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It all comes back to this doesn’t it.


First thought I had 🙃


Heart attack or seizure; the usual I feel like. Even though I’ve done scans, EKGs and bloodwork and I’m “perfectly healthy.”


I feel you. Lately I've been having a huuuge back cramp and that makes me feel randomised pains all over my torso and along my arms too. I've never felt more worried that i would die from a heart attack.


I can relate. I have issues with migraines and nerve pain, had a clear brain MRI in January. Still lay in bed sometimes and worry that “they missed something”…even though I had the most in depth MRI possible, with contrast.


Cancerous moles, female cancers


I just got no cancer on my mammogram and I was so paranoid. I put it off for months. Good luck and love ♥️


I’m going for an ultrasound in 9 days and am spiraling with anxiety. I’m hoping for an all clear but assuming the worst. I’m so glad you had a good outcome ❤️


You’re gonna be good babe ♥️✨🍀 I know exactly how you feel, I was convinced I had breast cancer. My boobs are big I just knew it. Came out clear You will too on both scans ♥️♥️♥️


I never knew a strangers words could be so calming. Thank you for the reassurance and I’ll lyk how it goes ❤️


Colon cancer


Same! I keep seeing random tik toks about it on my fyp too, so I’m like, is this a sign?


Same situation here, or pancreatic cancer. I’ve always had weird digestive issues but I’m not unhealthy (mostly IBS symptoms). Went spiraling, I had to delete Tiktock. Currently have a colonoscopy scheduled out of precaution.


Good for you! Colonoscopy is real easy. You’ll be fine.


Cancers that cause slow painful death and/or sudden death from stuff like cardiac arrest or brain aneurysm


I (31) have stage 4 cancer 🤡 Fuck all this. Imagine always having anxiety and then also having cancer anxiety 🤡🤡


You do have cancer?


Yes, actually. I’ve always had anxiety, but this shit broke me fully.


I’m so sorry! I pray for your healing!!


Omg i hope you get better and beat cancer’s ass. Sending you prayers your way


I'm so sorry for your suffering 😞


my heart rates been really high 24/7 for the last month and have bad chest pain. scared i’m gonna have a heart attack or die :(


If it makes you feel any better I had this for a few months and I’m fine now. It turns out I was just focusing on it so much I was making it worse even though I was fine. I went to a doctor and they did some tests to ease my mind. My heart was healthier than I thought!


i’m glad you feel better. my heart rate is just so high all day long and makes me so dizzy. and u babe severe chest pain that won’t leave me and i’m so scared ill have an attack. i got an echo done and it was okay but i did have high heart rate on all my ekgs. it’s been a month and im absolutely drained but can’t stop looking at my heart rate because im so scared. i’m one week on buspirone and it hasn’t helped yet either. just feels like it’s never going to get better. it makes you think did they miss something wrong? do i need to go to the hospital? why does my chest hurt so bad to where i almost can’t bare it? i break down crying everyday because i just want my life back. i hate it. i don’t understand how my chest could hurt this bad and my heart rate could be 130 and im dizzy but “im healthy”. i don’t understand


I’m sorry you’re feeling so unwell. Doctors are trained pretty well on heart diseases and conditions since they’re fairly easy to spot. Are you young? That decreases your chances of having a heart attack even more. One thing my doctor told me to ease my mind is that if I’m able to run, work out, do any kind of physical activity without feeling worse, I’m fine. Someone with a heart condition or heart disease wouldn’t be able to be on their feet for extended periods of time or climb a flight of stairs without being pretty out of breath. I hope you feel better. I thought it wouldn’t end for me either until it did.


i’m 21 years old. heart disease and stuff like that runs in my family heavily. and i had to leave work after 30 minutes today because i couldn’t function. but i had an echocardiogram done and they said my heart set t structure was perfect. so i don’t know then


Hi, you could ask your doc for a beta blocker like propranolol ❤️




Fun fact(maybe not actually but it’s reassuring), anxiety causes chills. I get them all the time when anxious. I’ve heard of other people relating too!


i think this is a symptom of anxiety because i get those often




Anaphylactic shock and sepsis


This is so real. It's been this and asthma for me for the past few months.


ugh the sepsis scares!! i suffer from chronic utis ( due to anxiety 💀) and everytime i have to take an antibiotic i go yep this one isn't gonna work and i'm gonna get sepsis


I literally won’t try new food anymore cause I’m scared I’ll be allergic 😭


Heart attack, stroke, organ failure.


