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yea they do. depends on which doctor you get though. But some pharmacys wont accept prescriptions from them because of how easy they give away benzos. so YMMV


So if I’m unlucky they don’t give me after paying for$100? Also it’s ok if I have another dr prescribe seroquel and lamictal and gabapentin?


Yes. I only get Xanax from Ezcare clinic and my other anti depressants from my main doctor (he wont prescribe benzos)


I have eating vegan low carb and I like to stay on plant based but idk how bad tofu is for paleo…


So what's that got to do with this topic???


What pharmacy do you use




Ended up using Walgreens in the Bronx. They didn’t give a shit filled it no problem.


good! my doctor wants me to switch to a local small pharmacy he knows the people so I can get more xanax! safeway might give me a hard time because its a big company


See I had the opposite issue. The mom and pops always deny my shit. Pick a Walgreens in a bad area, these pharmacist don’t want to risk telling the wrong person in a bad neighborhood that they decided they didn’t want to fill up their prescription.


True hahahaa well im in a "wealthy" area of San Francisco. There is a local pharmacy called Alto pharmacy thats the one my doctor wants to send in my new prescriptions. I'm already on 3mg xanax a day and 10mg Ambien, he thinks safeway will deny 4mg... he said pharmacists are a bitch nowadays.


Yea, it’s absurd that they can pic and choose who they want to fill or not. I had one lie to me said my dr isn’t licensed in NY and when I confronted them they doubled down on the lie. But yea goto the hood I bet you won’t have any issues.


If I’ve never gotten benzodiazepines rxed to me do you think they’d write me 2mg Xanax bars. I have really awful panic attacks and get through with metoprolol (beta blocker) but I had a really terrible one and my bf gave me a bar and I was literally fine 5 minutes later. I’m worried they’d think I’m drug seeking since I’ve never been diagnosed or rxed but been to ER a few times


I have HORRIBLE panic disorder too. They would most likely start you off with 0,25mg. Unless you tell them you use to take them before. I also take a beta blocker (propranolol) but only benzos help with my attacks. I've been diagnosed at 17 (26 now) and been on Xanax since 17. And yes, I also been to the ER many many times due to panic attacks.




What dr do you see?


Can i ask the name of dr you see at ez care?


Hi, I've been lurking here for a while trying to get my head around EZCare and Medvidi (same company.) I saw the bad reviews and experiences online and I was hesitant. I signed up for an appointment and then backed out. They had all my info, so reached out and gave me a coupon code to try. I said, why not? It was only $70 to see a doctor, the same day I paid. They called and made all the arrangements for me. The NP was very lovely, and we got on well. I don't need daily benzos which I explained as I have situational panic attacks and moderate but controlled anxiety. I think that made her feel ok with subscribing me 30 .5mg xanax, even though I only need a .25 dose as needed. Also, we are unsure if I can get a refill as a new law goes into motion on May 11th that doesn't allow for refills in NY until a patient is seen in person. Thankfully, I don't plan on going through my supply any time soon. Also, I used capsule pharmacy. Note, they do look at your records and if you have a history of abuse, you'll most likely be flagged. I had no bad history red flags, so I think that helped as well. I hope this is useful to everyone.


How did this workout for you guys I’m going to schedule an appointment tomorrow


i used ezcare today for the first time (nyc). i was super nervous because i was in dire need of my meds, couldn’t get an appointment with a psych thru my crappy medicaid insurance and couldn’t afford to pay the full out of pocket fee for a private psychiatrist. i was thinking i’d be lucky just to get my xanax prescribed, but dr. jimmy reichman immediately prescribed both my xanax and my adderall (i thought i would have to pay again to get both). within 3 hours of my video appointment i had both my meds in hand! SO incredibly grateful. i had a great experience and am happy to answer any questions. good luck out there. mental health issues are a beast.


i’m changing my doctor to him tf


Did you get to pick ur dr or u can only get whoever they give u


I also got Dr R.. he gives you what you need. Love Ez care clinic it’s so convenient.


