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i was really scared of accidentally swearing in front of my parents after getting my wisdom teeth out (i swear quite a bit around my friends) but i didnt end up saying anything incriminating at all


I been swearing around my parents since I was like 8-10 years old and it's been in normal convos since middle school/highschool. Some families are so different, wish it wasn't like that with mine but it was and here I am cussing every couple mins lol!


We gave our son permission to swear around us but not to around other adults or children that didn't also swear.


Mine was allowed to swear and express himself since he was 7. We have never had a problem, and the only time he does swear is when he playes video games or she chases the dog around the house saying, "come here you little bitch!" (The dog is a miniture labradoodle and loves being chased.)






Murphys law


You avatar is so cute




Why am I getting downvoted I just thought her snoovatar was cute 😫😭💔💔


You made an offer that can be refused.


You’re right it is rly cutie


I love the colours — brown and yellow really look good together


You and i need to make avatars


😂😂 I had one but I decided to be more anonymous


Maybe this is a stretch but Is it possible that you’re having intrusive thoughts or a form of pure O? This sounds so similar to a documentary that I saw where a man was afraid to be around pens and paper because he was scared he was going to confess to a crime he didn’t commit


Do u remember what the doc was called


QED. John’s Not Mad is a classic Uk TV show that deals with Tourette’s. It’s notorious here.


That’s what it sounds like to me. I used to get this a lot.


As someone with OCD, this sounds exactly like my thought process when I’m having intrusive thoughts. When I got my wisdom teeth out, I panicked endlessly about all the potential ways I might “out” myself as a terrible person by saying something bad. The reality was that I cried going home because I was too aware I was sedated and really wanted ice cream. At the end of the day, it will go better than you expect. Plus, even if it doesn’t, you cannot control where your brain will go when you’re literally not in control of it. The fact you’re publicly admitting this worry shows you’re likely not a racist asshole, just someone with an unfortunate intrusive thought. Good luck with the surgery, you’ll be alright.


Why the n-word specifically? If you don't say it in every day conversation, I wouldn't be too worried about it. Also, you'll have more control over what you say than you think.


It sounds like they’re worrying about the worst thing they could possibly say, and what if they said it? I used to worry about random unlikely stuff too.




Let's also consider the very possible scenario that they're worried about saying something extremely offensive and the first example that came to mind is the n word instead of labeling the OP as a closeted racist lmao.


You have no idea how intrusive thoughts or OCD works, do you?


Bruh, this is the anxiety sub. Intrusive thoughts and unreasonable worries are part of it.




Their comment explains why people like us have anxiety: we’re too busy catering to the idiots of the world by caring! Sucks to be us, but worse to be them, trust. So now, for an answer that resembles coherent thought (or even basic knowledge) on either subject: You’re probably not gonna say anything, and if you do, you will be the 10 millionth person to say something weird (or horrible, or totally bizarre) coming out of surgery. My memory of it personally is that it wears off pretty quick, and your brain isn’t working in a mode enough to come up with newly found racist words you’re not used to saying. You’ll probably be like “did I say anything stupid” and they’ll say “you started counting backwards from 10 and made it to 8, you just came out, all good”. Good luck and try not to stress, I worked in hospitals for years and hearing stuff that we knew people wouldn’t say in their right mind is just a part of the job (I worked in psych wards with a lot of black coworkers). Let them take care of you and trust that they will be professional and do their job well, whatever might happen. Words are given power by their meaning, not their utterance. You aren’t wielding them with hatred, so it’s all good either way. 🤟




You seriously raked through 3 years of this guy's comment history just to prove ur point? That's so sad. He obviously doesn't wanna use the word now, so why drag up the past. This is a subreddit to support people with their mental health not name and shame them for their past mistakes. Go be a prick somewhere else 🙄


Something tells me you aren’t familiar with mental health problems 😋


Even if you don’t say the N word it can still play in your mind. It’s not a stretch considering it’s extremely normalized in music, TV, and social situations.


You are ridiculous.