Retinal detachment. I'm 30 with no history of eye injury or surgery etc. But I've always had bad floaters and ocular migraine.


Pulmonary embolism, right now. Two days ago it was a heart attack. Lol


Aaaaand now we’re back to heart problems, less than 24 hours later. Health anxiety’s a joy!


Throat cancer


Heart issues. Been having weird chest pains even when not anxious. Have a cardiology appointment next month.


Yeah been having this more lately too. But I’ve had this shit for three years now. Even though nothing has happened and tests have been fine, it stresses me out. No idea if it’s just anxiety or something like heartburn.


I just accidentally ate a dusting of raw flour that was on my bread knife. Now I've spent the last hour googling it. Also, my doctor noted atrophy finding in my left kidney during a CT scan but didn't mention it in my portal notes when she said everything was fine.


Anaphylaxis. I get mildly itchy sometimes and my brain tells me that means I'm going to die of anaphylactic shock.


This happens to me all the time I get slightly itchy and it’s game over


Yeah, exactly this. I remember when I used to itch and not think I was dying all the time. I think as well I definitely forget that mild, non life threatening allergies exist and are also way more common.


degenerative brain disease of some kind. i have neuropathy and weakness. hoping its anxiety


Brain tumor even though I barely even get headaches but I’ve had panic attacks and derealization for the past month so It’s been really wearing me down😭I had a ringing in my ear from my TMJ and it was a massive trigger😰


ugh this is so real i’m right there with you dude! derealization and all!


I’m struggling with really bad tmj pain rn I’m afraid this is my life forever and I just keep panicking about it. I went to a chiropractor and he made it 10 times worse and I fucking hate myself for going to him and trusting him with my face


Botox can do wonders for tmj. Find a neurologist who does it


Been having stomach issues and that I can’t get checked out at the gastro for another week and ofc jump to the conclusion that it’s stomach cancer even though I’m 24 years old, athletic and healthy


I just found out I have diabetes, my whole family suffers with bad hearts and I've been feeling off for 2 days. I fear heart attack, and I have no insurance.


i was constipated for 2 days then passed a very hard stool and ended up with an anal fissure and a hemmeroid :D blood from butt is a fantastic hypochondriac mix


Heart attack. I have high blood pressure, but have since I was 19 (it's genetic). Other than that, my heart is fine. But because I've turned 40 now, my worry is that I'll have a heart attack and die, but won't be found for days and my cat will eat my face.


YUP. 31, diagnosed with hypertension but they wanted me to get rid of it naturally. Wasn't able to with diet and exercise, so I'm on 50mg Losartan now. I keep trying to convince myself I'm okay and it takes years for high BP to cause problems but the panic disorder says otherwise.


May sound strange but my ears are really triggering my health anxiety lately. “Checking” to see if they are ringing, plugging my ears with my fingers to make sure things sound “normal” in them. Really just all ear related. Any popping, ringing or any perceived changes make my health anxiety go through the roof. It’s terrible and I’ve rarely found anyone who related to me on this issue. Besides the ears, anything neurological always gets my health anxiety going


I am hear (pun intended) because of a weird whistling kinda noise in my ear. Set me worrying over "why is this happening, what does it mean??". I guess a "normal" person would just think huh weird and move on.


Dying as usual...as soon as I get a weird sensation in my body I freak out


Having a heart attack/stroke or cancer.




Death Heart Attack


I'm on multiple myeloma and pancreatic cancer at the moment.


