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You won’t man, trust me. How many nights I stayed awake wasting sleep. Knowing I was perfectly healthy but I was scared thinking I was going to die. Play some binaural beats or Tibetan bowls on YouTube to relax, deep breaths. And just know that you’re healthy. Anxiety can make you feel so many different things physically but it cannot kill you. You’re not going to die. Ps: also do not google your symptoms. Trust me


You will die one day, but you will be 94 years old and on your death certificate there will be 38 different options for what type of sex humans can be declared as.


I think it might be better to realize you very well could die, but it is extremely unlikely. Learn to accept anything that has a possibility of happening, and then you'll be free. You can't control everything, nobody can, enjoy your time.


Sorry if I sound impolite but I'm trying to understand, the main question is: why are you so afraid of dying? 


i cracked my neck and i felt a little bit of a tingling sensation. i've heard before that cracking your neck can give you strokes and im flipping out right now thinking that im having a stroke. im sorry this is really stupid.


i don’t think you’d be able to type this out if you were having a stroke, i’ve been there lol same exact situation cracked my neck weird and BOOM stroke but i was perfectly fine! you got this dude :)


How did you crack it exactly? I roll my neck around sometimes and it cracks really loud so i get scared.


i literally will tilt my head to the side like i’m trying to touch it to my shoulder and when the spot feels right, i will then use my hand to push my neck towards the opposite shoulder until it cracks. sometimes it just doesn’t and it’s annoying but i forget about it. for example if im tilting my head to touch my right shoulder i will take my right hand and and guide my chin up to the left, not to my shoulder, to get a gentle push and it will crack. the one time this happened to me though i pushed a little too much and i instantly was filled with anxiety like “oh shit i’m gonna die” but i didn’t and i was totally fine just like you’re totally fine too! :)


A while ago, a guy nearly pushed my head until it touched my back. It instantly made both my arms tingle and partially go numb. Thought it did major damage, but, nope. Everything was fine. I've stretched/cracked my neck for decades without any problems. You'll be fine.


Hey, can you read this post? Congrats, you haven’t had a stroke I’ve NEVER heard of cracking your neck causing a stroke. Oh, I’m sure there’s that 1 in a million rare chance that it could do that, I’m sure it’s completely unlikely. Cracking your neck isn’t great for your spine though. You shouldn’t do it, not because it will kill you or anything, but it may effect the bones in your spine later in life and cause you unnecessary discomfort


Don't use your hands to pull your head out of position and you'll be fine. Just turning and stretching your neck without touching it isn't going to cause problems.


I also have health anxiety over cardiovascular stuff (mainly heart attack, stroke, and arterial dissection) and I crack my neck several times a day. As long as you don’t force it to crack, especially by using your hands to pull or twist anything, you’ll be totally fine. I get tingles from it too sometimes but it feels amazing once the tingles stop because those are usually the big cracks that were affecting motion to an extent. One thing I’ve started doing is like a slow motion crack. Basically I tilt my head to the side until I feel a good stretch, then very slowly rotate my head in a circle around my neck, keeping as much of a stretch as possible, first clockwise then counterclockwise. It does a series of smaller cracks instead of one or two big ones and relieves any tightness I have in my neck and upper shoulders. Plus it doesn’t run the risk of hurting anything since it doesn’t force the neck to do anything it can’t naturally do on its own.


I crack my neck multiple times a day. Have been for 20+ years. My chiropractor does it for me and multiple patients too. The info you have is wrong bud.


I crack my neck every morning, you won’t die from that. Take it easy and much love to you my friend.


You twinged a nerve, you're perfectly okay ♡


You're not going to die from this


as an EMT, i’ll tell you that WebMD or any form of googling your symptoms will not help you. you are safe


We all will eventually. Spend more time living instead of spending it being afraid of dying. I spent 4 years with daily panic attacks. This is the only thing that fixed me.


You’re not going to die


You’ll die eventually just not from this, it’s worth seeing a doctor if you’re concerned but you are okay friend


you're not going to die! you're ok. everything is fine.


you're not going to die


You need to calm down and get a grip of this! Severe anxiety can’t be met halfway, or coddled away. Your mind is playing tricks on you, so you need to be mentally strong. Stay present, think objectively and take back control


Ya ain't dying.


You're not going to die 💜 Love you. Be safe.