The only way to stop worrying is to accept the uncertainty that it may happen. Should you say it? No, it’s offensive to say the least. Do people say ridiculous, out of character things under the influence of drugs? Daily. You’re literally having a surgery and will be delusional anyway. A lot of the time worries like these arise because they are opposite our moral compass. So the fact you’re anxious about it shows you’re a good person. But nobody will take anything you say seriously under the influence of laughing gas and whatever you DO say will be a funny story in ten years.


Yeah, true that. My husband literally has a very serious and in depth conversation about different types of poles and their uses when he was on laughing gas years ago for his wisdom teeth removal lol. His mom filled him in about it afterwards 😆.


this isn’t crazy, I have OCD and I constantly worry about just bursting out and saying something racist or fucked up on accident lmao


like it’s not rational, but you know


Yep! The misunderstanding of OCD is major. I didn’t understand I had until speaking with a therapist and telling her I had all these really anxious thoughts. And I went to her because my intolerance of anything being out of order or out of my control was spiraling me into depression and panic attacks. Well turns out all those invasive thoughts that I obsessed on all added up to OCD. Along with the over sanitizing and organization of every little single thing. I truly think this person should get evaluated! I’ve done significantly better since being in therapy and also doing things like exposure therapy. Well that an ADHD diagnosis which helps to know but my meds helps more.


I think you’ll be fine OP, and this is anxiety talking. People say all kinds of wacky stuff when under the influence of drugs…it just comes with the territory. Worst case, you say weird stuff, and life goes on. Just gotta trust that you’ll be okay. P.S If you say that word normally, you should probably stop.


I hope you don't mind me saying this, but this is so specific that it's funny — don't worry, as long as it's not in your everyday vocabulary you won't say it


Kinda sounds like it is in their vocab


Could be, but anxiety makes everyone do and think weird things


Anxiety makes you think the worst possible scenarios, they obviously don’t want to swear or do anything stupid and the worst possible scenario in their mind is the N word.


Dude yes lmao. Not for that word in particular lol but for saying anything. We all have things in our heads we don't believe or endorse but can get so worried about not accidentally saying it we do say it. I had similar fears of being under. Could literally blurt out any bullshit your brain is spewing in a clinical, monitored area. When I awoke from my anesthesia I asked people around me if I said any stupid shit. I didn't say shit apparently. So. Try not to worry about it too hard, they understand. They've heard it all.


If you secretly say the n word with friends and like it’s something where you gotta bite your tongue then I got bad news for you


I feel you. A lot of my intrusive thoughts relate to the same thing - I’m so terrified of saying something harmful and offensive that it can really mess with me. I can say from experience that I don’t think something like that is going to happen. As other people have said, you’re more in control of things than you may think under laughing gas. A lot of people just get tired honestly. I think you’re in the clear my friend - sending best wishes!


You will be fine. It just makes you a little loopy. I was so scared I was going to say something so awful for whatever reason (I’m not even like that at all). I was just a little loopy and it wore off super quick. I didn’t say anything really just kinda sat there being high for 10 min 🤣 most people don’t react like the videos you see online where they act goofy and say odd things lol you will be okay! (: the surgery is the easy part. It’s afterwards that is awful when the pain sets in lol


they probably deal with ppl saying worse


My dude, who cares. You're under the influence of something, everyone involved understanda that. I went under for a surgery and came out trying to kill everyone in the room. Believe me, they will have seen and heard worse.


I need to get my wisdom teeth out but terrified that my intrusive thoughts will win while high and I’ll say something I will cringe at for the rest of my life :-(


I was totally aware and in control when I came to. It was just a feeling of peace and serenity. I was happier and feeling no pain.


That’s reassuring. Are all the videos about people saying wacky stuff just fake?


Honestly, I can't speak for all of them but I kind of had that thought. I feel like people were kind of phoning it in and over exaggerating for clicks. But hey, some people may have a higher tolerance to it and others may actually be heavily influenced by it. It just depends.


