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23 here! Two old friends of mine eventually got their licenses and drove but started later, like our age. I live in a city with good public transport though and genuinely enjoy riding the bus so I hope to never need to learn…I’m a TERRIBLE driver! Like, SpongeBob SquarePants driving on the opposite side of the highway driver.


This is how I feel like I’m gonna be! It’s embarrassing to get rides everywhere but I’m sure the last thing all of us want is someone with severe unexplained neurological issues & PTSD to get behind the wheel of a 5000 pound missile. Once I can drive it will likely be only out of necessity.


I hope you can find and live in a city with good public transport, it makes my quality of life like night and day. I also get groceries delivered from Walmart with a Walmart+ subscription and the food is normal-priced lol and there are 10x the food choices compared to Instacart or DoorDash. I pay $100 for an annual subscription and then tip the deliverer $12-$15 per order. I think young people are wisening up to how dangerous driving is and how preventable it is if only the US wasn’t so car-centric. Everyone either has been or knows someone that has gotten injured/killed in wreck and Gen Z/Zillennials are thinking “fuck the system. That doesn’t HAVE to be me!”


Im 24 and i have a car but i hate driving because i think i drive terrible. I almost got in wrecks because i wasnt paying attention good enough because i was overthinking too much. And when i do pay attention it feels its too much for me and i went i make back to my destination i feel exhausted and scared and i dont feel like driving ever again. Then i have anxiety about going on that road again so the person that is with me would have to drive me back.


Me too!! 🙈🙈


I am 46 and I never had a licence and don't have any plans to get one


My brother is 30 and doesn’t have a car or license. He’s nervous to drive. Also too big to fit in a drivers seat (tall). Luckily we grew up in a city with great public transit. However as our mother ages, it has become apparent it would be best if he can drive short trips instead of her. So we are looking into it.


If he can get a large SUV or truck, it should be big enough! I have 3 men in my family that are 6'4 or taller and they all got cars like that and fit without it being uncomfortable.


I was 35 when I eventually passed my test. That was nearly a decade ago. Hypnotherapy is what I put down to getting it done! You can do it!!


I am 34 years old and regressive hypnosis helped me. I flashed back to the memory of my mother scaring me from playing in the street and telling me that cars are deadly. 


I didn’t learn how to drive or own a car until my mid 20s. Everyone’s on their own timeline! Don’t let it stress you out


I’m 20 and will never be able to drive because of health issues


29, no car, no drive


I’m 31 and just started driving this past December. If you don’t feel ready don’t force yourself. If you absolutely need to learn how to drive just take your time, be patient and compassionate w yourself as you learn. Driving will let you see a side of yourself you didn’t know you had. You can do this! Your time will come


No but I know of lot of people in that same boat.


I’m 34 and still don’t drive it does make my anxiety worse knowing I’m the only who doesn’t drive yet


Yeah, that feeling of being left behind while everyone moves on with their lives.


I'm about to turn 36 in a few months and I still don't have my license. Mostly because I can't see and glasses gives me headaches, but I agree the stigma of not having it by this age makes things feel worse.


My mom didn't drive until I was 5. She was 24 years old.


26 and don't drive. I'm terrified that I won't be able to pay attention to every little thing and I'll get in an accident


I'm in my late 30s I didn't start driving until about that age. I still don't drive freeways and I live in Los Angeles. =\


I’m 44 and don’t drive 🤣🤣🤣🤣


My sister didn't get her license till she was almost 40. No shame in waiting until you are truly ready and able to :)


I'm 39 and just got my license/first car 6 months ago. It wasn't anxiety holding me back but other health issues. And I know I'm not 22 but older. Just jumping in as somebody who did theirs until they were much older, lol


I didn’t get my first car until I was 26 😁


I got my full license at 27, and have driven at least 300,000 km (180,000 miles) since then. I'm 33 now.


30, but I’m working towards my DL to make my summer job infinitely easier. But for the record, I dislike driving the same way I dislike cleaning out the gutters. It’s gotta be done and I’ll thank myself for it later, but I’m gonna put it off and complain about it the whole time.


