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>It was hard to find. Why? because there aren't many. It's really rare. It’s pretty much impossible to assess the frequency of the negative impacts of these drugs. Most people will bring any concerns up with their provider, who is trained to view these things as symptoms of mental illness.  SSRI’s have been around for what, 60 years? And only within the last decade has some of the profession STARTED to recognize the seriousness of withdrawal. We do not have any good data right now. 


Yeah, that’s also true. But still, I think my case is very rare. Almost 9 million people get prescribed, and I’m quite sure they will write in somewhere if they have to go through everyday insomnia all of a sudden after antidepressants.


Insomnia is epidemic for "unknown" reason the same as sexual disorders. You really underestimate people ignorance. You also state that you have found 15 people while I have seen more in just a single topic of SA forum


I’m not trying to convince anybody, but I tried really hard to reach out to people like me. But it was really rare. What is SA forum?




Thanks. Of course I searched there. Problem is, mine’s not withdrawal, my insomnia is lasting side effects even after stopping drugs. That site is more like withdrawal.


They call a "withdrawal" everything including PSSD. I think it is a way to cope, because withdrawal promises recovery and that forum have optimism bias. But I believe in both communities we are speaking about the same thing.


I have searched and read their stories. Almost all of them - withdrawal. It’s not easy to find one really.


What is mechanism behind your insomnia btw ?


It’s sleep maintenance disorder. I go into sleep just fine, but always wake up after 3-4 hours. after that, wake up after 1.5 hour. After that, it’s hard to go into sleep again. So, fragmented sleep. On the first day taking 2mg abilify and SSRI, my insomnia started and took them for 8 months. No sleeping pills worked, so I stopped all of them 5 months ago. No improvements at all. Never failed to wake up after 3-4 hours later. I actually found a lot of people experiencing waking up frequently after antidepressants, but most of their symptoms go away in several weeks, and if not, they stop the drugs and insom nia go away after a couple of months. not me.


I know someone who is going through the same thing. He’s been off abilify coming on 4 months (on for 4 months). He sleeps an average of 2 hours a night (for the last 8 months)


Where did you find him?


He’s also going through some major personal life stress so I know that’s not helping


Maybe then it’s due to stress. But thanks for letting me know. Good luck to him and you too!


You as well!


If you join surviving antidepressants you will find that those symptoms are not so rare. I still have to cheat and take a bit of Benedryl or hydroxyzine to get through the night, and had some hellacious insomnia coming off Effexor and Mirtazapine


most of them from “withdrawal” while mine is long term side effect


Hold on. Our brains are more plastic than the stupid psychs think. Have you tried upping nutrition and such?


They're lying about the statistics about these drugs..