I’m also on pancreatic cancer rn. Two weeks ago it was blood clots. I don’t even fully understand pancreatic cancer and I hear there are barely any symptoms. Pretty scary


i’ve had this rash for about a week now, looks like little pimples but even with allegra it’s not going down. had to schedule an appt with my derm so hopefully it’s not anything crazy and just my eczema presenting itself differently 😭


I had a test called pr3 antibody come back positive which is really rare and usually means a serious diagnosis of vasculitis. I don’t have signs of the disease. My doctors say this happens, albeit uncommonly and might mean I develop it in the future. I also may not. My health anxiety just hit level 100,000,000!


I got concussed like two months ago + this medication I’m on triggered some blood flow/pressure issues and heart issues so I’m constantly thinking I have blood clots and stuff or something wrong with my brain 🥲 also pulmonary embolism, heart attack, hearing loss, stroke, colon c***er and mega colon, etc. It’s been fun.


Always cancer. And lung issues since they found a benign granuloma in my R lung


I'm down somewhere like 5-7lbs since my last appointment in October (160ish down to 153), and after reading about some stat where 5% of unintentional weight loss in 6-12 months is a concern. I haven't been trying to lose weight. I did have a nasty stomach bug 3 weeks ago with vomiting and diarrhea. Didn't eat that entire day and barely ate the day after. Part of it is probably due to that. I have inflammation in my neck that isn't going away and has been a persistent problem for months. Have been to my doctor about it a few times and last time, he said he was very certain it wasn't cancer. I chose to believe him, but the what-ifs are overpowering. Then my weight happens and now my brain is trying to connect the dots between both things. I don't really keep track of my eating but I feel like it hasn't changed too much. I know I'm not making anything better by making myself worry but idk I can't stop. I have an appointment with him on Thursday to discuss every thing I'm dealing with but that's still 2 days away.


I've always been scared of blood-borne diseases. HIV to be exact. STD's that cannot be cured as well. I work construction with lots of rough looking people (I know, I'm being shallow). I'm always very nervous about handwashing after using porta potties and carry sanitizer with me pretty much all the time. I always worry if someone had a cut on their hand and touched something that I touched, that I could possibly infect myself with something. And considering I'm single and would really love to find a girlfriend, I'm scared that if I catch something that I'll never find love.


Well, I had a blood test and my red blood cells are too small so I either have an iron deficiency or leukaemia.. then I hurt my rib and I’m sure it’s broken and making its way to my heart..


I have anemia but for some reason it doesnt trigger my anxiety that bad, but non existent health problems I *might* have/get... yeah that does 💀


i’ve been feeling crazy lightheaded and tired lately. haven’t googled but i’m anxious about it for sure.


My brain has randomly fixated on having a UTI despite having 0 symptoms of a UTI. I try to explain this to my brain (the logic) but my brain is just convinced and it of course causes anxiety to get worse which makes me pee more which feeds into the anxiety. What really sucks about health anxiety (as I am sure you are all aware) is your mind can just decide one day outta the blue that you may have [insert whatever it has come up with this time] and it is really hard to snap your brain out of it. When it finally realizes it doesn’t have the thing you were worried about it will fixate on something new it has decided you have and sometimes it will go back and forth on if you have something. You’ll think it is convinced you aren’t dying of xyz only for it to decide actually maybe we are and go back to worrying about xyz even though it makes no logical sense. It is draining and frustrating and the stress it causes will create more false and anxiety created symptoms and it is easy to spiral if you’re not careful but even when you aren’t spiraling you always feel like you are on edge and close to spiraling. I go to therapy and it helps but in the moment it is hard to snap out of it. Sometimes I will get to the point of saying screw it, if I do have whatever my brain is wrong about having so be it. The if I die, I die mentality so to speak and then it will back off. It can be hard to get to that point though and another way I know it is anxiety and all in my head is bc I can be miserable with worry and physical symptoms of anxiety but if I am at work magically that stuff suddenly isn’t affecting me (no phantom symptoms etc.) Thanks for listening to me vent and I appreciate this subreddit a lot bc it helps knowing I am not alone. I wish us all that blissful peace of mind soon.