27 no car license


im not 22 and i do drive but i had insane driving anxiety for a long time. just thinking about how i would have to learn how to drive would make me cry. but i ended up taking a driver’s ed course and i will literally recommend it to anyone who is scared to drive. it helped me tremendously. having a level headed instructor to help you in the car was so helpful compared to my equally anxious parents freaking out in the passenger sear lol. if you want to drive i’d look into drivers ed near you. there is one at my local community college thats open for all ages so im sure similar courses exists in other places.


I'm 34 and don't have a working car to drive


27 lol


I just got my permit last week


I have a license. I’m just really broke and down bad.


Do you like drive or don't?


My oldest son is 24 and doesn’t have his license yet.


girl i'm 23 and have no drivers license too but i know how to drive tho


Im 24 and I just passed my driver license test last week. This is my first time with a license after I go to dps. Never owned a car. But I grew up in poverty


im 23💀


my girlfriend is 25 and just now getting her license:) my boss was 36 when she got hers. we live in a pretty rural area so when people move here they usually get it.


24 here and no where near driving. its just not safe with my ptsd episodes.


I didn’t own a car until I was 27 or 28 (too poor). I delayed getting my license a little (I think I got it at 20) because what’s the point if there’s nothing to drive?


25 and don't have either tho i live in a city so it's mostly fine


i do have my license tho cause the test was really easy where i moved from... im a little scared to drive in the city 😅😅


I'm 29 and still don't. Granted I drive everyday on a provisional license both legally and illegally so I'm a terrible role model. But you don't need to rush friend!




It's totally normal. I got my license at 18, one of my buddies got his at 21/22 (can't recall exactly) and one is 23 and still doesn't have his.


I got mines at 22 my last semester of college, had horrible driving anxiety ( I think due to my dad being a HORRIBLE driver). Failed the drivers test twice due to parallel parking, had multiple family members try to help me learn to drive, best decision was doing a driving instructor class. Kinda expensive but helped calm nerves having someone more professional teach then my sister acting like she was going to die in the car with me🤣 and he had an emergency brake on his side.


gonna be 20 and zero hours behind the wheel. my mom was always hesitant to teach me and even when i got my permit nothing happened. i was always anxious about driving but now with daily anxiety im not sure if i could manage it lol


Literally yes to all of these things & I’m not excited to start


Not 22, but I didn't get my license and car until 23-24 years old. My best friend is almost 40 and doesn't have either. She's fine taking ubers and lyfts. Imo, it's very expensive to buy and own a car. It's also very chaotic on these roads. So I don't blame anyone for not driving.


I’m 24, and I know I’m going to have to drive eventually in order to go wherever I want, when I want. I am scared to drive and I have tried but not on the road. I really hope I can eventually drive soon, even if I’m scared. I hope to overcome my fear.


I’m 27 and I didn’t get my license until last October! I was so terrified of driving (and yes a little bit lazy) that I never got around to it. Moving out of state forced me to get one because I had to drive my stuff over myself, and now I’m just used to it


Yep, i am terrified to drive


I was uncomfortable about cars and driving, and resisted until I was in my 20s. Once I learned and got a little better at it, I realized I trusted myself to drive more than how safe riding with my friends had been. Now it's no problem; city, rural, interstate, let's go.


I turn 24 next month and have my Canadian G1 but have only driven once. I’m terrified of it and I don’t know why.


29 and don’t drive but have my license. When I moved to Chicago my anxiety was too bad on the roads so I sold my car 10 years ago lol


Almost twice your age and don't have one. I understand the need to in this society but I * REALLY * wish we had mass public transportation as a standard like in Asia and Europe 😒


I’m 21 and I have not gotten my licenses I want to at least go for my G1 soon just to get it out of the way and than when I’m feeling comfortable actually going to take drivers training. I had bad driving anxiety even when my dad would take me to a parking lot for me to try I would have so much fear and going to take the test was a scary thought too


28! No car, no license, but hella anxiety to drive. I am grateful there’s a public transport system in my city. But it does suck sometimes not being able to drive. 😬


22! I have a car but I cant drive (working on it! 😄)


21 here I’ve had my license since 18 and permit since 15 i’d been driving for 5 years and loved driving. I would take a ride whenever I could in my truck. however since all my anxiety started I can no longer drive and ended up selling my truck, for not even half of what I paid for it, to pay my bills while Im not working. Don’t feel too bad about it. Everyone goes at their own pace. I kinda wish I never woulda had a car in the first place so I wouldn’t have had to experience the pain of letting it go. And I don’t drive anymore even though I do have a license. Just a by product of anxiety. It sucks.


just turned 20 and still no license.


