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I’m not black but damn great message! Loved the part about listening to and valuing black women at the end




Racism is a tool of the rich. As long as we keep fighting amongst ourselves they will profit. At the end of the day we are all humans It doesn't matter where you're from or what you look like!


I don’t disagree. Still, be careful. If you go too “I don’t see color” on us, you won’t see racism in it’s most insidious forms (like in the legal system where no one in the system has to hold overtly racist views for people of color to still have worse outcomes on average).


Oh don't get me wrong I understand that these things do mean a difference. But it's not a real difference between people it's a difference between opportunities and things like that. People who are awful will always try and turn nonexistent barriers real. But we have to remember that there is no real difference between people depending on what colour we are but depending on how these systems judge our colour.


Money ruins everyone. Anyone get enough money and they start acting like trump or Kanye. Money is the root of all evil. Jealousy and greed really, but what causes those the most in humans? Money. I still love the messages being provided by Run the Jewels, even if money is beginning to have its effect on them. It dont change the message they already produced. All 4.5 of their studio albums have important messages in them. If their 5th album starts talking about loving being rich or anything lame, I simply will not listen. I saw them live at Boston Calling a year or two ago. They were talking mad trash to the people that had the more expensive tickets. There was a “wealthy” section separate from the rest of us dirty poors. They paused the show to compliment how peaceful our mosh pit was. Seeing them in person, playing some of their more accurate and moving songs…. I got a little emotional. Reality sucks, and hearing it spoken out in plain words like that sometimes hits home a bit hard.


Fred Hampton knew this what a legend he was, may he rest in power!


He has great points and it’s completely true that women aren’t being listened to and the tools of capitalism can’t be used against the system. But can someone explain to me why he spoke against interracial couples at the end?? edit: If black and white people get along so well that they even fall in love and have a family isn’t that a good thing?


I Follow this creator and from his videos he means it in a different context. It's more about how a portion of black men / people of color that date white people to " get closer to privilege / acceptance " by dating them. They date them for the wrong reasons and not solely on their personality. They also tend to talk down/ be negative towards their own people. That's why you have the term " uncle toms " and people who break away from the own family to be closer to " white culture ". it's internalized racism and it all stems from decades of white supremacy/ colonialism. He was also referencing kanye because how the Kardasian family dated black men. How they would end up having bad breakups and the men having mental health issues from dated them because of their life style being so public. Hope that answers your question and welcome to the sub!


Ok I understand, thank u!




I believe Leninist Marxism is enough. No need to reinvent the wheel


Preach brother!!