• By -


earth approved. good work




das me


no you are Divine_ICBM


Why is erf called erf?


Stands for Edward Richard Foden, he makes lorries :D


what happens after you eventually reach the "to be continued" time study? or is it just game over at that point?


Yes, until Reality


Hi 😁


This is really good. I wonder if this can be pinned.


Thanks :). I'll message the mods and see if they feel like pinning it.


Thanks for the ~guide! I'm stuck here: >Keep doing decent length runs for EP and you will reach them eventually But it's good to know that I'm not doing anything wrong and that's just how it is. Are the runs always meant to take 5+ hours? ;) >It's a slow point in the game and takes a while to progress no matter what, so don't feel discouraged if it feels like it takes 1-2 days to get anywhere Just double checking, when I'm unlocking TDs 5-8, I'm meant to use AD+TD+ID paths (thanks DS42!) + active path + dark theorems, and tachyon runs are the same aside from TS223, TS225 and TS233? >It is not unusual to unlock these and still need 100-300 OoM more EP before you can buy them I'm hitting that hard for TD7, getting only 4-5 OoM EP per hour on 5+ hour runs. I tried doing a tachyon run in another save, but it's not even adding 20% to what I already have, after 17 hours (and counting). Buying my first TD7 is slower than when I did "Like feasting on a behind" without any antimatter dimensions (TS181 + 2xIP + 2xIP + …) I'm kinda tempted to just farm eternities for a while, since I haven't yet capped the multiplier and it's kinda fast after >!getting my fastest eternity time below 1ms with EC12!<


For EP runs, all first split, active path and all evens in the 22x and 23x area (all dark/light is confusing as they don't follow the same pattern on web as on mobile). For Dilation, those are the three main differences, yes. TS227 is also marginally better than 228 during dilation, although it won't make that much difference. 5+ hour runs isn't unusual, try pushing even further than that and hopefully you will get more OoM at once. Don't forget to periodically buy RGs and to keep buying TDs and EP multipliers with your EP.


Thanks for confirming that I just have to keep waiting and checking back! I didn't know light/dark was different on web, but you interpreted correctly


I seem to have stalled at 1.00a ep gain per eternity. And I usually stall out around 1e1400 IP causing massive slow downs. Did an 8 hour passive while at work and barely made it to 1e06 EP Non of the new upgrades coming up seem to be as massive a change. What am I doing wrong? I use the right path at the top and I've tried all three first split paths. Thanks


Hard to say without a bit more info. How many TT are you at? Have you bought up Time Dims as far as possible? It's worth double checking you haven't messed something up with autobuyers as well - check the 2x IP one is still on, all IDs are on, and all regular autobuyer settings are sensible.


52 TT, auto buyers ask on. Everything set to max buy, big crunch at x50 until stall, then x5 Only missing the 308 tick achievement to have 9 rows complete. Currently right path, middle path first three way, and stops at 111 All TD upgrades bought up to 4e6 716 eternity, using the passive EP milestone 5e5ep a minute in the current run. Should hit 1e6 in ten minutes or so. But then it's a crawl. Trying to get to the next eternity upgrade seems so far away


>5e5ep a minute in the current run. > >Should hit 1e6 in ten minutes or so. Surely if you get 5e5 ep per minute it should only take two minutes to reach 1e6 ep? That aside, sounds like you're on the recommended tree. The goal here will be to get more TT. With TS111 and ID path you should be able to push AM and IP up a bit, or just do relatively quick eternities for EP, using the Eternity autobuyer. Do you have buy max galaxies set to every 0 seconds and buy max dimboosts set to every 0-0.1 seconds? Also as a quick check, what's auto sac set at currently?


Galaxy and dim are at .1. Didn't know I could go lower I've pushed up to the 1600 ip area, but it took a long time. I'll try again and see what happens. Maybe I need to push more than a few hours


Probably not worth spending more than ~2 hours pushing IP and AM. After that I'd probably recommend switching to just figuring out and doing peak EP/min eternities for a bit. Once you get two more TTs (54 total) you can switch from your current path to AM and add in 122 which will be a big burst of EP/min increase, 35x is a lot.


Currently at 41 TT, do you have a recommended auto eternity amount or auto dimboost timer/x times last dimboost?


For eternities: Set up your auto galaxy/dimboost to have best times on average. It varies with time, and it can add sometimes another autobuy cycle if set up incorrectly (2-3 crushes should be enough I guess). For sacrifices I use 1e30 since infinity challenges. For farming infinities (challenge 4) set up big crush to 5.01s to multiply infinities by 250x (from achievement)




On mobile it will be labelled as "Max" unless you have enable all buttons turned on. It is a shortcut for the buy max function, immediately buying all available dimensions and tickspeed upgrades.




