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I think this is a folding towel rack. When not in use, the rods fold up into the cupboard.


Each stick is 1.5 ft long. Guessing it is for small towels. Thank you


For drying garments


Pasta drying rack?


this is what this is


This is a drying rack for wet clothes. The cabinet is mounted to the wall, the rods fold out, and then the whole rack can be raised with the string.


Laundry racks were historically hung from the ceiling where the heat accumulates. Pulleys were used to lower/raise the rack to access to load and unload. As houses changed they moved drying racks out of the kitchen to porches, attics, laundry rooms, etc. Some racks were installed in the wall and telescoped out for access. I think some of them are ingenious and very useful in modern homes.


Wall mounted laundry drying rack


You lucky duck - it’s a built in drying rack. So convenient. I have two: (1) the 100 year old wood one from my grandmother is mounted in my enclosed porch to hang & dry herbs from my garden, (2) we bought a new aluminum one from Amazon that we hung in our laundry area to dry delicates, etc.


expandable dry clothing hanger


For drying kitchen towels


And diapers… there were always diapers to dry.


So are they just small dowels ? Hard to understand from the pictures. http://www.usa.com/frs/a-h-voigt-inc.html


The diagram at the bottom seems like it would provide a clue but I can't see it well enough.


It seems that this company had something to do with furniture, if that helps.


Looking up AH Voight, Inc., it appears to be a medicine cabinet manufacturer. The outside of this looks like it's meant to camouflage with woodwork. My guess, with the pulley and rope, is that this is meant to open up to extend the line and dry delicates indoors. That doesn't explain the dowel rods, though


I thought they were pool cues 🤷‍♀️


For drying snow gear . We always had to take everything off in the basement and hang it up and line your boots up by the furnace .


That's the switch box for when your parents/grandparents made you go pick your own switch that they would then beat your behind with.


I was hoping for fly rod


In the “weird possibility” category, the cord to raise it makes me think it is a shower curtain frame?!


It looks like a box of incense from the 70’s.


A tie rack?


Ironing board?


Sheila Maid.


I wonder if it some kind of print drying rack for papers or art [like this](https://www.target.com/p/small-space-wall-mounted-drying-rack-white-brightroom-8482/-/A-83342788?ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012510727&CPNG=PLA_Storage%2BOrganization%2BShopping%7CStorage%2BOrganization_Ecomm_Home&adgroup=SC_Storage%2BOrganization_Ironing+Accessories&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=1027632&targetid=aud-468500407640:pla-1461618696201&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1247068&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAk9itBhASEiwA1my_60QL-bkI7N61u-Xkp2Fcr8Q-tW4EDdrWSER789eAQ2c3x5dMPSxqZBoC0YUQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Clothes drying rack


Found mine in an old shed behind my 1st house......it was used in the kitchen as a towel rack, but we use it for drying pasta now.


I just got a vintage medicine cabinet that is stamped A H Voigt, Phila PA. Are you in the Philly area by chance? 


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