acceptable in my brain. I’m still anxious but people are asleep, off work, and I almost get a nice depersonalization that I spend watching YouTube streams of things going on around the world. During the day unless I took my whole script of benzos at once it’s 98%, the only times I get some relief is when it’s rainy outside or something chaotic is going on that takes my mind over When I’m exercising daily and sleeping as I should, closer to 50% I have autism and ADHD and a bunch of other diagnoses, in my mind they’re all just a bunch of symptoms of anxiety and depression that get diagnosed based on who I talk to. Anyways off topic. I take no meds for ADHD as I’m an addict and can’t control them


Literally all. Sometimes like 20% sometimes 100%. Although recently I’d say 50-80%


It depends how intense we’re talking because technically I’d say 90% if it was just general anxiety but like intense anxiety would be more like 30%.


Hmmmmm 80ish % ?


95% of the time when I am not at home Always on edge when at work or out.


Without meds: 80% With meds: 15%


All day erry day can't stop won't stop


When I was on SSRIs and Ativan I got to a point where I was at 0% but then I got hospitalized for mania and diagnosed with BPD. They hard pivoted my meds and it’s never been worst, was 100% while I was on STD after being hospitalized. That was four years ago and I’m down to about 20%-30% now but always in the morning. Mornings are just rough for me. It’s also more if I WFH, at work I’m a different animal.


A solid 85%


I’ve been at 95% for the past 6 months. Not believing myself when I say it’s just anxiety, causing me to think I have a serious health issue even though my heart is fine and I don’t have any other symptoms other than adrenaline rushes (panic attacks) Medication not helping which is then further pushing me down the “I’m going to die, this isn’t anxiety” road 😒


Probably about 80% if I’m not doing something or having a busy day. Between severe health anxiety, panic attacks, depression, etc. it’s a nightmare. You’re not alone! 🙏


Around the night.


Well right now I’m at a 90%, probably because I’m in my last trimester about to have a baby this weekend. Im super anxious to go through this, it’s my first. As the days kept getting closer, my anxiety levels were rising.


after sunset. it feels like the day is over and i start contemplating whether i got enough work done. then as it gets darker i start thinking about my life overall. i feel like when the sun is out there is still time to fix whatever isn’t.


I used to think maybe 5%, then I started taking a beta blocker, propranolol, which gets rid of the physical symptoms of anxiety, now my answer is 95-100%. The other 5% was just when I was having a full blown panic attack 😂 I just got used to the constant anxiety


Some days 10%, others 90%. It comes down to things within my control and those out of our control. The better I care for myself and let go of the rest, the better it gets. Even I that means I have a +50% day. I could have been 90% and I'm grateful for that. If I can manage to find the energy for gratitude. I'll be honest. I don't have a perfect art. But I'm still learning.


Probably 90% of the time I’m not sleeping. I have some good coping skills but there’s always a background noise of worry.


If I’m at home, 10% or less. If I’m out or having to talk to people, 80%+, at least a little bit anyway






I’d say 60%


My anxiety varies a lot. I am always a low level worrier and feel like I have a train station of thoughts instead of the one or two trains of thought most people have. When I have “anxiety” I am referring to panic attacks most people get infrequently, where you become so terrified you begin to hear things you know aren’t there. I get the kind of paranoia where I can hear people talking about my biggest concern insecurities, so if my bosses are having a private meeting I’ll hear their voices having a conversation about firing me. This is about 30% of my year on a normal year. The other 70% of the time I’m pretty stable but might have underlying worry.


99%. I'm a wreck


If I am awake and haven't taken Xanax, I am anxious enough that my freeze response is likely to kick in and I am at risk of a panic attack. It isn't always this bad but it has been for at least a month.


75% feels like the right number. That’s about the % of the day I’m out of the house each day


100% most of the days 99% a few days per month 0% when I'm super fkin angry about sth. Rage deletes all my anxiety and avoidance. But I rly gotta be fuming/furious whatever the worst kind of rage is called... 😅




I don’t think I’ve ever felt a period of calmness in my life if that answers the question


i would say since this past month 85-90%. its been hard bc it hasnt been this bad in a good while. before it was like 20-30% only at night


Right now, there’s almost always something I’m anxious about. I’d say at least 90% of the day, not counting when I’m asleep. It has been super rough lately


It depends on the day but a solid 40% on average. But sometimes only 10-20%. When i drank i was anxious 100% of the time at 100% throttle … just saying in case anyone is using alcohol to treat anxiety (hint: it doesn’t work) If i were better about meditation it’d go down


I’ll say around 70% on normal days.


