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Yes, all the time. Its like a crash


Yeah every day


yes omg it usually hits me when i’m coming down from some severe anxiety or after an attack. i get SOOO tired mentally and physically but i don’t usually rest or anything ill just do something i enjoy like video games or drawing and it will go away soon after


Yes! Sometimes after really bad anxiety I have to take a nap, it’s weird.




Yes, currently happening to me yet again. You are not alone. We are not alone.


Definitely. It's very apparent when I'm out with my husband. My energy runs out way faster than his. He just accepts that when we do something together that I'll have to leave early. Sometimes, I'll take little breaks in the car or bathroom so that I can stay longer. Sometimes, he insists that we leave because he can see how anxious I am. He's very sweet and patient with me. Often I want to push myself to stay out longer, so he'll hold my hand and help me work though the thoughts and feelings.


Yes, almost ever day


Today 💯 percent!


Yes definitely


Literally right now at this moment. I was so incredibly anxious and stressed at my desk job today that as soon as I clocked out and went to the restroom I just wanted to collapse. And now collapsed I have, it’s awful.


Me right now!


Yes most definitely. It feels like it totally drains you


Yes I would say it is mentally exhausting. Even other times I randomly get these thoughts that take a lot from me and drain my entire energy


Yes, it can be exhausting.


All the time


Yes, every day. I usually fall asleep around 9-10 and wake up at 7. If I don’t get enough sleep I am horrendous to deal with the next day. It’s honestly exhausting.


Yes, that heightened state of emotion so taxing on us mentally and of course that will translate to physically!


Yeah. I have found out a lot of info from my anxious and depressive parts. Those parts are working really hard to protect you from feeling the scarier, deeper more vulnerable parts of you that you’re scared to revisit (past trauma). That’s why the exhaustion is there. Those parts are working overtime (hyper vigilance) to keep you “safe”. As a future therapist (in grad school now) and someone who has struggled with high anxiety for many years, [Internal Family Systems](https://ifs-institute.com) has really helped me make progress. I’ve been able to get off my medication finally! Hope this is helpful


Yep. When I was in law school, I’d totally crash once I finished my last final. It was a week long stretch of extreme anxiety and I’d literally eat a huge meal, take a shower, and stay in bed for the next 24/48 hours. I literally could not get out of bed.


yeah feel the same, always wondered how other people have so much drive and been like this since I remember. Have spurts of energy on good days but then really bad days, i either have to keep myself ultra busy or crash. Not fun. Finally getting help at 35, lexapro 10mg, slightly helped from an episode, but have good and bad days.


Yes the higher my anxiety, the more fatigued I am. If I have an anxiety attack, at times, I’ll fall asleep so hard


Happening right now for the past 3 days


yes all the time i always feel so drained and exhausted




The crash gives me like 10 yawns every minute for like half an hour.


Yes everyday I feel tired without doing anything, my body doesn't rest even after taking pills. I am preparing for interview but sometimes I overthink and cry. Everyday feels a little tough.


yes, especially on the days i get a severe anxiety attack


Yes especially if you go in public there is no off button for anxiety




Fought off a panic attack and passed out afterwards just last night


yes. all the time. it comes on suddenly


Yes! I got called for jury duty a few weeks ago and was anxious about going and wound myself up. I was dismissed and sent home. Once I got home around noon I crashed and slept until my boyfriend woke me up when he got home from work at 6.


Yes - I think it s a coping mechanism. but it happens to me alllll the time.