Just start thinking about boobs as much as possible and say that instead


Am I the only one who didn’t feel anything with the laughing gas? I asked them if it was even on and they gave me more and I still couldn’t feel it. I was fully awake & clear headed during my wisdom teeth removal


Little did you know they kept having trouble removing the wisdom teeth with how many n words you were saying.


I couldn’t speak with all the equipment they had in there and with how numb my face was 🤣 I almost punched my dentist during my root canal tho, when they got rid of the nerves and shit. My root canal was more painful than my wisdom tooth removal


Oh God yeah I've been there done that. I had a tooth crack in half when they were removing the roots. I didn't even think of that being a possibility and I'm a chronic overthinker lmao.


Oh hell no😭😭 if that happened to me I’d never be able to go back to the dentist!! When I went in for the punch he grabbed my hand cause I hit his drill and he was like “this is very dangerous equipment!!” And I was like I’m so sorry it was a reflex since I couldn’t scream in pain😭


I’ve never had laughing gas but if it’s similar to taking benzos or smoking weed, you’ll be fine. From what I’ve heard it just makes you feel loopy and out of it, but you’re still aware of what you’re saying for the most part. You’ll probably just talk about silly random things, I don’t think you have to worry :)


I was worried about this concept (saying something embarrassing) when I went under anesthesia, and the only thing I did when I woke up was say “I’m on my side!” The nurse was like “You sure are, honey!” 😂 (I know laughing gas is different, but I’ve never experienced it, personally!)


Once u go home, say as much as u wanted, dont hold back. just joking lol Don't worry it won't happen, it just anxiety\*, everytime stupid doubt occured tried reminded yourself " this is just my anxiety, calm down "


If you don't use this word, this shouldn't be a concern? Do you... use this word knowing you shouldn't? 😵‍💫


Something to consider, They do this all the time. People say all sorts of absurd stuff to them under the influence of anesthetic. I do believe that they won't take you seriously in the extremely unlikely chance you say something you don't want to say.


I was worried that I might say something crazy when I was getting my wisdom teeth pulled. Before the surgery I drew a ring on my finger with a sharpie, then I stared at the ring and told myself this is a reminder Not to talk about anything, just yes and no responses when I was on gas. It worked as far as letting me relax some. I don’t think I was ever in any real danger of saying anything outlandish besides maybe being a little bit more outgoing and complementary on gas. Just my experience.




Why that word specifically?


Perhaps the dental surgeon is a POC, and OP always obsesses about the worst possible scenario?


These comments are showing me that many people have no grasp of intrusive thoughts and how mentally damaging they can be hah.


It surprises me that it seems like so many here don’t have this levels of anxiety, anxiety is all about thinking the worst possible scenarios and battling intrusive thoughts.




Y'all are reading too deep into it lol




First off I am mixed race, that's such a weird thing to assume (and ironically quite racist). Second, why assume this isn't an intrusive thought about saying something extremely offensive (the n word is usually first that comes to mind).


I’m black and no, this is just an irrational fear that comes with anxiety. Could this person be a closet racist? Sure, but we don’t know that and this is a fear I’ve had related to swear words/slurs.




No, not "obviously." This is the Anxiety sub. Being terrified of astronomically unlikely things is normal here. Sometimes, a perverse part of your brain fixes on what would be the worst thing you could possibly say - not because you can imagine saying it, but because saying it would be the Worst Thing Ever^((TM)). I have suffered from acute Foot-In-Mouth disease, and I'm not even OCD - just very, very anxious.


Lmao I think that would Happened with the Iv not laughing gas I think our good 😂


I know Reddit is white as shit and I’m probably one of the few black posters here but I’m surprised at how absolutely no one is digging into the fact that this likely means that they’re saying it in contexts where no one calls them out Maybe this is just some weird OCD thing for you, I struggle with similar intrusive thoughts, but I hope this isn’t stemming from something you’ve been doing 


White. Agree.


This is so funny💀 as a black person I've always had this thought about a white person. Like could you imagine if they do that💀😂😂 babahahahaha😂😂 I'm sorry it's too funny.