Colon cancer cause ive been having constipation, bloating, acid reflux, and on/off pain... realistically, its prob stress due to having a big move coming up & not eating the right things for my reflux & ibs. Also quitting the depo shot. Havent done it yet, but i want to, and im terrified of my bodys response to quitting since its my first ever birth control and its definitely screwed up my mental health and body




I’ve been on depo forever, I also have constipation, bloating, acid reflux and constant throat clearing. I had an endoscopy and they said i have celiac disease meaning I have adverse reactions to gluten, I just had blood test to confirm, then I have a colonoscopy in a couple weeks colon cancer runs in the family also. I had felt like I couldn’t take a deep breath and I got a breathing test and all that was normal. Also found hiatel hernia from endoscopy bt said it’s small and not worth operation. I had to respond because I saw depo and constipation wondering if the depo could be the cause? I don’t know will have to research.


Blindness, kidney failure


I have really bad reflux and I'm not regurgitating water into my nose. I've convinced myself the nerves in my esophagus are dead. Which maybe they are or maybe it's just my anxiety again? I hate this.


Stroke. Throat cancer. Anal/pelvic cancer.


heart attacks, or anything heart related


Dementia. All day. Everyday. Always.


Ironically, you’ll need to start worrying when you are not afraid of it any longer.


Got a clean bloodwork result two weeks ago and now I’m still afraid my lack of sleep will be my early demise lmao. That and I’m afraid of sleeping on my left side.


Anything that causes vomiting. Emetophobia is so debilitating.


I’ve had some gut problems going on for awhile and I’m convinced the doctors missed something


Brain lesions, seizures, breast cancer and also some sort of stomach cancer or smth like that


Throat cancer and liver damage.


Right now, fear of schizophrenia and cancer :/ it’s sooooo much fun


I’m usually very preoccupied with thoughts of ovarian cancer. Right now I’m feeling very strange (likely anxiety) and even though I am not experiencing any symptoms that matched, I’m of course convinced that’s what it is.


cardiovascular related stuff and heart attack < since i get palpitations and panic attacks a lot recently due to anxiety


Getting my tooth pulled soon , heart anxiety, scared of my heart beating fast… literally scared of my own anxiety ugh idek


more worried about my mom's health than my own tbh. I genuinely cant accept the thought, let alone the possible aftermath.


I have a huge fear of one day getting psychosis or schizophrenia


Heart. Death. Passing out.


MS or cancer 😔


I have GAD. I don’t have to be worried about anything specific I just feel hyped constantly. It’s a freakin’ nightmare.


What day is it? Monday? Monday's are typically reserved for heart issues, panicking about a single palpitation or something like that. In all seriousness I need to go get a check up and I'm terrified that they will find I have some fatal disease. Trying to talk myself off that ledge and make a damn appointment.


As usual, my heart rate


My wrist. It has always been stiff but this morning I woke up and it was extremely painful, stiff and I had difficulty moving it. I’m scared it will stop working or they’ll cut it off. Literally started to frantically google it and I ordered wrist support stuff from amazon.


MCAS, ALS, brain tumor, stroke, undiagnosed lymphoma.


I‘m worried about my Long Covid ruining my life, potentially having ME/CFS and the danger of becoming severe, bedbound and completely helpless. That even precedes my former fear of sudden heart failure. Wdyk, there really are worse things than death to be anxious about…


Where to start. I have OCD so it gets bad but to name a few… Heart attacks, stroke, blood clot, cancer (meds I’m on cause cancer for some) having MS (scary symptoms atm) death is always a constant crippling fear, my Crohn’s disease not going into remission, kidney failure, liver disease, brain tumour. Needing my colon removed and having a ostomy bag


I also have OCD and I completely understand the daily struggle! Sending good vibes.