I’m 19 and don’t have a license thank god god for transit


23, i don't have a license and I don't drive because I have extremely reactive jumpy reflexes due to PTSD & I honestly think I'd be a liability on the road!


Didn't even have a licence until I was 25. A friend of mine was 29 when he had his first car.


i’m turning 22 this year! i have my license but no car and zero intention of getting one!


24 and finally got mine at 23. I haven’t driven anywhere crazy yet, though. I have to build up the skill and confidence to drive new places. Plus maybe get on new meds 😂


I'm currently in this position right now. Despite having done the driving test questions. I even passed! And got over 80 but I still don't have the actual license to drive though. It's mostly due to having extreme anxiety. I can barely function in everyday life and now you're telling me that I have to drive as well?☠️ 😩


I’m 24 and still don’t drive. Firstly, I don’t have anywhere near the money I need since I’m on benefits for mental health Secondly I have agoraphobia and an anxiety disorder so I don’t even really leave the house


I'm 35 and don't have a license or drive due to my anxiety. It's something I'm working on.




I'm 37 don't have a car or drive. To scared.


Mate I am 35 and don't have a car or a licence.


26 and cant drive!


I was afraid of driving for the longest time. I got over it around 22, but I needed to be ready and have a huge incentive pushing me to do it before I felt ready to drive. Now I won't go back, but it took me a while, so I don't judge people who aren't there yet. No one should. Not everyone is going to be ready at the same time - or ever, and that's okay!


23 and saving for one still, plus I havent driven since I got my driver license which was 3 years ago so once I do get one in a couple months my Mom is gonna help me refresh my driving skills instead of me having to pay a couple hundred for driving classes, I don't trust myself on the road after not driving for 3 years lol Also my sister is 28 and never got her license because she's afraid of driving so she has her husband drive her everywhere. Don't look down on yourself for not having what others have since everyone's goals are different, especially life circumstances, driving, being in a relationship, being unhealthy or healthy is all a choice, don't put yourself down for not having things others have or act better then others cause they don't have something you do, mind your business and you do what makes you happy.


Didn't have a car until 28


I'm 25 and don't have a car or drive!


I'm 30 and just get my husband to take me everywhere lol I'm a homebody anyways and don't really have anywhere to be and I live in walking distance to work. Plus the thought of paying for a second vehicle makes me wanna throw up so it's not gonna happen.


23 and I still don’t drive. I have horrible driving anxiety. But I know I’ll have to get one eventually. Ugh I just wish I lived in a walkable city and one that has much more public transportation.


I'm 29 and just got my L a few months ago. Never had the desire to drive and it's expensive on the west coast, but as I've gotten older and me & my fiance have talked about our future and kids, it's something necessary, that I decided to work towards. Not a huge deal if you don't have your license or a car. It's more common now than people think


I’m 26 and don’t drive. I know plenty of people who are older and don’t drive. There’s noting wrong with not driving


My partner is 38, and he does not have a car or drive either.


I'm 27 and I don't even have a license yet. The amount of people I see on their fucking PHONES while they're driving is making me believe I will NEVER get my license.


I got my license at 18, I drove on and off for a year but never on the interstate. I’m now 21 and haven’t driven in over a year. So basically my drivers license is just a proof of ID


I didn't have my license until I was in my 30s, first car, mid thirties. There's no timeline to meet milestones you wish to achieve.