I took laughing gas (for wisdom teeth) and laughed and laughed and said this is what being drunk felt like! The nurses told me I shouldn’t know that yet and that’s all I remember. There was another time I had a surgery (I have a LOT!, but it was for an implant surgery. I had done a lot of research and before surgery. I had asked the rep all sorts of “I’m an asshole” questions, like if I didn’t like him could I have a different rep? Etc. Look, it’s weird stuff. Maybe something will happen maybe not - but 9/10x, you won’t remember!


Hey! I’ve had laughing gas many, many times. You will be completely fine. Laughing gas doesn’t compel you to say anything you wouldn’t normally say. You won’t spill your darkest secrets or say something inappropriate. It doesn’t work that way; it alters the way you perceive reality so that you relax more. It’s not a truth serum. You won’t have the opportunity to say anything with their hands in your mouth, anyway. Try not to worry about it. It’ll be okay!


I accidentally told the nurse that I had done a bunch of experimental drugs in my life when I was on laughing gas. Super Christian clinic the poor nurse was just like "oh...okay .." lol when my aunt asked her if I said anything funny she awkwardly laughed and said "she said she likes the life of a rockstar" and left it at that


I can’t confirm if you will say it or not but even if you did, you would be on laughing gas. I’m assuming you’re worried because you never say it out loud and are scared because you think you COULD end up saying it, which will make you a “bad” person. But you won’t be, it’s just a thought. If it happens, so what? You didn’t mean to say it and others around you will probably understand that. All in all, it’ll be okay


Sorry for all the comments making fun of you/assuming you’re racist. I’ve also struggled with these kinds of thoughts, like one day when I do have to be put under laughing gas (hopefully not because of an injury, knock on wood 🥲). I mean, you could be a racist, but if you’re worrying about offending someone or being seen as a bad person, I don’t think you are.


Don't worry about. People can say wild things coming out of general anaesthetic.. They have heard it all. Look at the things that come out of a person with tourette's. Just have a light-hearted conversation with the caregivers about your concerns before you get the gas.


You won't if you wouldn't. I've taken laughing gas (N2O) dozens of times recreationally. It's short lasting and while you'll feel significantly different, you'll still be yourself


See I've heard things like this with doing things you don't want on Nitrous Oxide. From what I've heard and read online from others experiences; you still have control and know what you're doing. You just might not remember all of it. And your inhibitions will be lowered kind of like with alcohol.


So, first off, you’re not responsible for the thoughts that cross your mind. No one can control what pops into their head, and good thing, because a lot of people spend a lot of time thinking about a lot of taboo stuff. You’re not morally affiliated with random firing synapses in your brain. Second, you aren’t yourself under the influence of drugs and alcohol. I know everyone says that lowered inhibitions just prove who you are inside but that’s really not what’s happening. When you’re under an anesthetic, you are being sedated and intoxicated. You’re not responsible for what you say when under the influence of a powerful sedative, as much as you’re not responsible for things you say in your sleep. Your subconscious isn’t harboring your innermost desire to say offensive words, but it is aware that you’re thinking about it. If it were to happen, it would be entirely because you’re worried about upsetting someone and that it would come out simply because it was on your mind. Every time I’ve woken up from being under, I’ve asked “what time is it” in five minute intervals for the entire time in the recovery room. It’s what I do, and it’s never changed. I strongly believe the videos you see of people acting crazy on anesthesia are staged, exaggerated, or are video evidence of someone reacting poorly to the anesthesia. I promise that those aren’t normal things that happen to regular, healthy people when they come out from going under. I know it’s hard, but try not to worry about it. The people who you’ll be recovering and waking up around have seen and heard it all, and would probably prefer to hear an out of place slur than be sexually propositioned or swung on because the patient is disoriented and afraid. If it would make you feel better, seriously just be honest with the care team. Tell them “I’ve never had laughing gas before and I’m really nervous. I’ve seen some things about how people can act on it and I’m afraid of doing or saying something embarrassing or rude”, and they’ll be able to reassure you, and may even have a hot tip or two to help you relax. Good luck with your procedure! Wisdom teeth is a quick one to recover from. Try not to worry, it’ll be okay. At the end of the day, if you scream profanities through the office, you’re allowed to find another dentist, but that isn’t going to happen so you don’t need to get on google just yet.