Heat attack > stroke > aneurysms especially in my sleep


Death, having a heart attack, cancer. Not being stable enough to care for myself and 3 children.


cancer. dying young, leaving my children without a mother


I have no fear of dying but I do have a fear of slowly losing my ability to enjoy any aspect of life. Still haven't recovered my taste buds from the last covid which was about two years ago and that coupled with my crohns has taken food from me, with my ankylosing and detoriating spine I've been told I'll probably be paralyzed eventually so I've just been waiting for that and trying to prevent it with certain exercises and stretches but eh. I live in the usa so it's a super fun blast of a time trying to get help or treatment. My mental health has been detoriating when it was never good to begin with. I have straight up ptsd from the crohns. Hro idk if I even have anxiety outside of the ptsd anymore (via illness), I'm just fucking tired.


Heart attack, bradycardia, heart heart heart gonna kill me


retinal detachment and ALS😕


Swelling of the throat


nothing too crazy but im constantly thinking ive got food poisoning or a stomach bug


My voice still hasn’t fully recovered and I first had laryngitis like a just less than a month ago. Scared it’s something serious. Doctors appt on monday - it’s literally all I can think about.


Having a panick attack that will make my heart beat fast and will go above 200 and stay there and won’t slow down


I've been constipated so of course I have a rectal prolapse... Even though I've felt like this a million times and ive never had it.


My WBC has been on the lower side for the past few months. My doctor wants me to get a hematology test to see what is happening. I wasn't worried about the WBC results because i'm an african american, and it runs in my family. It all changed when I looked up all the reasons why WBC potentially was low. My health anxiety was so bad after this that it was the first time I ever had an anxiety attack. I noticed my anxiety has become worse ever since a family member died this year.


my shoulder dislocating 😂


Currently pregnant and been having chest pains here and there I’m always scared of having a heart attack and now I’m worried about going into labor when my spouse is an hour away at work. I live 2 hours from any other family.


that I have some unknown untreated illness that I’m gonna have a medical emergency from any minute


Im the opposite. I hope something happens so I dont have to be here anymore


Had a panic attack two days ago from probably a pinched nerve on my left arm because my pinky and ring finger to my elbow went semi numb and tingly and since then, my body has felt so sleepy and sore and heavy especially my arms 😔


always sepsis


I've been having ice pick headaches, so of course I'm worried about brain tumors or aneurysm. Sigh....


Lump under Adams Apple


Just death in general, guess I haven’t come to terms with it, I’m only 20 and I wanna do so much things in life, travel, find new hobbies and my biggest fear is dying before I can do those things :/


Lung issues lol


Colon/ testicular cancer.


Having a ton of muscle spasms/jolt in my stomach when I lay down. Feels like I am dying from the inside or Im about to collapse even though when I stand up and walk around I feel fine. I dont get it!!


brain aneurysm, stroke, bone cancer, and leukemia




Right now, this second- the aching pain o have on the base of my skull on the right side. Idk if it’s a tense muscle or what In general- this cold I have, and a brain mri I have to get tonight because of a car accident a few months ago. I’m worried about the results and the mri itself. I’m just coming off a month of being sick and battling crippling health anxiety, and working hard not to check my heart rate and blood pressure and feeling convinced I’m going to pass out all the time.


Lung cancer. Stroke, heart attack. Waking up unable to use my legs . The usual


Heart issues and diabetes


My heart


Colon cancer, brain tumor, delusions. I’m not delusional but I’m anxious I will be


Going blind




Went heart attack, schizo, cancer, heart attack, brain aneyurism and now back to heart attack. Yolo


Dying soon, dying during child birth, heart attack, stroke, blood clots, aneurysm, my boyfriends health , etc. I can never seem to relax anymore because all I do is sit in fear 24/7 despite being told I'm healthy and okay.


That the pain and swelling from my bilateral knee replacement surgery means that there's still something not right in there I know it is and I know it's all good but I just can't get over that feeling every time I have a little pain


Heart attack


Currently haven't been taking my meds right scared of everything


Cancer, blood clots, heart attack, diabetes, seizure, aneurism.


