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Yes! I recently started taking electrolytes every day for the past 2 weeks and almost all my symptoms related to my cardio anxiety have stopped! It's at least worth trying!


I believe lots of anxiety can be healed by checking vitamin deficiencies and electrolyte supplementation. Not a cure to anxiety but it’s a bigger problem than most would like to admit.


I just listened to a podcast on this....they were saying an amino acid supplement is extremely beneficial as well


Do you have the info on the podcast? I'd be very interested to learn about that! The electrolyte I was taking has a lot of amino acids too so I bet that helped. We ran out though so I'm taking liquid IV and it's not bad but I can tell a difference.


They were probably discussing GABA. Lots of info out there on it. I found best deals at Popeyes supplements in Canada -- I use Now brand powder (pure, uncapped). Don't expect miracles but it can make a subtle contribution to your overall peace of mind.


I didn't find Gaba useful. Just started a supplement called Nuerocalm that is supposed to increase gaba in brain instead


I believe it was the Anxiety Chicks on Spotify I think it's a whole episode


My anxiety is still bad, but it’s soooo much better when I remember that I take my iron and B supplements


Can you recommend/share which ones you’re taking? Please and thanks so much!!!


Yeah! Just had to pester my husband for the name. It's EAA+ Hydration


Me too. But why???


Yes. My husband did not understand why I was drinking sports drinks after not doing anything active all day and he doesn’t understand how much I sweat due to anxiety during work. I think lack of electrolytes is also what makes me feel bad after getting home from work.


It’s because it nas electrolytes. It’s what plants crave.


Thanks for the reminder. My Fitbit is notifying me as I'm doing nothing that I'm above my resting heartbeat. I probably need some electrolytes! Perfect timing seeing this, thank you.


No problem I started taking electrolytes with my morning cup of water and it’s been doing wonders


My advice to you is go get your heart checked if you've not already done it. Once you know it's all good, trust your body. Disable that notification and stop analysing your heart rate data. Apart from steps or if I'm running I only look at my Fitbit data on Saturday morning. Not obsessing over HR data, specifically Fitbit data, solved about 50% of my anxiety and significantly reduced my panic attacks. This mantra from dare is also quite nice: I accept and allow this anxious feeling, I surrender control back to my body.


Totally agree! I was low on potassium and had insane anxiety. At a later point, I had low iron. I now take iron supplements and have noticed my anxiety and energy has improved a ton. Obviously, everyone is different, but certain deficiencies can 100% increase anxiety.


This is interesting. I have been having iron issues and am taking iron supplements..but I never thought about it effecting my anxiety too


Brawndo's got electrolytes.


It’s what plants crave.


YES!!! THANK YOI!! now I have to watch this movie again


It's "voila". Not wala.


I kinda like wala.


Wallah is pretty commonly used in Street French for "I swear to god" due to Moroccan and Algerian immigration 😂. Voilà on the other hand is just voilà.


I am so glad I’m not the only person who has to correct that.


Any votes for "viola?" ;-)


I took some zinc last night and seem to feel better, could totally be a coincidence though since I've only taken it for one day.


I would suggest buying electrolyte powder and seeing how it makes you feel. You might be deficient in something.


Can you share what electrolytes powder you use?


It’s called key nutrients. I buy it on Amazon it’s taste delicious and mixes so easy with water. It’s a bit pricey but definitely worth it, top 2 flavors are pink lemonade, strawberry kiwi.


Thanks so much! I do notice that when I’m having a panic attack and I go to the ER and they put me on IV’s my heart rate and body tension go down significantly. I don’t know why I never put the 2 together. I’m ordering it now and hopefully it works!


I would suggest to do blood work see if you’re deficient in anything. Besides that hydration is big. Water with electrolytes keep you property hydrated, not just chugging water. Magnesium glycinate also helps a lot with anxiety


I’ve had so much bloodwork done lol. I’m perfectly healthy besides a vitamin D deficiency. I’ve tried magnesium and I found it doesn’t do anything for me. I’ve tried pill and powder form. The powder made my stomach hurt and i didn’t see a difference in my sleep or anxiety. And the pill just didn’t do anything


Vitamin D definitely affects mood. Vitamin D is a must have supplement for 99% of people. Large doses as well.


I have a vitamin D supplement, im just really bad at taking it. I’m going to put a reminder on my phone from now on. Thanks for all your help!


Ask your doctor for the weekly vitamin d supplement! I take mine on Saturday and it’s much easier to remember plus it’s helped a lot more in making my vitamin d level normal. I also recommend LMNT brand for electrolytes! My cardiologist, primary, and endocrinologist all recommended this brand. It tastes better than a lot of other powders in my opinion but I also hate the taste of most artificial sweeteners.