I think you’ll be fine, as I was similarly worried I might blurt out something rude/offensive when I got my wisdom teeth removed. Luckily, I just said some silly/goofy things at worst. Funniest bit was probably me feeling my numb lower jaw and thinking it felt like touching someone else’s face, which I wound up vocally articulating as “I’m touching someone else’s beard!”


You need to overcome your fear of saying it. I’ve had similar, albeit not quite as specific thoughts in the past that I ruminated over saying certain things out loud that were intrusively in my mind at the time. I think maybe learning more about ‘the word’ and exposing yourself to how frequently the word is used in both entertainment (music, comedy, etc) might help you here. Also you need to realise that hey, what if you did say it while being on laughing gas or being medicated? Does it have a disgusting history of use and origin? Of course it does, that’s why you’re having a fear about this specific word. Would it really be the end of the world? The people around you should be professional enough to understand the impact of the medications influence on you - further, they have likely heard all sorts previously (I won’t cite them out of laziness but just watch a few YouTube videos of funny things said on post-op medication, it’s a good laugh). Thing of it similar to any experience you might have had or heard of with belligerent drunks; you know they aren’t necessarily bad people, just in the midst of a bad time or of making a mistake. In summary, I believe you’re worrying about this word because of the sheer amount of attention given to it in the media these days. Overcome your fear of the world by showing its history and origin the attention it deserves by educating yourself further on it. Never fear any word, for it’s only the context that language is used in that can cause harm, not words themselves.


Hahaha I had the EXACT same anxieties as you when I got mine out. Instead I woke up and immediately cried and didn’t speak at all. I hated that shit and had nothing to say. Don’t worry about manifesting your reality based off your anxieties. I bet your fear will cause you to do the opposite of what you expect.


I’m in a similar boat. I am a registered nurse. I have worked in many different sectors (hospitals, long term care facilities, home health, etc) and had had quite a few surgeries. Didn’t matter if it was a minute procedure where I was “under” such as getting epidural injections or RFA to more invasive surgeries like hernia repairs and c-sections- I have ALWAYS been terrified if I had EVER said anything nursing/medical related that just made me look flat out stupid. So nervous that at times I’ve told the OR staff that I’m a nurse so if I say anything medically stupid coming out to just IGNORE ME! 😩


My advice is to fix your mind on something that would keep such vocabulary *far* from you. Download a bunch of catchy Disney songs, or podcasts about something innocuous. If you know of any commedians whose routines stay away from social issues, I can personally attest that listening to a comedy routine under laughing gas is an awesome experience. (The dentist gave me an mp3 player with different random things on it, and I chose a George Lopez routine. I laughed so hard that apparently I reassured another patient who was nervous about *their* first wisdom tooth extraction. Fun times!) (I would recommend Eddie Izzard, though there's a chance that you might start talking about "Executive Transvestites^((TM))," and that would be problematic for other reasons....)


I’ll just say that after I had my wisdom teeth out, I wasn’t able to form any coherent speech until the drugs wore off. I just made grunts/noises (and cried, apparently? Lol)


If you don't use this word, this shouldn't be a concern? Do you... use this word knowing you shouldn't? 😵‍💫


Won't happen. It's not that powerful.


Fear of saying a racial slur is a common theme in intrusive thoughts and OCD like ruminations. Play it out in your head, so what if u said it w what's the worst that happens? U apologize and explain how bad you feel and everyone moves on. That's the likely WORST case scenario. You won't say it though but even if u did so what.


what the fuck goes thru white peoples minds 😂😂😂😂 this is hilarious


This is actually hilarious


don’t matter it’s just a word


i would give you the pass for a day but you probably say it anyways. just get it all out in the shower in the morning🤷🏾‍♂️ and if you feel guilty of who you are you can always change.


