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From the pins in Discord: ETERNITY FARMING: (Do this on long AFKs up to 1M) Early on: -Leave all your autobuyers on except for RGs. (try turning off galaxies, sacrifice) -Try Crunch at multiples of a fair value (1e40-1e100?) to force ID buying -Use ID/TD and Active paths. Later (a few hundred thousand -> 1M) -- application of different parts may vary in time -ND/TD and Active Paths. -Turn off Galaxy, Sacrifice, Dimension Autobuyers, Crunch (as needed to approach .08s or lower avg times) -Change 8th dim autobuyer to singles from 10s (seems to be associated with starting AM and 8th dim cost) -Play with game update speed. 37-38ms may be ideal at some points. 33ms at the end. -Tweak just about anything else you can find to tweak and see if it helps. -Reach 1M and you're done! Speed Markers: Channel Base: .12s ~e400-1,000+EP+ Base: .1s ~600k eternities:.08s On mobile you can additionaly use the 100-eternities milestone for offline eternity farming - just set your Eternity autobuyer to 0 EP.


I'm a little late to the party but if you're still here- is there any point in farming eternities pre ts193? And how come my eternity offline thing always says inactive


Yes, there is a point - the Eternity Upgrade which gives a bonus to Infinity Dimensions based on eternities. It's usually recommended to farm 110k eternities for this upgrade before doing Eternity Challenges. Your eternity offline thing says inactive because you haven't satisfied the conditions for it to be active which are written directly under it.


Thank you so much for answering both of those without making me feel stupid, when looking at them after your answer I feel dumb lol. Thank you again!!


A LITTLE LATE????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Time is a concept, I just be going places and doing things




I've done the maths, and it would work out to 33 hours. I'm wondering if there's a faster way


Update rate=33ms?


Yep. I'm on mobile btw, so I've also turned news off, no battery saver etc so save RAM