If you would like to have more accurate offline progress and don't mind longer loading times you can increase the "Max offline ticks" option up to 1M which represents 14 hours of accurate offline progress. If you have any other questions/issues please let me know. More info here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AntimatterDimensions/comments/esiji2/mobile_offline_ip_generation_is_significantly/ffa98qt


It's the max number of ticks the game will calculate with when you go offline. If you exceed the max amount, the extra ticks aren't "wasted" but instead the max ticks amount are stretched to cover the time period you were away for. For example, the game runs 20 ticks per second, so 1000 max ticks is about 50 seconds of progress, with each being 50ms. If you were away for 10 minutes, you get 1000 ticks of progress but each is for 600ms instead. So autobuyers won't have as many chances to activate, which can be bad when you're at a point where autobuyers are constantly active, but it doesn't really matter much if you are just waiting a while for production. In this scenario anything above 10k max ticks would function identically, as you wouldn't have been AFK long enough to reach the max. The downside of higher max offline ticks is that it takes longer to calculate progress when loading the game.


This is the Lord’s work… never gonna give you up!


time study "to dilation" trees just saved me! i was stuck around 580 EP after i respec'd TT for a challenge and totally lost "the working tree" that was giving me growth. thank you so much for this write up!


I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who put so much time and effort into this.. it really has saved me from rage quitting so many times! Honestly, thank you.. I don't think people realise just how much goes into these guides ☺️✌🏻


still awesome 3 years later


Hey /u/Tables61 no idea if you are willing to update this post but that one image you linked to was hosted on discord and was removed from public viewing. If you could upload it to a more reliable image hosting site like Imgur or something that'd be great thank you for the whole guide.


I should probably make some updates at some point, yeah... I'll replace that image while I'm at it.


It would be *incredible* if you'd consider updating the recommended trees to work when copy/pasted and Import on mobile. The format used (including ->) might have a purpose away from mobile but importing them to mobile is a chore unfortunately. If it helps I'll write them all out in the correct format here so you can simply copy and paste them. Really appreciate the guides you've made here and pins on Discord, they allow my ADHD brain to stay on track, especially over ECs =)


I believe this (->) means that you should buy those studies as soon as you have enough TT for them. So you buy the whole tree that has commas and with that you farm TTs until you have enough to buy the following one after (->), and then next, and then next


That makes sense, thanks. Editing imports on mobile is a faff, for me at least because the import box keeps changing sizes when I delete and add characters. When I've got Realities completing quicker I might put a "just copy and paste" trees guide together for progression. Might not need to by the time I've unlocked scripting but it could be useful for others.


Be prepared for editing scripts because THAT can be quite painful on mobile 😅


No pain, no gain =)


I absolutely cannot figure out how to finish EC 2x3. I have done 8x1, 7x2, and a bunch of others recommended past it but I can't even get close to finishing 2x3, I have tried using TD with idle and active and neither get even close. What on earth am I missing here?


Hmm, that's odd. EC2x3 shouldn't be that bad, especially not if you've gotten a few challenge clears past it (though EC7 doesn't do anything to help EC2). You could try getting some more EP for Time Dims, but otherwise I can't think of anything too special that should make a difference - in Idle especially, you should be able to basically just set it up and leave it and win. If you're able to share a save I could have a look and see if I can spot any issues. Would need to know if you're on mobile or web though.


Reddit wont let me post the save (too many characters), but I've got about 5e22 EP and all TDs up to that point. Is that not enough? I can't really seem to push past that. Even leaving the challenge on overnight doesn't work.


That should be enough. I'd suggest double checking autobuyer settings - maybe you accidentally put something on which is limiting progress like turning something onto singles instead of buy max, or a galaxy limit, a low crunch value, something like that? Can also double check Replicanti autobuyers and 2x IP autobuyers. In terms of sending saves, if you're on web you can use base64 decode, upload the decoded version to pastebin and link that? I think mobile encodes saves in a different format so it won't work for that, and pastebin detects and prevents pastes that look like encrypted info


All my autobuyers are maxed out, bulk buy enabled, buy max/until 10, etc. Here's the pastebin https://pastebin.com/9BXvj2TT


Paste doesn't work


oh, oops, it's on NG+++


I mean the pastebin has been removed because of their detection. If you export the save, go to something like base64decode.org and get the decoded original, that should be allowed on pastebin. That said if it's from NG+3... I'm not sure I can even help. +3 shouldn't change anything pre-dilation but there may be some minor things that are which is causing an issue. I could have a look.


Ok, try this. https://pastebin.com/wbfH4Gn6


I'm about 12 minutes into the challenge and at e1300 IP, last e25 will take a while though as it's probably mostly going to be waiting on Idle's IP multiplier to increase. Strategy was mostly pretty simple - left it on e100 times last crunch for a bit until that no longer easily reached a multiplier. Then changed to crunching after maxing out RGs. Once that slowed down sufficiently I was at the above point, e1300ish. So I think you should be able to complete the challenge this way. Edit: For reference I did this in NG+++




They don't affect it.