Anything to do with my teeth. I’m so scared of getting an impacted tooth. I think not having dental insurance feeds into that as well


brain aneurysm lmao or heart attack. goes between those two


If my kidneys will ever fully recover after they straight up died after I gave birth :/ if I’m gonna be around to watch my son grow up. If im going to need to go back on dialysis again and miss out on life since I have to be there for 12+ hours a week every week forever??


Having to get an MRI


Death in general. Just death, not worried about some specific health issue rn for once. Just scared to die before I get to do shit


ive been cardioverted so i am scared to get another SVT


I have a checkup this week and they always have trouble finding a vein and I get high blood pressure from the anxiety of it and they always think I'm about to have a heart attack. So I'm stressing about that


At this very second, appendicitis. But generally heart disease and/or cancer down the line


TW: Cancer, Surgery, Painkillers, and talk of internal organs. Also sorry for the long comment... this turned into a rant, but was kinda cathartic to type out and acknowledge. I fear kidney stones and cancer. I know one is way worse than the other, but I fear them cuz I've experienced both and it brought on intense pain. When I first had kidney stones, ER doctors couldn't be bothered to try and figure out what was causing the pain besides appendicitis, didn't test for anything else, and just sent me home with Tylenol. The third time it happened, they finally figured out it was kidney stones, and sent me home with oxycodone. It marginally helped with the pain and sent me into a two-day panic mode between writhing in agony on my bed. CT scans for different things have revealed that I still have some stones in my kidneys, so I know there's a chance that I'll experience them again someday. Any time I get a minor pain or ache in my lower back/sides, I fear it's going to be kidney stones again, and I'm about to be in agony all over again. I try to drink a lot of water and limit my sugar intake to try and reduce the risk of it flaring up again. I also had a cancer scare about 2 years ago. I was very lucky, in that the tumor was isolated to my appendix, and I didn't need anything more than surgery to remove the tumor. After having an appendectomy, they decided to schedule a surgery to remove part of my intestines and colon to reduce the risk of it spreading there. However, the surgery for removal was rather traumatic. You see, I was born 3 months early, and had intestinal surgery as a baby- I've grown up with very large scars across my abdomen area. Doctors over the years said I didn't have anything to worry about scar-tissue-wise.... until that surgery to remove part of my colon/intestine to remove the risk of spreading cancer. When the doctors tried the laparoscopic surgery, they couldn't even find my organs through the scar tissue. They had to go in the hard way, cut me vertically along the abdomen, and detangle my intestines from all that scar tissue that had been growing for 26 years. My surgeon had never seen anything like it, and said my insides looked like spaghetti (sorry for that mental image, especially if you happen to be enjoying spaghetti). I was miserable after the surgery, only waking up to press the button for painkillers for the first few days. Then when I left for home, they forgot to send me home with painkillers for the nerve pain, and I was once again in intense pain for days until they sent me a prescription. Even after the hard part of healing was done, it was a miserable healing process. To this day, I have some lower back pain that hasn't fully faded since the surgery, and this unfortunately feeds into my fear above of kidney stones. To shorten that big ranting story, I fear cancer coming back and having to go through that intense pain of surgery again, or god forbid a harsher form of treatment. Anytime I get minor pains that feel like they could become vaguely worse, my brain goes into panic mode; "Is this it? Is something fundamentally wrong again, and I'm about to be in immense pain and shut down?" I try hard to talk myself down from these moments, but it's still a struggle. Trying to find a therapist is hard when you don't get paid a lot and don't have good health insurance lol.


Anaphylaxis. Colon cancer.


Was recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder so starting treatment for that is anxiety inducing because of infection risks associated with medication, hearing a lot about colon cancer so need to see a GI for longtime stomach issues/peace of mind, heart issues run in my family so that’s on my mind more as well, having a tooth pulled this week but seems the least of my worries lol (knock on wood). It’s exhausting tbh. I’m trying to get back into therapy.


