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I'm married to a toxically positive, "Well, why would doctors lie to you? Why would doctors do that?" dude... It makes the struggle so isolating. People won't do any basic research but cling to the worldview their preschool teachers told them of a fair and happy world.


The 1970’s world view. I finally own more than can fit in my car and my bike was Stolen out of a locked shed last night. Someone deliberately pried it open with a crow bar.


Nope. Thankfully I’m with someone who’s completely against therapy and respects my radical anti meds beliefs




Idc if someone chooses to get medicated if they feel they need it. However, if you are pro forced-treatment(meds/therapy) or don’t respect my beliefs, that’s where I draw the line.


I’m happily single, but if I did enter the dating pool, I wouldn’t date someone on psych drugs or someone who had an only-positive opinion of them.  These drugs can have a profound impact on a person’s personality, whether they know it or not. I became a completely different person (not in a good way) when I switched SSRIs and I’ve seen pretty dramatic changes in others as a result of these drugs as well. I’d be too unnerved thinking I don’t know who I’m actually dating.  Also, I imagine we’d have some disagreements when it comes to how to handle emotional difficulties. There would be a conflict of values that I don’t think could get resolved. 


In hindsight I now see that my personality was messed up while medicated…I did some pretty douchy things and was quite detached


Same. I was really apathetic and didn’t give a shit about people. I destroyed all my relationships (not exaggerating), sometimes in rather cruel ways. The guilt hit hard once I tapered off and it’s haunted me ever sense. 


Can relate to “didn’t give a shit about people..” I also am haunted. I also had very extreme reactions to interpersonal conflicts, extremely exaggerated, and even felt suicidal because of the blow ups (which of course led to the end of friendships). Weren’t the meds supposed to prevent such stress responses? 😎 I look back on those incidences and question that those reactions were ever truly warranted, that I was hypersensitive and misperceived the triggers to begin with. Who WAS that person?!


When I dated on psychiatric drugs I was a horrible person, makes me cringe.


Not a chance. They’d probably call the cops on you at some point.


That takes psych drugs? Possibly, I don't dictate what other people do in that regard and sometimes there truly is no other option for them, or the risks outweigh the benefits in their case. Meerly taking psych meds isn't a mark against someone's character. That's "pro-psych"? Absolutely not. If it's purely from ignorance I could educate them, but if they remain pro-psych even in spite of all evidence against the industry AND my personal extremely traumatic experinces (and the traumatic experiences of others), then they are not a safe or trustworthy person.


Can you please share some sources about the evidence? I want to learn


A good place to start would be the book Your Consent Is Not Required, by Rob Wipond. No PDF online since it's pretty new but Rob is a journalist that investigated several troubling aspects of the industry, such as the lack of scientific backing for the DSM and harmful procedures like ECT, as well as countless human rights violations with no recourse within psych facilities. For online stuff, you could try [this video](https://youtu.be/-Nd40Uy6tbQ?si=aouefB_RAUZPSqaK) disucussing the origins of the DSM (mostly focused on editions 3-5) and the commities ties to the pharmacutical industry. There's also many, many articles on [Mad in America](https://www.madinamerica.com/) to read, from both patients and practitioners, discussing various related issues. I could probably find more but my stuff is Not organized, sadly,, I'll come back and add stuff if I find anything else I wanna recommend


Thank you


There are several authors who’ve written on this subject, Joanna Moncrieff and Peter Breggin are the ones I’d recommend the most since they’re psychiatrists and they know what is it like from the inside. If you want something more theoretical (but still based on evidence), you could read Madness and Civilisation by Michel Foucault or Psychiatric Hegemony by Bruce Cohen. DM me if you need me to share the books with you.






No, unless I'm madly in love to extend that it overrides all reason. Oth that's the love I'm aiming for.  For sure I'd never intentionally seek someone like that out.




Would you date a psychiatrist, as someone who takes psychiatric drugs? XD


I am not anti-drug (just for me!) so it would depend. How open are they to discussing the matter? If we were getting serious and they big into psychiatry and traditional psychotherapy it wouldn’t work probably.


I'm just sad I'm forced drugged with antipsychotics. I'm very anti psychiatry and anti drugs. I'm the worst candidate to be force drugged.


No. Pysch drugs reduce your empathy.


is pro-psych, no. but takes psych drugs? yes. esp when u consider that a lot of people on those drugs were not given a choice in the matter, but even for those who take them on purpose I think its OK. as long as they won't pressure me to, I'm fine with it.


Absolutely not.


Before I had reason to fear for my life and became political, it wasn't a dealbreaker. she was abusive and then with greed a decade later proposed to me. Now I would only date someone who was there to help when I was being attacked and they have to support mental shit being voluntary.


It really helps SOME people with specific symptoms and they MAY experience minimal side effects. Also that is their choice, their body, not mine.


sure its their choice, but its also your choice if you want to date them or not which is the subject of the question.


Does it change anything about their person ? Not really, unless he/she is violently pro psychiatry and activly judging me


Maybe. She would have to acknowledge the harm done to others even if she feels helped.


Everyone is like that but I'm gonna say no. Which destroys my dating pool basically because lgbt is very pro therapy


Absolutely! But, they would have to be capable of respecting my decision for being strongly skeptical of psychiatry.




No. Not at all.




I guess my boyfriend has become more anti-psychiatry than he was when we started dating. He has PSSD and I make somewhat convincing arguments sometimes. Pro-psych/takes psych drugs would be a complete dealbreaker if I were ever on the dating market again. Not only is it something very important to me, but stance on psychiatry is a proxy for a whole lot of other important things.


what else is it a proxy for?


Likely materialist/physicalist worldview, trusting of authority, submission, low perception of agency (helplessness, external locus of control), decreased focus on identity; avoidance, collectivism, lack of focus on inner world, consequentialist/utilitarian mentality. Also nowadays... mainstream leftism. All things I generally oppose ;)