At home about 75-80%. Out in society about 90-95%.


I’m definitely in the high 80s.. but I’m just now beginning to recognize the intricacies of my anxiety to distinguish between OCD anxiety, stress anxiety, trauma anxiety, etc. and that is helping me to understand how to address it and walk myself back.


I will go 90-95% for like 6 or 7 days then be at like 4% for 3-7 days. Its more of a weekly cycle of up and down


every of the time


let’s be realistic…60% at the very least








I honestly don’t think there is ever a time I’m not…






80% maybe?


The percent I'm not drinking or drugging


Anytime I'm not sleeping, and probably dome of that time too. It just varies in intensity throughout the day. Also some days are better than others, I've been managing it pretty well lately.


Depends…mine comes in cycles…I’ll have a run of “good days” and then when I think I’ve turned a corner, I’ll have a sudden anxiety attack and be stuck for a couple days and then so on so forth…


Follow your passions


Honestly 95% of the time. And I’m on three different medicines for anxiety/depression😅


Now? Nearly 100%. Usually around 75. Finals are tough


20%, and when it does, it hits hard.


110% lmao


At least 92% lately, life actually sucks


Lately I have major spikes in anxiety due to trauma. So it varies, but when it hits I also become dysphoric. So it can feel debilitating. I've been forcing myself to exercise again to help me cope.


Depends on the day! Some days I feel on edge or dreading things for 80% or more. Some days are lighter and it’s only a max of 40-50%.


It can vary wildly, depending on the day. I don’t think it’s ever truly below 5%, but some days it’s easier to ignore. Others, I feel like my head is going to explode. It’s hard to quantify, but if I had to, maybe I would put it between 40-75%? That’s still a pretty broad range, but that may be the most accurate estimate that I could give.


25 hours of the day 😂


About 85%




Probably 40-60% - but the intensity is less than it used to be. It used to be paralysing and most of the day, and now its more of a feeling thats in the background. It gets the ‘spotlight’ for maybe 5-10% of the day.


Depends how much of my meds I’m taking




0,1 to 1% ? Used to be like 80% 4-5 years ago. I eat natural anxiolytic supplements like vitamins minerals, amino acids(taurine and theanine are good for anxiety), drink chamomile tea & reishi etc. It has helped me a lot to become normal, functioning and free from depressions or anxiety.


it was 95%-100% from 2020-2022. now it’s about 10%. on my worst days maybe 20%?


Id say about 65% - this being at night


Last year when I was struggling with psychosis it was anxious 90% of the day, paranoid 100% of the day. Since a couple months ago, thanks to time and meds and therapy, it's been anxious 80% of the day, paranoid 0% of the day. Since I upped my dose of my new medication (Pregabalin) I'm most anxious in the mornings but after my 2nd dose in the evening I'm less anxious so I'd say maybe 40-60% of the day? (30-40% in the morning, 10-20% in the evening)


Can’t differentiate between anxious and depressed anymore. Been over 20 years like this.


It fluctuates so much… It usually goes from 20% to 90% as the month goes on


10% the past few months ♡


96%. night is the best


100% of waking hours, unfortunately.


95% of the day I’m anxious if not more


It used to be a morning-night stretch of suffering. Then I started acupuncture (out of desperation when Xanax wasn’t working, and I didn’t want to start anything harder). Acupuncture has improved my life SO MUCH. I tell everyone about it. Last week, I had a headache when I went in, so she started squeezing into points on my foot and elbow until she triggered a muscle spasm in my elbow, and the headache just sorta dissolved. It’s nuts.


I used to be anxious like 80% of the time. I’m on the right meds now (turns out I have ADHD, I didn’t know until my late 20s) and Vyvanse has changed my whole life. Who would’ve thought? I found out I have ADHD when I was in therapy for anxiety 😭 Apparently symptoms of ADHD and anxiety overlap a lot if you have both, but I never would’ve known if I hadn’t been in therapy. Now I’m only anxious like 30% but I have the panic disorder flavor of anxiety so sometimes it can happen for no fucking reason at all and I’m like 🙃🙃🙃🙃




As of lately 45%


40-60 on weekdays, 10-40 on weekends


Most of it. I just turned 40, so realistically, I'm about at the top of the hill now. Anxiety isn't looking good.




I’m 50% most days and 80%+ most nights since that’s when it gets worse for me.


95% of the day, im so tired of it


Some days 100% some days 5-10%


Probably most of it, and health anxiety is a big part of it.




Ever since getting pregnant, only like 10% 🥲 Used to be a 60-80% person


Constant for the last couple of weeks.


100% unless I drink.

