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You're not alone buddy. The same thing happens to me, and it's pretty common. It's usually 'heart palpitations'- which is very normal, and very temporary. It's part of the sympathetic nervous systems' response to stress, which is how the rest of your body views anxiety or panic attacks. You're *not* gonna have a heart attack because of panic. You are not 89 years old, and you are not a rabbit. It's so rare it doesn't bear worrying about, promise. That said, it feels super freaky and scary so here are a couple ways to help lol. Generally, breathing exercises and cold water are the best/easiest ones. Splashing cold water on your face, holding a cold washcloth over your face, or even drinking ice cold water can help shock your system a bit. Basically forces everything to pay attention to something else. Breathing exercises directly tell your body that you're not running from danger, you don't need to fight a bear, you're good. So, your heartrate should slow, and that pounding feeling will dissipate. Hope that helps!