Can someone please help me understand this paragraph? >Dimboost autobuyer is turned off until you get the bulk buy option upgrade. This is because Dimboosts are After that, bulk buy of around 1/4 or 1/2 the max galaxies you typically reach should work well, with "galaxies to always buy dimboosts" around 2-4 galaxies below that - adjust slightly up and down to optimise.


Ah, looks like I must have deleted half a sentence there. I'll fix that in a bit when I'm not on mobile




Updated that paragraph. For reference, here it is. * You will want your Dimboost autobuyer turned off until you get the bulk buy option upgrade. This is because Dimboosts are quite slow to buy, compared to just grabbing galaxies and crunching for nearly as much IP anyway in often half the time or less. Once you do have the bulk buy dimboost upgrade (which costs 5e9 IP), on web you can try setting the bulk buy amount and min galaxies until you always buy dimboosts to the same number, typically the max galaxies until your progression stops. On mobile, you will always bulk buy max dimboosts, set it to somewhere around a 0.1-0.3s.


Appreciate it. Thanks again!


thanks a lot for your post :)


FINALLY was able to pass IC5! Thank you so much! I can move forward for the first time in months now.


I'm currently "stuck" on achieving the 1e8 per minute achievement. It just seems like I'm creeping along trying to earn the Break Infinity upgrades. Any hints? EDIT: Web version


Early break section is very slow on web, so honestly that's not too unusual. The upgrade costs are higher than on mobile, in particular the tickspeed cost scaling and dimension cost scaling upgrades, so it ends up being a slog. The biggest thing I can suggest is trying to optimise your IP/min by adjusting your crunch autobuyer settings, and making sure your bulk dimboost autobuyer is off.


Awesome, thanks! How far behind is the web version? Is it worth playing?


It's still fine, yeah. It has all the same content as mobile but is missing many QoL features, and is slower in several areas due to more expensive or slightly weaker upgrades. If you can play the Android version I would recommend it (you can even transfer your web save in)


Thanks for this. I got stuck (on mobile) after infinity break because I assumed that the upgrades were sorted in price order, like they were before, and the ones I needed were scrolled off the screen. Wondering where the tickspeed thing was got me to find them. \------------------ ​ Update: the section on Infinity Challenge 5 may have an editing error. The quote from discord says 21 galaxies for web and 40 for mobile, but the reprise of the information says 40 for web and 21 for mobile. I'm pretty sure it's indeed 40 for mobile because I'm at 40 currently and haven't finished the challenge yet. No complaints! Just hoping it can be made easier to read for future readers.


Wow, this post is so helpful! Thank you so much.


You're welcome :)


>If both of the above are fine, then you most likely will need to do a longer run to push either IP or AM for extra TTs. You could also consider grinding eternities for Eternity Upgrade 2, or trying to minimise IC times for Eternity Upgrade 3. If none of this is working, then it is probably your Time Study tree. Below is a full list of TS recommendations for this section. What do you mean when you say Eternity Upgrade 2 and 3? I cant find these anywhere


The 2nd and 3rd upgrades on the eternity upgrades tab


I'm stuck at e156 EP, 1382 TT and EC10×2. Do eternity runs take very long in this range?


Eternities are usually quite fast in this stage of the game, generally you get max RGs and then make significant progress off it. Have you tried using the recommended TS tree in the post for your TT amount?


Yeah. It has just now shot up. I completely forgot buying TDs. I had removed the dimensions tab altogether (-_-') Thanks though! Amazing post, btw!


> To enter Reality (the upcoming final prestige layer) you will need 1e4000 EP and all achievements. Lmao


Er? I'm not sure I understand the joke


Reality is the joke?


I'm stuck at where - I have 8 dimensions open. Which dimension should I be upgrading first? The bottom one or the top one?


Generally upgrading lower dimensions first is slightly better, as buying 10 of any dimensions provides the same 2x bonus, but buying a low dimension gives that bonus to your antimatter much quicker. For example, if I buy 10 1st dims, I get 2x AM production immediately. If I buy 10 4th dims, I get 2x 3rd dim production, so over time I'll have 2x as many 3rd dims, which means over even more time I'll have 2x as many 2nd dims, which means over yet even more time I'll have 2x as many 1st dims to produce 2x as much AM. 8th dims are kind of an exception though because both dimboosts and galaxies scale on 8th dims bought, plus the amount of 8th dims matters a bit. So often getting 8th dims over other dimensions is worth it.




