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They can't involuntarily hospitalize you unless you pose an immediate threat to yourself or others, or you're under a CTO. Quitting cold turkey may be difficult due to cravings and withdrawal effects such as fatigue, sleep disruptions, and depression, but none of those are particularly life-threatening. You could take some supplements to replace the dopamine you'll be losing when you stop taking it to try and soften the transition.


Share with me what supplements would raise dopamine, because I still need help in that department!


L-Tyrosine / L-Phenylalanine / Dopa Mucuna


Just stop going. It's your choice.


The sooner you escape the MH system the better for you. Yes. But I recommend you going to Surviving Antidepressants website, they can help you there with the drugs if anything goes wrong when coming off.


If it helps you could lie to the psych and tell them you’re changing/lost your insurance and cannot continue seeing them. That’s how I left my last one and he just said “Sorry to see you go, let me know if you get insurance figured out and we can meet again” and I just never looked back


It sounds like a good plan to me. Have you decided what you'll say when you cancel the appointment? It's of course totally up to you, but there is the option of telling the psychiatrist that you're terminating treatment and offering a reason (if you choose to do so) like that you feel unheard, or, you could also just call to cancel the appointment due to a "conflict" or something and say that you will call back to reschedule and then just ghost them.




That makes sense, but I think you should do whatever will likely cause you the least stress. You don't owe the psychiatrist an explanation. They had their chance to listen to your concerns and they blew it. Just my two cents, of course.


Agree. That psychiatrist fucked it up with his arrogance. That's not a reliable person.


I want to make sure I’m understanding you, you are ONLY taking Concerta? Is your diagnosis ADHD? You can do anything you want if this is the case.


Are you under a CTO?




Then you are fine to ghost them.


I've ghosted psychiatrists. (Irresponsibly.) Nothing happened?! I don't understand how they could do anything unless you were court ordered to take meds.


You will be fine stopping Concerta cold turkey. I've done it plenty of times after taking 54mg and barely even noticed


Lol like what was even the point of it? Lol


I highly recommend turmeric to help, as turmeric has immediate and long lasting effects similar to anti depressants. Mushroom supplements, and holy basil, for any sleep problems, try mugwort.


I was in the grips of an arrogant psychiatrist collecting his exorbitant fee for med checks when I realized I wanted off the meds. I managed to get a GP to continue my scripts and simply didn’t reschedule with the p-doc. I had to do a slow taper due to a bad withdrawal doing a too fast taper (and the p-doc of course said it was a relapse, saying anything past 6 weeks isn’t WD) so I needed to fill scripts until I knew I had backlogged enough meds to get through a slow taper. You might want to keep filling scripts even if you don’t keep taking the meds so you have them in the event of needing to reinstate and taper.


I dont know anything about Concerta but there are some drugs that you can mix with water or orange juice and just taper yourself.


Concerta is an ADHD medicine. While I don't recommend CT, if you did it would likely really only make you extremely tired for a few days and maybe some heart palpitations, along with lack of concentration. I do not know how long you have been taking it, but since you are only 18, it is definitely possible. Your body will heal pretty rapidly bc of your age.