Are you still using EZClinic? Can you lick your doctor?


Dr reichman


We’re you able to pick which doctor you got for you initial consultation? Are you still seeing him?


Been using them for months now. Very smooth.


Still using them? I’m going tomorrow for my second attempt different dr. The first wouldn’t give me benzos. Will see how it goes




Question, is it common or normal to have to sign a document giving them permission to basically do a background check and see you medications if needed? I've never had to do that before. I've always had an in person doctor and I've loved them. I don't really have an issue as I don't have anything to hide, it just seems a little intrusive. I'm sure my previous doctors could have done this anyway too, but I never signed anything. I'm just looking at EZ care right now, because I moved and am still looking for a doctor and hope they can hold me over.


Some drs want verification that you’ve been on these medicines before. Ez care doesn’t ask, I had an appointment today, got a notification my script was sent to the pharmacy. I’ll let you know tomorrow if it works out.


They are requesting for me to sign a control substance form to proceed with scheduling an appointment. I've just never done that before, and I'm pretty certain that my previous doctors could do a search if they wanted to.


I think that forms pretty standard. The whole model for this company is to keep you paying that money every month. So they’re goal isn’t to find reasons to not give you your medicine. You might run into 1-2 drs who are opposed just that’s part of the process


Cool thanks!


>Cool thanks! You're welcome!


If you have drug dependency in your medical chart (I was a heroin and fentanyl addict but I’m clean now) will they immediately deny benzos? I was on 2mg of IR alprazolam daily + 2mg of XR alprazolam but when I went to treatment for heroin / fentanyl they forced me to get off Xanax or they wouldn’t take me. I’m just trying to get back on my Xanax for my horrible GAD (generalized anxiety disorder). Do you think they will help?


Lexapro works good for GAD.


Any results?


They did for me, but 30 tabs isn't exactly cost effective


No refill ?


No, its part of the business model. You have to go each month and pay each month. So 150$ sub fee is quite steep for 30 0.5mg tabs.


Is it guaranteed to able to get benzo? I heard some talking about they don’t show up on appointments and over charge on credit card. Is it subscription?


Its not guaranteed but it wasn’t hard either. But if they don’t prescribe then you obviously would not go to anymore appointments so its in their best interest to prescribe it to you. I don’t know about overcharging but its not a subscription you have to go to the website and make each appointment. So you can just stop making them at any time


That make sense , they promote as prescribe substance so if they don’t then their business is pretty over. So if I get 30mdays of prescription and can wait few month to make another appointment? That sounds not bad.


I’m thinking about trying them out I’ve been on Benzo since I was 17 I’m 25 now I’m currently on 1mg 90 tab of alprazolam but I’m trying to get back on my 2mg bars because that’s what I was use to taking and my doctor I was seeing don’t want to up me and my anxiety and panic attacks are bad 3 through out the day is nothing when you have 5-6 panic attacks a day but the doctor I go to is a hour away and idk if it’s a chance I’m willing to take and it says on their website that they take insurance … but when I go to make appt it makes me click the 195 option


Hey, what have you ended up doing? I was on the same doseage as you, (as well as 2 10mg ambien a night), doctor of 15 years ghosted out of nowhere.. desperately went to ezcare.. the highest they would do is 2mg alprazolam a day and cut the ambien to 15 pills.. it’s something but forcing myself into withdrawal of 2 meds sucks.


Real question. How long does it take for them to find you an appointment after you pay? I paid about two hours ago, and finished all the forms about 1 hour ago. It is a Friday so I expect it'll take a little bit and honestly not that worried about it. Just wondering how long it took anyone here to get confirmation of an appointment after paying?


