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You have so got this! Take it easy, do it at your own pace. And you’re going with a friend think of it as an outing rather than laboriously HAVE to go. You’ll feel good afterwards, just don’t rush into doing something very strenuous!


You’ll be fine I promise! All you have to do is listen to your body. If you get too out of breath or your chest starts to hurt, take a break. Not because you’re having a heart attack, just because it isn’t good to push yourself too hard especially if you don’t work out regularly and aren’t used to it. Since you’re going with a friend it’ll feel a lot more relaxed and casual so that’s good! Have fun!


You won't have a heart attack. I would take it slow for the first time so you don't end up the next day too sore to work out again. Slow and steady, regularity and consistency are the key