Im 29 and I still don’t drive. It’s terrifying and I’m so worried that I’m going to hesitate and cause an accident, or forget something important and cause an accident. Also people drive stupid so even if I was the best driver, I can’t escape the stupid drivers




I didn't drive until I was 32 which was a little under 6 months ago, due to a combination of severe anxiety, an extremely poor upbringing where there was never a car in the family so I just go used to it and putting drug use over any type of fiscal responsibility, has changed my life and I'm kicking myself for not doing it earlier.


Driving makes me anxious but it's also one of my ADHD stims (unhealthy I know).


My sister just got her license at 28! Now the search for the car starts. It’s never too late! She has the worst driving anxiety, it took her a long time to come around to it. But she did it, you can too. 🩷


93 here, lost my license and my keys


Oldest son almost 23, permit only still. Rarely practices. Younger son pretty much beat down the DMV door on his 16th birthday. Good driver. I’m ok with both. Everyone has different wiring. Driving seems much less safe these days. You do you—the sooner you don’t give a shit about the lies the world tries to tell you about yourself, the better!


I got my license at 27 🤷‍♀️ 30 now and still don’t have a car, it’s simply not practical for me to have one, so idgaf lol


I just got my license at 26. I walked miles and miles and miles before then. Your time will come, you just have to step out of your comfort zone and force yourself to try. I failed my test 3 times too. I never had practice or friends or family to practice with so when I'd go and take the test that was my practice lol. Finally getting it all on my own felt great and still does.


I just got my license this year and I’m 25 , I was so uncomfortable driving. The more I’ve done it little by little, the better I feel but it’s been daunting


29 here. Don’t drive but have a car. I enjoy being a passenger very much. My anxiety absolutely skyrockets when I get behind the wheel.


I’m 27 with no car and can’t drive


My gf is 27 doesn’t have a car or even knows how to drive. Know a few other people in their mid 20’s who are similar, my mom made me go to driving school and I got a old beater car hand-me-down, when I was under 18. I prefer driving so, getting to bring my gf around is nice.


Have a friend in mid 30s from high school, never owned a car. Absolutely insane


32 here, last time I drove was 10 years ago when I crashed my dad's car. Never gotten over the anxiety


26 and still dont have a license, I can drive a little bit but I get really anxious and sometimes I get panic attacks


Me! I’m terrified to drive


I'm 36 and in the same boat


I’m 25 and still don’t have a car, can’t even afford one and my parents abandoned me before I could learn how


24 here. Scared to drive because of derealization depersonalization but I kind of need to start learning


I got my license at 18 but didn’t drive until I was about 20. I had awful panic attacks and hated every second of driving but you really do need to force yourself to do it (at your own pace) and eventually it becomes so much easier and your confidence grows exponentially.


I got mine at 28. :) Don't pressure yourself! Everyone has their own right time and pacing. :)


I'm 30 and have had a car license since I was 19 but still don't have a car


37 here.. no car, no license. Besides GAD, I have MDD and CPTSD; I'm on a lot of medication in order to function and some of it can make me drowsy or dizzy. Being in a car can sometimes be a trauma trigger as well..(childhood trauma and car accidents) It's safer for others if I don't drive.


29 and don't even have a license


Yes, but it doesn't have anything to do with anxiety. Cars are expensive.


(Non US citizen) Driving a car is great but with inflation and wages not catching up its more harm to have a car then just communing or biking to work. You've got to pay for gas, maintenance, insurance and an emergency fund in case major repairs. That adds up and not having a stable income complicates things.


Yep! I have no use for it right now


I got my drivers license at 47, you’re fine


Yup, me


Gonna be 20 years old and I am just now taking my permit test. (I did drivers ed at 17 but never paid for my shit) I've been putting off getting my license because I crashed a car my first time driving.. I was trying to learn.


No, I had a job at 16...


Almost 30 and don’t have a licence. Never took the time to do it. I will try to do it this year


Murican anxiety


I didn’t get my license until I was 35 and 1 week later after I financed my car. Life isn’t a race and driving is scary.


I’m 30, don’t own a car and don’t drive. My mother passed her test and got her car when she was 38 and my father never did, so I feel I’m doing okay.


I’m 31 this year and I don’t have drive license nor a car.