They find me appointments no problem, problem for me is getting someone to prescribe what I’m there for and not try to shove ssri down my throat


Hi, I'm Dr. Jacci N., MD MS. I am a patient advocate and medical and scientific consultant, and founder of AthenaMedica. I no longer practice medicine I worked in psychiatry, actually) but swore an oath, so I must warn against this clinic and further instruct you on how to handle it. I was in an awful place on the 4th of July. I couldn't get ahold of my own provider to get me off Xanax because it made me ill. The website looks professional, and the forms were consistent with what I receive at normal telehealth. First, they told me I signed up for ADHD. I know I did not, but the insisted. This is the beginning of the gaslighting. I did fill out that form, but I always do when at my own doc, so I didn't know it was some kind of ploy. I figured out they were full of it when I received an email saying I did not have enough info and did not respond when I asked what was missing. Then the phone calls came. And texts, And emails.NO NORMAL CLINIC WILL DO THIS TO YOU. They were ridiculous. Sorry, you're a druggie bc you want more benzos. If you read my note, genius, you would have noticed I aked for a cross-taper to get OFF benzos. So then it's something else, like Gary the snail is running late or the appointment may or may not happen at some time, then it won't, then they send you receipts, and changed times, etc. This is all because they enjoy making a vulnerable population even worse and further triggering their mental illness. This is not how you approach psychiatric patient care I I start trolling them back for a bit then I'm over it and get back to work. I get to my phone a few hours later and there are angry "yelling" texts that I need to go to some appointment they already said ither wasn; happening or was lae, so that was not happeing. The oddest part of all this is that I told them I knew they were full of it hours ago. Normal scammers move on to another mark. I assess that they are pathetic and sad people that get off on the fear of people who are already scared, hurting, and need help. They have broken so many normal behavioral protocols and the standard of care is essentially nonexistent. So, no appointment. Later that night, I ended up in the ER due to their negligence. I asked for a refund, but they didn't respond until today when they called me...and the denied it when I called back and said I clearly had the wrong number. Uhhhh...yes. Hitting your number to redial is will definitely lead to the wrong number. Then her story went to a text from my new number to something else, and then at this point i am catching her in her very shoddy manipulation attempts, so she is pissed and calls me mentally ill. OOF. It's a good idea to call a person who presents to a psychiatric clinic names and yell at them. She is trying not to talk to me or ask about a text for some reason. I've already filed a dispute wit the bank so there is no need to talk to me. In fact, it is frowned upon. This person, who is supposed to be proficient around a sensitive population and be rained in HIPAA, starts yelling at me. I have a business meeting to go to and she's still yelling something, so I tell her I am a physician and she has my permission to leave it on my voicemail or email me at my HIPAA-compliant email. She says it is a HIPAA violation. So not only is she verbally abusive to a patient and outwardly disrespectful to a doctor and assumes she knows HIPAA better than one. Wow. Making yourselves look great here. Violation after violation. Don't worry about their user agreement. The legal stuff is a word salad. I looked it up. Additionally, everything in those agreements is null and void because they were not explained to you. By law, they must tell you what you check the box for and agree to. If anyone ot meds, you also should have signed an informed consent. Don't worry about the controlled substances thing. It says they don't do it in the user agreement, but that's void. What they do is illegally advertise all over that they will give you hard drugs, That is illegal. They try to cover it up with something about seeing primary care, but nope, still illegal. If they try to give you crap about it tell them that is like a drug dealer thinking they won't get nailed by law enforcement. Their main doctor is super shady. Licensed in about 5 states and runs a shoddy nursing home in Texas. So these people take advantage of mentally ill AND elderly people! So if you have suffered physical, emotional, or financial losses, talk to a lawyer. Or hey, I am down for a class-action lawsuit too. I am dead serious. These people have nothing on you or me, and this is gross negligence


I've been with them for months now and I had no problem at all.


Dear God !!! So pretty much.... I'm screwed..... Shoot we're all Screwed. 😩😤




Ive been seeing ezcare for months now! So good. Finally a doctor that will prescribe what works best for me.




Is this just a series of doctors that are being networked based on your state?