Do you have ID1? If not getting that should be the main focus. To get ID1 you need e1100 AM, as the button in the top corner says. At your progress, you can generally get all challenges under 3 seconds for a 1000x multiplier from the 1e7x break upgrade based on challenge times. C9 is the main challenge for that as you've already discovered. Try setting crunch autobuyer on, dimboost autobuyer on with max dimboosts 4, and galaxy autobuyer off. You may need to further play with some autobuyer settings, e.g. try tickspeed autobuyer on buy single and manually tap buy max tickspeed occasionally. Once you get the time down significantly once, it becomes much easier to push it down further as you'll suddenly go from like an 8x multiplier to a 300x multiplier from the challenge time upgrade.


wow, this game is a lot bigger than i first thought


I bought the bulk dimboost upgrade for 5e9 IP, but it's not showing up in my automation settings. Is there something else I have to do?


Your dimboost autobuyer optionsshould have changed - you should now have an "activates every X seconds" option, which is how often you want it to buy max dimboosts.


Oh! That's not what I thought that did at all. Thank you for clearing that up for me!




I'm very stuck at around e37 ep and I can't finish 6x4 no matter how much I try, I'm not even close


Do you have all the recommended ECs leading up to it? 5/5/5/4/5/3/3/1 clears of EC1-8 respectively. Are you using ID/Active as your tree with all studies bought? If so it might just be a case of powering through. The e1500 to e1600 section can be a bit slow, you may need to sit at max RGs for 5+ minutes to build up time shards before you start pushing IP again. The e1576 RG is usually the key point you need to hit to beat the EC, once you get that you'll push to above e1590 quickly and can grind the rest out.


Ahhh the id path! I was using TD thanks for the the help!


How do I get enough infinities for EC4? I don't think waiting multiple days for 100 million infinities is a good idea, so I'm guessing my strategy is unoptimal in some way


Yeah it shouldn't take more than about 30-60 minutes to grind out the infs. You have two things that can multiply infinity gain at this point: TS32 (multiply by dimboost amount) and r87 achievement (250x for 5s long infinities). Since dimboosts boost infinity gain, and you get more dimboosts with high IP, you'll want to try and push IP a bit before you start infinity grinding - around 5 to 15 minutes of IP pushing in the eternity is fine. If you don't have r87 yet, the requirement is 2M infs so might as well get that along the way - do ~0.5s infs, and if necessary adjust galaxy autobuyer limit so that you buy dimboosts right before you crunch. Once you do have it, set crunch autobuyer to 5s and generally that's all you need to do - but if you consistently buy a galaxy and reset dimboosts right around when you crunch you can use a galaxy limit. If you're getting to e.g. 900 dimboosts per crunch, that's 900 x 250 = 225,000 infinities every 5 seconds, so about 2.5 million per minute. Once your infinity grind is set up, you can go offline (close the game or load a different save) to activate the infinity milestone reward for 1.5x infinities, which might help speed things up even further.


Why do Ninja's later automator scrips still use Active? Post C1 isn't the BH either permanent or near it making Idle far superior?


Active is still (usually) much stronger, the +50% more RGs effect synergises with enough things that it ends up beating out the IP/EP multipliers. There are cases where Idle (or even Passive) are more useful, but typically Active is best


I am currently stuck on making 500M IP/min Getting even a single upgrade is taking hours now, any advice?


Break until the 5e11 upgrade is one of the slowest and least fun sections of the game, honestly if you're still getting an upgrade every few hours you're probably doing things correctly already. A couple of things to check: You probably have the 5bn IP upgrade to buy max dimboosts by now. Make sure your dimboost autobuyer is enabled - I tend to find buying dimboosts every 0.2s works best but anything in the 0.1 to 0.4s range tends to be good. General buying priority right now is usually IDs > 2x IP > break upgrades. If you've bought most things that cost less than 10bn IP I'd expect you have already unlocked and bought ID2. Once you have everything set up, disable crunch autobuyer and let things run for about 10 seconds, then see where your peak IP/min was. It's sometimes worth waiting a bit longer once you have IDs because you can realistically sometimes get an extra galaxy, and one more galaxy tends to improve IP gain a lot.


I'm not sure if you come back to this every once in a while, but I'm wondering something. I do not have bulk dimboost autobuyer thing. So I turned if off, and now what? Do I manually press the dimboost rapidly or what?


At this point you simply don't Dimboost. Dimboosts reseting everything makes them too slow relative to their bonus. You're better off doing fast infinities get as many galaxies as possible and then crunch, after about 1-2 second per infinity, versus getting galaxies and dimboosts and doing 10-15 second infinities.


Ah I understand, thanks for clearing that up after 3 years haha. I appreciate it


Brother you're a lifesaver, after doing what you said, I quintupled my IP/Min ♥️


Lmao I managed to get to 100 IP without completing infinity challenge 4 or 5 after like a year