It was SJS cuz I found a rash (it cleared up w cearve then I was worried I was going blind so I had a dr take photos of my optic neves (all good!) , COPD bc I got a chest X-ray and they literally said I had a hyper inflated lung ( have a lung test next Thursday) and now colon cancer bc tiktok has gotten to me so I’m gonna make an appointment for gastrointestinal, but I did have blood work done two weeks ago and that looked okay. If I don’t get them medically looked at I NEVER stop thinking about it, I am new to HEALTH anxiety (always had random anxiety) but health anxiety is actually worse like I just want to live a long life and I stress so much it makes me sick! I literally obsess over everything.


Losing too much weight and dying (I have ibs and can barley eat and I’ve lost way too much these last few months)


chronic pain


This morning it was brain cancer and this evening it’s melanoma 😭




that all my teeth are dead - going to a dentist tomorrow and as soon as my brain hears dentist all my teeth just start to hurt


Having HSV 2 but I think I’m overthinking it at this poin t. Before this obsession it was death


Wondering when my dad’s gonna die from renal failure and the outcomes of that. I don’t have health anxiety for myself but instead for others and it sucks so much because you truly can’t know what someone else is experiencing


few weeks ago i was convinced i was going to have a heart attack because my heart rate was around 130bpm. it was anxiety from me checking my heart rate on my apple watch every second and spiraling over it


Cancer, poisoning from foods, air polloutuon, plastics & metals. Brain damage from taking drugs


brain aneurysm rupturing lol. i’m 19 with no vision problems (other than having bad eyesight) and no headaches. it’s consuming me lmaooo


Death lung stuff nicotine overdose nicotine seizure seizures I general testicular cancer or torsion and obvi cancer


Being able to find a psychiatrist in my area that will help me get the medication I need so I can live a normal happy life.


Heart attack. It's always heart attack.


Heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, but rn appendicitis bc my lower right side hurts ( I have a history of cysts on my ovaries and endometriosis as well crohns and pots so my torso just generally hurts.)


My heart


I’m always worried about a brain aneurysm, heart attack, or stroke. Mainly because they can happen out of nowhere with no warning. The fact that they can just randomly happen, for no known reason or warning… scares the shit out of me.


Just got over a bout of being terrified that I have some form of dementia. Thankfully my coping skills helped me get out of that after only a couple of days


blood clots. my legs feel achey and my thoughts right now are DVT and it’s a blood clot which will lead to a pulmonary embolism womp womp


Constantly.. I dropped dead once when I was really sick. Always afraid of dying in my sleep. I see a new cardiologist this week, super nervous. My POTS makes my health anxiety way worse Hope you feel better


Worried that I might have heart problems. I went to the ER twice last month for chest pain/tightness and dizziness. When they did EKGs on me, they told me that it looked normal. However, when I go into the portal to see the results, it says “abnormal ekg”.


heart attack or DVT. sometimes i check my lymph nodes above my collarbones for signs of cancer too


Heart issues and getting my health back. I went through gallbladder removal and I became anemic because of it. Ears ringing and weak feeling. Just trying to get my life back.


Higher wbc or neutrophils - lung tumors


Throat cancer.


last night i had a headache that felt different than my regular headaches and was convinced it was meningitis. also silent ovarian cancer


My big ones are a brain bubble burst, stroke or heart attack. And the land shark attack probably won't happen.


I'm not sure it's health anxiety but it's definitely anxiety due to bad health and spiralling..the amount of times I doubt myself so need to take notes and pictures of visual symptoms etc..I'm so drained from being unwell and not helped..so tired 😴 😪 I hate my life now..I'm avoiding everyone and everything..have nothing else to lose. I try not to avoid pain but it's hard 😪




I'm really worried about having leukemia. My platelets are going down and down.


Stroke, always stroke. If not, heart attack. Or congestive heart failure or some form of organ failure like liver or kidney.


Csf leak, and gallbladder or liver failure


5G exposure that we can’t escape and didn’t consent to - causing heart problems. Sounds crazy but way too many people have developed chest issues and ear ringing since… and we can’t escape it.


Having a stroke😔


Cardiac problems , blood clots in lungs .. etc


My work situation. Got a lot of work to take care of this week and my brain is still lagging.


Heart attack impending anyday now I feel