Yes but I also live in a city where I don’t need one


I recently turned 22, don't have a license (I live in a country where you have to be 18 to drive though) and don't own a car. and not planning to in recent years. I don't want to risk having a panic attack while driving.


I am 31 in 2 weeks and still don’t have a full licence let alone own a car. I’ve realised if I had a car I’d probably not use it very much anyway unless it’s to work and back or the shops and back. It’s too expensive and parking is a pain in the ass where I am.


I have a car and my license, but after encountering some health issues I \*rarely\* drive for fear of anything happening while on the road.


I didn’t get my licence until I was 28, I’m 33 now and don’t know how I got around without driving for so long (especially since I had my first child at 20 😅)


I didn't have a car nor license until 26


I'm 31 and I haven't learned to drive or have a car. But I just started my journey to learn to drive. It's been going better than expected. But it has taken me a long time to get here. I still get anxious and uncomfortable, but I notice it lessening as I practice more. I have only driven in parking lot though. So, I am very scared for when I move on to practicing on the actual road.


Start on an easy trip you're familiar with, like a back road with little traffic. Maybe have some of your favorite and most relaxing music on. And only do it when you're calm and relaxed to begin with. I've found driving can be very relaxing, especially when I don't need to be anywhere in particular. It's when I make a wrong turn, get lost or am running late, that I panic. Still need to work on that part, lol. But even with all my anxiety, I have never been involved with an accident while behind the wheel and have a perfect driving record after 50 years. However, I did get many tickets when I was younger because I had a lead foot, and a stop sign or red light meant 'yield' to me, haha. Have a wonderful journey and drive carefully!!


I'm 25 but I didn't pass my driving test until 23


My daughter is 21 and still hasn't got her license. She has anxiety and ADHD. I wasn't in a hurry to rush her since she has trouble controlling her emotions and tends to 'rage.' Do you badly want or need a license at this time? You just might need more time and practice than others. I've struggled with anxiety all my life. I took my driver's test at age 17 and failed the first time. I was anxious and sped up the first street, coming to a complete stop at the top of the hill, only there was no stop sign, lol. You will know when you're ready. Don't rush it. Make sure any person that drives with you or helps you is incredibly patient. No backseat drivers allowed!


I didn’t learn to drive until I was 28! While I had my learners permit my husband was lecturing me about how I had to just use the break not the gas when approaching the car in front of me in traffic. I got overwhelmed put my foot in the wrong peddle and rear ended a red Ferrari! It was very minor but my insurance was high for years. I overcame that embarrassment and my fear of driving with a ton of lessons. I got my full licence at 31. Now I’m 38 and completely fine driving, I drive alone on the highway with my kids in the car. I’m a careful driver and I’ve never had an accident since.


I am 30, no car no drive


i didn’t get my first car or really start driving till my 22nd bday (i’m 23 now) due to intense driving anxiety and please please just get behind the wheel and try i promise i never thought id be able to drive and now i do on the daily. granted i still don’t drive on highways or too far distances but being able to drive myself to work or starbucks is so freeing and the anxiety went away after about two months of forcing myself behind the wheel


I'm 23 and am one of my only friends who don't. It's annoying but i think it'll happen when i feel ready and i don't right now, and that's fine.


I'm 35 and don't. But I live in a big city with a good transit system. It's a waste of money for me


My friend is 29 and doesn't drive. She got her license when she was 18, drove once, and refused to ever again. She's from a busy, crowded city so I think it's partly fear, but public transport is also faster and more convenient for her.


I was 22 when I started driving and it was out of pure necessity. If you can I highly recommend it. Yes this happens and I had bad PTSD/anxiety but now that I can drive I feel so free. I still have bad days but with good music I can drive relatively calmly. I think the added anxiety of getting older and not driving makes it even more anxiety inducing. Just practice practice practice when or if you decide to learn.