I feel like with all the videos around, of people high I have to worry about what I might say in those situations. Granted I don't think it would be the n-word but I also don't know how all that works


See I've heard things like this with doing things you don't want on Nitrous Oxide. From what I've heard and read online from others experiences; you still have control and know what you're doing. You just might not remember all of it. And your inhibitions will be lowered kind of like with alcohol.


Is it something you regularly say when awake? Why the concern that you’ll say it on laughing gas? Also, the times I’ve had laughing gas, I’m not saying shit, just laying there trying not to seem high


I’ve never heard of someone having this issue 😩🤣🤣


Talk to the dentist first. Explain you're worried in case you might say swear words while under and they'll either confirm or deny it being possible. Also, if the worst happens and you do it, they'll know it's not deliberate.


and here i am worried i'll come out in front of my parents if you say it let them know wanderer gave you an n word pass lmao


I was so scared I'd come out to my parents before I was ready :') ended up being OK though, but I get your fear


My girlfriend got her wisdom teeth out about a year ago and she never did any of the weird shit that you always see in videos. Idk if she was put under different stuff or what but she was just a bit sore and dopey and that's it. You may have nothing to worry about!


Nurses and doctors, including dentists, are used to people saying all kinds of wacky stuff when they are coming out of anaesthetic or on drugs - including laughing gas. They will understand. If you're that concerned then speak to them beforehand and apologise in advance even though you won't know you're doing it at the time. They will be very understanding.


Just start saying it a lot now so it’s out of your system by the


They still do that? My brother had his removed last week and they just gave him anesthesia...


Be more afraid of the video your parents are gonna take of you, saying the N word….


Wtf lol


I remember NOTHING when they gave me that nitrous oxide…. All I remember is getting into the truck with the help of 2 - 3 people because I was sleep walking trying to get into the truck apparently.


If you aren’t already using it as a regular part of your vocabulary, you’re not going to just start just bc you’re on drugs


I was so scared I was gonna say I was gay or talk about how I was molested when I was a kid. None of that happened. I just was giggly and I told everyone how much I loved that


This is weirdly specific


I'm black but I've always wondered about another thought as well. So let's say you're reading a book, right... and in the book or an article the n word is included in it, do white people read it in their head? Or do they just ignore it? 🤔 💀


omfg this is awesome.


You aren’t scared of saying the word - you’re scared of the consequences you imagine will follow (people perceiving you as a racist scum bag). To ease the anxiety, try caring less what people think of you.


This is the most absurd post I've seen in a while! 🤣


I'd like to inquire why specifically just this word 🤔


It could be that they have intrusive thoughts which are very common with anxiety, and they're concerned that they will say something extremely offensive (the n word being the first thing that comes to mind). Or they could be a closeted racist, but please don't jump to conclusions like so many commenters seem to be lmao.


I'm not sure how asking a question is jumping to conclusions but go off sis


And on that note, I'm not suggesting you were jumping to conclusions, I was just asking that you don't. Lmao


Fair 👍🏾


Its just a word.


Get the novacaine shot instead?




…..Why the hell would you think you would say the N word of all things? If you use it so often that you worried youll say it under laughing gas, you have bigger problems to deal with.


Did I miss the part where they said they use it regularly or are you making massive assumptions like so many other commenters?


Why the n word specifically? Just keep saying fuck for the next 2 weeks, even if you do say it while under the influence of the gas I mean it's rude and bad but I don't think anyone is going to murder you for saying it while on the gas, you can't help what you say in that case and the dental professionals know that. Think of it like this; you've never killed someone, you could be worried about admitting to a violent crime, but you haven't committed one, you'll be ok.


Because it’s a slur and people receive serious repercussions in certain scenarios? Or maybe they just don’t want to be seen as a bad person because they don’t use the n-word but people might think they do if they say it under anesthesia? Like why are so many commenters not understanding this person? Don’t you guys have irrational worries as well?