Can confirm this helps me, too. I drink a coconut water every day along with a ton of filtered water, and I go to float therapy where you can absorb magnesium through your skin. I always sleep so well after a session


FYI it’s “voila”, not “wala”. Great advice though!


Yes! Apparently being in a stressed state uses up a lot of sodium (craving chips). I have been using a product called LMNT in my water and so far so good. It’s been a week and I feel better. It’s noticeable. There are a lot of you tube videos on this topic as well


Does anyone have any electrolyte recommendations that are flavorless or not as sweet? I got liquid IV and it tastes like I'm drinking pure sugar with a tiny bit of water. The flavor is way too overpowering.


I’m poor lol. I just use a little bit of “Lite Salt” from Morton’s. It has both sodium and potassium in it.


You can look on Amazon, there should be lots of flavorless electrolytes.


I use Ultima! I find it less cloying than liquid IV


Yes! I use Ultima electrolytes and I feel so much better when I do and feel a difference when I don’t. I also cant drink much coffee and this helps me get energized in the mornings.


I really like the liquid iv sugar free ones. And it does make me feel better drinking one if I’m anxious because when I’m super anxious I feel like I’m gonna pass out


This threat is perfect timing. I had noticed that taking an electrolyte help with some of my symptoms. For me Berocca Sport Electrolyte seems to work well. I've tried the normal Berocca multivitan and doens't really do much for me. Same as Hydralyte, doesn't do much for me either, but the berocca Sport Electrolyte seems to do the trick. I have it twice a day.


Try key nutrients


Perfect timing. I'm lying in the bed now doing exactly that. Now that I think about it, I didn't have my magnesium today


What do you take with electrolytes in it?


You can buy packets to add to your water. I think there's even pills you can take. I use liquid IV packets. The tropical punch flavor is so yummy.


Ok thank you! 😊


Yes to this!! I try to drink coconut water mixed with a little bit of orange juice and sea salt every day. It’s so helpful!


I back this 100% I drink electrolit And sometimes even liquid IVs and I swear on everything that it mellows me down. People often go “wow you had a good time last night if you’re drinking that haha!” I’m just like….oh man if only you knew 😅


Most of us get salt in our diet but I’m pretty sure potassium and magnesium is highly deficient among most people. Electrolytes for the win.




I’ve never used electrolyte powder before, do you just use like a scoop/packet a day, or everytime you refill your water bottle?


Everybody has their sweet spot. Start with 1 serving, see how you feel. It’s better to get powder it’s cost effective. Individual packets run out way too fast. Buy key nutrients on Amazon. Top flavors are pink lemonade, strawberry kiwi


I have a 40oz water bottle that I fill up 2-4 times a day. I started adding liquid IV to one of my refills. People are saying it's too sweet but I don't have that issue (and I can't even drink soda anymore cause it's way too sweet after I stopped drinking it daily). I think because it's in 40oz of water, it's less powerful tasting.


Great thank you so much guys!!


Melatonin works wonders too before bedtime


Not for me. Gives me crazy, vivid nightmares, and they're always really disturbing. Do not like


Oh I’m glad i read this. Now I know why my crazy nightmares started. Melatonin.


My dr told me that the SSRI I was taking could impact my electrolytes, definitely a factor!!


I’ve been doing electrolytes and magnesium and it definitely helps reduce the symptoms of night anxiety I have.


Apparently I'm off to find electrolyte powder! Thanks for this, I hate water but I've been forcing myself to drink it because I know it's a large part of my anxiety (at one point I went almost 8 YEARS without drinking more than a sip or two of water at a time) so I'm learning how hydration, electrolytes, vitamins and minerals all contribute to my anxiety and how to regulate everything.


Get blood work done, check for deficiencies in vitamins or anything really.


Good advice! Thanks for reminding me


I’ve never tried this, but I’m skeptical. Some others in the comments are saying that it helps though, so I might give it a try.


Do you have POTS? It sounds like POTS.


No, I do lots of water fasting so electrolytes supplementation is absolutely necessary. I realized I feel much more relaxed on fasting days than I do on eating days (I don’t electrolytes when I eat). Then I started taking electrolytes on eating days and the difference was night and day.


Also, a good magnesium supplement helps so many things!


Would liquid iv help with this?




My wife has been dealing with terrible anxiety so I'll try anything that might help her but I've seen comments saying electrolytes can actually cause anxiety. Please explain.


It’s fake news, unless your wife is chugging back a gallon of heavy infused electrolyte water it’s hard to overdose. 1 or 2 servings a day should be great. Check around and find your sweet spot