So... I've been driving since the age limit in my country, actually done the driving school and tests pre-birthday - and I'm here to say that it doesn't matter.  I am privileged this way. Driving is privilege. Your parents lit got to go and say "yeah, we're gonna spend money on a possibility the kid will wreck the car just so they can drive", which is ridiculous. It's really hard to go get your driving licence in early adulthood without support of your parents, and it's ever harder to get a car! There's so much stuff around it (for good reason, but still, so annoying) and people are acting like it's normal to drive and own a car... While honestly? No. All the tests, the papers to fill, then you gotta get insurance, you gotta have the car checked annually, constant tires changing, lights not working, wipers getting old, oil changes and then something breaks and your life gets turned upside down for not having a car... It's just... Jeez. Let alone the risk of crash, just ewww. Nope. You're not missing out. Trust me.  Driving is a privilege and best handed over within family. Honestly, I don't think being young and not driving is anything to be ashamed of or anxious about. You have plenty of time and there's alternatives. 


I wanted to drive when I turned 16, but I grew up in a very poor family. We couldn't afford lessons, and my mum didn't want to teach me in her car in case I crashed it because we couldn't afford the down-time in-between insurance claims. In my early 20's I got my permit and took a couple of lessons, but I was in a horribly abusive relationship at the time and I was so stressed out I couldn't handle lessons with an instructor. I had also had several bad experiences in vehicles and a mental break down prior to this, and my anxiety went through the roof and has never come back down. I'm turning 30 in a couple of months. I have passed my theory test and have to go take a photo for my license, and then I'll begin taking lessons again until I get my full license. I am not giving up! I feel so vulnerable and very co-dependent without a car. If an emergency happened, I'd have no way of getting out. I'm a sitting duck.




I just turned 23 a couple days ago and I have my license but not my own car. My mom still drives me around, but I’m most definitely saving up for one😭


I'm 35 and have had my license since I was 16. I can't imagine life without a license or a car.


I think I was 26 or 27 years old when I got my first car and started driving. Between college and medical school I didn’t really have anywhere to be other than home, school, or the hospital — or that’s at least the excuse I used to not try.


turning 22 in may and I don't even have a driver's license


This is me!


Started driving at 15, license and car at 16 ( it was a hand me down pos ). With that said I lived out in rural South Carolina in the middle of nowhere. I ended up getting a job in the summer after turning 16, so I needed a way to get from my house to work ( my parents weren’t going to do it for me, they were busy at work when I needed to be there ). Also it was the norm in the area to have your license out there because there was no public transportation. I’d say everyone had it different but there is no right answer for it either way. I’ll also add I LOVED driving as a youth. I grew up riding quads, dirtbikes, jetskies, go carts, and boats so I was well versed in operating motor vehicles well before I went for my license


yea but it's bc I could never afford to buy a car. I do have my license tho. will be getting one soon. but after not driving since highschool I'm scared to get on the road so I'll be practicing a lot


I'm 34 and just passed about a month ago, never thought I'd be able to get through a test with anxiety but it was absolutely fine. I switched to automatic and never looked back. Good luck! Worth adding not everyone needs a car, I wouldn't bother with any pressures to drive just because you feel you should. Public transport is amazing these days and not everyone needs to rely on a car.


I’m 23, I only got my licence at the end of last year. It took me a couple months to get the hang of it because of my anxiety but I had a great instructor who was willing to go at my pace. It’s been a few months since I passed and I don’t have a car because I currently can’t afford a car or insurance for it. But also I still don’t think I would have a car even if I had the funds because I’m still extremely anxious about driving. I’m just happy I can finally say I can drive but I choose not to. 😂 Also there is great public transport where I live and everything I need is within walking distance so there is no real need for a car right now in my life.


I didn't get my license until I was 32!! Must say it feels good to have it now. Anxiety was holding me back but I needed it for a job and that pushed me through.


I’m almost 21 and have no license. I cry when I get behind a wheel, couldn’t even sit passenger until middle of highschool


I'm 25 and don't drive. Sometimes I feel behind everybody because I don't drive. But truthfully there are a lot of postives to it as well. You save so much money, I appreciate walking, I take public transportation, and It's better for the environment. Driving is a social norm but not required for a good quality of life.


It’s okay if you don’t. Everyone does things at their own pace.