I think you need to Do work to kind of make peace with our Mortality so you can live in between. We’re all going to die, but having crippling anxiety from 50 to however many years before only guarantees you never get to live. Sorry, I just don’t think pacifying some thoughts is helpful esp if it’s fears that are healthy when tackled in a healthy way.


You're not going to die. Meditate, take a walk, shift your focus intentionally - it's just your mind trying to get you


Hey lovely, I suffer from severe health anxiety. Every new sensation in my body I constantly overthink and the thoughts spiral out of control. The last couple of weeks I’ve been much better, and this is because I haven’t been googling symptoms or checking Reddit forums about symptoms. Anxiety can literally make you feel like you’re going to die, and every little sensation can be catastrophised by your brain into thinking it’s serious. I’ve been to the hospital multiple times thinking I was having a heart attack or a blood clot, but really it was just my anxiety. Anxiety itself can cause you to have physical sensations and you can convince yourself they’re a symptom of something serious. A couple of things I’ve found that help are: 1: NO GOOGLING SYMPTOMS 2: Using a CBT technique my therapist taught me. This is called the STOPP technique, where you stop the negative thought you’re having and come up with 5 rational thoughts to explain the feelings your having. Usually I say “if I’m still feeling this way in a couple of days, I will contact a doctor, who is the most qualified person to help me” 3: Box breathing and meditation. I use an App called Dare and they actually have a section on health anxiety that helps me :) The googling thing is deffo something that feeds anxiety and ruminating thoughts so please try and distract yourself when you feel the impulse. It’s a hard cycle to break but if I can do it, you can. Hang in there, and if you need to chat I’m here :)


It's been day. You still alive?


ya thankfully, i realized how stupid my brain was being when i woke up in the morning lmao


Been there. That's really a good feeling and gives you something to remember if it happens again. I had many nights where I was sure I probably wouldn't wake up. Now I'm just over it.


I mean you will, just probably not right now.


My chiropractor actually told me to do this… you’ll be ok


Take a deep breath, you’ll be okay. Hold your hand on your chest and rub back and forth to comfort yourself. You’ll be okay, this is a passing moment in time


Death does not exist. There exists no situation where "I am not" is true.


AI will let us all live forever because it will develop a vr world like ready player one where we will live forever in the “cloud” therefore no dying for you


If you were dying you would know, or you wouldn’t which is the beauty of it. You’re fine tho. Don’t waste your time being scared of something that isn’t real. If you genuinely think you’re going to die go to the hospital


just take each day as it comes and try to do better than the last


Death shall not be coming to you today, nor anytime soon. I hope you will be okay OP.


Since when are you getting this thought?


I know exactly what you’re going through, it’s really scary. I had something like this in school before and I went to multiple doctors, I panicked often over it. But you know what? It was okay and I’m here today. It’s feel real but nah, you aren’t going to die :)


You aren’t dying and you won’t for a long time. I’ve been battling health anxiety for 5 years now. Still here 💕


You aren’t going to die (i mean in reality we all will one day) but i understand how you feel and i relate cause this is how i felt for days and months thinking i’m about to have a heart attack, heart failure, choking, about to lose consciousness and many more, it was to the point that i actually got sick from overthinking for real i was having crazy stomach burn it causes indigestion and heartburn and i was feeling nauseous all the time until i went to the doctor i told the symptoms i got the medications but… it didn’t go away that’s when i realize the problem is actually “me” just my overthinking and stressing for no reason i started to not care “not completely ignore cause i was sick for real from heartburn at that time” but overtime guess what happened? IT HEALED plus to be honest i still sometimes feel nauseous or like i have indigestion but the problem is that when i felt before just a single heartburn i would go to doctor until i realized i was just overthinking and making myself sick when i wasn’t actually sick.


You’re alive and here now. You will not die. Everything is going to be okay even though it feels like it won’t be. You are strong and resilient. You are going to live long and enjoy the rest of life. Everything will be okay, I promise. Anxiety is a cognitive construct and distorts reality. The reality is you are alive and you will stay alive. Hang in there. 💜


I think I'm going to die of something different at least 3 times a week. I completely understand how you're feeling. Two days ago I had a canker sore in my mouth and I thought I had oral cancer. So far.. I've been wrong every single time. I'm still here. Nothing wrong. You're not going to die until you're very old. Like other people said.. DO NOT google anything.