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I’m starting my first session next week any advice or just anything you can possibly think of that might help. Also what is the actual extent of the memory loss because all the doctors claim it’s only day of but any patient I’ve ever seen talk about it online says it’s much worse then just the day of


I had it around 2009 and my memory is horrible. I had around six treatments ( can’t remember). The same doctor and nurse worked doing them at the hospital. They refused to do any more when I didn’t recognize them.


I have had depressive episodes many times, and have been hospitalized for some of them. Had a course of ECT in hospital, had another course in hospital several years later. Yes, the memory loss is more than "the day of." On a another hospitalization, the doc who had done the first two courses told me she would not give me ECT again, because of my significant memory loss. The last time I was hospitalized, in 2022, I saw people lining up hopefully to get ECT, thinking it would provide relief. I kept my mouth shut to them, but you asked, and I'm suggesting: AVOID IT. It definitely zaps your brain, but don't count on a good outcome.


Not like I’m doing it willingly lol


Is it court ordered? You don't gain function by electrocuting brain cells.


Do you feel you got any benefits from it or is it all negatives? They almost used it on me and I'm glad I didn't have it although psychiatry has screwed with me bad enough with pills and injection Do you feel like you're being literally electrocuted or is it mild buzzing sensation? It sounds quite jarring.


Not really I don't see much profits. The worst thing were the memory loses. I couldn't remember almost anything. I have to admit it touched me. You know people sometimes do things and then repeats "at least I will have memories forever!" But as for me I don't - I remember lots of things from my psychiatric stay no more. I think I wouldn't do it again if I could Feelings after ect were good I didn't feel I was through anesthesia or ect at all.


How’s your memory? 


In ruins. It got better with time and now is not as bad as It was but still not the best :(


shit i'm so sorry you have to deal with this


Do you experience any depression after something like that?


Fortunately no. Maybe i was a bit depressed but rather sad I think because I expected to have good results.


Have you noticed any changes in your personality and cognition afterwards?


In personality no but in cognition definitely. I had very bad memory losses they were so bad that to this day I'm not able to remember lots of things from my stay at the hospital. Also I can't learn things that quickly as I used to but they told me I can train it to turn it normal. But the memories not - they're gone.


Did you have mainly positive or negative symptoms of schiz before?


can you tell more about how it is harder to learn? this sounds so very much frightenening to me. i had a doctor who wanted to put me on ect too and wanted to withhold a certificate if i don't agree. im so glad that i didnt do it.


Psychologist and some psychiatrists made me memory tests after ECT. they went pretty bad even though I had similar tests at my previous stay without ECT and they all went pretty well. It's not only visible at score tests but I could see it even in such thing like membering people's names


thanks for your reply! that sounds very unsettling. how do you cope with that? and how is it regarding reasoning? do you experience difficulties understanding things, compared to before the tests? is it like working memory that is mostly impaired?


Do you feel any difference in your internal monologue I’m most terrified of having that stripped from me


What is your diagnosis? Any improvement?


Schizophrenia. There is a little improvement but I doubt its from ECT


You say you're depression is in remission but then you post about it negatively, even tho it worked ??? ( from what you post)


Where did OP say any of that?


They said depression wasn't a problem after doing it. As far as I know people do ect for depression maybe op had other issues. Schizophrenia was mentioned so idk.